CSCI 150: Final Project

Due: 9 PM on Wednesday May 13th

The purpose of this final project is to:

  • Demonstrate your programming knowledge.
  • Create a larger project.
  • Create something of your own design and choosing.

The final project is optional. If you are happy with your current grade, you do not need to do a project, and your grade will stay the same. If you want the opportunity to impove your grade, complete a final project and it will be worth 15% of your final grade. The final project should be approximately two labs, or 16 hours worth of work.

The goal of this project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of Computer Science while working on a project that is personally meaningful. You can create a game, make computer generated art, process data, or whatever else you want. If you are currently using programming in another class or for research in another subject, you are welcome to incorporate that into your final project.

Your final project must include the following:

  • Variables and assignments.
  • Mathmatical operations.
  • If/else/elif statements.
  • Loops.
  • Functions (including parameters and return).
  • Using try/except to make sure user input is valid.
  • Strings.
  • Lists, dictionaries or sets.

Your program must include a comment section on the top where you describe what the program does, and how to run it. It should also be relatively self explanatory when run (printing out helpful statements, asking the user for input, etc). You may use any built in python libraries you like, as well as the drawing and picture modules from class. If you use the modules from class, please note whether your program is designed to be run locally or on google colab in your comments section.

You may work in pairs on this, in which case I expect your project to be equivalent to approximately 4 labs.

You will submit the program via blackboard.