CSCI 345: Lab 2

Art Museum
Due: 10PM on Monday, February 17th

In this lab, you should:

  • Think about the art museum as a visualization of a database

To complete this lab, you will need:

  • A computer.
  • The Allen Memorial database.
  • The art museum.

Part 0 - Groups

We will be doing this project in groups of 3 to 4 people. One person in your group must bring a laptop with them to the museum. You must sign up your group here. Your group will submit one assignment with answers to the questions below.

You will need to bring a copy of the art museum database on your laptop to the museum.

Part 1 - Look at the Art

First, look at the museum database, and familiarize yourself with the column headings. Then, wander around the art museum a little bit, and come up with an answer for the following question.

1. How is the art currently arranged? Pick two columns from the database that you think represent the current ordering/grouping of art within the museum, and explain why you chose them.

Part 2 - Rearrange the Art

Your group has been assigned one of the columns in the database. (Look at the google doc to find out which.) Using the information in your column, explore the art museum to find interesting pieces.

Imagine you are rearranging the art museum to be organized by your column, instead of its current organization. Design an exhibit of ten pieces that illustrate something about your column. You can pick ten pieces that all have the same property, or that illustrate differences within your column heading.

Use the art museum website to find images of all the pieces you are using in your exhibit, and create a visual representation of how you would arrange your pieces.

2. Why did you pick these pieces? What do they illustrate about your database column?

Part 3 - Redesign the Database

Have each member of your group pick a different piece of art. Compare the experience of looking at it with what the database says about the piece.

3. What column(s) are missing from the database? What would need to be added to fully capture the art? How was this illustrated in the pieces you looked at? (Note: The database currently also has images of the art, which were ommitted from our copy for file size.)


You will submit your assignment by posting a comment on the piazza thread for lab 2. Your post should include a link to a pdf with the answers to all three questions, and the visual representation of your exhibit.

C. Taylor