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Description of Figure MD5 Message Digest Implementation / Options for Requesting an MD5 Message Digest Implementation

Link to figure MD5 Message Digest Implementation in Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference Guide.

Link to figure Options for Requesting an MD5 Message Digest Implementation in How to Implement a Provider.

This figure consists of two diagrams. The diagram to the left represents an application that requests and MD5 algorithm implementation without specifying a provider name. The diagram to the right represents an application that requests and MD5 algorithm implementation from a specific provider:

Without Specifying Provider Name

This figure consists of five cylinders arranged in three rows. These cylinders, from top to bottom, are labeled as follows:

An arrow labeled MessageDigest_getInstance("MD5") with an arrow head labeled "MDS MessageDigest from ProviderB" starts from the Application cylinder and passes through the following objects:

The arrow head points to the Application cylinder.

From Specific Provider

This figure consists of five cylinders arranged in three rows. These cylinders, from top to bottom, are labeled as follows:

An arrow labeled MessageDigest_getInstance("MD5", "ProviderC") with an arrow head labeled "MDS MessageDigest from ProviderC" starts from the Application cylinder and passes through the following objects:

The arrow head points to the Application cylinder.

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