CSCI 345: Assignment 3

Project Proposal
Due: 10PM on Monday, February 24th

Project Proposal

Your project proposal will consist of the following pieces:
  • Project overview.
  • Features list and ranking.
  • Parts list.
  • Resources list.
  • Schedule.

Project Overview

This should be 2 to 3 paragraphs describing your project in detail. What does it do? How do people interact with it? What are its inputs and outputs, both in terms of data and sensors? Is it stationary or mobile? How big is it?

Features List and Ranking

List all of the things you will need to implement for your project, and then sort them into three categories: Necessary, Should have, and Would Be Nice. For example, if I was implementing a robot unicorn with an LED horn that detected wifi, my features list might be something like: Robot chassis: Necessary, WiFi detection: Necessary, LEDs light up when there's wifi: Necessary, Unicorn can walk: Should have, LEDs have cool rainbow pattern: Would Be Nice. (Your feature list should be longer than this, and have more details.)

Parts List

List all of the electronics and mechanical pieces you will need for your project. We have a limited budget with which to buy parts for the class, so please indicate what parts you already have and what you will need to purchase. You will not need to order basic parts such as solder, alligator clips, jumper wires, bread boards, electrical tape, shrink tubing or hook up wire.

For parts you will need to purchase, you must fill out and submit this excel sheet. We will only provide funding for electronic components and basic fabrication supplies (plastic for 3d printing, etc). All orders must be from Adafruit, Sparkfun, or Amazon. You must upload this as an excel form, not a pdf.

The maximum budget for parts to purchase for your project is $100. Provide links to all the parts you need to buy

Resources List

Include links to any tutorials and guides you will be using, and a couple sentences on how they will be useful in building your project. You should include at least three. (For example, my WiFi detecting unicorn robot would include a link to this LED unicorn horn.)


We will demo these projects in the last week of classes, which means that after you submit this, you will have nine weeks of classes to build your project. That's so soon! Create a detailed schedule with due dates for all of your features. Order them so necessary features are scheduled first, then should have, then would be nice.


Create a pdf that contains all of these things, except your budget. Submit the pdf and the excel sheet containing your budget as a comment on your Group Post (created last week) on piazza.
C. Taylor