1x01 "Rose" OPENING CREDITS EXT. SPACE Camera pans over the planet Earth and zooms right into London. INT. ROSE'S BEDROOM Continue zooming into Rose's alarm clock, which reads 7:30. Rose smacks it to stop it beeping and jumps out of bed. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM Rose picks up her bag, gives her mother a peck on the cheek and grabs her keys. ROSE Bye! JACKIE See you later! Jackie sips her tea and picks up the phone. INT. STAIRWELL Rose runs down the stairs of the block of flats where she lives. INT. LONDON STREET Rose jumps off a bus. INT. HENRICKS, SHOP FLOOR Rose carries a pile of clothes, looking rather bored. EXT. TRAFALGAR SQUARE Presumably in her lunch hour, Rose and Mickey sit next to a fountain, having a laugh, eating, teasing each other and kissing. They get up to leave. ROSE Bye! INT. HENRICKS, SHOP FLOOR She is shown back in Henricks. LOUD SPEAKER This is a customer announcement: the store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you. Rose is about to leave. SECURITY GUARD (hands her a package) Oi! Rose takes the package looking non- too- happy and enters a lift. INT. HENRICK'S, BASEMENT When the lift pings, she alights in the basement. ROSE Wilson? (goes further down the corridor) Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson? (knocks on a door that says 'HP Wilson CEO') You there? Look, I can't hang about 'cause they're closing the shop. Wilson! (to herself) Uhh, come on! There is a sudden sound further along the corridor. Rose immediately snaps her head in the direction it has come from. ROSE (CONT'D) Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wil- Wilson? She stops outside a fire door for a moment, and then opens it, and find herself in a room that looks as though it is used for storing shop dummies. She turns the light on and walks further into the room. ROSE (CONT'D) Wilson? Wilson? She tries another door at the side. The fire door through which she entered closes abruptly. Shocked, she runs back and shakes the handles, but they will not open. There is small sound from behind her. ROSE (CONT'D) Is that someone mucking about? (goes back into the room) Who is it? Behind her, a dummy slowly turns its head of its own accord. Rose turns around just in time to see it step out of its alcove and towards her. She backs away slowly. ROSE (CONT'D) Heh... you got me, very funny. The dummy says nothing and does not stop advancing. Two more join it. ROSE (CONT'D) Right, I've got the joke! Who's idea was this? Was it Derek's? The dummies still advance - another comes from behind. ROSE (CONT'D) Derek, is this you? All of the dummies are now alive. Rose backs up away and trips over a box. She quickly pulls herself up again and backs against a wall. The dummy lifts its arm to strike her. Rose screws her face up ready for the blow, when a hand grabs hers. Rose opens her eyes and snaps her head to look at the owner of the hand. THE DOCTOR Run. They run, just in time, through a fire exit. The dummies are in pursuit. The Doctor leads her into a lift. INT. HENRICK'S, LIFT The doors close on one of the dummy's arms. The Doctor pulls it off and the doors close. ROSE You pulled his arm off! THE DOCTOR Yep! (tosses it to her) Plastic. ROSE Very clever, nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what? THE DOCTOR Why would they be students? ROSE I don't know... THE DOCTOR Well, you said it! Why students? ROSE 'Cause... to get that many people dressed up and being silly... they gotta be students. The Doctor grins. He likes her. THE DOCTOR That makes sense! Well done. ROSE Thanks. THE DOCTOR They're not students. ROSE Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the police. THE DOCTOR Who's Wilson? ROSE Chief electrician. THE DOCTOR Wilson's dead. He steps out of the lift. Rose follows him. INT. HENRICKS, CORRIDOR ROSE That's just not funny, that's sick! THE DOCTOR Hold on! (pushes Rose to the side) Mind your eyes. He disables the lift with his sonic screwdriver. ROSE I've had enough of this now! The Doctor walks off. ROSE Who are you, then? Who's that lot down there? I said, who are they? THE DOCTOR They're made of plastic. Living plastic creatures. They're being controlled by a relay device in the roof. Which would be a great big problem if I didn't have this. (shows her an electronic device) So! (opens fire exit for Rose) I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process. But don't worry about me, no. Go home, go on! Go and have your lovely beans on toast. EXT. HENRICKS Rose goes through the door. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Don't tell anyone about this, because if you do, you'll get them killed. He shuts the door. Rose turns away looking slightly bemused. It opens again. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name? ROSE Rose. THE DOCTOR Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life. He shuts the door again. Rose runs. Outside, nobody knows what is going on. Rose is distracted and nearly gets herself run over by a taxi. TAXI DRIVER Watch it! Rose proceeds to get as far away from the building as possible and looks back just in time to see the top floor blow up. She runs home - past a police box. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM News 24 is on the television. Rose is sat on the sofa, watching it. REPORTER The whole of Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire. Earlier reports in the... The dummy's arm is lying on a chair. Jackie walks in holding a phone to her ear. JACKIE I know, it's on the telly! It's everywhere! She's lucky to be alive! (hands Rose a mug) Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was HER daughter! Oh and here's himself... Mickey appears in the doorway MICKEY (to Rose) I've been phoning your mobile, you could've been dead! It's on the news and everything! I can't believe that your shop went up! He hugs her. ROSE I'm alright, honestly, I'm fine! Don't make a fuss. MICKEY Well, what happened? ROSE I don't know! MICKEY What was it though, what caused it? ROSE I wasn't in the shop, I was outside, I didn't see anything... JACKIE (walking in) It's Debbie on the other end, she knows a man from the Mirror - five hundred quid for an interview! ROSE Oh that's brilliant! Give it here! She takes the phone and hangs it up. JACKIE Well, you've gotta find some way of making money. Your jobs kaput and I'm not bailing you out. (phone rings again, Jackie answers) Beth! She's alive! (leaves room) I tell ya, sue for compensation! She was within seconds of death... MICKEY What're you drinking? Tea?? No, no no, that's no good, that's no good. You're in shock, you need something stronger. ROSE Why? MICKEY You deserve a proper drink, you and me, we're going down the pub, my treat. How about it? ROSE (smiling) Is there a match on? MICKEY I'm just thinking about you, babe! ROSE There's a match on, ain't there. MICKEY Well, that's not the point. We could catch the last five minutes. ROSE Go on then. I'm fine, really. Go. Get rid of that... She gestures to the dummy's arm. Mickey points to his lips. Rose gives him a kiss. He pushes her back onto the chair and they laugh. He gets up to go and Rose puts a leg out to trip him up. Mickey picks up the arm and waves with it. MICKEY Buh Bye! ROSE Bye! Mickey pretends to strangle himself with the arm and leaves. Rose shakes her head fondly and turns her attention back to the news. REPORTER ...fire then spread throughout the store... there is very little chance of saving the infrastructure... EXT. POWELL ESTATE Outside, Mickey tosses the arm into a bin as he walks past it. Zoom into the darkness of the bin... INT. ROSE'S BEDROOM ...and out onto the red 7:30 on Rose's alarm clock. Rose whacks it to stop it beeping and sits up JACKIE (in background) There's no point in getting up, sweetheart. You've got no job to go to. Rose flops back on her pillow. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM Rose is having breakfast, her mother is talking to her. JACKIE There's Finches... you could try them. They've always got jobs. ROSE Oh, great. The butchers. JACKIE Well it might do you good! That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about getting compensation - you've had genuine shock and trauma! Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she IS Greek, but that's not the point - it's a valid claim. Rose hears a rattling and stands up. ROSE Mum, you're such a liar, I told you to nail that cat flap down. We're going to get strays! JACKIE I did it weeks back! ROSE No, you thought about it! Rose discovers that the screws have fallen out onto the floor. The cat flap moves violently. Rose leaps backwards, then comes back again and pokes the cat flap open gingerly. The Doctor's face is right outside it. Rose gasps and opens the door. THE DOCTOR What're you doing here? ROSE I live here. THE DOCTOR Well, what do you do that for? ROSE Because I do! And I'm only at home because someone blew up my job. The Doctor gets out his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR Must've got the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you? (knocks on Rose's forehead) No, bonehead. Bye, then! He makes to go, but Rose pulls him back inside. ROSE You, inside. Right now. She shuts the door. JACKIE Who is it? INT. JACKIE'S BEDROOM Rose pokes her head into Jackie's bedroom. ROSE It's about last night, he's part of the inquiry. Give us 10 minutes. JACKIE She deserves compensation. THE DOCTOR Huh, we're talking millions. The Doctor leans against the doorframe, waiting for Rose to come back. Jackie looks at him for a moment and stands up, flirtatiously. JACKIE I'm in my dressing gown. THE DOCTOR Yes, you are. JACKIE There's a strange man in my bedroom. THE DOCTOR Yes, there is. JACKIE Well, anything could happen. THE DOCTOR No. The Doctor walks off. Jackie pulls a face at his back. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM ROSE Don't mind the mess. Do you want a coffee? THE DOCTOR Might as well, thanks! Just milk. Rose goes into the kitchen and starts making coffee. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE We should go to the police. Seriously. Both of us. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor picks up a gossip magazine. THE DOCTOR That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE I'm not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor picks up a book and flicks through it. THE DOCTOR Sad ending. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE They said on the news they'd found a body. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor picks up an envelope and reads it. THE DOCTOR Rose Tyler. (looks in mirror) Ahh, could've been worse! (prods his large ears) Look at me' ears. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE All the same, he was nice. Nice bloke. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor shuffles a pack of cards. THE DOCTOR Luck be a lady! INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE Well anyway if we are going to go to the police, I want to know what I'm saying. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor shuffles the cards again and manages to make them all go flying. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE (CONT'D) I want you to explain everything. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM THE DOCTOR (of the cards) Maybe not. (hears scuffling from behind sofa) What's that then? You got a cat? INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN ROSE No... INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor leans behind the sofa and the dummy's arm leaps out and grabs him by the neck. ROSE (CONT'D) (wandering in with coffee) We did have, but there's these strays, they come in off the estate... Behind her, the Doctor is being strangled viciously by the hand while he tries vainly to fight it off. She does not quite seem to register that the Doctor is being harassed by a rubber hand. ROSE (CONT'D) I told Mickey to chuck that out... She puts the coffee down on the table. ROSE (CONT'D) Honestly, give a man a plastic hand... anyway, I don't even know your name, Doctor... what was it? The Doctor throws the hand off and it flies across the room attaching itself to Rose's face. She screams and the Doctor leaps up and tries to pull it off. INT. JACKIE'S BEDROOM Jackie is drying her hair, completely oblivious. INT. TYLERS' LIVING ROOM The Doctor and Rose crash onto the coffee table, breaking it, and roll onto the floor. The Doctor pushes her back onto the sofa and gets out his sonic screwdriver, disabling the hand. THE DOCTOR It's alright, I've stopped it. There you go, you see? (tosses it to her) 'Armless. ROSE Do you think? She uses it to whack him on the shoulder. THE DOCTOR Ow! INT. STAIRWELL The Doctor is running down the stairs, Rose hot on his tail. ROSE Hold on a minute, you can't just go swanning off. THE DOCTOR Yes I can. Here I am, this is me, swanning off. See ya! ROSE That arm was moving, it tried to kill me! THE DOCTOR Ten out of ten for observation. ROSE You can't just walk away, that's not fair! You've got to tell me what's going on. THE DOCTOR No I don't. They reach the bottom of the stairs, go through the doors. EXT. POWELL ESTATE ROSE Alright then. I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. You said, if I did that, I'd get people killed. So, your choice. Tell me, or I'll start talking. THE DOCTOR Is that supposed to sound tough? ROSE Sort of. THE DOCTOR Doesn't work. ROSE Who are you? THE DOCTOR I told you! The Doctor. ROSE Yeah. But Doctor what? THE DOCTOR Just the Doctor. ROSE The Doctor. THE DOCTOR Hello! ROSE Is that supposed to sound impressive? THE DOCTOR Sort of. ROSE Come on. You can tell me. I've seen enough. Are you the police? THE DOCTOR No. I was just passing through. I'm a long way from home. ROSE But what have I done wrong? How comes those plastic things keep coming after me? THE DOCTOR Oh! Suddenly the entire world revolves around you! You were just an accident, you got in the way, that's all. ROSE It tried to kill me! THE DOCTOR It was after me, not you! Last night, in the shop, I was there, you blundered it. Almost ruined the whole thing. This morning, I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down... the only reason it fixed on you is that you met me. ROSE So, what you're saying is, the entire world revolves around you. THE DOCTOR Sort of, yeah. ROSE You're full of it! THE DOCTOR Sort of, yeah. ROSE But, all this plastic stuff - who else knows about it? THE DOCTOR No one. ROSE What, you're on your own? THE DOCTOR Well, who else is there? I mean, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed, and watch telly! When all the time, underneath you, there's a war going on! Rose takes the arm off him. ROSE Okay, start from the beginning. EXT. ROAD ROSE If you're gonna go with this living plastic, and I don't even believe that, but if we do... how did you kill it? THE DOCTOR The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I cut off the signal, dead. ROSE So that's radio control? THE DOCTOR Thought control. (silence) Are you alright? ROSE Yeah. So, who's controlling it, then? THE DOCTOR Long story. ROSE But what's it all for? I mean, shop window dummies... what's that about? Is someone trying to take over Britain's shops? They laugh. THE DOCTOR No. ROSE I know. THE DOCTOR It's not a price war. (laugh again - suddenly serious) They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe me? ROSE No. THE DOCTOR But you're still listening. She stops. The Doctor walks on. ROSE Really though, Doctor. Tell me - who are you? THE DOCTOR (stops) Do you know like we were saying? About the Earth revolving? (walks back to her) It's like when you were a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. (takes her hand) The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go... (lets go of her hand) That's who I am. Now, forget me, Rose Tyler. (takes the arm, waves it in her face) Go home. He walks away. Rose watches his retreating back and then starts to walk herself. The Doctor steps into a police box. Rose hears the sound of the TARDIS departing. She runs back as fast as she can. The police box is gone. She shields her eyes from the sun, looks around her, then walks away again. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT Mickey lets Rose in. MICKEY Yahey, there's my woman! (slaps her bum) Kit off! ROSE Shut up. (he gives her a kiss) Mwah! MICKEY Coffee? ROSE Yeah, only if you wash the mug. And I don't mean rinse, I mean wash. Can I use your computer? MICKEY Yeah. Any excuse to get in the bedroom. Mickey goes into the kitchen. Rose closes the door of his bedroom behind her. MICKEY Don't read my emails! INT. MICKEY'S BEDROOM Rose turns on the computer and types "Doctor" into a search engine. No relevant results are found. She types in "Doctor Living Plastic". Still nothing. She types "Doctor Blue Box". The first result reads "Doctor Who - do you know this man? Contact Clive here..." She clicks on it and a webpage with a blurry photograph of the Doctor and the words "Have you seen this man? Contact Clive" are presented to her. She clicks "Contact Clive". EXT. CLIVE'S HOUSE Mickey and Rose are sitting in the car. ROSE You're not coming in! He's safe, he's got a wife and kids. MICKEY Yeah but who told you that? He did. That's exactly what an Internet lunatic murderer would say. Rose gets out of the car anyway, grinning. Mickey doesn't look too happy, and gives a man putting out his rubbish the evils. Rose knocks on the door of a house and it is answered by a boy of about 11. ROSE Uh, hello, I've come to see Clive? We've been emailing. CLIVE'S SON Dad! It's one of your nutters! Clive appears. CLIVE Sorry. Hello. You must be Rose. I'm Clive. Obviously! ROSE I better tell you now - my boyfriend's waiting in the car, just in case you're going to kill me! They laugh. CLIVE No, good point. No murders. He waves to Mickey who nods, still distrustful. CAROLINE Who is it? CLIVE Oh it's something to do with the Doctor! She's been reading the website. Please come through, I'm in the shed. Clive's wife, Caroline, comes down the stairs carrying a washing basket. CAROLINE She? She read a website about the Doctor? She's a she? She smiles ironically and shuts the door. Mickey looks suspicious. INT. CLIVE'S SHED Clive is showing Rose around the shed, which is a sort of shrine to the Doctor. CLIVE A lot of this stuff's quite sensitive, I couldn't just send it to you. People might intercept it, if you know what I mean. If you dig deep enough - keep a lively mind - this Doctor keeps cropping up all over the place. Political diaries, conspiracy theories. Even ghost stories. No first name, no last name. Just 'The Doctor'. Always The Doctor. And the title seems to have been passed down from father to son, it appears to be an inheritance. That's your Doctor there, isn't it? He points to a photo of the Doctor on a computer screen behind them. ROSE Yeah. CLIVE I tracked it down to the Washington public archive last year. The online photo's enhanced, but if we look at the original... He shows Rose some photographs of the Doctor standing in a crowd at the time and place of the assassination of JFK. CLIVE November the 22nd, 1963. The assassination of President Kennedy. ROSE Must be his father... CLIVE Going further back... April 1912. (brings over a photo album) This is a photo of the Daniels family, Southampton. And friend. (points to the Doctor, standing with them) This was taken the day before they were due to sail off for the New World. On the Titanic. And for some unknown reason, they cancelled the trip and survived. And... (shows her a sketch) 1883. Another Doctor. And look - the same lineage. He's identical. This one washed up on the coast of Sumatra on the very day Krakatoa exploded. The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's there. He has a storm in his wake. And he has one constant companion. ROSE Who's that? CLIVE Death. EXT. CLIVE'S HOUSE Mickey is still waiting outside in his car. He looks around as a bin starts to shuffle its way towards him. INT. CLIVE'S SHED CLIVE (CONT'D) If the Doctor's back... if you've seen him, Rose... then one thing's for certain - we're all in danger. EXT. CLIVE'S HOUSE Mickey looks at the bin again, but it is stationary. A few seconds later, it starts moving again. He gets out of the car and walks to the bin, looking around it to see what is moving it. Seeing nothing, he places both hands on the lid and opens it dramatically. MICKEY Come on then! The bin is empty. INT. CLIVE'S SHED CLIVE If he's singled you out... if the Doctor's making house calls... then God help you. EXT. CLIVE'S HOUSE Mickey shuts the bin, confused. He tries to walk away but his hands are stuck to the bin. When he tries to pull away, the bin stretches and won't let him. Eventually, the bin opens its lid and pulls him in backwards, shutting with a satisfied burp. INT. CLIVE'S SHED ROSE Who is he? Who do you think he is? CLIVE I think he's the same man. I think he's immortal. I think he's an alien from another world. EXT. CLIVE'S HOUSE Rose comes back to the car, talking before she's even got in. ROSE Alright! He's a nutter! Off his head! COMPLETE online conspiracy freak. You win! Oof. She gets into the car. The person sitting at the wheel is obviously not Mickey, but a plastic replica of him. Rose seems not to notice. ROSE What're we going to do tonight? I fancy a pizza. MICKEY Pizzaaa! P-p-p-pizza! ROSE ...or a Chinese... MICKEY Pizza! They drive off in a wobbly line. INT. RESTAURANT Rose and Mickey sit at a table for two in a restaurant. ROSE Do you think I should try the hospital? Suki said they had a few jobs going in the canteen. That's it then... dishing out chips... I could do A Levels... 'Mickey' stares at her, grinning. ROSE (CONT'D) I dunno. It's all Jimmy Stone's fault. I only left school because of him, and look where he ended up. What do you think? PLASTIC MICKEY So, where did you meet this Doctor? ROSE I'm sorry, wasn't I talking about me for a second? PLASTIC MICKEY Because, I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? Is he something to do with that? ROSE No... PLASTIC MICKEY Come on. ROSE Sort of. PLASTIC MICKEY What was he doing there? ROSE I'm not going on about him, Mickey, I'm not, because, I know it sounds daft but... I don't think he's safe. I think he's dangerous. PLASTIC MICKEY But you can trust me sweetheart! (in quick succession) Babe, sugar, darling, sugar. Rose looks confused. PLASTIC MICKEY (CONT'D) You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and what he's planning, and I can help you, Rose. Because that's all I really wanna do, sweetheart, babe, sugar, sweetheart. ROSE What're you doing that for? A Waiter approaches the table. WAITER Your champagne. PLASTIC MICKEY We didn't order any champagne. (grabs Rose's hand) Where's the Doctor? The Waiter has simply moved to the other side of the table and holds the bottle out to Rose. WAITER Ma'am. Your champagne. ROSE It's not ours... Mickey, what is it? What's wrong? MICKEY I need to find out how much you know, so where is he? WAITER Doesn't anybody want this champagne? Mickey, exasperated, raises his eyes to the waiter for the first time. PLASTIC MICKEY Look, we didn't order i-- (the Waiter is in fact, the Doctor) Ah. Gotcha. The Doctor shakes the bottle. THE DOCTOR Don't mind me. I'm just toasting the happy couple. On the house! The cork pops out and hits Mickey squarely on the forehead. His forehead absorbs the cork and he spits it out of his mouth. It is finally revealed to Rose that Mickey has in fact been replaced with an Auton. PLASTIC MICKEY Anyway. His hands turn into clubs and he smashes the table in. Rose screams and runs out of the way. The Doctor grabs the Auton's head and pulls it off. PLASTIC MICKEY Don't think that's gonna stop me. A couple at a nearby table scream, but the Doctor grins. Rose presses the fire bell. ROSE Everyone out! Out now! Everyone runs for the exit. The Auton stays inside, blindly smashing tables with his club-hands. ROSE (CONT'D) Get out! Get out! Get out! Rose and the Doctor run through the kitchen and out of a back exit. EXT. BACK YARD With the Auton in hot pursuit. The Doctor locks a metal door with his sonic screwdriver while Rose tries desperately to find an escape out of the yard they are in. She bangs desperately at some locked gates. ROSE Open the gate! Use that tube thing, come on! THE DOCTOR What, this? This is a sonic screwdriver. ROSE Use it! THE DOCTOR Nah. Tell ya what, let's go in here. He approaches a police box in the middle of the yard and unlocks it. The Auton is beginning to make dents in the door from the other side. Rose runs to look at it. ROSE We can't hide inside a wooden box! (runs to the gate and rattles the chains) It's gonna get us! Doctor! She runs into the police box. INT. TARDIS Rose slams the door behind her, takes a few steps in, looks around, then runs straight back out again. EXT. BACK YARD She walks once around the police box and arrives back at the front again. The Auton finally makes a hole in the door, so she runs back into the police box. INT. TARDIS ROSE It's gonna follow us! THE DOCTOR The assembled hoards of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now, shut up a minute. Rose stands trembling near the door of the TARDIS, looking around at how huge it is compared with the outside. The Doctor is wiring up the head of the Auton. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You see, the arm is too simple, but the head's perfect. Rose still looks overwhelmed. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source. Right. (turns to Rose, gives her his full attention) Where do you want to start? ROSE Um... the inside's bigger than the outside? THE DOCTOR Yes. ROSE It's alien. THE DOCTOR Yup. ROSE Are you alien? THE DOCTOR Yes. (Rose stares) Is that alright? ROSE (quickly) Yeah. THE DOCTOR It's called the TARDIS, this thing. T-A-R-D-I-S, that's Time And Relative Dimension In Space. (a small sob from Rose) That's okay. Culture shock. Happens to the best of us. ROSE Did they kill him? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead? THE DOCTOR Oh... didn't think of that. ROSE He's my boyfriend. You pulled off his head - they copied him and you didn't even think? And now you're just going to let him melt?! THE DOCTOR Melt? (turns around in time to see 'Mickey's' head melting with a bubbling noise) THE DOCTOR Oh, no no no no no NO! He starts running frantically around the console, pressing buttons and pulling levers. ROSE What're you doing?! THE DOCTOR Reviving the signal, it's fading! Wait I've got it... (looks at screen) No No No No No No NO! (The TARDIS shakes as the engines move) Almost there! Almost there! Here we go! The engines stop and the Doctor runs out the the TARDIS doors without another word. ROSE You can't go out there, it's not safe! She follows him outside. EXT. THAMES EMBANKMENT, OPPOSITE LONDON EYE THE DOCTOR I lost the signal, I got so close. Rose hops out of the TARDIS, looking confused again. ROSE We've moved! Does it fly? THE DOCTOR Disappears there, reappears here, you wouldn't understand. ROSE But if we're somewhere else, what about that headless thing? It's still on the loose. THE DOCTOR It melted with the head, are you going to witter on all night? ROSE I'll have to tell his mother... The Doctor looks at her questioningly. ROSE Mickey! I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him, again! The Doctor rolls his eyes, unconcerned. ROSE You were right, you ARE alien. She turns to walk away. THE DOCTOR Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey-- ROSE Yeah, he's not a kid. THE DOCTOR It's because I'm trying to save the life of every stupid ape blundering on top of this planet, alright?? ROSE Alright! THE DOCTOR Yes! It is! Rose shakes her head disbelievingly. ROSE If you are an alien, then how comes you sound like you're from the North? THE DOCTOR Lots of planets have a North. He folds his arms indignantly and looks away. ROSE What's a police public call box? THE DOCTOR It's a telephone box from the 1950s. (pats the TARDIS fondly, grinning) It's a disguise. Rose smiles and shakes her head. ROSE Okay. And this living plastic, what's it got against us? THE DOCTOR Nothing, it loves you. You've got such a good planet. Lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air... perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. It's food stock was destroyed in the war, all its protein plants rotted, so Earth... dinner! ROSE Any way of stopping it? Grinning, the Doctor produces a tube of blue liquid from his jacket. THE DOCTOR Anti-plastic! ROSE Anti-plastic... THE DOCTOR Anti-plastic! But first I've got to find it. How can you hide something that big in a city this small? ROSE Hold on... hide what? THE DOCTOR The transmitter. The Consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal. ROSE What's it look like? THE DOCTOR Like a transmitter. Round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London. He paces around, agitated, looking around for a clue. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) A huge circular metal structure... like a dish... He stands facing Rose, his back to the railings of the bridge. Behind him, the London Eye looms 450 foot above them, but he doesn't seem to register. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ...like a wheel. Close to where we're standing. Must be COMPLETELY invisible. Rose considers the Eye behind him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What? Rose nods towards the Eye. The Doctor turns around, then back to her, completely nonplussed. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What? Rose shakes her head, looking at the Eye still. He turns around but still fails to make the connection. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What is it? What? Rose simply carries on staring at it. The Doctor turns around again and finally, it clicks. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh... fantastic! He grins inanely and runs off. EXT. LONDON BRIDGE Hand in hand, the Doctor and Rose run across London Bridge towards the Eye. EXT. LONDON EYE They come to a halt at the foot of the Eye. THE DOCTOR Think of it. Plastic, all over the world. Every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables... ROSE The breast implants... THE DOCTOR Still, we've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath. Rose runs off and finds the entrance to a manhole at the foot of the wall she is looking over. ROSE What about down here? The Doctor runs to join her. THE DOCTOR Looks good to me. They run down the stairs to the manhole. The Doctor takes the lid off it, and red light and smoke pours out. They both climb down the ladder underground. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE The Doctor opens the door to another chamber and they go down some steps. The Doctor points to a huge, orange, wobbling mass in the middle of the chamber. THE DOCTOR The Nestene Consciousness, that's it, inside the vat. A living, plastic creature. ROSE Well, then. Tip in your anti-plastic and let's go. THE DOCTOR I'm not here to kill it. I've got to give it a chance. They go down some more steps. The Doctor leans over the railings and addresses the Consciouness. THE DOCTOR I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract. According to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation. The Consciouness flobbles around a bit. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Thank you. That I might have permission to approach. Meanwhile, as Rose paces around in the background, she spots Mickey and runs to him. The Doctor rolls his eyes. ROSE Oh, my God! Mickey! It's okay! It's alright! She squats down next to him. MICKEY That thing down there, the liquid, Rose - it can talk! ROSE You're stinking! Doctor, they kept him alive! THE DOCTOR Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy. ROSE You knew that and you never said? THE DOCTOR Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you? Rose helps Mickey to his feet. The Doctor approaches the Consciousness. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Am I addressing the Consciousness? Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilization by means of warped, shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off? The plastic globbers in what appears to be a negative manner. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh don't give me that, it's an invasion! Plain and simple! Don't talk about constitutional rights! The plastic rears what would appear to be its head angrily. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I - am - talking! This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf - please, just go. Two Autons approach the Doctor from behind. ROSE Doctor! The Autons grab him. One of them takes the anti-plastic out of his jacket pocket. THE DOCTOR That was just insurance! I wasn't going to USE it. The plastic globbers angrily. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I was not attacking you. I'm here to help. I'm not your enemy. I swear, I'm not... what do you mean? Doors above him open to reveal the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh, oh no - honestly, no! Yes, that's my ship. The plastic roars. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) That's not true. I should know, I was there. I fought in the war - it wasn't my fault! I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them! ROSE What's it doing?! THE DOCTOR It's the TARDIS! The Nestene has identified its superior technology - it's terrified! It's going to the final base. It's starting the invasion! Get out, Rose! Just leg it! Now! Rose dials a number on her mobile. ROSE Mum?! EXT. TOWN CENTRE Jackie is going down the steps of a police station. JACKIE Oh, there you are, I was just gonna phone. You can get compensation. I said so. I've got this document thing off the police - don't thank me! INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE Where are you, mum? EXT. TOWN CENTRE JACKIE I'm in town! INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE Go home! Just go home, right now! EXT. TOWN CENTRE JACKIE Darling, you're breaking up, look, I'm just going to do a bit of late night shopping. I'll see you later. Tara! She hangs up. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE Mum?! Mum! EXT. TOWN CENTRE Jackie heads into the Queens Arcade shopping centre. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE The Consciousness sends out a signal. THE DOCTOR It's the activation signal! It's transmitting! EXT. LONDON EYE The electric blue signal shoots around the Eye. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE The end of the world... EXT. LONDON EYE The activation signal transmits from the London Eye. INT. QUEEN'S ARCADE Clive is in the shopping centre, talking to his wife. CLIVE There's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend summer money in winter months. Caroline gasps as she walks past a shop window and the dummy taps the glass. CAROLINE Oh my God! I thought they were dummies! I nearly had a heart-attack! They look around and all the dummies are doing the same. Clive's wife smiles appreciatively... until they punch their way through the glass and step out of the windows. Jackie is coming down an escalator and looks in disbelief at the dummies walking around. CLIVE It's true. Everything I read, all the stories! It's all true! A dummy turns towards him. Its hand comes off and reveals a gun, which shoots him. Clive's wife and son scream. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE The Doctor is still being held hostage. THE DOCTOR Get out, Rose! Just get out! Run! Part of the ceiling falls in. ROSE The stairs have gone! Rose and Mickey try desperately to get into the TARDIS. ROSE (CONT'D) I haven't got the key! MICKEY We're gonna die! INT. QUEEN'S ARCADE The shopping centre is in chaos. Jackie stands at the bottom of the escalator looking confused for a few seconds, then screams and runs, dropping her shopping bag. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE Mickey and Rose are still cowering at the door of the TARDIS. EXT. STREET Outside, Jackie finds that there is just as much chaos outside the shopping centre as there is inside. An army of dummies come out of the doors. Jackie runs down the road and ducks behind a car outside a wedding shop. The dummies in the window punch through the glass. Jackie screams. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE Rose watches the Doctor struggle to get to the anti-plastic, then seems to reach some kind of decision. She stands up. MICKEY Just leave him! EXT. STREET The wedding dummies advance dangerously on Jackie. All three hold their arms out ready to shoot. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE Rose takes action. MICKEY (CONT'D) There's nothing you can do! Rose picks up an axe. ROSE I've got no A Levels. EXT. STREET The dummies raise their guns. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE (CONT'D) No job... EXT. STREET The hands open to reveal the space where the bullets can be released. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE (CONT'D) No future. EXT. STREET Jackie cowers. Rose hacks at a chain on the wall, trying to release it. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE ROSE (CONT'D) But I tell you what I have got. Jericho Street Junior School under 7s gymnastic team. The chain comes loose and Rose grabs onto it. ROSE (CONT'D) I got the bronze! Rose swings across the gap over the Consciousness. She kicks the Autons holding the Doctor hostage into the Nestene, anti-plastic and all. The Consciousness starts to writhe and scream. Rose lands safely in the Doctor's arms at the other side of the gap. THE DOCTOR Now we're in trouble. The Consciousness starts to explode as Rose and the Doctor run off. The signal from the Eye is cut off. EXT. STREET The Autons in the high street that were previously attacking people, stop, and start to twitch as if they are doing some kind of dance. Jackie uncovers her eyes warily. INT. UNDERNEATH LONDON EYE Rose, the Doctor and Mickey all manage to reach the TARDIS. Rose grins at the Consciousness before she goes in and closes the door, as it starts to die. Just before the whole chamber goes up in flames, the TARDIS disappears. EXT. STREET The dummies all fall to the ground, twitching at first, but dead. EXT. ALLEYWAY Mickey runs backwards out of the TARDIS and falls over, looking terrified. He backs against a wall. Rose, however, steps out and rings her mother on her mobile. EXT. STREET JACKIE (answers phone) Rose! Rose! Don't go out of the house, it's not safe! EXT. ALLEYWAY Rose laughs in relief to hear Jackie's voice. EXT. STREET JACKIE (CONT'D) There were all of these things! And they were shooting! And they-- EXT. ALLEYWAY Satisfied that Jackie is alive, Rose hangs up on her, smiling to herself. EXT. STREET JACKIE (CONT'D) Hello? Hello? EXT. ALLEYWAY Rose runs over to Mickey. ROSE A fat lot of good you were! Mickey whimpers. The Doctor stands in the doorway of the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR Nestene Consciousness? (clicks fingers) Easy. ROSE (teasingly) You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me. THE DOCTOR Yes, I would. Thank you. Right then! I'll be off! Unless, uh... I don't know... you could come with me. Rose looks at him and puts her hands in her pockets. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) This box isn't just a London hopper, you know, it goes anywhere in the universe free of charge. MICKEY Don't! He's an alien! He's a thing! THE DOCTOR He's NOT invited. What do you think? You could stay here and fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go, uh... anywhere. ROSE Is it always this dangerous? THE DOCTOR (nods) Yeah. Mickey puts his arms around Rose's legs like a little child. ROSE Yeah, I can't... I've um... gotta go and find my mum and um... someone's gotta look after this stupid lump... (small laugh, pats Mickey on the back) So... THE DOCTOR Okay. See you around. Rose looks at him intensely, as if she still hasn't really made up her mind. The Doctor does not take his eyes off her, but closes the door. Rose looks at the closed door. The engines of the TARDIS rev up, and it slowly disappears. Rose stares at the space where it was, lost in thought. ROSE Come on, let's go. Mickey is in absolute shock, staring at the empty space where the TARDIS stood. ROSE (CONT'D) C'mon... come on... She helps him to his feet and they begin to walk away. However, the sound of the engines is heard again. Rose and Mickey spin around. The TARDIS reappears. The Doctor pops his head out. THE DOCTOR By the way - did I mention, it also travels in time? He grins and goes back in - leaving the door ajar. Rose turns to Mickey. ROSE Thanks. MICKEY Thanks for what? ROSE Exactly. She kisses his cheek and runs into the TARDIS with a broad smile on her face. CLOSING CREDITS 1x02 "The End of the World" INT. TARDIS Picking up where the last episode left off - Rose runs into the TARDIS and joins the Doctor. THE DOCTOR Right then, Rose Tyler - you tell me, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. What's it going to be? ROSE Forwards. The Doctor presses a few buttons. THE DOCTOR How far? ROSE (picking random number) One hundred years. He pulls a lever and turns a knob. The engines lurch and then stop after a few seconds. THE DOCTOR There you go, step outside those doors, it's the twenty-second century. ROSE You're kidding. THE DOCTOR That's a bit boring though, do you want to go further? ROSE Fine by me! The Doctor starts up the engines again. When they stop, he looks at her. THE DOCTOR Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the New Roman Empire. ROSE (teasingly) You think you're so impressive. THE DOCTOR I AM so impressive! ROSE You wish! THE DOCTOR Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go. (revs up the engine, pumps a lever furiously) Hold on! The TARDIS hurtles through the time vortex. With a pinging noise, the TARDIS stops. ROSE Where are we? The Doctor gestures towards the doors. Rose smiles excitedly. ROSE (CONT'D) What's out there? The Doctor gestures again. Rose steps outside the doors. INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose finds herself in some kind of wooden room. The Doctor follows her and with his sonic screwdriver, opens the shutters of an enormous window. They go down the stairs and find themselves looking down on the planet Earth. THE DOCTOR You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day... hold on... (looks at his watch) This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world. OPENING CREDITS EXT. PLATFORM ONE Two space shuttles zoom towards Platform One, essentially a huge space station. COMPUTER VOICE Shuttles 5 and 6 now docking. Guests are reminded that platform 1 forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. Earth Death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite. INT. PLATFORM ONE, CORRIDOR Rose and the Doctor are walking down a corridor. ROSE So, when it says 'guests' does that mean people? THE DOCTOR Depends what you mean by people. ROSE I mean people. What do you mean? THE DOCTOR Aliens. ROSE What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for? The Doctor starts to open a door with his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR It's not really a spaceship. More like an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn. ROSE What for? THE DOCTOR Fun. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE They enter a large observation gallery. THE DOCTOR Mind you, when I said the great and the good, what I mean is, the rich. ROSE But, hold on, they did this once on 'Newsround Extra' - the sun expanding - that takes hundreds of years. THE DOCTOR Millions. But the planet's now property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there? (points out of the window at tiny glints of light orbiting the Earth) Gravity satellite. That's holding back the sun. ROSE (peering out of the window at Earth) The planet looks the same as ever. I thought the continents shifted and things. THE DOCTOR They did. And the trust shifted them back. That's a classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over! ROSE How long has it got? The Doctor looks at his watch. THE DOCTOR About half an hour. And the planet gets roasted. ROSE Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth? THE DOCTOR I'm not saving it. Time's up. ROSE But what about the people? THE DOCTOR It's empty! They're all gone. All left. Rose looks back to the window, realization spreading across her face. ROSE Just me then. The Steward hurries towards them. STEWARD Who the hell are you? THE DOCTOR Oh! That's nice, thanks. STEWARD But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked! They're on their way any second now! THE DOCTOR That's me, I'm a guest, look! I've got an invitation! (flashes a small leather wallet at the Steward) Look, there you see? It's fine, see? The Doctor plus one. I'm the Doctor, this is Rose Tyler. She's my plus one. That all right? STEWARD Well... obviously. (Doctor grins) Apologies, et cetera. If you're on-board, we'd better start. Enjoy. The Doctor nods at him. After the steward walks off, the Doctor shows Rose the card he had flashed at the steward. It is completely blank. THE DOCTOR The paper's slightly psychic. Shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time. ROSE He's blue. THE DOCTOR Yeah. ROSE Okay... The steward is now speaking through a microphone at the other end of the suite. STEWARD We have in attendance, the Doctor and Rose Tyler. Thank you! All staff to their positions. He claps his hands and a lot of little blue people (the staff) start scurrying around. STEWARD (CONT'D) Hurry now! Thank you, as quick as we can! Come along, come along! And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest, representing the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa. Jabe, Lute and Coffa walk through the doors. STEWARD (CONT'D) There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you can keep the room circulating, thank-you. Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon. The Doctor smiles cheerily, as Rose looks on bewildered. STEWARD (CONT'D) And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme. The Doctor chuckles at the look on Rose's face. STEWARD (CONT'D) The inventors of hyposlip travel systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you! Enter new aliens. STEWARD (CONT'D) Cal 'Spark Plug'. Enter new aliens. STEWARD (CONT'D) Mr. and Mrs. Pakoo. Enter new aliens. STEWARD (CONT'D) The Ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light. Jabe approaches the Doctor. Either side of her, her companions are holding plant trays with little shoots in them. JABE The Gift of Peace. (takes a cutting, hands it to the Doctor) I bring you a cutting of my Grandfather. THE DOCTOR Thank you! (gives it to Rose) Yes, gifts... erm... He clears his throat and starts feeling his jacket for something, finding nothing, he says- THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I give you in return, air from my lungs. He blows gently onto Jabe's face, who closes her eyes briefly. JABE How... intimate. THE DOCTOR (flirtatiously) There's more where that came from. JABE I bet there is... Rose has the sort of look on her face that is to be expected of someone who has just witnessed their companion flirting with a tree. STEWARD Sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Bo. A huge head in an equally huge jar is wheeled through the doors. The Moxx of Balhoon approaches the Doctor and Rose. THE DOCTOR The Moxx of Balhoon. MOXX OF BALHOON My felicitations on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily saliva. He spits accurately into Rose's left eye. THE DOCTOR (laughs) Thank you very much. Rose rubs the spit out of her eye. Next, the Adherents of the Repeated Meme approach them. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. I bring you air from my lungs. He breathes heavily over them all. ADHERENT A gift of peace in all good faith. He holds out a large silver egg, which the Doctor takes, throws up into the air, catches, and hands to Rose. STEWARD And last but not least, our very special guest. Ladies and Gentlemen, and Trees and Multiforms. Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth The Last Human. The Doctor looks at Rose to see her reaction. The sliding doors open and what looks like a vertical trampoline made of human skin is wheeled through. It has eyes and a mouth, and wears lipstick. STEWARD The Lady Cassandra Oâ™Brien Dot Delta Seventeen. CASSANDRA Oh, now, don't stare. I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am. The Doctor laughs silently but heartily and looks at Rose, who looks shocked. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) Thin and dainty! I don't look a day over two thousand. Moisturize me, moisturize me. One of the two men in white body suits who wheeled her in is holding a canister, which he sprays onto Cassandra. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) Truly, I am The Last Human. Rose creeps closer for a better look. CASSANDRA My father was a Texan. My mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in the soil. Rose has been walking around to the other side of Cassandra, to get a good view of her from all angels. She is completely flat. CASSANDRA I have come to honour them and... (sniffs) ...say goodbye. Oh, no tears. (bodyguard wipes her eyes) No tears. I'm sorry. But behold! I bring gifts. From Earth itself - the last remaining ostrich egg. One of the staff comes in and displays the egg to the room. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) Legend says it had a wingspan of 50 feet and blew fire from its nostrils. Rose looks mildly confused. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) Or was that my third husband? Rose rolls her eyes but the Doctor laughs. CASSANDRA Who knows! Oh don't laugh. I'll get laughter lines! She laughs and mumbles to herself for a few seconds. Behind her, a large jukebox is wheeled into the room. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) And here, another rarity. According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Rose looks amazed. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) Play on! One of the staff presses a button and a record falls into place. The 'iPod' starts playing Tainted Love by Soft Cell. The Doctor bops around appreciatively. STEWARD Refreshments will now be served. Earth Death in 30 minutes. Rose has a lost, overwhelmed expression on her face. Everywhere she looks there are aliens, but no other humans. She rushes from the gallery. Concerned, the Doctor starts to follow her, but is stopped by Jabe. JABE Doctor? (she snaps a photo of him when he pauses) Thank you. The Doctor proceeds on. Jabe walks in the opposite direction. The Adherents of the Repeated Meme are offering the Steward a silver egg. ADHERENT A gift of peace in all good faith. STEWARD No, you're very kind, but I'm just the Steward. The Adherents of the Repeated Meme holds the egg out more persistently. ADHERENT A gift of peace in all good faith. STEWARD Oh, yes. Thank you. Of course. He takes the egg. Meanwhile, Jabe is trying to get her computer to identify the Doctor's species. JABE Identify species. Please identify species. The computer makes a small whistling noise. JABE (CONT'D) Now, stop it. Identify his race. Where's he from? (after a moment, stares at the computer in disbelief - hushed) It's impossible. In a nearby glass cabinet, a metal robotic spider climbs out of one of the metal eggs that the Adherents of the Repeated Meme had been handing out. INT. PLATFORM ONE ROOM, SHAFT Rose, in another part of the ship, looks out of a window at the raging sun. She jumps when another one of the staff comes into the room, this one female. Her name is Raffalo. ROSE Sorry, am I allowed to be in here? The employee looks around uneasily. RAFFALO You have to give us permission to talk. She looks at Rose expectantly. Rose looks unsure. ROSE Uh... you... have permission...? RAFFALO Thank you! And, no. You're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere. ROSE 'Kay. Raffalo goes to a panel in the wall and enters a code. Rose watches her. ROSE What's your name? RAFFALO Raffalo. ROSE Raffalo? RAFFALO Yes, Miss. I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance. She kneels before an air vent. RAFFALO (CONT'D) There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Bo suite. There must be something blocking the system - he's not getting any hot water. ROSE So, you're a plumber? RAFFALO That's right, Miss. ROSE They still have plumbers? RAFFALO I hope so! Else I'm out of a job! Rose laughs. ROSE Where are you from? RAFFALO Crespallion. ROSE That's a planet, is it? RAFFALO No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56. And where are you from, Miss? (seems to remember herself) If you don't mind me asking. ROSE No! Not at all. Erm... I dunno, a long way away... I just sort of, hitched a lift with this man. (only just realising the risk she's taken herself) I didn't even think about it... I don't even know who he is... he's a complete stranger... Raffalo looks slightly worried. Rose snaps herself out of it. ROSE (CONT'D) Anyway, don't let me keep you. Good luck with it! She begins to walk away. RAFFALO Thank you, Miss. And-- (Rose turns) Thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate. ROSE (smiles) 'Kay. See you later. Roffalo nods and smiles. When Rose has gone, she takes the cover off the air vent. RAFFALO Now then. She peers into the vent and then speaks into a small microphone attached to her collar. RAFFALO (CONT'D) Control - I'm at Junction 19 and I think the problem's coming from in here. I'll go inside and have a look. (hears small tapping) What's that? Is there something in there? The metal spider we saw breaking out of the egg earlier appears at the end of the shaft. RAFFALO (CONT'D) Oh! Who are you, then? The spider scurries away as if frightened. RAFFALO (CONT'D) Hold on! I... if you're an upgrade I just need to register you, that's all. Oh, come back! A red beam of light falling on Raffalo's face tells us the spider has come back. RAFFALO (CONT'D) Ah, there you are. Now, I just need to register your ident. Another spider joins the first. RAFFALO (CONT'D) Oh, there's two of you! Got yourself a little mate! (giggles) I think I'd better report this to control. How many of you are there? (a third spider appears, and then a fourth) What are you? Oh, no. No. Nooooo! She is dragged head first into the air vent. INT. STEWARD'S OFFICE The steward enters and puts his egg on a nearby table and sits down. He listens to Control speaking. STEWARD What's that? Well, how should I know? (activates loudspeaker) Would the owner of the blue box in private gallery 15 please report to the stewardâ™s office immediately. Guests are reminded that use of all teleportation devices is strictly forbidden under Peace Treaty 5.4/cup/16. Thank you. While he is talking, a spider has broken out of his egg and run up the opposite wall. EXT. PLATFORM ONE We are shown another shot of the burning sun and the satellite over the Earth. COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 25 minutes. Earth Death in 25 minutes. INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose sits on the steps, throwing the egg up in the air and catching it again when she hears this announcement. ROSE Oh, thanks. She puts the egg down and turns her attention to the cutting of Jabe's grandfather. She picks it up. ROSE (CONT'D) Hello! My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. We might be related... She suddenly realizes what she is doing and hurriedly puts the plant down. ROSE (CONT'D) I'm talking to a twig. Behind her, the spider breaks out of the egg. INT. PLATFORM ONE, CORRIDOR The TARDIS is being dragged away by some of the staff. THE DOCTOR Oi, now, careful with that. Park it properly. No scratches. One of them walks up to the Doctor, squeaks at him, hands him a card and walks away again. The Doctor reads it - it says 'Have a nice day'. The Doctor looks at the retreating staff's back as if he or she is completely off his or her rocker, and walks off. A few of the metal spiders scurry up the wall behind him. A few more are running along the air vent. INT. VIEWING GALLERY The spider that came out of Rose's egg appears to be scanning her hand, but Rose is completely oblivious. It jumps and runs to the air vent when the Doctor's voice floats through the door. THE DOCTOR Rose? Are you in there? The spider scrambles through the vent just in time, before the Doctor comes through the door. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Aye aye! (sits on other side of stairs) What do you think, then? ROSE Great! Yeah... fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper... The Doctor laughs. There is a short pause. ROSE (CONT'D) They're just, so alien. (Doctor looks at her questioningly) The aliens. Are so alien. You look at 'em... and they're alien. THE DOCTOR Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South. ROSE (as if looking at him properly for the first time) Where are you from? THE DOCTOR All over the place. ROSE They all speak English. THE DOCTOR No - you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. Telepathic field, gets inside your brain - translates. ROSE It's inside my brain? THE DOCTOR Well, in a good way. ROSE (colder, starting to sound angry) Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask? THE DOCTOR (thrown) I didn't think about it like that. ROSE (angrily) No! You were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South! Who are you then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you? The Doctor sits up and looks away from her. THE DOCTOR I'm just The Doctor. ROSE From what planet? THE DOCTOR Well, it's not as if you'll know where it is! ROSE Where are you from?! THE DOCTOR What does it matter? ROSE Tell me who you are! THE DOCTOR (suddenly angry) This is who I am, right here, right now, alright? All that counts is here and now, and this is me! ROSE Yeah, and I'm here too because you brought me here, so just tell me! The Doctor gets up and walks down the steps away from her. COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 20 minutes. Earth Death in 20 minutes. After a few moments, Rose gets up and follows the Doctor down the steps. ROSE Alright... as my mate Shareen says... don't argue with the designated driver... The Doctor, with his back turned to her, smiles at that. Rose gets her mobile out of her pocket. ROSE (CONT'D) Can't exactly call for a taxi... there's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit! THE DOCTOR Tell you what... He takes the phone from her. THE DOCTOR With a little bit of jiggery pokery... He takes the back off the phone. ROSE Is that a technical term, 'jiggery pokery'? THE DOCTOR Yeah, I came first in jiggery pokery, what about you? ROSE Nah, failed hullabaloo. THE DOCTOR Oooh. (fits in a new battery, hands phone back to Rose) There you go. Rose takes it and looks at him uncertainly. He nods. Rose gets her mum's number onto the screen and puts the phone to her ear. It rings. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN We find ourselves in the Jackie's kitchen, 2005. JACKIE Hello? ROSE Mum? Jackie, at home, is putting some washing into the machine. JACKIE Oh, what is it? What's wrong? What have I done now? Oh, this red top's falling to bits! You should get your money back. Go on! There must be something, you never phone in the middle of the day! INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose laughs. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN JACKIE What's so funny? INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE Nothing! You all right, though? INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN JACKIE Yeah! Why wouldn't I be? INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE What day is it? INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN JACKIE Wednesday. All day. You got a hangover? Oh, I tell you what, put a quid in that lottery syndicate, I'll pay you back later. INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE Yeah, um, I was just calling 'cause I might be late home. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN JACKIE Is there something wrong? INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE No! I'm fine! Top of the world! The Doctor laughs. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN Jackie puts the phone down. INT. TYLERS' KITCHEN Rose lowers the mobile, stunned. THE DOCTOR Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill. ROSE That was 5 billion years ago. So... she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead. THE DOCTOR Bundle of laughs, you are. The ship shudders. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (rather pleased and curious) That's not supposed to happen... INT. STEWARD'S OFFICE STEWARD (to control) Well, what was it? I'm just getting green lights at this end. (activates loudspeaker) Honoured guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you. As soon as it is switched off again, he speaks angrily to control again. STEWARD (CONT'D) The whole place shook! I felt it! I've hosted all sorts of events on platforms 1, 3, 6 and 15 and I've never felt the slightest tremor. I warn you, if this lot decide to sue... I'm going to scan the infrastructure. (presses a few buttons) What's that? A spider scurries down the wall behind him. STEWARD (CONT'D) Control, I don't want to worry you, but I'm picking up readings... (computer beeps) I have no idea! Well, they're small, and the scan says they're metal... (computer beeps - frustrated) I don't know what they look like! Suddenly, he spots the spider, which is now pottering around on his desk next to his mug. STEWARD (CONT'D) Although, I imagine they might look rather like that... you're not on the guest list... how did you get on board...? The spider looks at him almost mockingly and presses a yellow button on the control panel. The computerized woman's voice booms out again. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter deactivated. STEWARD No. No! COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. The sunfilter does indeed, descend. STEWARD (frantic) No! Sunfilter, up! No, no, no! He fumbles frantically with the buttons on the control panels, but too late. STEWARD (CONT'D) Sunfilter up! Sunfilter up! Blinding light engulfs the steward. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. The Steward screams. Outside the room, the spider escapes through an air vent. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE The guests are completely oblivious to the commotion, chatting to each other. The Moxx of Balhoon is talking to the Face of Bo. MOXX OF BALHOON ...this is the Bad Wolf scenario... The Doctor and Rose enter. THE DOCTOR That wasn't a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that. He is fiddling with a control panel next to the door. Jabe approaches them. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What do you think, Jabe? Listened to the engines - they pitched up about 30 hertz, is that dodgy or what? JABE It's the sound of metal, it doesn't make any sense to me. THE DOCTOR Where's the engine room? JABE I don't know... but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest's suite, I could show you. And... (gestures Rose) ...your wife. THE DOCTOR She's not my wife. JABE Partner? THE DOCTOR No. JABE Concubine? THE DOCTOR Nope. Jabe looks at Rose. JABE Prostitute... ROSE (insulted) Whatever I am, it must be invisible, do you mind? Tell you what, you two go and pollinate, I'm going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson. She makes her way over to Cassandra. THE DOCTOR Don't start a fight. (proffers arm to Jabe) I'm all yours. ROSE (watching them leave) And I want you home by midnight! The Doctor grins back at her. COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 15 minutes. Earth Death in 15 minutes. INT. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR Before the Doctor and Jabe enter, several spiders scurry out of view. THE DOCTOR Who's in charge of Platform One? Is there a captain or what? JABE There's just the steward and the staff. All the rest is controlled by the metal man. THE DOCTOR You mean the computer? But who controls that? JABE The Corporation. They move Platform One from one artistic event to another. The Doctor is silent for a moment. THE DOCTOR But there's no one from the corporation on board. JABE They're not needed. This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the alpha class. Nothing can go wrong. THE DOCTOR Unsinkable? JABE If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate. THE DOCTOR You're telling me. I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable... I ended up clinging to an iceberg, it wasn't half cold. (stops a moment) So, what you're saying is, if we get in trouble there's no one to help us out? JABE I'm afraid not. THE DOCTOR (grinning) Fantastic. He starts walking again. JABE I don't understand. In what way is THAT fantastic? Behind them, a spider creeps out of its hiding place. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE Rose is talking to Cassandra. They are looking out of a window at the sun and down at the Earth. CASSANDRA Soon, the sun will blossom into a red giant, and my home will die. That's where I used to live, when I was a little boy. Down there. Mummy and Daddy had a little house built into the side of the Los Angeles Crevice. (sighs) I had such fun. ROSE What happened to everyone else? The Human Race - where did it go? CASSANDRA They say Mankind has touched every star in the sky. ROSE So, you're NOT the last human. CASSANDRA I am the last PURE human. The others... mingled. (disgusted) Oh, they call themselves 'New Humans' and 'Proto-humans' and 'Digi-humans' even 'Human-ish' but you know what I call them? (lowers her voice to a whisper) Mongrels. ROSE Right. And you stayed behind. CASSANDRA I kept myself pure. ROSE How many operations have you had? CASSANDRA 708. Next week, it's 709, I'm having my blood bleached. Is that why you wanted a word? You could be flatter, Rose. You've got a little bit of a chin poking out. ROSE I'd rather die. CASSANDRA Honestly, it doesn't hurt-- ROSE No, I mean it. I'd rather die. It's better to die than live like you - a bitchy trampoline. CASSANDRA Oh well. What do you know. ROSE I was born on that planet. And so was my mum, and so was my dad and that makes me officially the last human being in this room, 'cause you're not human. You've had it all nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. Anything human got chucked in the bin. You're just skin, Cassandra. Lipstick and skin. Nice talking. She walks off. The Adherents of the Repeated Meme watch her leave through the sliding doors. INT. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR The Doctor and Jabe are still making their way down the corridor, the low ceiling forcing them to stoop slightly. THE DOCTOR So, tell me, Jabe. What's a tree like you doing in a place like this? JABE Respect for the Earth. THE DOCTOR Oh, come on. Everyone on this platform's worth zillions. JABE Well... perhaps it's a case of having to be seen at the right occasions. THE DOCTOR In case your share prices drop? I know you lot. You've got massive forests everywhere, roots everywhere, and there's always money in land. JABE All the same. You respect the Earth as family. So many species evolved from that planet. Mankind is only one. I'm another. My ancestors were transplanted from the planet down below. And I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest. The Doctor looks impressed. He then points to a control panel. THE DOCTOR Excuse me. He gets out his sonic screwdriver and starts poking the screen with it. JABE And what about your ancestry, Doctor? Perhaps you could tell a story or two... perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left... (no answer) I scanned you earlier. The metal machine had trouble identifying your species - refused to admit your existence. The Doctor pretends to be concentrating on the scan, but a flicker of emotion passes across his face. JABE (CONT'D) And even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it. But it was right. The Doctor stops scanning. Deep sadness is reflected in his eyes. Jabe's tone is hushed, awed. JABE (CONT'D) I know where you're from. Forgive me for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even exist. I just want to say... how sorry I am. Jabe puts a comforting hand on his arm. The Doctor's eyes are filled with tears. He places his hand over hers, and a tear falls down his cheek. He quickly finishes the scan and he and Jabe go through a door. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER The Doctor and Jabe find themselves in the ventillation chamber. There are huge fans circulating in there. The Doctor looks down at Jabe. THE DOCTOR Is it me, or is it a bit nippy? INT. PLATFORM ONE, CORRIDOR Rose walks alone down a corridor. The Adherents of the Repeated Meme are coming from the other end. She smiles at them, but the front one strikes her to the ground where she lies unconscious as they drag her from view. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER THE DOCTOR Fair do's, though, that's a great bit of air conditioning. Sort of, nice and old fashioned. Bet they call it 'retro'. (scans another control panel with his sonic screwdriver) Gotcha. The panel falls off and a spider scuttles out and scurries across the floor and up the wall. The Doctor and Jabe watch it. THE DOCTOR What the hell's that? JABE Is it part of the 'retro'? THE DOCTOR I don't think so. Hold on. He points the screwdriver at the spider. However, Jabe fires something up at the spider, disabling it. It comes falling into the Doctor's hand. THE DOCTOR Hey! Nice liana! JABE Thank you! We're not supposed to show them in public. THE DOCTOR Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. (turns his attention to the spider) Now then. Who's been bringing the pets on board? JABE What does it do? THE DOCTOR Sabotage. COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 10 minutes. THE DOCTOR And the temperature's about to rocket. Come on. They hurry from the chamber. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE The aliens mill about. CASSANDRA The planet's end. Come gather! Come gather! Bid farewell to the cradle of civilization. Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad. Britney Spears' Toxic suddenly blasts out of the enormous 'iPod'. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE STEWARD'S OFFICE The Doctor and Jabe hurry along - the corridor is filled with smoke and the staff are coughing squeaky little coughs. THE DOCTOR Come on! Get back! He moves his sonic screwdriver over another control panel. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. JABE (concerned) Was the Steward in there?! THE DOCTOR You can smell him. Hold on - there's another sun filter program to descend. INT. VIEWING GALLERY 'Toxic' plays loudly as Rose wakes up, rubbing her head. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. Rose sits up in alarm as the Sunfilter descends. She runs to the door and knocks on it frantically. ROSE Let me out! COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY The Doctor runs along the corridor. ROSE Let me out! Let me out! The Doctor arrives outside the door to attempt to make the Sunfilter rise again. THE DOCTOR Anyone in there? ROSE (frantically) Let me out! THE DOCTOR Oh, well, it would be you. INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE Open the door! INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY THE DOCTOR Hold on! Give us two ticks! INT. VIEWING GALLERY The whole room is smoking. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY The display on the control panel says 'Sunfilter Rising'. The Doctor looks up expectantly. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. The Doctor looks pleased with himself. INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose sighs with relief. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter rising... Sunfilter descending. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY THE DOCTOR This is just what we need. The computer's getting clever. INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE Will you stop mucking about! INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY THE DOCTOR I'm not mucking about, it's fighting back! INT. VIEWING GALLERY ROSE Open the door! INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY THE DOCTOR Hang on! INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose runs down the stairs and flattens herself to the floor. ROSE The locks melted! COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter descending. Sunfilter descending. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE VIEWING GALLERY The Doctor jabs his sonic screwdriver right inside the wires. COMPUTER VOICE Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising. INT. VIEWING GALLERY Panting, Rose runs back to the door. The Doctor cannot open it. THE DOCTOR The whole thing's jammed. I can't open the doors. Stay there! Don't move! ROSE (terrified sort of sarcasm) Where're am I gonna go?! Ipswich?! COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 5 minutes. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE JABE (looking at her computer) The metal machine confirms. The spider devices have infiltrated the whole of platform one. CASSANDRA How's that possible? Our private rooms are protected by a code wall. Moisturize me, moisturize me. The Doctor takes the destabilized spider out of Jabe's hand. MOXX OF BALHOON Summon the Steward! JABE I'm afraid the Steward is dead. There is a general gasp of shock. MOXX OF BALHOON Who killed him? CASSANDRA This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Bo! He invited us! (Face of Bo shakes his head) Talk to the face! Talk to the face! THE DOCTOR Easy way of finding out. Someone bought a little pet on board. (shows them the spider) Let's send him back to Master. He places the spider down on the floor. The spider scuttles along to Cassandra and looks up at her. Cassandra looks shifty for a moment, but the spider moves on to the feet of the Adherents of the Repeated Meme. CASSANDRA The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. J'accuse! THE DOCTOR That's all very well, and really kind of obvious, but if you stop and think about it... The Adherents of the Repeated Meme tries to strike him, but he catches its arm and rips it off. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that's all they are. An idea. He rips a wire out of the arm and all of the Adherents of the Repeated Meme crumple into a bundle of black cloaks. Everyone gasps. Cassandra rolls her eyes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Remote controlled Droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. Go on, Jimbo! (nudges spider with his foot) Go home! The spider ambles back over to Cassandra. CASSANDRA I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed. The Doctor raises his eyebrows. CASSANDRA (CONT'D) At arms! The two bodyguards with canisters on either side of her raise their canisters. THE DOCTOR (mockingly) What are you going to do, moisturize me? CASSANDRA With acid. Oh, too late anyway. My spiders have control of the mainframe. Oh, you all carried them as gifts, tax free, past every code wall. I'm not just as pretty face. THE DOCTOR Sabotaging a ship while you're still inside it? How stupid's that? CASSANDRA I'd hoped to manufacture a hostage situation with myself as one of the victims. The compensation would have been enormous. THE DOCTOR Five billion years and it still comes down to money. CASSANDRA Do you think it's cheap, looking like this? Flatness costs a fortune. I am The Last Human, Doctor. Me. Not that freaky little kid of yours. MOXX OF BALHOON Arrest her! CASSANDRA Oh, shut it, pixie. I've still got my final option. COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 3 minutes. CASSANDRA And here it comes. You're just as useful dead, all of you. I have shares in your rival companies and they'll triple in price as soon as you're dead. My spiders are primed and ready to destroy the safety systems. How did that old Earth song go? "Burn, baby, burn." JABE Then you'll burn with us. CASSANDRA Oh, I'm so sorry. I know the use of teleportation is strictly forbidden, but... I'm such a naughty thing. Spiders - activate. There are a series of explosions around the ship. CASSANDRA Force fields gone with the planet about to explode. At least it'll be quick. Just like my fifth husband. (giggles) Oh, shame on me. Buh-bye, darlings! Buh-bye, my darlings... She and her bodyguards teleport out. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels rising. MOXX OF BALHOON Reset the computer! JABE Only the Steward would know how. THE DOCTOR No. We can do it by hand. There must be a system restore switch. Jabe, come on. They leave the room. He calls back the crowd over his shoulder. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You lot - just chill! EXT. PLATFORM ONE COMPUTER VOICE Earth Death in 2 minutes. Earth Death in 2 minutes. INT. MAINTENANCE CORRIDOR Jabe and the Doctor are running back through the maintenance corridor. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - critical. Heat levels - critical. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER. The Doctor and Jabe reach the ventilation chamber. THE DOCTOR Oh. And guess where the switch is. The switch is located at the other side of the enormous fans. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - rising. Heat levels - rising. The Doctor pulls a lever down and the fans slow down. COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) External temperature - 5 thousand degrees. As soon as the Doctor lets go of the lever, the fans start to speed up again. As the Doctor looks hopelessly at the fans, Jabe pulls the lever down again and holds it there. THE DOCTOR You can't. The heat's going to vent through this place. JABE I know. THE DOCTOR Jabe, you're made of wood. JABE Then stop wasting time. Time Lord. He grins at her and runs back to the fans. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - rising. Heat levels - rising. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE The glass begins to crack. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - hazardous. MOXX OF BALHOON We're going to die! INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - hazardous. The Doctor dodges the first fan and runs underneath it. He looks anxiously up at the next one. INT. VIEWING GALLERY The glass begins to crack. Rose cowers against the wall. COMPUTER VOICE Shields malfunctioning. Shields malfunctioning. Rays of sun blast in through the cracks, burning holes in the parts of the metal wall they hit. Rose screams. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER The Doctor is still standing before the second fan. He looks back at Jabe who is sweating and breathing heavily. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - critical. Heat levels - critical. The Doctor dodges under the second fan. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE The glass cracks further, engulfing the Moxx of Balhoon in light. He cries out. INT. VIEWING GALLERY The sunrays hit the wall either side of Rose. COMPUTER VOICE Heat levels - rising. Heat levels - rising. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER As the Doctor stands before the third fan. Jabe starts shaking violently. Suddenly, she gasps as one of her hands catches fire. She screams. The Doctor looks back, shocked. Now there is no one to hold the lever down, the fans circulate so fast that they can hardly be seen, in order to cool the ship down. It is impossible for the Doctor to get through. INT. VIEWING GALLERY The walls around Rose are rapidly burning. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER COMPUTER VOICE Planet explodes in 10... 9... The Doctor closes his eyes. All grows quiet. COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... The Doctor, still with his eyes closed, steps calmly though the fan. When at the other side, he opens his eyes and dashes to the switch, pulling it down. THE DOCTOR Raise shields! INT. VIEWING GALLERY Rose has her eyes closed and is shaking. COMPUTER VOICE ...1 EXT. PLATFORM ONE The force fields around the ships are reset just as the planet is engulfed in fire. It explodes, leaving the ship completely unharmed. INT. VIEWING GALLERY COMPUTER VOICE Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair. The glass is automatically repaired. Rose opens her eyes, panting heavily. INT. VENTILATION CHAMBER The Doctor walks back through the fans. He pauses for a moment to look sadly at the charred and smoking remains of Jabe. INT. THE MANCHESTER SUITE Rose walks back into the observation gallery, where all the aliens are sitting around, wounded or dead. The Doctor walks briskly in a few moments later. He glances at Rose but does not pause to talk to her. Instead he goes straight to Jabe's companions, mutters a few words to them and then places his hands on their shoulders, leaving them to grieve. He then walks back near Rose. ROSE You all right? THE DOCTOR Yeah, I'm fine. I'm full of ideas, I'm bristling with them. Idea number one - teleportation through five thousand degrees needs some kind of feed. Idea number two - this feed must be hidden nearby. He strides over to the ostrich egg, breaks it open and the teleportation feed falls out. He picks it up. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Idea number three - if you're as clever as me, then a teleportation feed can be reversed. He twists the feed. Cassandra appears before them, apparently in the middle of gloating. CASSANDRA Ah, you should have seen their little alien faces. (notices her new surroundings) Oh. THE DOCTOR The Last Human. CASSANDRA (flustered) So. You passed my little test. Bravo. This makes you eligible to join the er... the human club. THE DOCTOR People have died, Cassandra. You murdered them. CASSANDRA That depends on your definition of 'people'. And that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take me to court then, Doctor! And watch me smile, and cry, and flutter... THE DOCTOR And creak? CASSANDRA And what? THE DOCTOR Creak! You're creaking. Cassandra's skin is tightening. Her eyes are becoming bloodshot and she is getting whiter and whiter. CASSANDRA (panicking) What? Ah! Ah! I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens! Moisturize me! Moisturize me! Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! It's too hot! She's covered in red blotches. THE DOCTOR You raised the temperature. CASSANDRA (terrified, pathetic) Have pity! Moisturize me! Oh, Doctor! ROSE (shaken) Help her. THE DOCTOR Everything has its time and everything dies. CASSANDRA (shrivelling up) I'm... too... young! She explodes. The Doctor looks completely cold and not remotely fazed. He leaves the room. EXT. PLATFORM ONE COMPUTER VOICE Shuttles 4 and 6 departing. This unit now closing down for maintenance. INT. MANCHESTER SUITE The Manchester Sute is now completely empty apart from Rose, who is standing at the window watching the Earth burn with a very vulnerable and sad look on her face, oblivious to the Doctor watching her from the doorway. Rocks fly past the window. She turns around when she hears the Doctor's footsteps as he comes to stand beside her. ROSE (teafully) The end of the Earth. It's gone. And we were too busy saving ourselves, no one saw it go. (the Doctor looks down at her) All those years... all that history and no one was even looking. It's just... THE DOCTOR (holds his hand out to her) Come with me. Rose takes his hand and they walk away together. EXT. PICCADILLY CIRCUS Back in 2005, Rose steps out of the TARDIS. She looks around at the crowds, seeing them in a new light. The Doctor stands beside her. BIG ISSUE SELLER Big issue! THE DOCTOR You think it'll last forever. People, and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day, it's all gone. Even the sky. (they both look at the sky. After a moment -) My planet's gone. Rose turns to look at him. This is the first time he's mentioned his home. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust. Before it's time. ROSE What happened? THE DOCTOR There was a war. And we lost. ROSE A war with who? He doesn't answer, seemingly lost in thought. ROSE (CONT'D) What about your people? THE DOCTOR I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own because there's no one else. ROSE There's me... She smiles at him. THE DOCTOR You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home? Rose looks at him for a few seconds. ROSE I don't know. I want... (sniffs the air) Oh! Can you smell chips? THE DOCTOR (laughs) Yeah. Yeah! ROSE I want chips. THE DOCTOR (smiling) Me too. ROSE Right then, before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay. THE DOCTOR No money. ROSE What sort of date are you? Come on then, tightwad, chips are on me. He smiles at her, delighted. ROSE (CONT'D) We've only got five billion years before the shops close... They walk down the street together laughing, Rose nuzzling her head against his shoulder. CLOSING CREDITS 1x03 "The Unquiet Dead" INT. CHAPEL OF REST Mr. Sneed crosses a room where a woman lies dead in her coffin and a man stands over her. The man's name is Redpath. Sneed lights a gas lamp. He walks to the mans side. SNEED Sneed and Company offer their sincerest condolences, sir. In this most trying hour. REDPATH Grandmamma had a good innings, Mr. Sneed. She was so full of life. I can't believe she's gone. SNEED Not gone, Mr. Redpath, sir. Merely sleeping. A short silence. REDPATH May I have a moment? SNEED Yes, of course. I shall be in the next room, should you require anything. He leaves Redpath alone with his Grandmother. Redpath, with his head bowed in grief, does not notice the gas enter her dead body and her eyes snap open. She suddenly grabs Redpath by the neck and throttles him. Mr. Sneed bursts back into the room upon hearing the commotion. SNEED Oh, no. The old woman twists her grandson's neck around and he falls to the floor. Redpath tries to wrestle the lid back on the coffin. SNEED (CONT'D) Gwyneth! Get down here now! We've got another one! He is not strong enough to get the lid back on the coffin and the old woman kicks the side off. EXT. SNEED AND COMPANY, STREET Mrs Pearce walks from the house, wailing. OPENING CREDITS INT. TARDIS Inside the TARDIS, it is mayhem. The whole ship is shaking and alarm is going off. THE DOCTOR Hold that one down! ROSE I'm HOLDING this one down! THE DOCTOR Well, hold them BOTH down! ROSE It's not going to work! THE DOCTOR Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future - let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound? ROSE What happened in 1860? THE DOCTOR I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go! The TARDIS screeches through the time vortex. INT. SNEED'S KITCHEN Mr. Sneed is dabbing at his forehead. SNEED Gwyneth! Where are you, girl? Gwyneth! (Gwyneth appears) Where've you been? I was shouting! GWYNETH I've been in the stables, sir, bringing the ice for old Sampson. SNEED Well, get back in there and harness him up. GWYNETH Whatever for, sir? SNEED The stiffs are getting lively again. Mr. Redpath's grandmother - she's up and on her feet and out there somewhere, on the streets! We've got to find her! GWYNETH Mr. Sneed, for shame! How many more times? It's ungodly! SNEED Don't look at me like it's my fault! Now come on, hurry up! She was 86. She can't have got far. GWYNETH What about Mr. Redpath? Did you deal with him? SNEED No. She did. GWYNETH That's awful, sir. I know it's not my place, and please - forgive me for talking out of turn, sir. But this is getting beyond, now. (Sneed nods) Something terrible is happening in this house, and we've got to get help. SNEED And we will! As soon as we get that dead old woman locked up and safe and sound. Now stop prevaricating girl, get the hearse ready. We're going body snatching. EXT. STREET AND ALLEYWAY The TARDIS materializes on a deserted street. Snow is falling. INT. TARDIS The controls are steaming and both the Doctor and Rose are lying on the floor laughing. They get up. ROSE Blimey! THE DOCTOR You're telling me! Are you alright? ROSE Yeah. I think so! Nothing broken... did we make it? Where are we? THE DOCTOR (studying the screen) I did it! Give the man a medal. Earth - Naples - December 24th, 1860. ROSE That's so weird... it's Christmas. The Doctor gestures towards the door. THE DOCTOR All yours. ROSE But, it's like... think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once. Just once, and it's gone. It's finished. It'll never happen again. Except for you. (studies him intently) You can go back and see days that are dead and gone and a hundred thousand sunsets ago... no wonder you never stay still... THE DOCTOR Not a bad life. ROSE Better with two. They grin at each other for a few moments. Then Rose slaps his bum and dashes towards the door. ROSE (CONT'D) Come on then! THE DOCTOR Oi, oi, oi! Where do you think you're going?! ROSE 1860! THE DOCTOR Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella! There's a wardrobe through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, it's the fifth door on your left. Hurry up! Rose rushes off to get changed. The Doctor grins after her. EXT. STREET Sneed and Gwyneth are driving through the streets looking for the old woman. SNEED Not a sign. Where is she? GWYNETH She's vanished into the ether sir, where can she be? Sneed stops the hearse and looks at Gwyneth. SNEED You tell me, girl. GWYNETH What do you mean? SNEED Gwyneth, you know full well. GWYNETH No, sir. I can't. SNEED Use the sight. GWYNETH It's not right, sir. SNEED Find the old lady. Or you're dismissed. Gwyneth looks anxious. SNEED (CONT'D) Now, look inside, girl. Look deep. Where is she? Gwyneth closes her eyes. GWYNETH She's lost, sir. She's so alone. Oh, my lord. So many strange things in her head. SNEED But where? GWYNETH She's excited. About tonight. Before she passed on, she was going to see him. SNEED Who's 'him'? GWYNETH A great man. All the way from London. The great, great man. INT. DRESSING ROOM There is a knocking at a door. An old man - Charles Dickens is kneading his forehead inside the room. STAGE MANAGER Mr. Dickens! Mr. Dickens! Excuse me, sir, Mr. Dickens - this is your call. Mr. Dickens does not respond. The stage manager comes into the room. STAGE MANAGER Are you quite well, sir? DICKENS Splendid, splendid. Sorry. STAGE MANAGER Time you were on, Sir. DICKENS Absolutely. I was just - brooding. (stage manager throws him questioning look) DICKENS Christmas Eve. Not the best of times to be alone. STAGE MANAGER Did no one travel with you, sir? An old lady wife waiting out front? DICKENS I'm afraid not. STAGE MANAGER (laughs) You can have mine if you want. DICKENS Oh, I wouldn't dare. I've been rather - let's say - clumsy, with family matters. By God, I'm too old to cause any more trouble. STAGE MANAGER You speak as though it's all over, sir! DICKENS Oh, no, it's never over. On and on I go. The same old show. They look at the poster announcing his show. DICKENS I'm like a ghost, condemned to repeat myself... (stands) ... for all eternity. STAGE MANAGER It's never too late, sir. You could always think up some new turns. DICKENS No, I can't. Even my imagination grows stale. (takes long swig of drink) I'm an old man. Perhaps I've thought everything I'll ever think. Still! The lure of the lime-light! As potent as a pipe what, eh? (stage manager helps him change his jacket) On with the show. INT. TARDIS In the TARDIS, the Doctor is doing some more unnecessary repair work. Rose swans in and he turns off his sonic screwdriver and looks at her in surprise. THE DOCTOR Blimey! ROSE Don't laugh! THE DOCTOR You look beautiful! Rose stops laughing and smiles instead. There is a pause and the Doctor looks away awkwardly. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ...considering. He turns on his screwdriver again. ROSE Considering what? THE DOCTOR That you're human! ROSE (amused) I THINK that's a compliment... Aren't you going to change? THE DOCTOR I've changed my jumper! Come on! He jumps out of the space beneath the controls. ROSE You, stay there! You've done this before. This is mine! She hurries towards the door and opens it. EXT. STREET AND ALLEYWAY Rose looks out onto the 1860 street. She makes one footprint in the untouched snow then withdraws her foot again. Then she steps out altogether. The Doctor follows her. THE DOCTOR Ready for this? She smiles and he offers her his arm. She takes it. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Here we go. History! They walk off together. INT. THEATRE The curtains open for Dickens' show. The audience applaud. The dead old woman is sitting slap bang in the middle of them. EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE The Doctor and Rose walk down the street, observing everything - Rose in amazement, the Doctor with his usual grin on his face. He walks in another direction and Rose follows. There are carol singers in the background. EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE Sneed and Gwyneth arrive at the theatre. GWYNETH She's in there, sir, I'm certain of it. They alight from the hearse. EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE Not far away, the Doctor is buying a newspaper. He unfolds it and scans it. THE DOCTOR I got the flight a bit wrong. ROSE I don't care. THE DOCTOR It's not 1860, it's 1869. ROSE I don't care! THE DOCTOR And it's not Naples. ROSE I don't care. THE DOCTOR It's Cardiff. ROSE (pauses) Right... INT. THEATRE Dickens is talking to a rapt audience. DICKENS Now, it is a fact, that there was nothing particular about the knocker on the door of this house. But let any man explain to me if he can, how it happened, that Scrooge, having his key in the lock of the door, saw in the knocker, without it's undergoing any intermediate process of change, not a knocker - but Marley's face. (audience gasp) Marley's face! It looked at Scrooge as Marley used to look. It looked like... The gas is escaping from the old woman. Dickens, seeing as how he is the only one facing the audience, is the only one to notice. DICKENS (CONT'D) Oh, my lord! It looked... like that! (points a trembling finger at the old woman) What phantasmagoria is this? The woman has risen in her seat. She lets out a long, loud wail. The audience scream and trample each other in their hurry to get away. EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE The Doctor and Rose hear the screaming. The Doctor grins. THE DOCTOR That's more like it! He tosses the newspaper over his shoulder and runs in the direction of the screaming. Rose follows. INT. THEATRE Dickens is desperately trying to get his audience to sit down again. DICKENS Stay in your seats, I beg you. It is a lantern show, it's trickery. Sneed and Gwyneth are struggling against the crowds to enter. GWYNETH There she is, sir! SNEED I can see that! The gas zooms around the room. SNEED (CONT'D) The whole bloomin' world can see that! The Doctor and Rose enter. They watch the gas zoom around. THE DOCTOR Fantastic. The last of the gas leaves the old woman's mouth and she slumps back in the chair, just a dead body once more. The Doctor approaches Mr. Dickens. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Did you see where it came from? DICKENS Ah. The wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied, sir! The Doctor looks slightly taken aback. ROSE Oi! Leave her alone! Sneed and Gwyneth are making off with the old woman's body. ROSE (CONT'D) Doctor, I'll get 'em! THE DOCTOR Be careful! (jumps onto stage) Did it say anything? Could it speak? I'm The Doctor, by the way. DICKENS Doctor? You look more like a navy. THE DOCTOR (indignantly) What's WRONG with this jumper? EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE Gwyneth and Sneed have successfully loaded the body into the back of the hearse. Rose catches up with them. ROSE What're you doing?! GWYNETH Oh, it's such a tragedy, miss. Don't worry yourself, me and the master will deal with it. (tries to bar Rose from seeing inside the hearse) The fact is, this poor lady's been taken with the brain fever and we have to get her to the infirmary. Rose pushes Gwyneth aside and feels the old woman's forehead. ROSE She's cold... she's dead! My God, what did you do to her? Sneed approaches her silently from behind and clamps a tissue full of a drug, probably chloroform, to her mouth. She struggles for a few seconds and then goes limp. GWYNETH (shocked) What did you do that for? SNEED She's seen too much. Get her in the hearse! Gwyneth bends down to pick up Rose's legs. INT. THEATRE The blue gas is still zooming around inside. It dives into one of the gas lamps and disappears. THE DOCTOR Gas! It's made of gas! EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE By the time the Doctor comes down the steps of the theatre, Gwyneth has just finished pushing Rose's head out of sight into the hearse. She slams the door shut. THE DOCTOR Rose! He runs towards the hearse. DICKENS You're not escaping me, sir! What do you know about that hobgoblin, hm? The hearse drives away. The Doctor stares after it. DICKENS Projection on glass, I suppose. Who put you up to it? THE DOCTOR Yeah, mate. Not now, thanks. The Doctor spots a coach and runs towards it, shouting to the driver. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oi, you! Follow that hearse! He jumps into the coach. DICKENS You can't do that, sir! THE DOCTOR Why not? DICKENS Why not?! I'll give you a very good reason why not! This is my coach! THE DOCTOR Well, get in then! (pulls Dickens in. To the driver-) Move! The coach rumbles off. DRIVER Everything in order, Mr. Dickens? DICKENS No! It is not! THE DOCTOR What did he say? DICKENS Let me say this first. I'm not without a sense of humour-- THE DOCTOR Dickens? DICKENS Yes. THE DOCTOR Charles Dickens? DICKENS Yes. THE DOCTOR THE Charles Dickens? DRIVER Shall I remove the gentleman, sir? THE DOCTOR Charles Dickens! You're brilliant, you are! Completely 100% brilliant! I've read 'em all! Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and what's the other one, the one with the ghost? DICKENS A Christmas Carol? THE DOCTOR No, no, no, the one with the trains... The Signal Man, that's it, terrifying! (Dickens looks pleased) The best short story ever written! You're a genius! DRIVER You want me to get rid of him, sir? DICKENS Er, no, I think he can stay. THE DOCTOR Honestly, Charles - can I call you Charles? I'm such a big fan. DICKENS ...what? A what? THE DOCTOR Fan! Number One Fan, that's me. DICKENS How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool? THE DOCTOR No, it means 'Fanatic', devoted to. Mind you, I've gotta say, that American bit in Martin Chuzzlewit, what was that about?! Was that just padding or what? I mean, it's rubbish, that bit. DICKENS (disgruntled) I thought you said you were my fan. THE DOCTOR Ah, well, if you can't take criticism... go on, do the death of Little Nell, it cracks me up. No, sorry, come on, faster! The driver urges the horses on. DICKENS Who exactly IS in that hearse? THE DOCTOR My friend. She's only nineteen, and it's my fault. She's in my care, and now she's in danger. DICKENS Why are we wasting my time talking about dry old books? This is much more important. Driver! Be swift! The chase is on! DRIER Yes, sir! THE DOCTOR (delighted) Thatta boy, Charlie! DICKENS Nobody calls me Charlie. THE DOCTOR The ladies do. DICKENS How do you know that? THE DOCTOR I told you - I'm your Number One-- DICKENS Number One Fan, yes... INT. CHAPEL OF REST Gwyneth and Sneed have one end each of Rose. GWYNETH The poor girl's still alive, sir! What're we going to do with her? They settle her down on a table that is evidently used for dead bodies. SNEED I don't know! I didn't plan any of this, did I. Isn't my fault if the dead won't stay dead. GWYNETH Then whose fault is it, sir? Why is this happening to us? They leave the room, shutting and locking Rose in. A gas lamp flickers. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY SNEED I did the Bishop a favour, once. Made his nephew look like a cherub. Even though he'd been a fortnight in the weir. Perhaps he'll do us an exorcism on the cheap. There is a knock on the door. They both look up, alarmed. SNEED (CONT'D) Say I'm not in. Tell them we're closed. Just - just get rid of them. INT. CHAPEL OF REST Rose wakes up. She looks slightly out of sorts, and does not notice when the gas from the lamps fills the corpse of Redpath. He sits up suddenly. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY Dickens knocks on the door again and Gywneth opens it. GWYNETH I'm sorry, sir, we're closed. DICKENS Nonsense! Since when did an undertaker keep office hours? The dead don't die on schedule. I demand to see your master. GWYNETH He's not in, sir. She makes to shut the door, but Dickens forces it open again. DICKENS (angrily) Don't lie to me, child! GWYNETH I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Dickens, but the mater's indisposed. Behind her, a gas lamp flares up. THE DOCTOR Having trouble with your gas? DICKENS What the Shakespeare is going on? INT. CHAPEL OF RST Rose suddenly notices the corpse behind her. She jumps in alarm as he starts making zombie noises at her. ROSE Are you all right? You're kidding me, yeah? You're just kidding. He climbs out of the coffin. ROSE (CONT'D) You are, you're kidding me, aren't ya? He takes staggering steps towards her. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay, not kidding. She runs to the door and tries to open it. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY The Doctor forces his way in and presses his ear to the wall. GWYNETH You're not allowed inside, sir! THE DOCTOR There's something inside the walls. INT. CHAPEL OF REST Rose backs against the door. The old woman's body rises from the other coffin and Rose gaps. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY THE DOCTOR The gas pipes. Something's living inside the gas. INT. CHAPEL OF REST Rose lobs a vase at Redpath. It does nothing but cause him to stumble slightly. Rose rattles the handle frantically. ROSE Let me out! Open the door! INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY Gwyneth, the Doctor and Dickens hear her. Gwyneth closes her eyes in dismay. THE DOCTOR That's her. He runs off to her rescue. Dickensâ™s follows. INT. CHAPEL OF REST ROSE Please, let me out! Both corpses are walking towards her. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, CORRIDOR The Doctor charges past Sneed. SNEED This is my house! Dickens charges past him too. He shakes his finger at Gwyneth as she runs after them SNEED (CONT'D) I told you! INT. CHAPEL OF REST Rose is still hammering on the door as the corpses get closer and closer. ROSE Let me out! Somebody, open the door! Open the door! Redpath clasps a hand over her mouth, muffling her scream. At that moment, the Doctor kicks the door in. THE DOCTOR I think this is MY dance. He releases Rose from Redpath's grip. DICKENS It's a prank? It must be. We're under some mesmeric influence. THE DOCTOR No, we're not. The dead are walking. (grins down at the panting Rose) Hi! ROSE Hi! Who's your friend? THE DOCTOR Charles Dickens. ROSE Oh. Okay. THE DOCTOR (to the corpses) My name's the Doctor. Who are you, then? What do you want? REDPATH We're failing. Open the rift, we're dying. Trapped in this form - cannot sustain - help us. Both Redpath and his grandmother raise their heads to the ceiling. The blue gas leaves them with a wailing sound and both corpses fall to the floor. INT. SNEED'S PARLOUR Gwyneth is pouring them all tea while Rose is having a go at Sneed. ROSE First of all you drug me, then you kidnap me, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man. The Doctor sniggers. SNEED I won't be spoken to like this! ROSE Then you stuck me in a room full of zombies! And if that ain't enough - you swan off! And leave me to die! So come on - talk! SNEED It's not my fault, it's this house! It always had a reputation. Haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back. And then the stiffs-- Dickens looks mildly offended. SNEED ...the er, dear departed started getting restless. DICKENS Tommyrot. SNEED You witnessed it! Can't keep the beggars down, sir! They walk. And it's the queerest thing that they hang on to scraps... Gwyneth gives the Doctor his tea. GWYNETH Two sugars, sir, just how you like it. The Doctor looks at her retreating back curiously. SNEED One old fella who used to be a sexton almost walked into his own memorial service! Just like the old lady going to your performance, sir! Just as she planned. DICKENS Morbid fancy. THE DOCTOR Oh, Charles, you were there. DICKENS I saw nothing but an illusion. THE DOCTOR If you're going to deny it, don't waste my time. Just shut up. Dickens is stunned. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (to Sneed) What about the gas? SNEED That's new, sir, never seen anything like that. THE DOCTOR Means it's getting stronger, the rift's getting wider and something's sneaking through. ROSE What's the rift? THE DOCTOR A weak point in time and space. The connection between this place and another. That's the cause of ghost stories, most of the time. SNEED (with revelation) That's how I got the house so cheap. Dickens sneaks un-noticed from the room. SNEED Stories going back generations. Echoes in the dark. Queer songs in the air and this feeling like a... shadow. Passing over your soul. Mind you, truth be told, it's been good for business. Just what people expect from a gloomy old trade like mine. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, CORRIDOR Dickens, wandering the corridors alone, examines the gas lamps. DICKENS Impossible. INT. CHAPEL OF REST Dickens goes back into the room where Rose was locked up and takes the lid off Redpath's coffin, where Redpath is lying peacefully, his arms crossed across his chest. He waves his hands in front of his face, shakes him a bit, and fumbles around underneath the coffin, all the time oblivious to the Doctor watching him with his arms folded in the doorway. THE DOCTOR Checking for strings? DICKENS Wires, perhaps? There must be some mechanism behind this fraud! The Doctor unfolds his arms and walks over to Dickens. THE DOCTOR Oh, come on, Charles. All right. I shouldn't have told you to shut up. (places a hand on Dickens' shoulder) I'm sorry. But you've got one of the best minds in the world. You saw those gas creatures. DICKENS I cannot accept that. THE DOCTOR And what does the human body do when it decomposes? It breaks down and produces gas. Perfect home for these gas things - they can slip inside and use it as a vehicle. Just like your driver and his coach. DICKENS Stop it! Can it be that I have the world entirely wrong? THE DOCTOR Not wrong. There's just more to learn. DICKENS I've always railed against the fantasies. Oh, I loved an illusion as much as the next man, revelled in them - that's what they were. Illusions! The real world is something else. I dedicated myself to that. Injustices. Great social causes. I hoped that I was a force for good. Now you tell me that the real world is a realm of spectres and jack o' lanterns. In which case - have I wasted my brief span here, Doctor? Has it all been for nothing? INT. SNEED'S KITCHEN Gwyneth is lighting another gas lamp when Rose comes in and starts washing up. GWYNETH Please, Miss! You shouldn't be helping! It's not right! ROSE Don't be daft. Sneed works you to death. (hands her the cloth to dry up) How much do you get paid? GWYNETH Eight pound a year, miss. ROSE That much? GWYNETH I know. I would've been happy with six. Rose looks dumbfounded. ROSE So, did you go to school or what? GWYNETH Of course I did. What do you think I am? An urchin? I went every Sunday. Nice and proper. ROSE What - once a week? GWYNETH We did sums and everything. To be honest, I hated every second. ROSE Me too. They both laugh. GWYNETH (as if this is completely outrageous) Don't tell anyone, but one week, I didn't go and ran on the heath all on my own! ROSE I did plenty of that. I used to go down the shops with my mate Shareen. And we used to go and look at boys! Gwyneth stops laughing at once and looks scandalized. GWYNETH Well, I don't know much about that, miss. She turns back to the washing up. ROSE Come on, times haven't changed that much! I bet you've done the same. GWYNETH I don't think so, miss. ROSE Gwyneth! You can tell me! Bet you've got your eye on someone. GWYNETH I suppose. There is one lad... Rose looks extremely chuffed. GWYNETH (CONT'D) The butcherâ™s boy. He comes by every Tuesday. Such a lovely smile on him! ROSE Oh, I like a nice smile. Good smile, nice bum. Again, Gwyneth looks shocked. GWYNETH Well, I have never heard the like! Rose just laughs. Then, Gwyneth laughs too. ROSE Ask him out! Give him a cup of tea or something, that's a start. GWYNETH I swear, it is the strangest thing, miss. You've got all the clothes and the breeding but you talk like some sort of wild thing! ROSE (shrugs) Maybe I am. Maybe that's a good thing. You need a bit more in your life than Mr Sneed. GWYNETH Ah, now that's not fair. He's not so bad, old Sneed. He was very kind to me to take me in. Because I lost my mum and dad to the flu when I was twelve. ROSE Oh, I'm sorry. GWYNETH Thank you, miss. But I'll be with them again, one day. Sitting with them in paradise. I should be so blessed. They're waiting for me. Maybe your dad's up there waiting for you too, miss. ROSE Maybe. (nods, then realises) Um, who told you he was dead? Gwyneth realises what she has said and turns quickly back to the washing up. GWYNETH (lightly) I don't know, must've been the Doctor. ROSE My father died years back. GWYNETH You've been thinking about him lately, more than ever. ROSE I s'pose so... how do you know all this? GWYNETH Mr. Sneed says I think too much. I'm all alone down here. I bet you've got dozens of servants, haven't you miss. They laugh. ROSE No, no servants where I'm from. GWYNETH And you've come such a long way. ROSE What makes you think so? GWYNETH You're from London. I've seen London in drawings, but never like that. (stares at Rose intently) All those people rushing about. Half naked, for shame. And the noise... and the metal boxes racing past... and the birds in the sky... they're metal as well. Metal birds with people in them. People flying. And you - you've flown so far, further than anyone! The things you've seen... the darkness... the big bad wolf-- (staggers backwards, afraid) I'm sorry! I'm sorry, miss! ROSE S'alright... GWYNETH I can't help it - ever since I was a little girl. My mum said I had the sight. She told me to hide it! THE DOCTOR But it's getting stronger. More powerful, is that right? Rose and Gwyneth both jump as they turn to see the Doctor standing in the doorway. GWYNETH All the time, sir. Every night. Voices in my head. THE DOCTOR You grew up on top of the rift. You're part of it. You're the key. GWYNETH I've tried to make sense of it, sir. Consulted with spiritualists, table wrappers, all sorts. THE DOCTOR Well, that should help. You can show us what to do. GWYNETH What to do where, sir? THE DOCTOR We're going to have a séance. INT. SNEED'S PARLOUR They are all sat around a table. GWYNETH This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists. Down in Mid Town. Come. We must all join hands. DICKENS I can't take part in this. He gets up. THE DOCTOR Humbug? Come on, open mind. DICKENS This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I try to un-mask. Séances? Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing. THE DOCTOR Now, don't antagonize her. I love a happy medium. ROSE I can't believe you just said that. THE DOCTOR (to Dickens) Come on, we might need you. Dickens sits down again. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Good man. Now, Gwyneth. Reach out. GWYNETH Speak to us. Are you there? Spirits? Dickens rolls his eyes. GWYNETH (CONT'D) Come. Speak to us that we may relieve your burden. She raises her eyes to the ceiling. A murmuring fills the room. ROSE Can you hear that? DICKENS Nothing can happen. This is sheer folly. ROSE Look at her. GWYNETH I feel them. I feel them! The gas creatures begin to fill the room. ROSE What're they saying? THE DOCTOR They can't get through the rift. Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it. Now look deep. Allow them through. GWYNETH I can't! THE DOCTOR Yes you can. Just believe it. I have faith in you, Gwyneth. Make the link. Gwyneth looks almost pained. Then suddenly, she lowers her head and opens her eyes. GWYNETH Yes. Three gaseous figures appear behind her - the Gelth. Dickens' mouth drops open. SNEED Great God. Sprits from the other side! THE DOCTOR The other side of the universe. GELTH Pity us. Pity the Gelth. There is so little time, help us. THE DOCTOR What do you want us to do? GELTH The rift. Take the girl to the rift. Make the bridge. THE DOCTOR What for? GELTH We are so very few. The last of our kind. We face extinction. THE DOCTOR Why, what happened? GELTH Once we had a physical form like you. But then the war came. DICKENS War? What war? GELTH The Time War. The Doctor and Rose glance at each other. GELTH (CONT'D) The whole universe convulsed. The Time War raged invisible to smaller species but devastating to higher forms. Our bodies wasted away. We're trapped in this gaseous state. THE DOCTOR So that's why you need the corpses. GELTH We want to stand tall. To feel the sunlight. To live again. We need a physical form, and your dead are abandoned. They're going to waste, give them to us! ROSE But we can't! THE DOCTOR Why not? ROSE It's not... I mean, it's not... THE DOCTOR Not decent? Not polite? It could save their lives. They stare at each other for a moment. GELTH Open the rift. Let the Gelth through. We're dying. Help us. Pity the Gelth! They disappear and Gwyneth collapses forwards onto the table. Rose gets up immediately and goes to her. ROSE Gwyneth! DICKENS All true. ROSE (to Gwyneth) Are you okay? DICKENS It's all true. The Doctor is silent. INT. SNEED'S PARLOUR Rose is mopping Gwyneth's forehead as she lies asleep on a couch. Slowly, her eyes open. She fidgets. ROSE It's alright. You just sleep. GWYNETH But my angels, miss. They came, didn't they? They need me? The Doctor is leaning on a wall just behind Rose. THE DOCTOR They do need you, Gwyneth. You're they're only chance of survival. ROSE (turns angrily) I've told you, leave her alone. She's exhausted and she's not fighting your battles. The Doctor leans his head back and sighs. Rose turns back to Gwyneth and offers her a drink. ROSE Drink this. SNEED Well, what did you say, Doctor? Explain it again. What are they? THE DOCTOR Aliens. SNEED Like... foreigners, you mean? THE DOCTOR Pretty foreign, yeah. From up there. He points skywards. SNEED Brecon? THE DOCTOR Close. They've been trying to get through from Brecon to Cardiff but the road's blocked. Only a few can get through and even then they're weak. They can only test drive the bodies for so long, then they have to revert to gas and hide in the pipes. DICKENS Which is why they need the girl. ROSE They're not having her. THE DOCTOR But she can help. Living on the rift, she's become part of it, she can open it up, make a bridge and let them through. DICKENS Incredible. Ghosts that are not ghosts but beings from another world who can only exist in our world by inhabiting cadavers. THE DOCTOR Good system. It might work. Rose gets up and walks over to the Doctor. ROSE You can't let them run around inside dead people! THE DOCTOR Why not? It's like recycling. ROSE Seriously though, you can't. THE DOCTOR Seriously though, I can. ROSE It's just... wrong! Those bodies were living people! We should respect them even in death! THE DOCTOR Do you carry a donor card? ROSE That's different, that's-- THE DOCTOR It is different, yeah. It's a different morality. Get used to it or go home. (Rose is silent. He speaks in softer tones -) You heard what they said, time's short. I can't worry about a few corpses when the last of the Gelth could be dying. ROSE I don't care, they're not using her. GWYNETH Don't I get a say, miss? Both Rose and the Doctor turn to look at her. ROSE Look. You don't understand what's going on. GWYNETH You would say that miss. Because that's very clear inside your head, that you think I'm stupid. ROSE That's not fair! GWYNETH It's true, though. Things might be very different where you're from. But here and now, I know my own mind. And the angels need me. Doctor, what do I have to do? THE DOCTOR You don't HAVE to do anything. GWYNETH They've been singing to me since I was a child. Sent by my mum on a holy mission. So tell me. The Doctor smiles at her. THE DOCTOR We need to find the rift. (approaches Sneed and Dickens) This house is on a weak spot, so there must be a spot that's weaker than any other. Mr. Sneed. What's the weakest part of this house? The place where most of the ghosts have been seen? SNEED That would be the Morgue. ROSE (still disgruntled) No chance you were gonna say 'gazebo', was there? Everyone looks at her. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, MORGUE The key turns in the Morgue, and they all troupe in, lead by the Doctor. THE DOCTOR Talk about Bleak House. ROSE The thing is, Doctor - the Gelth don't succeed. 'Cause I know they don't. I know for a fact there weren't corpses walking around in 1869. THE DOCTOR Time's in flux. It's changing every second. Your cozy little world could be rewritten like that. (clicks his fingers) Nothing is safe. Remember that. Nothing. DICKENS Doctor - I think the room is getting colder. ROSE Here they come. The Gelth flood into the room. Their leader positions itself in an archway. It has the voice of a child. GELTH You have come to help! Praise the Doctor! Praise him! ROSE Promise you won't hurt her! GELTH Hurry! Please. So little time. Pity the Gelth. THE DOCTOR I'll take you somewhere else after the transfer. Somewhere you can build proper bodies. This isn't a permanent solution, alright? GWYNETH My angels. I can help them live. THE DOCTOR Okay, where's the weak point? GELTH Here, beneath the arch. Gwyneth positions herself beneath the arch. GWYNETH Beneath the arch. Rose rushes to her. ROSE You don't have to do this. Gwyneth places her hands on Rose's cheeks. GWYNETH My angels. Rose staggers backwards. GELTH Establish the bridge, reach out of the void, let us through! GWYNETH Yes. I can see you! I can see you! Come! GELTH Bridgehead establishing. GWYNETH Come! Come to me! Come to this world, poor lost souls! GELTH It is begun! The bridge is made! Gwyneth's mouth opens and the Gelth pour out of it. GELTH (CONT'D) She has given herself to the Gelth! DICKENS There's rather a lot of them, eh? GELTH The bridge is open. We descend. Suddenly, the figure becomes demonic. The gas turns from blue to red. GELTH (CONT'D) The Gelth will come through in force. DICKENS You said that you were few in number! GELTH A few billion. And all of us in need of corpses. The bodies rise. SNEED Gwyneth... stop this! Listen to your master! This has gone far enough. Stop dabbling, child, leave these things alone. I beg of you-- ROSE Mr. Sneed! Get back! A corpse grabs Sneed from behind and holds him still while another of the Gelth fills his body through his mouth. The Doctor and Rose leap back. Mr Sneed looks up at them through blank, dead eyes. THE DOCTOR I think it's gone a little bit wrong. SNEED I have joined the legions of the Gelth. Come. March with us. DICKENS No! The corpses advance on the Doctor and Rose. GELTH We need bodies. All of you. Dead. The human race. Dead. They are backing the Doctor and Rose against a dungeon door. THE DOCTOR Gwyneth, stop them! Send them back! Now! GELTH Three more bodies. Make them vessels for the Gelth. DICKENS I-- I can't! I'm sorry! The Doctor looks behind him, spots the dungeon door, pushes Rose in there with him and slams it shut again so they are both locked in there. DICKENS (CONT'D) It's too much for me! I'm so-- He jumps and runs from the Morgue as one of the Gelth screeches and swoops at him. The corpses are clambering to get in the dungeon. GELTH Give yourself to glory. Sacrifice your lives for the Gelth. THE DOCTOR I trusted you. I pitied you! GELTH We don't want your pity! We want this world and all its flesh. They are rattling the door. THE DOCTOR Not while I'm alive. GELTH Then live no more. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY Dickens has run from the Morgue and rests panting against the door. The gaseous creatures swirl around the knocker, making it look exactly like the knocker from his story 'A Christmas Carol', and he runs again. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, MORGUE The Doctor and Rose are flattened against the dungeon wall while the Gelth are rattling the door. ROSE But I can't die. (looks at the Doctor for reassurance) Tell me I can't! I haven't even been born yet, it's impossible for me to die! Isn't it?! THE DOCTOR I'm sorry. EXT. SNEED AND COMPANY, STREET Dickens has run from the house altogether. One of the Gelth has followed him. GELTH Failing! Atmosphere hostile! The figure dives into a gas lamp. DICKENS (realising) Gas... Gas! INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, MORGUE ROSE But it's 1869, how can I die now? THE DOCTOR Time isn't a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You can be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th and it's all my fault. I brought you here. ROSE It's not your fault. I wanted to come. THE DOCTOR What about me? I saw the fall of Troy! World War Five! I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party, now I'm going to die in a dungeon! (horrified) In Cardiff! ROSE It's not just dying. We'll become one of them. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY Dickens rushes back into the house and begins to turn all the flames off the gas lamps, so that the gas is released into the air. Wheezing slightly, he covers his nose and mouth with a handkerchief. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, MORGUE ROSE We'll go down fighting, yeah? THE DOCTOR Yeah. ROSE Together? THE DOCTOR Yeah! They link hands. THE DOCTOR I'm so glad I met you. Rose looks up at him, surprised. ROSE Me too. They smile at each other. At that moment, Dickens rushes into the room. DICKENS Doctor! Turn OFF the flame, turn UP the gas! Now fill the room, all of it, now! THE DOCTOR What're you doing? DICKENS Turn it all on! Gas the place! He turns another one on. THE DOCTOR Brilliant. Gas! ROSE What, so we choke to death instead? DICKENS Am I correct, Doctor? These creatures are gaseous! THE DOCTOR Fill the room with gas, it'll draw them out of the host. Suck them into the air like poison from a wound! The corpses all decide to turn on Dickens instead. DICKENS I hope... oh, Lord. I hope that this theory will be validated soon. The corpses advance dangerously on him. DICKENS (CONT'D) If not immediately. THE DOCTOR Plenty more! He smashes a gas canister against the wall and all the creatures are sucked from the bodies with a scream. DICKENS It's working. The Doctor and Rose are free to come out of the dungeon. THE DOCTOR Gwyneth! Send them back! They lied, they're not angels. GWYNETH (simply) Liars. THE DOCTOR Look at me. If your mother and father could look down and see this, they'd tell you the same. They'd give you the strength. Now send them back! ROSE (choked) Can't breathe. THE DOCTOR Charles, get her out. Dickens grabs Rose's arm, but she shakes him off. ROSE I'm not leaving her! GWYNETH They're too strong. THE DOCTOR Remember that world you saw? Rose's world? All those people - non of it will exist unless you send them back through the rift. GWYNETH (firmly) I can't send them back. But I can hold them. Hold them in this place, hold them here. Get out. Her hand goes to her apron pocket and she takes out a box of matches. Rose rushes forwards. ROSE You can't! GWYNETH Leave this place! The Doctor grabs Rose's shoulders. THE DOCTOR Rose, get out, go now, I won't leave her while she's still in danger, now go! Dickens and Rose leave the Morgue. The Doctor holds his hand out for the matches. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Now give that to me. Gwyneth does not respond. INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, HALLWAY Dickens leads Rose back through the dark house, filled with gas. DICKENS This way! INT. SNEED AND COMPANY, MORGUE The Doctor places his hand on Gwyneth's neck, feeling for a pulse. His face falls. THE DOCTOR I'm sorry. (places a kiss on her forehead) Thank you. He runs from the Morgue. Gwyneth takes a match out of the box and waits for a few moments, to be sure the Doctor is safely out of the house. Then she strikes the match. EXT. SNEED AND COMPANY, STREET The whole house goes up in flames, the Doctor diving out of the doorway only just in time to join Rose and Dickens. Rose fixes him with a look that plainly asks why Gwyneth is not with him. The Doctor looks back at her. ROSE She didn't make it. THE DOCTOR I'm sorry. She closed the rift. DICKENS At such a cost. The poor child. Rose has not looked away from the Doctor. THE DOCTOR I did try, Rose, but Gwyneth was already dead. She had been for at least five minutes. ROSE What do you mean? THE DOCTOR I think she was dead from the minute she stood in that arch. ROSE But... she can't have, she spoke to us. She helped us - she saved us. How could she have done that? DICKENS There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Even for you, Doctor. ROSE She saved the world. A servant girl. No one will ever know. All three of them gaze at the burning house. EXT. ALLEYWAY The Doctor, Rose and Dickens have arrived back at the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR Right then, Charlie-boy, I've just got to go into my um... shed. Won't be long! He fits the key in the lock. ROSE (to Dickens) What're you going to do now? DICKENS I shall take the mail coach back to London. Quite literally post-haste. This is no time for me to be on my own. I shall spend Christmas with my family and make amends to them. After all I've learned tonight, there can be nothing more vital. THE DOCTOR You've cheered up! DICKENS (enthusiastically) Exceedingly! This morning, I thought I knew everything in the world and now I know I've just started! All these huge and wonderful notions, Doctor! I'm inspired. I must write about them! ROSE Do you think that's wise? DICKENS I shall be subtle at first. The Mystery of Edwin Drood still lacks an ending. Perhaps the killer was not the boy's uncle. Perhaps he was not of this earth. The Mystery of Edwin Drood and the Blue Elementals. I can spread the word! Tell the truth! THE DOCTOR Good luck with it. Nice to meet you. (shakes Dickens' hand) Fantastic. He turns back to the TARDIS door. ROSE Bye, then. And, thanks. She kisses him on the cheek. Dickens looks taken-aback. DICKENS Oh, my dear-- how modern. Thank you, but, I don't understand - in what way is this goodbye? Where are you going? THE DOCTOR You'll see. In the shed. He opens the door of the TARDIS. DICKENS Oh, my soul. Doctor, it's one riddle after another with you. But after all these revelations, there's one mystery you still haven't explained. Answer me this - who are you? A pause. THE DOCTOR Just a friend. Passing through. DICKENS But you have such knowledge of future times. I don't wish to impose on you, but I must ask you. My books. Doctor - do they last? THE DOCTOR Oh, yes! DICKENS For how long? THE DOCTOR Forever! Dickens tries to look pleased and modest at the same time. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Right. Shed. Come on, Rose... They both turn to the door. DICKENS In - in the box? Both of you? THE DOCTOR Down boy. See ya! The Doctor and Rose enter the TARDIS and shut the door after them. INT. TARDIS ROSE Doesn't that change history if he writes about blue ghosts? THE DOCTOR In a weeks time it's 1870, and that's the year he dies. Sorry. He'll never get to tell his story. They both look at the screen where they can see Dickens is still standing outside. ROSE Oh, no! He was so nice. THE DOCTOR But in your time, he was already dead! We've brought him back to life! He's more alive now than he's ever been, old Charlie-boy. Let's give him one last surprise. He hits a button and the engines rev up. They smile as they watch Dickens' face when the TARDIS disappears before his eyes. EXT. ALLEYWAY Laughing, Dickens' walks away from where the TARDIS stood. EXT. CARDIFF SQUARE Dickens emerges into the Square. PASSER-BY Merry Christmas, sir. DICKENS Merry Christmas to you. God bless us! Everyone! CLOSING CREDITS 1x04 "Aliens of London" EXT. POWELL ESTATE The TARDIS materializes. Both Rose and the Doctor step out. The Doctor leans against the door and folds his arms. ROSE How long have I been gone? THE DOCTOR About 12 hours. They laugh. ROSE Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum. THE DOCTOR What're you going to tell her? ROSE I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours? The Doctor gives something between a laugh and a snort. ROSE (CONT'D) No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later! (walks off, turns back) Oh - don't you disappear. The Doctor gives her a look to say 'as if I would' and she runs off in the direction of the flats. He settles himself against the TARDIS to wait for her. INT. STAIRWELL Rose runs up the stairs to her flat, grinning. EXT. POWELL ESTATE The Doctor wanders around with his arms folded outside and kicks an empty bottle across the yard. He spots a poster taped to a lamppost. He walks over to it and reads the writing 'Can You Help?' and sees a photograph of Rose. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Rose opens the door to her flat. ROSE I'm back! It was Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in? Her mum walks out of the kitchen holding a cup of tea. ROSE (CONT'D) So, what's been going on? How've you been? Jackie looks as though she has seen a ghost. ROSE (CONT'D) What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night. Jackie drops the cup of tea and it smashes on the floor. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Outside, the Doctor gets the gist of the poster and runs to the flats. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM JACKIE It's you. ROSE Of course it's me! JACKIE (shaken, teary) Oh, my God. It's you. Oh my God. She throws her arms around Rose, who looks alarmed. Then, over her sobbing mother's shoulder, she notices several variations of the same 'Where is Rose?' poster. At that moment, the Doctor comes crashing in. THE DOCTOR It's not 12 hours, it's er... 12 months. You've been gone a whole year. He laughs apologetically while Rose and Jackie both look at him, stunned. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Sorry. Jackie looks back at Rose, stroking her hair. OPENING CREDITS EXT. POWELL ESTATE A small boy is spraying the words 'Bad Wolf' onto the side of the TARDIS. He then picks up his bike and rides off. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM JACKIE (furious) The hours I've sat here. Days and weeks and months all on my own. I thought you were dead. And where were you? Travelling. What the hell does that mean? Travelling? That's no sort of answer. Rose is sitting in an armchair while Jackie is giving her all she's got. A policeman is sitting in the other armchair. JACKIE (CONT'D) (to the PC) You ask her. She won't tell me! That's all she says. Travelling. ROSE That's what I was doing. JACKIE (gesturing furiously) When your passport's still in the drawer? It's just one lie after another! ROSE I meant to phone, I really did, I just... I forgot. JACKIE What, for a year? You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here? I just don't believe you. Why won't you tell me where you've been? THE DOCTOR Actually, it's my fault. I sort of er, employed Rose as my companion. POLICEMAN When you say 'companion', is this a sexual relationship? THE DOCTOR/ROSE No! JACKIE (advancing dangerously on the Doctor) Then what is it? Because you, you waltz in here all charms and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the earth! How old are you then? 40? 45? What, you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor? THE DOCTOR I AM a Doctor! JACKIE Prove it! Stitch this, mate. She slaps him hard around the face. The Doctor groans loudly while Rose rolls her eyes. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie and Rose are hugging. JACKIE Did you think about me at all? They are both crying. Rose stands back slightly. ROSE I did! All the time! But... JACKIE One phone call. Just to know that you were alive! ROSE I'm sorry. I really am. JACKIE Do you know what terrifies me, is that you still can't say. What happened to you, Rose? What could be so bad that you can't tell me, sweetheart? Where were you? Rose cannot answer her. EXT. ROOF Rose is sitting on a wall and the Doctor is leaning against it. ROSE I can't tell her. I can't even begin... she's never gonna forgive me. And I missed a year? Was it good? THE DOCTOR Middling. ROSE You're so useless. THE DOCTOR Well, if it's this much trouble, are you gonna stay here now? ROSE I dunno. I can't do that to her again, though. THE DOCTOR Well, she's not coming with us. Rose bursts out laughing and the Doctor joins in. ROSE No chance. THE DOCTOR I don't do families. ROSE She slapped you! THE DOCTOR 900 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother. ROSE Your face. THE DOCTOR It hurt! ROSE You're so gay! The Doctor rubs his cheek, offended. ROSE When you say 900 years... THE DOCTOR That's my age. ROSE You're nine hundred years old. THE DOCTOR Yeah. ROSE My mum was right - that is one hell of an age gap. (jumps off the wall) Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and I'm the only person on planet earth who knows they exist. Right on cue, a spacecraft narrowly misses their heads as it falls from the sky and heads for for Central London. It smashes into Big Ben, then lands with a splash in the Thames. The Doctor and Rose stand up with their mouths open. ROSE (CONT'D) Oh, that's just not fair. The Doctor laughs gleefully, grabs her hand, and pulls her off in the direction of the action. EXT. STREET It is complete mayhem on the streets. The Doctor and Rose arrive on the scene. THE DOCTOR It's blocked off. ROSE We're miles from the centre. The scene must be grid locked. The whole of London must be closing down. THE DOCTOR I know, I can't BELIEVE I'm here to see this! This is fantastic! ROSE Did you know this was going to happen? THE DOCTOR Nope! ROSE Do you recognize the ship? THE DOCTOR Nope! ROSE Do you know why it crashed? THE DOCTOR Nope! ROSE Oh, I'm so glad I've got you. THE DOCTOR I bet you are! This is what I travel for, Rose! To see history happening right in front of us. ROSE Well, let's go and see it! Never mind the traffic, we've got the TARDIS! THE DOCTOR Better not. They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London, don't want to shove another one on top. ROSE Yeah, but yours looks like a big blue box. No one's going to notice. THE DOCTOR You'll be surprised, an emergency like this - there'll be all kinds of people watching. Trust me, the TARDIS stays where it is. Rose looks distinctly disgruntled. ROSE So, history's happening and we're stuck here. THE DOCTOR Yes, we are. ROSE We could always do what everybody else does. The Doctor looks at her questioningly. ROSE (CONT'D) We could watch it on TV. The Doctor looks as though this is a completely new idea to him. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM NEWS READER Big Ben destroyed as a UFO crash lands in Central London. Police reinforcements are drafted in from across the country to control wide-spread panic, looting and civil disturbance. A state of national emergency has been declared. Tom Hitchinson is at the scene. The Doctor and Rose are watching the TV intently. REPORTER The police urge the public not to panic. There's a help line number on screen right now if you're worried about friends or family. They the channel over to an American news channel. NEWS READER The military are on the lookout for more spaceships. Until then, all flights in North American air space have been grounded. They turn it back to News 24. REPORTER The army are sending divers into the wreck of the spaceship. No one knows what they're going to find. Back to the American channel. NEWS READER The President will address the nation live from the White House. But the Secretary General has asked that people watch the skies. Jackie comes in to give Rose a cup of tea. JACKIE I've got no choice! Either I make him welcome, or I run the risk of never seeing you again! Both Jackie and her friend Marianna babble on angrily. THE DOCTOR Oi! I'm trying to listen! NEWS READER ... his current whereabouts. News is just coming in, we can go to Tom at the embankments. REPORTER They've found a body. The Doctor raises his eyebrows. REPORTER (CONT'D) It's unconfirmed but I'm being told a body has been found in the wreckage. A body of non-terrestrial origins. It's being brought ashore. Jackie enters the room giving a bottle of wine to a couple of people. JACKIE Oh, guess who asked me out - Billy Crewe. The Doctor shakes his head. NEWS READER Unconfirmed reports say that the body is of extra-terrestrial origin. An extraordinary event unfolding here live here in Central London. The body is being transferred to a secure unit mortuary. The whereabouts is yet unknown. The TV changes channels a few times and comes to rest on Blue Peter. BLUE PETER PRESENTER And when you've stuck your things on, you can cover the whole lot... The Doctor tries to wrestle the TV remote off a toddler on his lap. BLUE PETER PRESENTER Ooo, look at that. Then, ice it, any colour you want - here's one I made a little bit earlier - look at that. Your very own spaceship ready to eat. And there's something a little extra special-- The Doctor changes the channel back to News 24. NEWS READER ... in hospital. REPORTER We still don't know whether it's alive or dead. Whitehall is denying everything. But the body has been brought here, Albian Hospital, the roads closed off - it's the closest to the river. The little boy hops off the Doctors lap and stands in front of the TV screen. The Doctor points violently sideways. THE DOCTOR Go on! The toddler wanders off. REPORTER I'm being told that... General Asquith is now entering the hospital. The building's evacuated. The patients have been moved out onto the streets. The police still won't confirm the presence of an alien body. Contained inside those walls... INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY A group of soldiers enter the mortuary inside the hospital. General Asquith approaches the table where the alien lies covered with a cloth. ASQUITH Let's have a look then. Dr Sato pulls back the cloth. ASQUITH (CONT'D) Good God. That's real? It's not a hoax or a dummy, or a...? Dr Sato shakes her head. DR SATO I've x-rayed the skull. It's wired up inside like nothing I've ever seen before. No one could make this up. ASQUITH We've got experts being flown in. Until they arrive... get that out of sight. She nods and covers the alien again. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY Two people shut the door of a mortuary shelf. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, CORRIDOR Dr Sato runs after Asquith as he makes to leave. DR SATO Excuse me, sir! The captain stops and turns to face her. DR SATO (CONT'D) I know it's a state of emergency and there's a lot of rumour flying around, but is it true, what they're saying? About the Prime Minister? The captain does not answer her. He leaves without another word, followed by soldiers. She stares after them then hurries in the opposite direction. EXT. DOWNING STREET REPORTER Mystery still surrounds there whereabouts of the prime minister. He's not been seen since the emergency began. The opposition are criticizing his lack of leadership. Hold on-- A man gets out of a car and enters 10 Downing Street. REPORTER (CONT'D) Oh - that's Joseph Green, MP for Hartley Dale. He's chairman of the parliamentary commission on the monitoring of sugar standards in exported confectionary. With respect, hardly the most important person right now. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET RECEPTION When Joseph Green enters 10 Downing Street, his hand is shaken by the Junior Secretary. INDRA Indra Ganesh. Junior secretary. I'll be your liaison. JOSEPH Where the hell is he? INDRA If we could talk in private, sir. Follow me, upstairs. A woman approaches them from behind. HARRIET Excuse me! Harriet Jones. MP for Flydale North. INDRA I'm sorry, can it wait? HARRIET But I did have an appointment at 3:15. INDRA Yes. And a spaceship crashed in the middle of London. I think the schedule might have changed. The two men turn away from her and make their way up the stairs. INDRA You've heard about the alien body, sir? JOSEPH Never mind that, where is he? Where's the Prime Minister? INDRA No one knows, sir. He's disappeared. I have to inform you with the city grid locked and the cabinet stranded that makes you acting Prime Minister. With immediate effect. JOSEPH Oh, Lord. Oh, hold on-- (farts loudly) Pardon me... nervous stomach. Anyway... INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM CORRIDOR They run up the stairs. Indra indicates a fat blonde woman. INDRA Margaret Blaine. She's with MI5. MARGARET There's no more information, sir. I personally escorted the Prime Minister from the cabinet room to his car - this is Oliver Charles, transport liaison. OLIVER The car's disappeared. There's no record of it, sir - it literally vanished. JOSEPH Right, er - inside, tell me everything. He ushers them into the cabinet room. INDRA Er, sir? Joseph turns around and Indra holds a red case out to him. INDRA (CONT'D) The emergency protocols. Detailing the actions to be taken by the government of Great Britain in the event of an alien incursion. JOSEPH Right! Good! (farts) Blimey! Indra looks slightly worried. JOSEPH (CONT'D) Pardon me. (takes the case) Get to work, eh? INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM He enters the room after Margaret and Oliver and slams the case down on the long table. He then looks across at them and starts laughing. A few seconds later they join in. Soon, they are all in hysterics. EXT. TYLERS' FLAT It is dark. The Doctor slips outside the back door of Rose's flat. Rose emerges after him. ROSE And where do you think you're going? THE DOCTOR Nowhere! It's just a bit human in there for me. History just happened and they're talking about where you can buy dodgy top up cards for half price. I'm off on a wander, that's all. ROSE Right - there's a spaceship on the Thames and you're just 'wandering'. THE DOCTOR Nothing to do with me! It's not an invasion! That was a genuine crash landing. Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything! It's perfect! ROSE So... THE DOCTOR So maybe this is it! First contact! The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. I'm not interfering because you've GOT to handle this on your own. That's when the human race finally grows up. Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay! Now you can expand! He laughs in delight. Rose smiles. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You don't need me - go and celebrate history. Spend some time with your mum. He walks away. ROSE Promise you won't disappear? The Doctor stops and turns around again. He feels his jacket pockets. THE DOCTOR Tell you what - TARDIS key. (hands it to her) About time you had one. (grins) See you later! He leaves. Rose looks down at the key in her hand, closes her fist around it and walks back to the flat door, looking distinctly chuffed. EXT. POWELL ESTATE The Doctor leaves the block of flats. There is a raucous party on the third floor with a banner hanging over the balcony saying "THE ALIENS HAVE LANDED". A banner hanging from another window says "WELCOME TO OUR WORLD". A woman spots the Doctor and calls down to him. WOMAN Hey, gorgeous! Come back and join the party! Mickey emerges onto another balcony higher up. He picks up a trainer, smells it, and makes a face of disgust. He watches the Doctor look at a sign in a shop window saying "ELLO ET" and then does a double take as the Doctor walks up to the TARDIS taking a bunch of keys out of his pocket. MICKEY Oh my God! He runs back inside taking the smelly trainers with him. INT. TARDIS The Doctor enters the TARDIS, grinning. He runs to the console, smacks down a few buttons and turns a handle and beams up at it when it starts to move. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Outside, the TARDIS begins to disappear just as Mickey runs out of the flats. MICKEY Oi, Doctor! Doctooooooooooooooor! He sprints up to the TARDIS and throws himself at it, but just ends up hitting the heavily graffitied corrugated iron behind it and falls backwards from the impact. He gets up again and brushes himself down, casting furtive looks around him to make sure no one saw him. He then walks off with as much dignity as he can muster. INT. TARDIS The console starts to smoke. Looking slightly put-out, the Doctor hits it a couple of times with a hammer. Amazingly, this helps, and the Doctor kisses the hammer and gazes up at the console with a childish beam on his face. EXT. DOWNING STREET 10 Downing Street is heavily guarded on the outside. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM CORRIDOR Harriet Jones places a cup of coffee on Indra's desk. He looks up at her. HARRIET I bet no one's bought you a coffee. She laughs slightly. INDRA Thank you. HARRIET Pleasure. He picks the cup up. She doesn't leave, but looks down at him expectantly. INDRA You still can't go in. HARRIET Damn, you've seen through my cunning plan. INDRA Look, I'm sorry. It's just impossible. He gets up. HARRIET Not even for two minutes? He shakes his head. HARRIET (CONT'D) I don't get many chance to walk these corridors. I'm hardly one of the babes - just a faithful back bencher. And I know we've had a brave new world land right on our doorstep, and that's wonderful. I think that's probably wonderful. Nevertheless, ordinary life keeps ticking away. (rifles through her handbag and pulls out a folder) I need to enter this paper. Joseph Green, Margaret Blaine and Oliver Charles emerge from the cabinet room. HARRIET (CONT'D) Oh! Mr. Green, sir, I know you're busy, but could you put this on the next cabinet agenda? JOSEPH What is it? HARRIET Cottage hospitals-- Joseph looks at Indra in alarm who gives an apologetic and resigned wave of his hand. HARRIET (CONT'D) I've worked out a system whereby cottage hospitals do not have to be excluded from centers of excellence. You see, my mother's in the Flydale infirmary. That's my constituency - tiny lisle place, you wouldn't know it - but to give me a chance to-- JOSEPH By all the saints, get some perspective, woman! I'm busy. All of them, including Indra, file out of the room, each giving her a funny look as they pass. Harriet is left alone holding her papers. She looks to make sure they are really gone, then slips into the cabinet room. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Harriet places her papers on the table, on top of the emergency protocols. She then seems to change her mind and picks them up again. She opens the case and puts it inside instead. Satisfied, she is just about to close it again when she spots the folder with "Emergency Protocols - Classified Information" written on the front. She sits on the chair in front of the case and opens the folder. She begins to read the first page with a look of awe on her face. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY Dr Sato settles herself in front of her desk, picks a pen up and begins to write. She hears a thumping noise in the distance. She pauses for a moment but then decides to ignore it. Then she hears it again. She turns around. The thumping repeats itself over and over again. It seems to be coming from the place where the alien was put. She stares at it warily. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, STOREROOM The Doctor emerges from the TARDIS, which seems to have landed squashed up in a small storeroom. He looks around in slight confusion and then makes his way to the door. He turns on his sonic screwdriver, which makes a loud buzzing noise. He turns it off again hurriedly. THE DOCTOR Shh! INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY Dr Sato edges towards the door of the alien's cupboard. The thumping has become even more frantic, as though something is running around inside, banging against the walls. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, STOREROOM The Doctor finishes unlocking the door, puts his sonic screwdriver away and opens it. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, ANTEROOM The Doctor finds himself in a room where about 20 soldiers are sitting around talking and laughing. They fall silent when he opens the door. There is a pause while they all stare at each other, then they all leap to their feet and point their guns at him. The Doctor grins. Again. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY Dr Sato approaches the door. She pulls it open and screams. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, ANTEROOM Upon hearing the scream, the Doctor stops smiling and runs to the door. THE DOCTOR Defence part delta! Come on, move, move! All the soldiers follow him from the room in the direction of the scream. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, CORRIDOR They run down the corridors. The Doctor spots Dr Sato cowering on the floor. DR SATO It's alive! The Doctor turns to the men behind him. THE DOCTOR Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lock down. He runs to Dr Sato's side and holds her hands. DR SATO My God - it's still alive. The men are still standing there watching them. THE DOCTOR Do it! They run off and start searching the building. The Doctor turns back to Dr Sato. Blood is leaking out from under her hairline. DR SATO I swear it was dead. THE DOCTOR Coma - shock - hibernation - anything. What does it look like? There is a slight sound from behind him. He turns around quickly. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It's still here. He stands up and beckons another soldier into the room. He walks forward quietly, looking for the source of the sound. When he hears another rattling, he drops to his knees and crawls to peer behind the desk. From the other side of the desk, the face of a pig peers back at him, snorting. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Hello! The pig squeals in terror and runs across the room. The soldier readies his gun. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Don't shoot! The pig runs along the corridor. One of the soldiers points his gun at it and shoots before the Doctor can stop him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What did you do that for? It was scared! The soldier looks from him to the pig in alarm. The Doctor crouches down to look at the pig. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It was scared. He strokes the pig as it dies. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Harriet Jones hears voices approaching the cabinet room. ASQUITH I've got the White House phoning me direct because Downing Street won't answer their calls! This is outrageous! We haven't even started the vaccination prota. This is appalling. The nations of the world are watching the United Kingdom! JOSEPH Well, it has all been a bit of a shock. ASQUITH This is the greatest crisis in modern history and you've done nothing! Your behaviour has been shameful, sir. You're supposed to be in charge and we need positive leadership. The capital's ground to a halt. They enter the room. Harriet disappears into a cupboard just in time. ASQUITH Furthermore, we can only assume that the Prime Minister's disappearance is the direct result of hostile alien action. And what have you been doing? Nothing. JOSEPH Sorry! Sorry. Uh... I thought I was Prime Minister now. ASQUITH Only by default. JOSEPH Ooooh, that's not fair! I've been having such fun. The Captain looks outraged. ASQUITH You think this is FUN? JOSEPH It's a hoot, this job. Joseph, Margaret and Oliver all start to laugh. MARGARET Honestly! It's super! Oliver farts. OLIVER Oh! S'cuse me! (farts again) Ooo! They burst out laughing again. ASQUITH What's going on here? And where's the rest of the cabinet? Why haven't they been air lifted in? JOSEPH Cancelled it. They'd only get in the way. (farts) Oh, there I go. He farts twice more, heartily. Margaret joins in. MARGARET Oh, and me! I'm shaking my booty. More hysterical laughter punctuated by farts. ASQUITH Sir! Under section 5 of the emergency protocols, it is my duty to relieve you of command. Joseph stops laughing and looks up at the captain darkly. ASQUITH And by God, I'll put this country under marshal law if I have to. JOSEPH (sarcastically) Oh, I'm SCARED. I mean, that's hair raising. I mean, literally. Look! He unzips his forehead. A bright blue light shines from the gap. Bewildered, the captain looks at the other two, who also unzip their foreheads. Where she is watching from a crack through the door, Harriet's eyes widen in shock. There are some disgusting and worrying noises from the cabinet room and Harriet leans back against the wall of the cupboard, horrified. INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, MORTUARY Dr Sato and the Doctor are standing over the pig's body. DR SATO I just assumed that's what alien's look like. But you're saying it's an ordinary pig? From Earth? THE DOCTOR More like a mermaid. Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat and gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now, someone's taken a pig, opened up it's brain, stuck bits on... then they strapped it in that ship and made it dive bomb. It must've been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke. DR SATO So it's a fake. A pretend. Like the mermaid. But the technology augmenting its brain... it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. But why would they do that...? (turns to face the Doctor, only to find he has vanished) Doctor? (hurries from room after him) INT. ALBION HOSPITAL, CORRIDOR Dr Sato looks up and down a long corridor DR SATO Doctor? She turns as she hears the sound of the TARDIS engines. Obviously, she does not know what this sound is. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Rose's sitting room is extremely crowded. Jackie raises her wine glass in a toast. JACKIE Here's to the Martians! EVERYONE The Martians! Mickey appears in the doorway. The laughter dies away as he stares at Rose in her armchair. She looks around to see why everyone has gone quiet and sits up quickly when she sees him standing there. ROSE I was gonna come and see you. He just stares at her. WOMAN Someone owes Mickey an apology. ROSE I'm sorry. WOMAN Not you. (looks at Jackie) JACKIE It's not my fault. Be fair. What was I supposed to think? (gives Mickey a look and walks into the kitchen) INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN MICKEY You disappear - who do they turn to? Your boyfriend. Five times, I was taken in for questioning. Five times. No evidence, of course there couldn't be, could there. And then I get her - your mother. (points at Jackie who rolls her eyes) Whispering around the estate - pointing the finger - stuff through my letterbox - and all 'cos of you. ROSE I didn't think I'd be gone so long. MICKEY And I waiting for you, Rose! Twelve months. Waiting for you and the Doctor to come back. JACKIE Hold on, you knew about the Doctor? Why didn't you tell me? Mickey notices someone trying to listen through the window into the kitchen. He slams them shut and closes the door. MICKEY Yeah, yeah. Why not, Rose? Huh? How could I tell her where you went? JACKIE Tell me now. MICKEY I might as well, 'cos you're stuck here. The Doctor's gone. Just now, that box thing just faded away. ROSE What do you mean? MICKEY He's left you. Some boyfriend HE turned out to be. Rose runs from the kitchen, grabbing a jacket from the back of the door on her way out. Mickey follows her. Jackie stays sitting down, looking frustrated. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose and Mickey are standing at the spot where the TARDIS was parked. ROSE He wouldn't just go, he promised me. MICKEY Oh, he's dumped you, Rose. Sailed off into space. How does it feel, huh? Now you are left behind with the rest of us Earthlings. Get used to it. ROSE But he would have said. Jackie walks over to them. JACKIE What're you two chimps going on about? What's going on? What's this Doctor done now? Mickey chortles. MICKEY He's vamoosed! ROSE (angrily) He's not! 'Cos he gave me this! She shows him the TARDIS key. Mickey gives a 'so what?' sort of shrug. ROSE (CONT'D) He's not my boyfriend, Mickey, he's better than that. He's much more important than-- She breaks off as the TARDIS key starts to glow in time with the sound of the TARDIS engines. ROSE (CONT'D) I said so. The engines get louder. Rose turns to her mother. ROSE (CONT'D) (urgently) Mum! Mum, go inside. Mum, don't stand there, just go inside. Just-- mum, go-- But Jackie is not listening to her. She is staring transfixed over Rose's shoulder, where the TARDIS is appearing out of thin air. The engines grind to a halt. Mickey points to the TARDIS meaningfully. MICKEY Uh? Jackie stares at it in amazement. JACKIE How'd you do that, then? Rose looks at her warily. INT. TARDIS Rose enters the TARDIS where the Doctor is looking at the computer screen. THE DOCTOR Alright, so I lied! I went and had a look, but the whole crash landing's a fake - I thought so, it's just too perfect. I mean, 'hitting Big Ben' come on, so I thought let's go and have a look-- ROSE My mum's here. The door creaks open and Jackie and Mickey enter. The Doctor looks around. THE DOCTOR Oh, that's JUST what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic! MICKEY You ruined my life, Doctor. The Doctor spins smoothly around to face him. MICKEY (CONT'D) They thought she was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you. THE DOCTOR (to Rose) See what I mean? Domestic. The Doctor spins back to face the computer screen. Mickey takes a few steps towards him. MICKEY I bet you don't even remember my name! THE DOCTOR Ricky. MICKEY It's Mickey. THE DOCTOR No, it's Ricky. MICKEY I think I know my own name. THE DOCTOR You THINK you know your own name? How stupid are you? Jackie, who has been looking around the TARDIS with a bewildered expression, turns and runs outside again. ROSE Mum, don't! (to the Doctor) Don't go anywhere! (to Mickey) Don't start a fight! EXT. POWELL ESTATE Jackie runs outside and back to the flats. Rose pursues her out of the doors. ROSE (CONT'D) Mum, it's not like that! He's not-- I'll be up in a minute, hold on! INT. TARDIS She runs back inside the TARDIS and back to the Doctor's side, where he is looking at his monitor again. ROSE (CONT'D) That was a REAL spaceship? THE DOCTOR Yep! ROSE So, it's all a pack of lies? What is it then, are they invading? Mickey is on tip-toes peering at the screen over their shoulders. MICKEY Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert. THE DOCTOR (mildly impressed) Good point! So, what're they up to? INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM On the TV, a news channel - footage of the spaceship crash landed in the Thames. REPORTER As the crisis continues and the government shows remarkable lack of leadership, paranoia sweeps the country. Jackie is sitting on the end of her bed, looking frustrated and restless. She sighs and kneads her forehead. REPORTER (CONT'D) There have been at least three reports of public assaults on people publicly identified as aliens. Jackie's look of anxiety increases. REPORTER (CONT'D) And now back to Tom Kitchnenson. Jackie falls back onto the bed, her hands over her face. TOM KITCHENSON Are there more ships to come? Jackie turns her attention to the television. TOM KITCHENSON (CONT'D) What is their intention? The authorities are now asking if ANYONE knows ANYTHING. If any previous sighting has been made, then call this number. Jackie reaches for the telephone. TOM KITCHENSON (CONT'D) We need your help. Jackie dials the number on the screen. The first two times it is engaged. The third time, she manages to get through. JACKIE Yes! I've seen one. I really have - an alien. And she's with him! My daughter, she's with him. And she's not safe. Oh, my God... she's not safe. Jackie exhales and sits back down on the foot of the bed. JACKIE (CONT'D) I've seen an alien. And I know his name, he's called 'The Doctor'. INT. COMPUTER SCREEN The words 'The Doctor' are typed into a computer. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM JACKIE It's a box. A blue box. INT. COMPUTER SCREEN 'Blue Box' is typed in. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM JACKIE She called it a 'TARDIS'. INT. COMPUTER SCREEN 'TARDIS' is typed in. An alarm goes off. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM Indra enters at a run - the computer screen is flashing the words 'RED ALERT - THE THE DOCTOR'. INT. TARDIS Inside the TARDIS, Mickey peers curiously down at the Doctor, where he is once again wedged under the console. MICKEY So, what're you doing down there? THE DOCTOR (muffled, due to the sonic screwdriver he's holding between his teeth) Ricky. MICKEY Mickey. THE DOCTOR (takes the sonic screwdriver out of his mouth to make himself clearer) Ricky. Mickey rolls his eyes, irked. THE DOCTOR If I was to tell you what I was doing to the controls of my frankly magnificent time ship, would you even begin to understand? MICKEY I suppose not... THE DOCTOR Shut it, then. He puts the sonic screwdriver back between his teeth. Mickey gives him the evil eye, and moves back round the console to where Rose is standing. MICKEY Some friend you've got. ROSE He's winding you up. Mickey still looks slightly upset. He does not answer. ROSE I am sorry. MICKEY It's okay. ROSE (earnestly) I am, though! MICKEY Every day, I looked. On every street corner, wherever I went, looking for a blue box for a whole year. ROSE It's only been a few days for me. I don't know, it's... it's hard to tell inside this thing but I swear it's just a few days since I left you. MICKEY Not enough time to miss me, then? ROSE (smiles) I did miss you. MICKEY I missed you. ROSE So, erm... in twelve months, have you been seeing anyone else? MICKEY No. ROSE Kay... MICKEY Mainly because everyone thinks I murdered you. ROSE Right. MICKEY So... now that you've come back... are you gonna stay? He leans in to kiss her, but the moment is broken by the sound of sparks from beneath the console. THE DOCTOR Got it! Haha! Rose moves to the other side of the console to join him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of the spaceship, here we go... hold on... (whacks the computer screen) Come on! (shows Rose the graphic on the screen) That's the spaceship on it's way to Earth... see? Except... hold on... see, the spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed. ROSE What does that mean? THE DOCTOR It means it came from Earth in the first place - it went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived. They've been here for a while. The question is, what have they been doing? INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM In the cabinet room, the alien who was previously inside the body of Oliver is now finishing putting on the skin suit of the General Asquith. ASQUITH What do you think? How's the compression? I think I've got too much ballast round the middle... (farts) Ah, that's better. From the cupboard, Harriet Jones's eyes widen with shock and confusion. MARGARET We've really got to fix the gas exchange. It's getting ridiculous. JOSEPH I don't know, it seems very human to me. Ah, better get rid of his skin... Asquith picks up the discarded skin of Oliver. ASQUITH Shame! I quite enjoyed being Oliver. He had a wife, a mistress, and a young farmer. He makes towards the cupboard where Harriet is standing. She retreats further to the back. He opens the door and chucks the skin inside. He looks back at Margaret and Joseph. ASQUITH (CONT'D) God, I was busy. They laugh. He shuts the door again. JOSEPH Back to work! ASQUITH I have an army to command! MARGARET Careful now... They leave the room, their voices retreating. Harriet picks up the discarded skin of Oliver, and examines it. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM CORRIDOR Indra rushes up to Margaret, Asquith and Joseph. INDRA General Asquith! Sir - we've had a priority alarm. It's code nine confirmed code nine. Harriet Jones hurries out of the cupboard. ASQUITH Code nine, huh? Which would mean...? Margaret gives a small and apologetic laugh while Joseph shakes his head behind him. INDRA Well, in the event of the emergency protocols being activated... we've got software that automatically searches all communications for key words. And one of those words is 'Doctor'. I think we've found him, sir. MARGARET What sort of Doctor? Who is he? INDRA Well, evidently he's some sort of expert in extra-terrestrial affairs, the ultimate expert! And we need him, sir. We need him here right now! Harriet pulls a face. INT. TARDIS The Doctor is switching the television from channel to channel. MICKEY How many channels do you get? THE DOCTOR All the basic packages. MICKEY You get sports channels? THE DOCTOR Yes, I get the football. (looks back at the screen) Hold on, I know that bloke. REPORTER It is looking likely that the government is bringing in alien specialists - those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space. THE DOCTOR UNIT! United Nations Intelligence Task force - good people. ROSE How do you know them? MICKEY 'Cos he's worked for them. Yeah, don't think I sat on my backside for twelve months, Doctor. I read up on you. You look deep enough on the Internet... and in the history books, and there's his name. Followed by a list of the dead. THE DOCTOR That's nice. Good boy, Ricky. ROSE If you know them, why don't you go and help? THE DOCTOR They wouldn't recognize me. I've changed a lot since the old days. Besides, the world's on a knife-edge. There's aliens out there and fake aliens. We want to keep this alien out of the mix. I'm going undercover... and eh, better keep the TARDIS out of site. Rickey! You've got a car - you can do some driving. He walks towards the TARDIS door. MICKEY Where to?! THE DOCTOR The roads are clearing. Let's go and have a look at that spaceship. EXT. POWELL ESTATE They step out of the TARDIS to the sound of helicopters - they are immediately caught out by a searchlight. LOUDSPEAKER Do not move! Police cars and soldiers surround them, pointing guns and them and preventing their escape. Mickey makes a run for it. Jackie runs out of the flats and tries to get to Rose but two soldiers restrain her. JACKIE No! Mickey is hiding behind some dustbins. The Doctor and Rose are standing in the centre looking slightly confused in the searchlight. LOUDSPEAKER Raise your hands above your head! You are under arrest! The Doctor and Rose obey. THE DOCTOR Take me to your leader! INT. CAR Rose clambers into the back of a police car next to the Doctor. The door shuts and they drive off. ROSE This is a bit posh. If I knew it was gonna be like this - being arrested - I'd have done it years ago. THE DOCTOR We're not being arrested, we're being escorted! ROSE Where to? THE DOCTOR Where'd you think? Downing Street! He laughs. Rose joins in. ROSE You're kidding. THE DOCTOR I'm not! ROSE 10 Downing Street? THE DOCTOR That's the one! Rose laughs with glee. ROSE Oh, my God! I'm going to 10 Downing Street? The Doctor nods, grinning. ROSE How come? THE DOCTOR I hate to say it, but Mickey was right. Over the years I've visited this planet a lot of times, and I've been, uh - noticed. ROSE Now they need you? THE DOCTOR Like it said on the news - they're gathering experts in alien knowledge. And who's the biggest expert of the lot? He grins expectantly at her. ROSE Patrick Moore? THE DOCTOR Apart from him! ROSE Ah, don't you just love it... THE DOCTOR I'm telling you, Lloyd George - he used to drink me under the table. Who's the Prime Minister now? ROSE How should I know? I missed a year. EXT. DOWNING STREET The car pulls up outside 10 Downing Street. The paparazzi and hundreds of police men are there. The Doctor gets out of the car and waves at them all, grinning manically. Rose smiles nervously and the looks up at 10 Downing Street. ROSE (under her breath) Oh my God! She follows the Doctor inside. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Jackie is talking to three police officers. JACKIE So, she's alright then? She's not in any trouble? STRICKLAND Well, all I can say is, your daughter and her 'companion' might be in a position to help the country. We'll need to know how she made contact with this man - if he is a man. (sits down with a loud grumble from his belly) Oh! Right - off you go then. I need to talk to Mrs Tyler on my own, thank-you. The other two police officers exit the flat. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET RECEPTION Harriet Jones slips inconspicuously down the stairs. She enters a room where the alien experts are standing around talking, waiting for the meeting to begin. She flashes her ID card at the policeman standing guard at the door. HARRIET Harriet Jones - MP - Flydale North. She mingles amongst the people. Indra enters. INDRA Ladies and Gentlemen, could we convene? Quick as we can, please. It's this way on the right and can I remind you, ID cards are to be worn at all times. (approaches the Doctor, gives him an ID card) Here's your ID card. I'm sorry, your companion doesn't have clearance. THE DOCTOR I don't go anywhere without her. (loops the ID card around his neck) INDRA You're the code nine, not her. Harriet sidles up to them. INDRA (CONT'D) I'm sorry, Doctor... it is the Doctor, isn't it? She'll have to stay outside. THE DOCTOR She's staying with me. INDRA Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let her in and that's a fact. ROSE (to the Doctor) It's alright, you go. Harriet appears at Indra's shoulder. HARRIET Excuse me? Are you the Doctor? Indra looks positively exasperated. INDRA Not now, we're busy - can't you go home? THE DOCTOR (to Rose) Are you sure? ROSE Yeah, they're the experts, you should hear what they've got to say. THE DOCTOR I s'pose so. Don't get into any trouble. The Doctor follows the other experts into the room. HARRIET (to Indra) I just need a word in private. INDRA You haven't got clearance, now leave it! (takes Rose's arm) I'm going to have to leave you with security. (begins to lead her away) HARRIET It's alright. I'll look after her. Let me be of some use. (to Rose) Walk with me. Just keep walking... They walk past the guards at the door. HARRIET (CONT'D) That's right... don't look round! Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North. (shows Rose her ID card) INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM The experts are sitting down in their seats. Joseph and Asquith make their way to the desk at the front. The Doctor enters last and takes a seat at the back of the room, reading the booklet he finds on the chair extremely quickly. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, DOWNSTAIRS CORRIDOR Harriet is outside in the corridor talking to Rose. HARRIET (upset and distressed) This friend of yours... he's an expert, is that right? He knows about aliens? ROSE Why do you wanna know? Harriet breaks down into tears. Rose takes her arms awkwardly in an attempt to comfort her. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM ASQUITH Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to have your attention please. As you can see from the summaries in front of you, the ship had one porcine occupant-- THE DOCTOR Now, the REALLY interesting bit happened three days ago, see, filed away under every other business. The North Sea - the satellite detected a signal, a little blip of radiation at one hundred fathoms like there was something down there... you were just about to investigate and the next thing you know, this happens - spaceships, pigs - massive diversion - from what? INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Harriet Jones is back in the cabinet room and showing Rose the body suit of Oliver. HARRIET They turned the body into a suit! A disguise for the thing inside! (bursts into tears again) ROSE It's alright! I believe you. It's... it's alien. They must have some SERIOUS technology behind this... if we could find it... (starts rummaging around the room) ... we could use it. She opens a cupboard and the Prime Minister's body falls out. Rose and Harriet hurry to examine it. ROSE (CONT'D) Oh, my God! Is that--? Indra enters. INDRA Harriet, for God's sake! This has gone beyond a joke - you cannot just wander-- (spots the body on the floor) Oh, my God. That's the Prime Minister! INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM The Doctor is still lecturing the experts, Asquith and Joseph. THE DOCTOR If aliens fake an alien crash and an alien pilot, what do they get? (a pause as he works it out) Us. They get us. It's not a diversion, it's a trap. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM MARGARET Ohhh! Indra, Rose and Harriet turn to see Margaret enter the cabinet room. MARGARET (CONT'D) Has someone been naughty? They look at each other. Margaret shuts the door behind her. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie goes into the kitchen. She is still speaking to the officer, Strickland. JACKIE It was bigger on the inside. I dunno, what do I know about spaceships? STRICKLAND That's what worries me. You see, this man is classified as 'trouble'. Which means that anyone associated with him IS trouble. (looks at Jackie through the hatch, retreats back into the living room) And that's my job. (takes off his hat to reveal a zip on his forehead) Eliminating trouble. He starts to undo the zip, filling the room with a blue light. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM INDRA That's impossible. He left this afternoon. The Prime Minister left Downing Street, he was driven away! MARGARET And who told you that? Hmm? (walks to the baffled Indra) Me. (strokes the hair from her forehead) INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM THE DOCTOR This is all about us. The experts all look intrigued. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Alien experts - the only people with knowledge how to fight them gathered together in one room. Joseph farts. The Doctor raises his eyebrows and fixes him with a pointed look. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world? JOSEPH Would you rather silent but deadly? Asquith and Joseph snigger. The Doctor stares at them. Asquith takes off his hat and undoes the zip on his forehead while Joseph laughs manically. Asquith pulls the skin suit down and reveals the Slitheen inside. The Doctor stares at him, transfixed. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Margaret pulls her skin suit, revealing herself to the disgust and shock of Indra, Harriet and Rose. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie pauses halfway through making the tea. The flickering blue light is filling the whole flat. She tentatively walks to the kitchen door. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM Asquith finishes shrugging off his skin suit. Joseph is still cackling evilly. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie, now framed in the doorway of the kitchen, beholds the alien. Her eyes widen with shock. She takes deep breaths. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Margaret is now entirely out of her skin suit. She stands before Rose, Indra and Harriet who all look astounded. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM Asquith, also out of his skin suit, straightens up and addresses the room. SLITHEEN/ASQUITH We are the Slitheen. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Margaret roars in delight and grabs Indra between her claws, pinning him up against the wall. He shouts as she strangles him. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN The Slitheen advances on Jackie. She screams and backs against the counter, sinking against it as the Slitheen raises his claw to strike. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM JOSEPH Thank you all for wearing your ID cards. (takes a weapon from his pocket, at the ready--) They'll help to identify the bodies. He presses the button. Everyone in the room is bathed in electric light. The Doctor falls to his knees in pain. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Margaret strangles Indra. Harriet and Rose wince. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie screams as the Slitheen prepares to strike. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM The Doctor shouts in pain as his whole body shakes. Joseph has a savage pleasure in his eyes. Asquith laughs. TO BE CONTINUED CLOSING CREDITS 1x05 "World War Three" A recap of 1x04 "Aliens of London". INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM With a huge effort, the Doctor manages to shake the electricity from his body. Sweating, he staggers to his feet with it held in his hand. THE DOCTOR Deadly to humans, maybe. He plunges it into the chest of the Slitheen. Both Joseph and the Slitheen howl with pain. OPENING CREDITS INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Margaret, also covered in the electricity, drops Indra's body from the wall. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN In the kitchen, the Slitheen who was attacking Jackie is also suffering. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM The Doctor dashes to the door, past the bodies. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Rose grabs Harriet's hand and they run from the room, Harriet whimpering slightly, Rose just looking terrified. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie is still crouched on the floor in horror, watching the alien screeching in pain. Mickey appears in the doorway. MICKEY Jackie! He whacks the Slitheen over the head with a chair, grabs Jackie's arms and pulls her out of the kitchen. He pauses in the doorway to take his phone out of his pocket and snap a picture of the Slitheen. He grins, and then runs to join Jackie. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, RECEPTION The Doctor finds security all gathered in reception. THE DOCTOR Oi! You want aliens - you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. (claps his hands) Come on! He leads them in the direction of the conference room, their guns at the ready. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM Joseph finally manages to deactivate the weapon, and the electricity disappears. He picks up the skin suit of General Asquith. SLITHEEN/ASQUITH Reinstate my disguise! Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry! Joseph hastens to help the Slitheen into the skin suit. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDORS Rose and Jackie run down a corridor. HARRIET No, wait! (they stop) They're still in there! The emergency protocols! We need them! She runs back in the direction of the cabinet room. Rose follows her, but they are quickly forced to change direction as Margaret Slitheen comes their way. She chases them. They run across a hallway, Rose closing the door behind them. Margaret simply leaps through it. Rose and Harriet arrive back in another room, shutting the door behind them. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM The Doctor leads security into the meeting room, where Joseph is making the finishing touches to Asquith's skin suit. They both stop when they see the Doctor and security standing there. JOSEPH Where've you been? Security start checking the bodies for any sign of life. JOSEPH (CONT'D) I called for help, I sounded the alarm. There was this... lightening! This kind of er... um... electricity, and they all collapsed! SGT. PRICE I think they're all dead. JOSEPH That's what I'm saying. He did it! (points at the Doctor) That man there! THE DOCTOR I think you will find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise. Joseph folds his arms skeptically. The Doctor looks at the policeman next to him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) That's never going to work, is it? POLICEMAN Nope. THE DOCTOR Fair enough. He runs for it. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CORRIDOR OUTSIDE CONFERENCE ROOM Security are hot on the Doctor's tail, and he soon finds himself surrounded. He puts his hands in the air, grinning. ASQUITH Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols, I authorize you to execute this man! Security ready their guns. THE DOCTOR Uh, well, now, yes. You see, eh... the thing is... if I was you, if I was going to execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, little word of advice... (life behind him pings open) Don't stand them against the lift! He backs into the lift and closes the door with his sonic screwdriver. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDORS Margaret Slitheen is still chasing Rose and Harriet. Rose knees a locked door. The lift pings open, revealing the Doctor. Margaret roars at him, and he smiles and nods around at them all. THE DOCTOR (pleasantly) Hello! The doors shut again, distracting Margaret long enough for Rose and Harriet to slip away un-noticed. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS STATE ROOM Rose and Harriet find themselves in a room where all the doors are locked - a dead end. ROSE Hide! They both hide themselves extremely poorly. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CORRIDOR The lift pings and the Doctor steps out on the second floor. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CORRIDOR OUTSIDE CONFERENCE ROOM Asquith and security are still standing next to the lift they backed the Doctor against. ASQUITH I repeat, the upper floors are under quarantine. You will stay where you are. You will disregard all previous instructions. You will take your orders directly from me. The lift pings. Joseph and Asquith step into it. SGT. PRICE Mr. Green sir - I'm sorry but you've got to come with me. We should evacuate the entire building. JOSEPH Sergeant - have you uh - read the Emergency Protocols? SGT. PRICE No, sir. JOSEPH Then don't question me. (steps back into the lift) Seal off number 10 - secure the ground floor - and if the Doctor makes it downstairs - shoot on site! He shuts the doors. The sergeant turns to face the others. SGT. PRICE Well, you heard him! Move out! They do so. The sergeant follows them. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, LIFT ASQUITH Let the sport begin. Joseph farts. JOSEPH I'm getting poisoned by the gas exchange. I need to be naked! ASQUITH Rejoice in it! Your body is... magnificent. They both undo the zips on their foreheads. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS STATE ROOM Margaret Slitheen enters. SLITHEEN/MARGARET (playfully) Oh, such fun! Little human children... where are you? Sweet little humeykins... come to me... let me kiss you better... Rose bolts from her hiding place behind a cabinet to take refuge behind the curtain. SLITHEEN/MARGARET (CONT'D) ...kiss you with my big, green lips. (hisses) INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR The Doctor runs down a flight of stairs, hearing the Sergeant barking orders in the distance. Then he hears the lift ping, and hastily backtracks and hides in a crevice next to the door. The two Slitheen walk past. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH We'll keep this floor quarantined as our last hunting ground before the final phase. The Doctor waits until they are out of sight. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS STATE ROOM The two Slitheen, Joseph and Asquith join Margaret. SLITHEEN/MARGARET My brothers. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH Happy hunting? SLITHEEN/MARGARET It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink. SLITHEEN/ASQUITH Sweat... and fear. Harriet's mouth drops open with horror. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH I can smell an old girl... stale bird... brittle bones. SLITHEEN/MARGARET And a ripe youngster. All hormones and adrenaline. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps. Margaret sweeps the curtain aside revealing Rose, who screams. Harriet jumps out from her hiding place. HARRIET No! Take me first! Take me! The Doctor crashes in and blasts a fire extinguisher in the Slitheen's faces. THE DOCTOR Out! With me! Rose pulls the curtains down over Margaret's head and then both she and Margaret run to stand behind the Doctor. The Doctor looks at Harriet. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Who the hell are you? HARRIET Harriet Jones - MP for Flydale North. THE DOCTOR Nice to meet you. HARRIET Likewise. The Doctor blasts the fire extinguisher again. Then they run for it. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR THE DOCTOR We need to get to the cabinet rooms! HARRIET The Emergency Protocols are in there! They give instructions on aliens! THE DOCTOR Harriet Jones - I like you. HARRIET And I like you too. They run. The Doctor bypasses a locked door with his sonic screwdriver and the Slitheen pursue them all the way back to the cabinet room. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM/ADJOINING ROOM They have no time to close the door, so instead the Doctor picks up a bottle of brandy and hold his sonic screwdriver to it. THE DOCTOR One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof! We all go up. So back off. The Slitheen hesitate. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen? HARRIET They're aliens. THE DOCTOR Yes. I got that, thanks. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH Who are you, if not human? HARRIET Who's not human? ROSE He's not human. HARRIET He's not human? THE DOCTOR Can I have a bit of hush? HARRIET Sorry. THE DOCTOR So - what's the plan? HARRIET But he's got a Northern accent. ROSE Lots of planets have a North. THE DOCTOR I said hush. Come on! He holds the brandy threateningly out in front of him. THE DOCTOR You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. It's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of government - what for? Invasion? SLITHEEN/ASQUITH Why would we invade this God forsaken rock? THE DOCTOR Then something's brought the Slitheen race here - what is it? SLITHEEN/ASQUITH 'The Slitheen race'? SLITHEEN/JOSEPH Slitheen is not our species. Slitheen is our surname. Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer Day Slitheen at your service. THE DOCTOR So, you're family. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH It's a family business. THE DOCTOR Then you're out to make a profit. How can you do that on a 'God forsaken rock'? SLITHEEN/ASQUITH Ahhh... excuse me? Your device will do what? Triplicate the flammability...? THE DOCTOR Is that what I said? SLITHEEN/ASQUITH You're making it up! THE DOCTOR Ah, well! Nice try. Harriet, have a drink. I think you're gonna need it. (offers her the brandy) HARRIET Pass it to the left first. THE DOCTOR Sorry. (hands it to Rose) ROSE Thanks. SLITHEEN/ASQUITH Now we can end this hunt... with a slaughter. He flexes his claws menacingly. The Doctor fold his arms. ROSE Don't you think we should run? The Slitheen shuffle forward. THE DOCTOR Fascinating history, Downing Street. Two thousand years ago, this was marsh land. 1730, it was occupied by a Mr. Chicken. He was a nice man. 1796, this was the cabinet room - if the cabinet's in session and in danger, these are about the four most safest walls in the whole of Great Britain. (presses a switch near the door) End of lesson. Every entrance to the room is immediately blocked by metal shutters. The Doctor turns to Rose and Harriet. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Installed in 1991. Three inches of steel lining every single wall. They'll never get in. ROSE And how do we get out? Pause. THE DOCTOR Ah. INT.10 DOWNING STREET, ADJOINING ROOM JOSEPH He is safely contained. Now, cut off communications inside that room, then summon the family, it's time we finished with this insane planet for good! They make to leave. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Jackie and Mickey emerge from a side door of the block of flats. They run stealthily across the yard to avoid detection from the policeman who still surround the building. They remain unnoticed. EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET REPORTER And there's still no word from inside Downing Street, though we are getting even more new arrivals. He looks around as another fat man gets out of a car outside Downing Street. REPORTER (CONT'D) That's group Captain Tennant James of the RAF - though why he's been summoned, I've no idea. Another man emerges from a car. REPORTER (CONT'D) And that's ah... Ewan McAllister. Deputy Secretary for the Scottish Parliament. And this is most unusual! A fat woman makes her way to 10 Downing Street. REPORTER (CONT'D) I'm told that is Sylvia Dillane - chairman of the North Sea Boating Club. Quite what connects these people, we have no idea. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, RECEPTION Margaret comes down the stairs and greats Tennant James. MARGARET Group Captain - delighted you could make it. We're meeting upstairs. He farts. MARGARET (CONT'D) That's the spirit. Off you go. Ewan McAllister stands in front of her - she shakes his hand. MARGARET (CONT'D) Good to see you! (nods pleasantly at Sylvia) Come on through! Asquith stops the Sergeant as he goes past. ASQUITH Ah! Sergeant - now that the Doctor's been neutralized, the upper levels are out of bounds - to everyone. SGT. PRICE Then who are they? He nods towards the three newcomers who are now going up the stairs. ASQUITH Ahh, Sergeant. I want you to liaise with communications - the acting Prime Minister will be making a public address. He will speak to the nations of the world. He walks off, leaving the Sergeant looking bewildered and confused. INT.10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR Margaret is showing her family into a room. MARGARET There you are - if you'd just like to go through and get changed. She ushers Sylvia into the room and grabs a coat hanger on her way to the other door. She takes a skin suit from an emerging Slitheen. MARGARET (CONT'D) Now, if you'd like to head down to the end corridor, it's first on the left. SLITHEEN Thank you. Margaret hangs the skin suit up. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie and Mickey are in Mickey's kitchen. Mickey is holding a kettle. JACKIE Have you got anything stronger? MICKEY No chance, I've seen you when you've had a few - this ain't time for a conga. JACKIE (sits) We've gotta tell someone. MICKEY Who do we trust? For all we know, they've all got big bog monsters inside of them. I mean, this is what he does, Jacks. (brandishes a couple of mugs at her in his enthusiasm) Everywhere he goes - death and destruction, and he's got Rose in the middle of it. JACKIE Has he got a great big green thing inside him, then? MICKEY I wouldn't put it past him. (takes a bottle of milk from the fridge) But like it or not, he's the only person who knows how to fight these things. JACKIE I thought I was gonna die. She bursts into tears. Mickey gives her a quick hug. MICKEY Come on, yeah? If anyone's gonna cry, it's gonna be me. Now, you're safe in my flat, Jacks - no one's gonna look for you here, especially since you hate me so much. JACKIE You saved my life. God, that's embarrassing. MICKEY You're telling me. They laugh slightly. JACKIE He wanted me dead. And he's still out there, Mickey... (stands) That policeman... that thing... EXT. POWELL ESTATE Strickland sniffs the air. He turns to another policeman behind him. STRICKLAND Right - you head off. You're in full control, I've got one or two things that still need doing. I haven't quite finished with Mrs. Tyler yet... The other police officers nod and get in the car. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, UPSTAIRS CORRIDOR Joseph goes up to Margaret who is adjusting the skin suit on the hangers. JOSEPH Is that all of us? MARGARET All the family except Sit Fel Fotch. He's found a hunt of his own. JOSEPH Ah! They smile and he walks off. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor drags Indra's body into a cupboard, THE DOCTOR What was his name? HARRIET Which one? THE DOCTOR This one - the secretary or whatever he was called. Harriet goes to look. HARRIET I don't know. I talked to him. I brought him a cup of coffee. I never asked his name. The Doctor crosses Indra's hands over his body. THE DOCTOR Sorry. (strides into the room) Right, what have we got? Any terminals? Anything? ROSE No. The place is antique. What I don't get, is when they killed the Prime Minister, why didn't they use him as a disguise? THE DOCTOR He's too slim - they're big old beasts, they need to fit inside big humans. ROSE But the Slitheen are about 8 feet, how do they squeeze inside? THE DOCTOR That's the device around their necks - compression field - literally shrinks them down a bit. That's why there's all that gas, it's a big exchange. ROSE Wish I had a compression field, I could fit a size smaller. HARRIET Excuse me, people are dead, this is not the time for making jokes. ROSE Sorry... you get used to this stuff when you're friends with him. She indicates the Doctor, who is busy scanning the walls with his sonic screwdriver. HARRIET Well, that's a strange friendship. THE DOCTOR Harriet Jones - I've heard that name before - Harriet Jones. You're not famous for anything, are you? HARRIET Huh! Hardly. THE DOCTOR Rings a bell, Harriet Jones... He looks as though he is struggling to remember something. HARRIET Lifelong back bencher I'm afraid, and a fat lot of use I'm being now - the protocols are redundant, they list the people who can help and they're all dead downstairs. ROSE Hasn't it got like, defence codes and things? Can we just launch a nuclear bomb at 'em? HARRIET (stares) You're a very violent young woman... ROSE I'm serious! We could! HARRIET Well, there's nothing like that in here. Nuclear strikes do need a release code, yes, but it's kept secret by the United Nations. The Doctor stops scanning the mantelpiece with his sonic screwdriver to listen. THE DOCTOR Say that again. HARRIET What, about the codes? THE DOCTOR Anything. All of it. HARRIET Um, well... the British Isles can't gain access to atomic weapons without a special resolution from the UN. ROSE Like that's every stopped them. HARRIET Exactly, given our past record - and I voted against that, thank you very much. The codes have been taken out of the governments hands and given to the UN. The Doctor is deep in thought. HARRIET (CONT'D) Is it important? THE DOCTOR Everything's important. HARRIET If we only knew what the Slitheen wanted. Listen to me, I'm saying 'Slitheen' as if it's normal. ROSE What do they want, though? THE DOCTOR Well, it's just one family so it's not an invasion. They don't want Slitheen world... they're out to make money, which means they want to use something, something here on Earth... some kind of asset. HARRIET Like what? Gold? Oil? Water? THE DOCTOR You're very good at this. HARRIET (pleased) Thank you. THE DOCTOR Harriet Jones - why do I know that name? Rose's phone goes off. ROSE Oh! That's me. She takes her phone out of her pocket. HARRIET But we're sealed off - how did you get a signal? ROSE He zapped it! Super-phone. HARRIET (to the Doctor) Then we can phone for help! You must have contacts. THE DOCTOR Dead downstairs, yeah. ROSE It's Mickey. THE DOCTOR Oh, tell your stupid boyfriend we're busy. ROSE Yeah, he's not so stupid after all. She hands the Doctor her phone. Mickey has sent her the photo of the Slitheen in Jackie's kitchen. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey and Jackie enter Mickey's bedroom, Mickey checking around the door first. He is on the phone to Rose. MICKEY No, no, no, no, no - not just alien, but like, proper alien. All stinking, and wet, and disgusting. And more to the point, it wanted to kill us! JACKIE I could've died! Mickey gestures violently at Jackie. ROSE Is she alright, though? Don't put her on, just tell me. The Doctor snatches the phone from her. THE DOCTOR Is that Ricky? Don't talk, just shut up and go to your computer. MICKEY It's Mickey. And why should I? THE DOCTOR Mickey the Idiot - I might just choke before I finish this sentence, but eh - I need you. Rose smiles. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey is on the UNIT website. MICKEY It says password. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor is putting the mobile on speakerphone. THE DOCTOR Say again. MICKEY It's asking for the password. THE DOCTOR Buffalo - two Fs, one L. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Jackie puts down two cups of tea on the computer desk. JACKIE So, what's that website? Mickey finishes typing in the password and turns to her as the page loads. MICKEY All the secret information known to mankind. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM MICKEY (CONT'D) See, they've known about aliens for years, they just kept us in the dark. THE DOCTOR Mickey, you were born in the dark. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM ROSE Oh, leave him alone. MICKEY Thank you. Password again. THE DOCTOR Just repeat it, every time. Mickey hands Jackie the phone as he types it in again. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM THE DOCTOR Big Ben - why did the Slitheen hit Big Ben? HARRIET You said to gather the experts - to kill them. THE DOCTOR That lot would've gathered for a weather balloon, you don't need to crash land in the middle of London. ROSE The Slitheen were hiding - and then they put the entire planet on red alert, what would they do that for? INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM JACKIE Oh, listen to her. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM ROSE At least I'm trying! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM JACKIE Well, I've got a question if you don't mind. Because since that man walked into our lives, I have been attacked in the streets. I have had creatures from the pits of hell in my own living room, and my daughter's disappeared off the face of the Earth. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM ROSE I told you what happened. JACKIE I'm talking to him. 'Cause I've seen this life of yours, Doctor. And maybe you get off on it. And maybe you think it's all clever and smart, but you tell me. Just answer me this - is my daughter safe? INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey looks around at her. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor stares intently at the phone. ROSE I'm fine. JACKIE Is she safe? Will she always be safe? Can you promise me that? The Doctor glances up at Rose, who looks back at him. They stare at each other. JACKIE Well, what's the answer? INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey grabs the phone off Jackie, breaking the moment. MICKEY We're in. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Let off the hook, the Doctor rushes around the table. THE DOCTOR Right then - on the left, there's a tab - an icon - little concentric circles - click on that. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM MICKEY What is it? THE DOCTOR The Slitheen have got a spaceship in the North Sea and it's transmitting that signal, now hush, let me work out what it's saying. JACKIE He'll have to answer me one day. MICKEY (gesturing violently) Hush! THE DOCTOR It's some sort of message. ROSE What's it say? THE DOCTOR Don't know - it's on a loop, keeps repeating. Mickey's doorbell rings. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Hush! MICKEY That's not me. (to Jackie) Go and see who that is. JACKIE It's three o'clock in the morning. MICKEY Well go and tell them that. Jackie gives him a look as she gets up. Mickey shakes his head. THE DOCTOR It's beaming out into space, who's it for? INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY The doorbell rings more persistently. JACKIE Alright! She opens the door to reveal Strickland. STRICKLAND Mrs Tyler. Jackie slams it shut again and runs back to Mickey's room squealing. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM JACKIE It's him! It's the thing, it's the Slickeen! MICKEY They've found us. THE DOCTOR Mickey, I need that signal. ROSE Never mind the signal, mum just get out! Get out! Get out! Mickey picks up a cricket bat. MICKEY We can't, it's by the front door. EXT. MICKEY'S FLAT Outside the front door, the Slitheen takes his body suit off. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY Jackie and Mickey see the blue light shining beneath the cracks around the door. MICKEY Oh, my God. It's unmasking. It's gonna kill us. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM HARRIET There's got to be some way of stopping them! (to the Doctor) You're supposed to be the expert, think of something! THE DOCTOR I'm trying! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY The Slitheen makes worrying noises from outside. MICKEY I'll take it on, Jackie. You just run. Don't look back. Just run. He squares himself in front of the door. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Down the phone, they hear the Slitheen smashing the door in. ROSE That's my mother. THE DOCTOR Right! If we're going to find their weakness, we need to find out where they're from - which planet. So, judging by their face and shape, that narrows it down to five thousand planets within travelling distance. What else do we know about them? Information! ROSE They're green. THE DOCTOR Yep, narrows it down. ROSE Uh, good sense of smell. THE DOCTOR Narrows it down. ROSE They can smell adrenaline. THE DOCTOR Narrows it down. HARRIET The compression technology. THE DOCTOR Narrows it down. ROSE The spaceship in the Thames - you said slipstream engine? THE DOCTOR Narrows it down. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY The Slitheen punches a hole through the door. MICKEY It's getting in! INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM ROSE Oh! They hunt like it's a ritual. THE DOCTOR Narrows it down. HARRIET Wait a minute! Did you notice, when they fart - if you'll pardon the word - it doesn't just smell like a fart - if you'll pardon the word - it's something else, what is it, it's more like uh... um... ROSE Bad breath! HARRIET That's it! THE DOCTOR Calcium decay! Now that narrows it down! ROSE We're getting there, mum! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY MICKEY Too late! The Slitheen is still having some trouble getting through the door. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM THE DOCTOR Calcium phosphate, organic calcium, living calcium, creatures made out of living calcium, what else, what else - hyphenated sodium - yes! That narrows it down to one planet! Raxacoricofallapatorius! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, HALLWAY MICKEY Oh, yeah, great. We could write 'em a letter. The Slitheen kicks half the door down and begins to step through it. THE DOCTOR Get into the kitchen! Jackie and Mickey back into the kitchen. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, KITCHEN They slam the door, trying to bar it shut with a chair and a dustbin as the Slitheen throws its weight against it. JACKIE My God, it's going to rip us apart! INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM THE DOCTOR Calcium, recombined with compression field - ascetic acid. Vinegar! HARRIET Just like Hannibal! THE DOCTOR Just like Hannibal. Mickey, have you got any vinegar? MICKEY How should I know? THE DOCTOR It's your kitchen. ROSE Cupboard by the sink, middle shelf. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, KITCHEN Jackie snatches the phone from Mickey. JACKIE Give it here, what do you need? THE DOCTOR Anything with vinegar! Jackie grabs a jug and opens the cupboard. JACKIE Gherkins! The Slitheen is poking holes in the door with its claws. JACKIE (CONT'D) Yeah! Pickled onions! She adds them to the jug. Mickey has the bat raised ready. JACKIE Picked eggs! INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM THE DOCTOR (to Rose) You kiss this man? INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, KITCHEN The Slitheen finally kicks down the door and enters the kitchen. Jackie and Mickey back against the counter. Jackie chucks the vinegar all over it. There is a few seconds silence and then it explodes, splattering the whole room, Jackie and Mickey with green goo. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Having heard the bang, the Doctor, Rose and Harriet all breath a sigh of relief. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, KITCHEN Mickey lowers his bat. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM ROSE Hannibal? HARRIET Hannibal crossed the Alps by dissolving boulders with vinegar. ROSE Oh. Well, there you go then. They raise their glasses in toast, and drink. ROSE (CONT'D) Phew! INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, RECEPTION Downstairs, Asquith approaches Joseph. ASQUITH He's dead. Sip Fel Fotch Pasameer- Day Slitheen is dead. JOSEPH I felt it. How could that happen? ASQUITH Somebody must've got lucky. JOSEPH That's the last piece of luck anyone on this rock will ever have. EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET Joseph and Asquith walk out of the doors of 10 Downing Street, to address the crowd outside. He faces the camera. JOSEPH Ladies and Gentlemen - Nations of the World - Human Kind. The greatest experts in extra-terrestrial events came here tonight. They gathered in the common cause. But the news I bring you now is grave indeed. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, LIVING ROOM Mickey, wiping the goo off himself with a towel, comes into the living room to watch Joseph on the TV. JOSEPH (CONT'D) The experts are dead. Murdered - right in front of me by alien hands. Peoples of the Earth, heed my words. These visitors do not come in peace. Mickey takes the phone off Jackie. MICKEY Listen to this. He holds the phone to the TV. JOSEPH Our inspectors have searched the sky above our heads and they have found massive weapons of destruction, capable of being deployed within 45 seconds. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor, Rose and Harriet are crowded around the phone, listening to him. THE DOCTOR What? JOSEPH Our technicians can - baffle - the alien probes. But not for long. We are facing extinction. Unless we strike first. The United Kingdom stands directly beneath the belly of the mother ship. I beg the United Nations - pass an emergency resolution. Give us the access codes! A nuclear strike at the heart of the ship is our only chance of survival. Because... from this moment on... it is my solemn duty to inform you... planet Earth is at war. THE DOCTOR He's making it up. There's no weapons up there, there's no threat. He just invented it. HARRIET Do you think they'll believe him? ROSE They did last time. THE DOCTOR That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle. They want the whole world panicking, because you lot - you get scared, you lash out. ROSE They release the defence codes... THE DOCTOR And the Slitheen go nuclear. HARRIET But why? The Doctor opens the metal shutters. The Slitheen are still standing outside the door. THE DOCTOR You get the codes, release the missiles. But not into space because there's nothing there. You attack every other country on Earth, they retaliate, fight back. World War Three - whole planet gets nuked. Margaret Slitheen, still in her skin suit, stands before the Doctor. MARGARET And we can sit through it in our spaceship waiting in the Thames. Not crashed. Just parked. They'll be two minutes away. HARRIET But you'll destroy the planet, this beautiful place. What for? THE DOCTOR Profit. That's what the signal is beaming into space - an advert. MARGARET Sale of the century. We reduce the Earth to molten slag, then sell it. Piece by piece. Radioactive chucks capable of powering every cut-price star liner and budget cargo ship. There's a recession out there, Doctor. People are buying cheap. This rock becomes raw fuel. THE DOCTOR At the cost of 5 billion lives. MARGARET Bargain. THE DOCTOR Then I give you the choice - leave this planet or I'll stop you. The Slitheen all burst out laughing. MARGARET What? You? Trapped in your box? The Doctor does not look remotely abashed. He stares her out. THE DOCTOR Yes. Me. Margaret laughs again, but nervously. The Doctor fixes her in his gaze and closes the shutters. The smirk fades from Margaret's face. EXT. EMBANKMENT London is almost completely deserted. REPORTER Yesterday saw the start of a brave new world. Today might see it end. The streets are deserted. Everyone's home - just waiting. As the future is decided in New York. INT. STUDIO NEWSREADER It's midnight here in New York. The United Nations has gathered. England has provided them with absolute proof that the massive weapons of mass destruction do exist. The security counsel will be making a resolution in a matter of minutes. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, LIVING ROOM Mickey picks up the phone from the top of the TV. NEWSREADER (CONT'D) And once the codes are released, humanity's first interplanetary war begins. Jackie is watching the TV biting her nails, scared and anxious. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, RECEPTION Inside 10 Downing Street, Margaret and Asquith make to go up the stairs as Joseph pauses at the bottom to talk to the Sergeant. JOSEPH Sergeant. We'll take the call in the Prime Minister's office. Maintain the oppositions. Good luck. They shake hands. Asquith pats him genially on the shoulder, and the Sergeant resumes his post at the bottom of the stairs. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE Margaret, Asquith and Joseph bundle their way into the Prime Minister's office, all insanely excited. MARGARET Oh! Look at that! The telephone is actually red. She blows it a kiss. Joseph sits down behind the desk, farting as he does so. JOSEPH (excitedly) How long 'til they phone?! ASQUITH Counting down...! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Jackie is on the phone again. JACKIE Alright, Doctor. I'm not saying I trust you, but there must be something you can do. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM HARRIET If we ferment the porch, we could make ascetic acid. ROSE Mickey, any luck? MICKEY There's loads of emergency numbers - they're all on voicemail. The Doctor is standing quietly with his arms folded, leaning against the wall away from the other two. He is deep in thought. HARRIET Voicemail dooms us all. ROSE If we could just get out of here... THE DOCTOR There's a way out. ROSE What? She turns to face him incredulously. THE DOCTOR There's always been a way out. ROSE Then why don't we use it? The Doctor strides over to the table and leans over to speak into the phone. THE DOCTOR (to Jackie) Because I can't guarantee your daughter will be safe. JACKIE Don't you dare. Whatever it is, don't you dare. THE DOCTOR That's the thing, if I don't dare, everyone dies. ROSE Do it. The Doctor looks up at her. THE DOCTOR You don't even know what it is, you'd just let me? ROSE (simply) Yeah. The Doctor stares at her. JACKIE Please, Doctor. Please! She's my daughter, she's just a kid! THE DOCTOR Do you think I don't know that? Because this is my life, Jackie, it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will. ROSE (softly) Then what're you waiting for? The Doctor looks up at her again. THE DOCTOR I could save the world but lose you. They stare intensely into each others eyes for a long moment until Rose averts her gaze with a shy smile. HARRIET Except it's not your decision, Doctor. It's mine. JACKIE (angrily) And who the hell are you? HARRIET Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North. The only elected representative in this room, chosen by the people, for the people, and on behalf of the people I command you. Do it. The Doctor looks back at Rose and grins. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE Joseph, Margaret and Asquith are still waiting for the phone to ring. JOSEPH Victory... should be naked! He unzips his forehead. The other two follow suit. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Rose jumps onto the table. ROSE How do we get out? Doctor opens the briefcase containing the emergency protocols. THE DOCTOR We don't. We stay here. He opens the emergency protocols. INT. STUDIO In New York, the newsreader receives new information through her earpiece. NEWS READER The counsel is voting. The results should be known any second now. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE The Slitheen finish removing their skin suits. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor shuffles through the protocols and then turns to address Mickey. THE DOCTOR Use the buffalo password, it overrides everything. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey types the password in. Jackie watches him. JACKIE What're you doing? MICKEY (as though he can't quite believe what he is saying) Hacking into the Royal Navy. (after a moment) We're in. Here it is, uh... H.M.S. Taurean, Trafalgar Class Submarine, 10 miles off the coast of Plymouth. Jackie stands, agitated. THE DOCTOR Right, we need to select a missile. MICKEY We can't go nuclear, we don't have the defence codes. THE DOCTOR We don't need it, all we need is an ordinary missile. What's the first category? MICKEY Sub Haffoon, UGMA4A. THE DOCTOR That's the one. Select. Jackie walks up behind Mickey. JACKIE I could stop you. MICKEY (turns) Do it, then. THE DOCTOR Ready for this? Mickey and Jackie stare at each other for a few more seconds - but Jackie doesn't move. MICKEY Yeah. He looks back at the screen. Jackie sits back down. THE DOCTOR Mickey the Idiot. The world is in your hands. Fire. Breathing heavily, Mickey screws up his eyes and clicks the Fire button. EXT. OCEAN 10 miles off the coast of Plymouth, a missile launches itself out of the sea. INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM JACKIE Oh, my God. The missile is shown on the screen. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Harriet taps the steel shutters. HARRIET How solid are these? THE DOCTOR Not solid enough, built for short range attack, nothing this big. ROSE Alright. Now I'm making the decision. I'm not gonna die, we're gonna ride this one out. (opens the cupboard door) It's like what they say about earthquakes, you can survive 'em by standing under a doorframe. Now this cupboard's small so it's strong. Come and help me! Come on! Harriet hurries to help her. EXT. OCEAN The missile soars over the sea. INT. STUDIO NEW YORK NEWSREADER The vote is in. The counsel says... yes. They are releasing the codes. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE The Slitheen family are now all gathered around the phone. SLITHEEN/JOSEPH Ring, damn you! INT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BEDROOM Mickey is still staring at the computer screen. MICKEY It's on radar. Counter defence 556. THE DOCTOR Stop them intercepting it. MICKEY I'm doing it now. THE DOCTOR Good boy. Mickey taps a few keys. MICKEY 556 neutralized. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor rips the mobile off speaker phone INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CONFERENCE ROOM Downstairs, the Sergeant rushes to a computer terminal, looking over the operator's shoulder. SGT PRICE What do you mean, 'incoming'? The operator points at the screen where the missile shows up on radar. EXT. OVER LONDON The missile soars over London. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, RECEPTION The Sergeant smashes the glass on the fire alarm, which goes off. SGT. PRICE Everybody out! Now! Get out! Everyone runs to the door. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE The Slitheen family hear the alarm. JOSEPH What the hell is that for? The Sergeant bursts in. SGT PRICE Sir, there's a missile! The Slitheen all look round at him. SGT PRICE (CONT'D) ...Sorry. He runs out again. EXT. MICKEY'S FLAT, BALCONY The missile soars past Mickey's flat. Jackie runs out onto the balcony to watch it. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE Two of the female Slitheen are fighting over Margaret's skin suit. SLITHEEN 1 That's mine! SLITHEEN 2 No, mine! The others are all struggling to get back inside their skin suits. EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET A hoard of security guards run out of the door of 10 Downing Street. The Sergeant fires a gun into the air. SGT PRICE Everybody run! Everyone runs. He looks up into the sky to see the missile making straight for 10 Downing Street. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM Rose, the Doctor and Harriet bundle into the cupboard. The crouch in a corner, Rose and Harriet either side of the Doctor. HARRIET Nice knowing you both. They all hold hands. HARRIET (CON'T) Hannibal! They brace themselves. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE The second before the missile hits, the Slitheen all look up. SLITHEEN Oh, boll-- The missile hits. EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET The whole of 10 Downing Street explodes in flames. INT. 10 DOWNING STREET, CABINET ROOM The Doctor, Rose and Harriet are all severely shaken around in their cupboard. Then it stops. EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET The place is in ruins, smoking. Then, the Doctor, Rose and Harriet emerge from the wreckage. Harriet looks around. HARRIET Made in Britain. The Sergeant hurries over to them. SGT PRICE Are you alright? HARRIET (flashing her ID card at him) Harriet Jones. MP, Flydale North. I want you to contact UN immediately, tell the ambassadors the crisis is over and they can step down. Go on, tell the news! SGT PRICE Yes, ma'am. He hurries away again. HARRIET Someone's got a hell of a job sorting this lot out. Oh, Lord! We haven't even got a Prime Minister! THE DOCTOR Well, maybe you should have a go. HARRIET Me? (laughs) I'm only a back-bencher. ROSE I'd vote for ya! HARRIET Now, don't be silly. Rose and the Doctor grin. HARRIET (CONT'D) Look, I'd better go and see if I can help. She climbs over the rubble towards the crowd of people. The Doctor beams at Rose. HARRIET (CONT'D) Hang on! (shouts over to the crowd) The Earth is safe! Sergeant! The Doctor and Rose walk together. THE DOCTOR I thought I knew the name. He watches her hurry over to the cameras and ambulances. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Harriet Jones - future Prime Minister. Elected for three successive terms - the architect of Britain's Golden Age. HARRIET The crisis has passed! Ladies and Gentlemen - I have something to say to you all! Rose and the Doctor watch her fondly from a distance. Then they turn and walk away. Harriet speaks to the camera. HARRIET (CONT'D) Mankind stands tall - proud - and undefeated. God bless the human race. She beams around at them all. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Rose enters her flat, and is greeted with a huge hug from a relieved Jackie. They both close their eyes, happy to be together again. INT. TARDIS The Doctor enters the TARDIS, looking very pleased with himself. He starts the engines and grins up at it. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Rose is sitting on the chair in front of the TV, watching a repeat of Harriet Jones' speech. HARRIET Mankind stands tall - proud - Jackie comes in. JACKIE (contemptuously) Harriet Jones. Who does she think she is? Look at her! Taking all the credit. Should be you on there. (addresses TV) My daughter saved the world! ROSE I think the Doctor helped a bit... JACKIE (sitting down) Oh, alright then. Him too. You should be given knighthoods. ROSE That's not the way he does things. No fuss, he just... moves on. He's not that bad if you gave him a chance. JACKIE He's good in a crisis, I'll give him that. ROSE Oh! Now the world has changed, you're saying nice things about him. JACKIE Well, I reckon I've got no choice! There's no getting rid of him since you're infatuated. ROSE (unconvincingly) I'm not infatuated... JACKIE What does he eat? ROSE How do you mean? JACKIE I was gonna do shepherds pie. Rose sniggers. JACKIE (CONT'D) All of us. A proper sit down. 'Cause... I'm ready to listen. I wanna learn about you and him and that life you lead. Only, I dunno, he's an alien. For all I know, he eats grass and safety pins and things. ROSE He'll have shepherd pie. You're gonna cook for him? JACKIE What's wrong with that? ROSE He's finally met his match. JACKIE You're not too old for a slap, you know. Rose giggles. Jackie gets up and goes to the kitchen. JACKIE (CONT'D) You can go and visit your gran tomorrow. Rose's mobile rings. JACKIE (CONT'D) You'd better learn some French. I told her you were in France. I said you were au-pairing. The caller ID on the screen of Rose's mobile reads 'TARDIS calling' complete with a little TARDIS icon. Rose answers. ROSE Hello? INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR Right, I'll be a couple of hours, then we can go. ROSE (incredulous) You've got a phone? THE DOCTOR You think I can travel through space and time and I haven't got a phone? (laughs contemptuously) Like I said, couple of hours... I've just got to send out this dispersal... (presses a button) There you go. That's cancelling out the Slitheen's advert in case any bargain hunters turn up. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM ROSE My mother's cooking. INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR Good! Put her on a slow heat and let her simmer. ROSE She's cooking tea. For us. THE DOCTOR I don't do that. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM ROSE She wants to get to know you. INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR Tough! I've got better things to do! ROSE It's just tea. THE DOCTOR Not to me it isn't. ROSE She's my mother. THE DOCTOR Well, she's not mine! ROSE That's not fair! THE DOCTOR Well, you can stay there if you want! (pause) But right now there's this plasma storm brewing in the horse head nebula. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Rose listens to him intently. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Fires are burning 10 million miles wide. I could fly the TARDIS right into the heart of it then ride the shock wave all the way out - hurtle right across the sky and end up anywhere. INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Your choice. He hangs up. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM He hangs up. Rose ends the call slowly and presses the phone to her lips, deep in thought. INT. TARDIS The Doctor pauses for a second and then goes back to the console. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Jackie comes back into the living room with two cups of tea. JACKIE Rose, I was thinking... Rose's seat is empty, so Jackie walks in the direction of Rose's bedroom instead. JACKIE (CONT'D) I've got that bottle of Amaretto from New Years Eve, does he drink? INT. TYLERS' FLAT, ROSE'S BEDROOM Jackie opens the door to Rose's bedroom. Rose is stuffing some clothes into a bag. Jackie watches her. JACKIE I was wondering whether he drinks or not. ROSE Yeah, he does. She continues stuffing the clothes into the bag. JACKIE (quietly) Don't go, sweetheart. Rose stops for a moment and looks around at her. JACKIE Please don't go. Guiltily, Rose continues to pack. EXT. POWELL ESTATE It is night time. Mickey is sitting reading a newspaper on a bin outside the TARDIS. The small boy who graffiti'd the TARDIS the previous day is now busy cleaning it off again. The Doctor pokes his head around the door. THE DOCTOR Good lad. Graffiti that again and I'll 'ave ya. Now, beat it. The little boy scurries off. The Doctor grins. Mickey glances after him. The Doctor walks over to Mickey. MICKEY I just went down the shop. And I was thinking, you know, like the whole world's changed. Aliens and spaceships all in public. And here it is. He shows the Doctor the front page of the newspaper, headlined 'Alien Hoax?' - the Doctor gives a small smile. MICKEY (CONT'D) How could they do that? They saw it! THE DOCTOR They're just not ready. You're happy to believe in something that's invisible, but if it's staring you in the face - nope! Can't see it! There's a scientific explanation for that. You're thick. Mickey laughs. MICKEY We're just idiots. THE DOCTOR Well, not all of you. MICKEY (surprised) Yeah? THE DOCTOR Present for you, Mickey. (hands Mickey a disc) That's a virus. Put it online, it'll destroy every mention of me. I'll cease to exist. MICKEY What do you want to do that for? THE DOCTOR 'Cos you're right. I am dangerous. I don't want anybody following me. In the background, Jackie and Rose emerge from the flats. MICKEY How can you say that - and then take her with you? (gestures Rose) THE DOCTOR You could look after her. Come with us. MICKEY I can't. This life of yours... it's just too much, I... I couldn't do it. (as Jackie and Rose approach) Don't tell her I said that. JACKIE (to Rose, pleading) I'll get a proper job. I'll work weekends, I'll pass my test and if Jim comes round again, I'll say no. I really will. ROSE I'm not leaving 'cos of you. I'm travelling, that's all. And then I'll come back! JACKIE But it's not safe. ROSE Mum... if you saw it out there... you'd never stay home. She turns to the Doctor, taking her backpack off her shoulders. THE DOCTOR (sarcastically) Got enough stuff? ROSE Last time I stepped in there, it was spur of the moment. She throws an enormous bag into the Doctor's arms. ROSE (CONT'D) Now I'm signing up. You're stuck with me. Haha. Rose goes up to Mickey - Jackie looks the Doctor up and down. ROSE (to Mickey) Come with us. There's plenty of room. Mickey gestures to the Doctor. THE DOCTOR No chance, he's ah, a liability, I'm not having him on board. ROSE We'd be dead without him. THE DOCTOR My decision is final. Rose turns back to Mickey. ROSE Sorry. They kiss briefly. Mickey gives a small wave as she backs away. MICKEY Good luck, then. JACKIE (rounding on the Doctor) You still can't promise me. What if she gets lost? What if something happens to you, Doctor, and she's left all alone standing on some moon a million light years away - how long do I wait then? The Doctor stands there hugging Rose's backpack, not really having an answer, but Rose comes to his rescue. ROSE Mum... Jackie spins around to face Rose. ROSE (CONT'D) You're forgetting - it's a time machine. I could go travelling around suns and planets and all the way out to the edge of the universe and by the time I get back, yeah - ten seconds would have passed. Just ten seconds. (puts her hands on Jackie's shoulders, smiles kindly) So stop worrying. See you in ten seconds time. Hmm? She hugs her. The Doctor steps into the TARDIS. Rose follows him. Mickey gives a small wave and Rose shuts the door, leaving Mickey and Jackie alone outside. The TARDIS dematerialises. Jackie keeps her eyes on her watch as they stand in silence, then... JACKIE Ten seconds. She walks back to the flats. Mickey settles himself back on top of the dustbin with the newspaper. CLOSING CREDITS 1x06 "Dalek" INT. EXHIBIT ROOM The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor and Rose step out. ROSE So, what is it? What's wrong? THE DOCTOR Don't know, some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course... They look about themselves. ROSE Where are we? THE DOCTOR Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground. ROSE And... when are we? THE DOCTOR 2012. ROSE God, that's so close, so I should be... 26. The Doctor flicks a switch and lights flood the museum. ROSE Blimey! It's a great big museum! THE DOCTOR An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must've spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust... that's the milometer from the Roswell Spaceship. He passes the exhibits as he names them. They notice a Slitheen arm in one case. ROSE That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed. The Doctor notices something else. THE DOCTOR Ah! Look at you! Inside the glass case he is approaching, is the head of a Cyberman. The Doctor stares through the glass at it. Rose stands behind him. ROSE What is it? THE DOCTOR An old friend of mine... well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old. ROSE Is that where the signal's coming from? THE DOCTOR Nah, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out. (stares intently through the glass) Calling for help. He places the tip of his finger gently on the glass. Immediately, an alarm goes off and they are promptly surrounded by soldiers all pointing their guns at them. ROSE If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A. The Doctor flashes the soldiers a grin. OPENING CREDITS INT. CORRIDOR A helicopter lands. Inside a corridor, men with guns line the walls. Henry van Statten alights from a lift with a few others - they begin to walk briskly down the corridor. POLKOWSKI On behalf of all of us, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, sir. (no reply) And the President called to convey his personal best wishes. VAN STATTEN The President is 10 points down. I want him replaced. POLKOWSKI I don't think that's very wise, sir... VAN STATTEN Thank you so much for your opinion. You're fired. (to the soldiers) Get rid of him. POLKOWSKI Wha--? The soldiers drag him off. Van Statten keeps on walking. VAN STATTEN Wipe his memory, put him on the road someplace - Memphis, Minneapolis - somewhere beginning with 'M'. Another woman named Goddard hastens to take Polkowski's place. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) So, the next President, what do you think? Republican or Democrat? GODDARD Democrat, sir. VAN STATTEN For what reason? GODDARD (a pause) They're just so funny, sir? They all stop. Van Statten looks at her. VAN STATTEN What is your name? GODDARD Goddard, sir. Diana Goddard. VAN STATTEN I like you, Diana Goddard. (resumes walking) So, where's the English kid? The 'English Kid' - Adam - hurries up to him. ADAM Sir! Sir! I bought ten more artefacts at auction, Mr Van Statten. VAN STATTEN Bring 'em on, let me see 'em. GODDARD Sir, with respect, there's something more urgent. We arrested two intruders 54 floors down. We don't know how they got in. VAN STATTEN I'll tell you how they got in. In'tro the window. In'tro the window, that was funny! (polite laughs) Bring 'em in, let's see 'em - and tell Simmons I wanna visit my little den. Get to it! He goes through a door. GODDARD (into mouthpiece) Simmons? You'd better give me good news. Is it talking? INT. DALEK CELL From the alien's point of view, we see Simons attacking it with some sort of chainsaw. It is screaming. SIMMONS Not exactly 'talking', no. GODDARD What's it doing? SIMMONS Screaming. Is that any good? He applies the chain saw again. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Van Statten is sitting at a table while Adam shows him the artefacts. ADAM And this is the last... paid $800,000 for it. The Doctor, Rose and Goddard enter. VAN STATTEN What does it do? (takes it from Adamn) ADAM Well you see, the tubes on the side must be to channel something, I think maybe fuel... THE DOCTOR I really wouldn't hold it like that. GODDARD Shut it. THE DOCTOR Really, though, that's wrong. ADAM Is it dangerous? THE DOCTOR No. Just looks silly. He holds his hand out for the artefact. Security ready their guns. Van Statten holds up a hand to stop them and hands the object to the Doctor. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You just need to be... He runs his fingers gently over the artefact and it plays a note, rather like a harmonica. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ... delicate. Everyone looks suitably impressed. The Doctor beams around at them all whilst playing it. VAN STATTEN It's a musical instrument. THE DOCTOR (nods) And it's a long way from home. VAN STATTEN (stands) Here, let me. He grabs it off the Doctor, who raises his eyebrows. THE DOCTOR I did say 'delicate'. Reacts to the smallest fingerprint. Van Statten cannot make it play at first and it makes a series of bleeping noises. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It needs precision. Van Statten touches it more gently and it plays a few notes. The Doctor smiles. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Very good. Quite the expert. VAN STATTEN As are you. He tosses the instrument aside, where it lands somewhere on the floor. The Doctor's and Adam's eyes follow it, slightly alarmed. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) Who exactly are you? The Doctor looks back at Van Statten with a new, slightly disdainful look in his eye. THE DOCTOR I'm the Doctor. And who are you? VAN STATTEN Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extra-terrestrial artefacts in the world and you just stumbled in by mistake. THE DOCTOR Pretty much sums me up, yeah. VAN STATTEN The question is, how did you get in? 53 floors down. With your little cat burglar accomplice. (looks at Rose) Quite a collector yourself, she's rather pretty. ROSE She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her 'she'. VAN STATTEN (eyes on the Doctor) She's English too! (to Adam) Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy - got you a girlfriend. ADAM This is Mr Henry Van Statten. ROSE And who's he when he's at home? ADAM Mr Van Statten owns the Internet. ROSE Don't be stupid, no one owns the Internet. VAN STATTEN And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kids? THE DOCTOR So you're an expert on just about everything except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up. VAN STATTEN And you claim greater knowledge? THE DOCTOR I don't need to make claims, I know how good I am. VAN STATTEN And yet, I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there? THE DOCTOR You tell me. VAN STATTEN The cage contains my one living specimen. THE DOCTOR And what's that? VAN STATTEN Like you don't know. THE DOCTOR Show me. VAN STATTEN You wanna see it? ROSE Blimey, you can smell the testosterone. VAN STATTEN Goddard - inform the Cage. We're heading down. Goddard nods. VAN STATTEN (to Adam) You - English. Look after the girl. Canoodle or spoon, or whatever it is you British do. And you - Doctor with no name... (ready by the lift) Come and see my pet. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL Van Statten leads the Doctor to the cage. VAN STATTEN We've tried everything. The creatures has... shielded itself but there's definite signs of life inside. He has entered a code to enter the Cage. The door to the Cage opens behind him. THE DOCTOR Inside? Inside what? SIMMONS (to Van Statten) Welcome back, sir. I've had to take the power down - the Metaltron is resting. THE DOCTOR Metaltron? VAN STATTEN Thought of it myself. Good, isn't it? Although I'd much to prefer to find out its real name. SIMMONS (to the Doctor) Here, you'd better put these on. (offers the Doctor a pair of gloves) The last guy that touched it... burst into flames. THE DOCTOR I won't touch it then. Goddard smirks. VAN STATTEN Go ahead, Doctor. Impress me. Goddard looks at the Doctor. With a placid expression on his face, he steps into the Cage. Van Statten steps away. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) Don't open that door until we get a result. He and Goddard bend down to look at the monitor showing surveillance footage from the Cage. It is pitch dark inside - they watch the Doctor enter. INT. DALEK CELL The door shuts behind the Doctor. He looks at some of the instruments Simmons was using to torture the alien. Through the darkness, the Doctor sees a blue light giving away the alien's location in the Cage. THE DOCTOR Look, I'm sorry about this. Mr Van Statten might think he's clever, but never mind him. I've come to help. I'm the Doctor. DALEK Doc-tor. THE DOCTOR (absolute shock) Impossible. DALEK THE Doctor? The Doctor watches, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. Lights suddenly come on, illuminating the Dalek. DALEK (CONT'D) Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! The Doctor bangs on the door of the cage, rattling it. THE DOCTOR Let me out! DALEK Exterminate! INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL GODDARD Sir, it's gonna kill him! VAN STATTEN It's talking! INT. DALEK CELL DALEK You are an enemy of the Daleks! You must be destroyed! It waves its gun around helplessly. The Doctor stops looking terrified and his face breaks into a huge grin. THE DOCTOR It's not working! The Dalek's eyepiece looks down at its gun. The Doctor laughs manically. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Fantastic! Oh, fantastic! Powerless! Look at you. The Great Space Dustbin. How does it feel? He lunges at the Dalek. The Dalek strains against its chains. DALEK Keep back! The Doctor is inches from the Dalek, looking straight into its eyepiece. THE DOCTOR What for? What're you going to do to me? (silence) If you can't kill... then what are you good for, Dalek? What's the point of you? He circles the Dalek. The Dalek follows his progress with its eyepiece. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You're nothing. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL Van Statten, Goddard and Simmons watch the proceedings, intrigued. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) What the hell are you here for? Goddard glances at Van Statten. INT. DALEK CELL DALEK I am waiting for orders. THE DOCTOR What does that mean? DALEK I am a soldier. I was bred to receive orders. THE DOCTOR Well you're never gonna get any. Not ever. DALEK I demand orders! THE DOCTOR (voice rising) They're never gonna come! Your race is dead! You all burnt, all of you. Ten million ships on fire - the entire Dalek race wiped out in one second. DALEK You lie! THE DOCTOR I watched it happen. I MADE it happen! DALEK You destroyed us? The Doctor's expression changes. He walks away, his back turned on the Dalek. THE DOCTOR (quietly) I had no choice. DALEK And what of the Time Lords? INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL Van Statten, Goddard and Simmons watch the monitor avidly. The Doctor pauses. INT. DALEK CELL THE DOCTOR Dead. They burnt with you. The end of the last great Time War. Everyone lost. DALEK And the coward survived. THE DOCTOR (mockingly) Oh - and I caught your little signal... help me... poor little thing... (resumes normal tone) But there's no one else coming 'cos there's no one else left. DALEK (lowers eyepiece) I am alone in the Universe. THE DOCTOR (smiles) Yep. DALEK So are you. The Doctor's smile fades. DALEK (CONT'D) We are the same. The Doctor spins around to face the Dalek angrily. THE DOCTOR (furious) We're not the same, I'm not-- (stops) No - wait. Maybe we are. You're right, yeah, okay. You've got a point. 'Cos I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. (raises eyebrows) Exterminate. He pulls a lever on the control panel and the Dalek is immediately engulfed by electricity. It starts screaming again. DALEK Have pity! THE DOCTOR Why should I? You never did. He turns up the voltage. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL VAN STATTEN (to soldiers) Get him out. INT. DALEK CELL DALEK Help me! Security burst in and grab the Doctor before he can lunge for the control panel again. Van Statten addresses the Dalek. VAN STATTEN I saved your life, now talk to me! Goddamn it, talk to me! THE DOCTOR (as he is dragged away) You've got to destroy it! VAN STATTEN The last in the Universe. And now I know your name. Dalek. Speak to me, Dalek. (silence) I am Henry van Statten, now recognise me! (silence again. To Simmons--) Make it talk again, Simmons. Simmons approaches the Dalek with a greedy look in his eye. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) Whatever it takes. INT. ADAM'S WORKSHOP Adam shows Rose into his workshop. Rose looks around. ADAM Sorry about the mess. Mr Van Statten sort of lets me do my own thing. So long as I deliver the goods... Rose prods a few things on the surfaces ADAM (CONT'D) What do you think - that is? He hands Rose an object. ROSE Er... a lump of metal? ADAM Yeah. Yeah, but I think-- well, I'm almost certain - it's from the hull of a spacecraft. Rose finishes examining the lump of metal and places it down carefully. ADAM (CONT'D) The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet - spacecrafts - aliens - visitors to Earth - they really exist. ROSE That's amazing. ADAM I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe that the whole universe is teeming with life. ROSE (smiling slightly) I'm gob-smacked, yeah. And you do what? Sit here and catalogue it? ADAM Best job in the world. ROSE Imagine if you could get out there. Travel amongst the stars and see it for real. ADAM Yeah... I'd give anything. But I don't think it's ever gonna happen - not in our lifetimes. ROSE Oh, you never know... what about all those people who say they've been inside spaceships and things and talked to aliens? ADAM I think they're nutters. ROSE Yeah, me too. (both laugh) So, how'd you end up here? ADAM Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit. ROSE Ah, right, you're a genius. ADAM Sorry, but yeah... can't help it, I was born clever. Rose smiles. ADAM (CONT'D) When I was eight, I logged onto the US Defence System - nearly caused World War Three. ROSE What, and that's funny is it? ADAM Well you should've been there! Just to see them running about! Fantastic! ROSE You sound like the Doctor. ADAM Are you and him...? ROSE (quickly) No, we're just friends. ADAM (nods) Good. ROSE (smiling, a little shy) Why's it good? ADAM Just is. A pause. ROSE (breaking the moment) So... wouldn't you rather be downstairs? I mean, you've got these bits of metal and stuff, but Mr Van Statten's got a living creature down there. ADAM Yeah... yeah well I did ask but he keeps it to himself. Although - if you're a genius - it does take long to patch in on the comms system. ROSE (laughs) Let's have a look then. Adam turns to the computer and taps some keys and Rose observes over his shoulder. ADAM It doesn't do much - the alien. It's weird, it's kind of... useless, it's just like this... great big pepper pot. They access the screen that surveys the Cage. They watch Simmons approach the Dalek and begin to torture it with one of the devices. The Dalek screams again. ROSE (alarmed) It's being tortured! Where's the Doctor? ADAM I don't know. ROSE Take me down there. Now. She strides from the room. INT. LIFT The Doctor, Van Statten, Goddard and the security guards step into the lift. THE DOCTOR The metal's just battle armour - the real Dalek creature's inside. VAN STATTEN What does it look like? THE DOCTOR A nightmare. It's a mutation. The Dalek race was genetically engineered - every single emotion was removed except hate. VAN STATTEN (impressed) Genetically engineered... by whom? THE DOCTOR By a genius, Van Statten. By a man who was king of his own little world - you'd like him. GODDARD It's been on Earth for over fifty years - sold at a private auction moving from one collection to another. Why would it be a threat now? THE DOCTOR Because I'm here. How did it get to Earth? Does anyone know? GODDARD Records say it came from the sky like a meteorite. It fell to Earth on the Ascension Islands - burnt in its crater for nearly three days before anybody could get near it and all that time it was screaming. It must've gone insane. THE DOCTOR Must've fallen through time. The only survivor. GODDARD You talked about a war? THE DOCTOR The Time War. The final battle between my people and the Dalek race. VAN STATTEN But you survived too. THE DOCTOR Not by choice. VAN STATTEN This means that the Dalek isn't the only alien on Earth, Doctor, there's you. The only one of your kind in existence. INT. EXAMINATION ROOM Lights flash on, illuminating the Doctor. They have chained him up against a rack and striped his torso. Van Statten stands behind an instrument pointing at the Doctor. VAN STATTEN Now, smile! The instrument runs some sort of scan over the Doctor's torso. The Doctor moans slightly in pain, grimacing. The scan image shows the Doctor's ribcage with two hearts beating within it. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) Two hearts! Binary vascular system! Oh, I am so going to patent this. THE DOCTOR So that's your secret. You don't just collect this stuff, you scavenge it. VAN STATTEN This technology has been falling to Earth for centuries. All it took was the right mind to use it properly. Oh, the advances I've made from alien junk, you have no idea, Doctor. Broadband? Roswell. Just last year my scientists cultivated bacteria from the Russian Crater, and do you know what they found? The Doctor looks at him angrily but questioningly. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) The cure for the common cold. Kept it strictly within the laboratory of course, no need to get people excited. Why sell one cure when I can sell a thousand palliatives? He smiles smugly. THE DOCTOR Do you know what a Dalek is, Van Statten? A Dalek is honest. It does what it was born to do for the survival of its species - that creature in your dungeon is better than you. VAN STATTEN In that case, I will be true to myself and continue. He walks back to the scanner. THE DOCTOR (frantic) Listen to me, that thing downstairs is going to kill every last one of us! VAN STATTEN Nothing can escape the Cage. He runs the scan again. The Doctor writhes with pain. THE DOCTOR But it's woken up! It knows I'm here! It's gonna get out! Van Statten, I swear no one on this base is safe! No one on this planet! The scan is run again. The Doctor groans in pain and throws his head back. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL Adam enters the lobby outside the Cage, followed by Rose. BYWATER Hold it right there! ADAM (flashes ID) Level three access. Special clearance from Mr Van Statten. They pass Simons and enter the Cage. INT. DALEK CELL Rose stares at the Dalek. ADAM Don't get too close... Rose walks slowly up to the Dalek and peers into its eyepiece. It watches her. ROSE Hello? The Dalek simply continues to watch her. Rose is innocently concerned. ROSE (CONT'D) Are you in pain? My name's Rose Tyler. I've got a friend, he can help. He's called the Doctor. What's your name? DALEK Yes. ROSE What? The Dalek raises its eyepiece to look into her face. DALEK (slowly and wearily) I am in pain. They tortured me. But still they fear me. Do you fear me? ROSE No. The Dalek lowers its eyepiece. DALEK I am dying. ROSE No, we can help! DALEK I welcome death. But I am glad... that before I die... I met a human who was not afraid. Rose looks overwhelmed with sadness and pity. ROSE Isn't there anything I can do? DALEK My race is dead. I shall die alone. Rose has tears in her eyes. She places a hand gently on the Dalek. ADAM (too late) Rose, no! The place where Rose has put her hand suddenly burns bright orange and she snatches her hand away from the heat. The Dalek's tone changes. DALEK Genetic material extrapolated - initiate cellular reconstruction! It bursts out of its chains with a new lease of life. Sparks fly from it. Simmons enters the room. SIMMONS What the hell have you done? He approaches the Dalek. It points a sucker at him. SIMMONS (CONT'D) Whatcha gonna do? Sucker me to death? The Dalek proceeds to do just that. It places the sucker over Simmons face and we hear his skull cracking as it sucks inwards. Rose and Adam rush outside. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL ROSE (to Bywater) It's killing him! Do something! BYWATER (over intercom) Condition red! Repeat, condition red! This is not a drill! INT. EXAMINATION ROOM Van Statten, still with the Doctor looks up, as does the Doctor, who is sweating with the pain. THE DOCTOR (wearily) Release me if you want to live. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE The Doctor, Van Statten, Goddard and Van Statten's security guards exit the lift and enter Van Statten's office. The Doctor addresses a monitor where there is a communication link to the lobby. THE DOCTOR You've got to keep it in that cell. ROSE Doctor, it's all my fault. BYWATER I've sealed the compartment. It can't get out, that lock's got a billion combinations. THE DOCTOR The Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat. INT. DALEK CELL Inside the cage, the Dalek places its sucker to the code lock and begins to run through all the combinations. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL Rose and Adam stand before the door with security, who are pointing their guns at the door. In no time at all, the door opens. BYWATER Open fire! They shoot at the Dalek. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN Don't shoot it, I want it unharmed! THE DOCTOR Rose, get out of there! INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL The Dalek advances upon them, the bullets having no affect at all. Bywater turns to the female guard. BYWATER De Maggio - take the civilians and get them out alive. That is your job, got that? DE MAGGIO (to Rose and Adam) You - with me. They follow her. The Dalek approaches the screen displaying the Doctor, Van Statten and Goddard and smashes right through it. Then electricity starts to course through it. It wails as the peeling metal bends back into shape, the rust fades away. It looks perfect again. BYWATER (into mouthpiece) Abandoning the cage, sir. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Goddard is tapping into a computer as Van Statten and the Doctor look over her shoulder. GODDARD We're losing power. It's draining the base. Oh, my God. It's raiding entire power supplies for the whole of Utah. THE DOCTOR It's downloading. VAN STATTEN Downloading what? GODDARD Sir, the entire West Coast has gone down. THE DOCTOR It's not just energy. That Dalek just absorbed the entire Internet. It knows everything. INT. OUTSIDE DALEK CELL The Dalek finally backs away from the computer. DALEK The Daleks survive in me! The Dalek fires its exterminator beam randomly around the room, as though to test it. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE GODDARD Sir, the cameras in the vault have gone down. THE DOCTOR We've only got emergency power, it's eaten everything else, you've got to kill it now! GODDARD All guards to converge in the Metaltron cage, immediately. INT. VAULT CORRIDORS Rose and Adam run past another bunch of security guards, led by De Maggio. DE MAGGIO Civilians! Let them through! Rose and Adam run out of sight. The guards point their guns ready in the direction they anticipate the Dalek will approach from. Bywater runs into view. BYWATER (shouts) Cover the north wall: Red division, maintain suppressing fire along the perimeter, Blue Division hold. He is exterminated by the Dalek behind him. The guards immediately start firing at the Dalek, but the bullets melt before they can even touch the armour. The Dalek is surrounded - but it simply exterminates them, one by one, the bullets having no effect. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN (to Goddard) Tell them to stop shooting at it! GODDARD It's killing them! VAN STATTEN They're dispensable, that Dalek is unique. (into intercom) I don't want a scratch on its body work? Do you hear me? Do you hear me? The sound of the gunshots fade into silence. INT. VAULT CORRIDORS Every single soldier lies dead. The Dalek proceeds up the corridor. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Goddard shows the Doctor a map of the base on the computer screen. GODDARD That's us right below the surface. That's the cage - and that's the Dalek. She indicates a blue light moving along a corridor. THE DOCTOR This museum of yours - have you got any alien weapons? GODDARD Lots of them, but the trouble is the Dalek's between us and them. VAN STATTEN We've got to keep that thing alive. We could just seal the entire vault, trap it down there. THE DOCTOR Leaving everyone trapped with it? Rose is down there. I won't let that happen. Have you got that? Van Statten stands up. The Doctor turns back to the computer screen and Goddard. THE DOCTOR It's got to go through this area. What's that? GODDARD Weapons testing. THE DOCTOR Give guns to the lawyers, technicians, anyone. Everyone. Only then have you got a chance of killing it. Goddard nods and gets up. The Doctor takes her place in front of the computer. INT. STAIRCASE Rose, still running, finds herself at the foot of a flight of stairs. ROSE Stairs! That's more like it! Adam runs up behind her. ROSE (CONT'D) It hasn't got legs, it's stuck! DE MAGGIO (joining them) It's coming! Get up! They run up the stairs and look over the banisters to watch the Dalek. It stops at the foot of the stairs. Adam breathes a small sigh of relief. It runs its eyepiece over the stairs. ADAM (mockingly) Great big alien death machine. Defeated by a flight of stairs. The Dalek's eyepiece rests on them. De Maggio still has her gun pointing at it. DE MAGGIO Now, listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate, then I guarantee that Mr Van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong. But people have died, and that stops. Right now. The killing stops, have you got that? The Dalek merely watches her, saying nothing. DE MAGGIO (CONT'D) I demand that you surrender, is that clear? Short pause. DALEK El-ev-ate. The Dalek levitates in the air and floats up the first few steps of the stairs. ROSE Oh my God. The Dalek proceeds up the stairs. Adam looks gob smacked. DE MAGGIO Adam, get her out of here. ROSE (urgently) Come with us, you can't stop it! DE MAGGIO Someone's got to try. Now get out! She pushes them away. DE MAGGIO (CONT'D) Don't look back, just run! Adam and Rose go up the rest of the stairs. The Dalek advances. De Maggio shoots at it without avail. INT. CORRIDOR Moments later, Rose and Adam hear the sound of the exterminator beam and De Maggio's scream. They run down the corridor terrified. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN I thought you were the great expert, Doctor. The Doctor, still staring at the monitor, does not answer. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate - there must be something it needs, everything needs something. THE DOCTOR What's the nearest town? VAN STATTEN Saltlake City. THE DOCTOR Population? VAN STATTEN One million. THE DOCTOR All dead. If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature, that's all it needs. VAN STATTEN (furious) But why would it do that?! THE DOCTOR Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose! INT. WEAPONS TESTING AREA The soldiers position themselves. THE DOCTOR (through intercom) The Dalek's surrounded by a force field. The bullets are melting before they even hit home but it's not indestructible. If you concentrate your fire, you might get through. The soldiers wait apprehensively. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Aim for the dome, the head, the eyepiece. That's the weak spot. COMMANDER Thank you, Doctor, but I think I know how to fight one single tin robot. Positions! They ready their guns and wait. After a few moments, Rose and Adam run into view, right in the middle of the open area. COMMANDER (CONT'D) Hold your fire! Rose and Adam stop. COMMANDER (CONT'D) You two, get the hell out of there! Rose and Adam make it outside the door the moment the Dalek slowly comes into view. They stop for a moment to watch it. The Dalek also stops, and it focuses on them. It then zooms right in on Rose's face and turns in their direction. Adam grabs Rose's hand and pulls her away, but she stops again. ROSE It was looking at me. ADAM Yeah, it wants to slaughter us! Rose pulls her hand away. ROSE I know! But it was looking right at me. ADAM (impatiently) So? It's just a sort of metal eye thing, it's looking all around! ROSE (shakes her head) I don't know... it's like there's something inside looking at me, like... like it knows me. The Dalek makes its way towards the door. COMMANDER On my mark... The Dalek looks up at them. COMMANDER (CONT'D) Open fire! They all start shooting at the Dalek. Like before, the bullets have no effect. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE GODDARD We've got vision. The Doctor stands up and looks at the monitor, showing the weapons testing area. THE DOCTOR It wants us to see. The Dalek is looking straight at the camera, completely unperturbed by the volley of gunshots. INT. WEAPONS TESTING AREA The Dalek slowly levitates into the air until it is hovering near the ceiling. It fires it's exterminator beam at the fire alarm, causing the fire sprinkles to rain water from the ceiling. The bullets keep coming, but the Dalek pays no heed. It aims at a man who has his feet firmly rooted to the wet ground and fires its exterminator beam at him. The rest of the team fall like flies except from the Commander and one of his men who are sheltered from the sprinklers. COMMANDER Fall back! Fall back! The Dalek exterminates both of them and then observes the tens of lifeless forms lying on the wet ground with their useless bullet scattered on the floor. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE There is a silence in Van Statten's office. The Doctor looks down, breathing heavily in shock. VAN STATTEN (stunned) Perhaps it's time for a new strategy, maybe we should consider abandoning this place. GODDARD (quietly furious with him) Except there's no power to the helipad, sir. We can't get out. THE DOCTOR You said you could seal the vault. VAN STATTEN (going to the computer) It was designed to be a bunker. In the event of nuclear war, steel bulkheads-- GODDARD (to the Doctor) There's not enough power, those bulkheads are massive. THE DOCTOR We've got emergency power, we can re-route that to the bulkhead doors. GODDARD We'd have to bypass the security codes, that would take a computer genius! VAN STATTEN Good thing you've got me, then. THE DOCTOR You want to help? VAN STATTEN I don't want to die, Doctor, simple as that. Nobody knows this software better than me. The screen showing the footage of the basement suddenly flashes back into life. The Dalek is still standing in the middle of the open area. At first, only Goddard notices. GODDARD Sir... The Doctor and Van Statten also look round at the screen. DALEK I shall speak only to the Doctor. The Doctor slowly straightens up, not taking his eyes off the Dalek. THE DOCTOR You're gonna get rusty. DALEK I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time traveller regenerated me. THE DOCTOR What's your next trick? DALEK I have been searching for the Daleks. THE DOCTOR Yeah, I saw. Downloading the Internet. (walks around the table to be nearer the screen) What did you find? DALEK I scanned your satellites and radio telescopes. THE DOCTOR And? DALEK Nothing. (voice rising, it's scared) Where shall I get my orders now? THE DOCTOR You're just a soldier without commands. DALEK Then I shall follow the primary order - the Dalek instinct to destroy! To conquer! THE DOCTOR (exasperated) What for? What's the point? (silence) Don't you see? It's all gone. Everything you were, everything you stood for. DALEK Then what should I do? THE DOCTOR All right then. If you want orders... follow this one: kill yourself. DALEK The Daleks must survive! THE DOCTOR (angrily) The Daleks have failed. Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct? Rid the Universe of your filth, why don't you just die? He shouts this last word, spit flying from his mouth in his passionate hatred. The Dalek is silent for a few seconds, then... DALEK You would make a good Dalek. The screen goes blank. The Doctor stares, dumbstruck. THE DOCTOR Seal the vaults. INT. WEAPONS TESTING AREA The Dalek elevates its way out of the room. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Van Statten and the Doctor are busy tapping into the computer. VAN STATTEN I can leech power off the ground defences, feed it to the bulkheads. It's been years since I had to work this fast. THE DOCTOR Are you enjoying this? GODDARD Doctor - she's still down there. INT. STAIRWELL Adam is running up a flight of stairs in a stairwell, followed by Rose who is on her mobile to the Doctor. ROSE This isn't the best time. THE DOCTOR Where are you? ROSE Level 49. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE THE DOCTOR (working on the computer) You've got to keep moving - the vault's being sealed off, bulkhead level 46. ROSE Can't you stop them closing? THE DOCTOR I'm the one who's closing them. I can't wait and I can't help you. Now for God's sake, run. INT. STAIRWELL Rose and Adam run up the stairs, the Dalek in pursuit. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN Done it. We've got power to the bulkheads. GODDARD The Dalek's right behind them. INT. CORRIDOR Rose and Adam round a corner on floor 46. ROSE We're nearly there, give us two seconds. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN Doctor, I can't sustain the power. The whole system is failing. The Doctor looks at him. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) Doctor, you've got to close the bulkheads. Focused on the Doctor's eyes. He pauses for a few moments, trying to summon the courage, observed by Van Statten and Goddard. THE DOCTOR I'm sorry. He hits the enter key. INT. CORRIDOR The bulkhead begins to lower - Adam's nearly there but Rose is falling behind a little. ADAM Come on! The bulkhead is only about a foot away from the ground when Adam manages to roll underneath it. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE The Doctor stares intently at the screen, waiting. VAN STATTEN The vault is sealed. The Doctor leaps out of his seat. THE DOCTOR Rose, where are you? Rose, did you make it? INT. CORRIDOR Rose leans against the wrong side of the bulkhead, taking a few steadying breaths before answering. ROSE Sorry, I was a bit slow. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Horrible shock spreads across the Doctor's face. INT. CORRIDOR Rose glances behind her to see the Dalek round the corner. She turns away. ROSE See you then, Doctor. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE The Doctor is silent, just staring, horrified. INT. CORRIDOR ROSE (voice trembling It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault. And do you know what? (chokes up) I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Rose turns slowly around to face the Dalek as it approaches her. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE DALEK Exterminate! The Doctor hears the sound of the death ray and he tears the earpiece off. There is a stunned silence in Van Statten's office. THE DOCTOR (blank) I killed her. VAN STATTEN I'm sorry. THE DOCTOR (turns to him) I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry? I could've killed that Dalek in its cell. But you stopped me. VAN STATTEN It was the prize of my collection! THE DOCTOR (furious) Your collection? But was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Rose? (silence) Let me tell you something, Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore. To be part of something greater. VAN STATTEN (standing in enthusiasm) Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars! THE DOCTOR (contemptuously, full of hate) You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground underneath tons of sand and dirt. And label them. You're about as far from the stars as you can get. The Doctor's face, contorted with fury suddenly softens into a sad, grief-stricken expression. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) And you took her down with you. (stares into space) She was nineteen years old. INT. CORRIDOR Rose has her eyes closed, ready for the Dalek to kill her. The Dalek approaches but does nothing. It just stares at her as Rose opens her eyes cautiously and looks round. ROSE Go on then, kill me. (silence. Angrily--) Why are you doing this? DALEK I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose. ROSE They're all dead because of you! DALEK They are dead because of us. Rose is shaken into a short silence. ROSE And now what? What're you waiting for? DALEK I feel your fear. ROSE What do you expect?! DALEK Daleks do not fear. Must not fear. It shoots its death ray wildly at the wall either side of Rose. DALEK (CONT'D) (slightly hysterical, even scared) You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated! INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Adam steps out of the lift into Van Statten's office. The Doctor rounds on him. THE DOCTOR You were quick on your feet, leaving Rose behind. ADAM (indignantly) I'm not the one who sealed the vault! The screen springs into life. It shows Rose standing by the Dalek's side. DALEK Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler dies. The Doctor takes a few steps towards the screen, an expression of joy and relief breaking out onto his face. THE DOCTOR You're alive! ROSE Can't get rid of me. THE DOCTOR I thought you were dead. DALEK Open the bulkhead! ROSE Don't do it! DALEK What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love? The Doctors is stunned. He turns to Van Statten, who is looking at him, shocked. THE DOCTOR I killed her once. (goes to the computer) I can't do it again. He hits the return key. INT. CORRIDOR The bulkhead opens and the Dalek and Rose slowly go through it. INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE VAN STATTEN (desperate) What do we do now? You bleeding heart, what the hell do we do? The Doctor stares at him wordlessly. ADAM Kill it when it gets here! GODDARD All the guns are useless, and the alien weapons are in the vault. ADAM Only the catalogued ones. Van Statten turns to him, eyebrows raised. Adam looks back at him apologetically. INT. ADAM'S WORKSHOP The Doctor is in Adam's workshop, going through a basket of Adam's un-catalogued weapons. THE DOCTOR (takes one out) Broken. (chucks it aside, takes another--) Broken. (chucks it aside, takes another--) Hairdryer. ADAM Mr Van Statten tends to dispose of his staff, and when he does he wipes their memory. I kept this stuff in case I needed to fight my way out one day. THE DOCTOR What, you in a fight? I'd like to see that. ADAM (mildly offended) I could do. THE DOCTOR What're you gonna do, throw your A-Levels at 'em? (finds a suitable weapon) Oh, yes. Lock and load. INT. LIFT Rose and the Dalek are in the lift going up to Van Statten's office. The atmosphere is very tense. Rose watches the Dalek's exterminator arm twitch slightly. ROSE I'm begging you, don't kill them - you didn't kill me. The Dalek spins its eyepiece around to look at Rose so fast she has to duck out of the way to avoid having her eye poked out. DALEK But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I? INT. VAN STATTEN'S EXECUTIVE OFFICE The lift door opens and Van Statten is standing there, waiting. ROSE Don't move! Don't do anything, it's beginning to question itself. The Dalek advances on Van Statten. DALEK Van Statten. You tortured me. Why? VAN STATTEN (backing away, terrified) I wanted to help you, I just-- I don't know, I - I was just trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you-- I wanted you better, I'm sorry. The Dalek still advances, backing him against the wall. VAN STATTEN (CONT'D) (voice rising shrilly) I'm so sorry! I swear! I just wanted you to talk! DALEK Then hear me talk now. Exterminate! Exterminate! Van Statten winces. DALEK (CONT'D) Exterminate! ROSE (rushing over) Don't do it! Don't kill him! The Dalek spins to face her. Rose looks right into its eyepiece. ROSE (CONT'D) You don't have to do this anymore. There must be something else. Not just killing-- what else is there? What d'you want? The Dalek turns back to Van Statten. Then back to Rose. DALEK I want freedom. INT. STAIRWELL The Doctor runs up the stairs, holding the alien weapon. INT. WIDE, OPEN CORRIDOR Rose and the Dalek are on floor 01 in the base. The Dalek fires its death ray at the ceiling, making a hole through which the sunlight floods, shining on the Dalek. ROSE You're out. You made it. (smiles) Never thought I'd see the sunlight again. DALEK How... does... it... feel? Before an astonished Rose, the Dalek opens up its casing to reveal the mutated creature inside. It stretches its feelers out to the sunlight. Rose gazes at it until a voice behind her makes her jump. THE DOCTOR Get out of the way. He is holding the gun, pointing it at the Dalek. Rose stares at him in shock. She does not move. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Rose, get out of the way, now! ROSE No! 'Cos I won't let you do this! THE DOCTOR That thing killed hundreds of people. ROSE (coldly) It's not the one pointing the gun at me. THE DOCTOR I've got to do this. I've got to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, my people. I've got nothing left. ROSE Look at it. She stands aside and gestures to the Dalek who feeling the sunlight. THE DOCTOR (confused) What's it doing? ROSE It's the sunlight, that's all it wants! THE DOCTOR (voice shaking) But it can't... ROSE It couldn't kill Van Statten - it couldn't kill me - it's changing. What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into? The Doctor finally lowers the gun. He looks completely lost. THE DOCTOR (close to tears) I couldn't... Rose stares at him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I wasn't... (looks at the Dalek, then back at Rose) Oh, Rose. They're all dead. DALEK Why do we survive? THE DOCTOR I don't know. DALEK (speech an effort, now) I am the last of the Daleks. THE DOCTOR You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You absorbed her DNA. You're mutating. DALEK Into what? THE DOCTOR Something new. I'm sorry. ROSE Isn't that better? THE DOCTOR Not for a Dalek. DALEK I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness... Rose... give me orders! Order me to die. It closes its eye. The Doctor looks from the Dalek to Rose. ROSE I can't do that. DALEK This is not life. This is sickness. Rose's face contorts with pity and disgust. DALEK (CONT'D) I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey! ROSE (after a moment) Do it. DALEK Are you frightened, Rose Tyler? ROSE Yeah. DALEK So am I. (feebly) Exterminate. Rose stumbles backwards, and runs to the Doctor's side as the Dalek replaces its armour. It levitates into the air and the golden knobs detach themselves to surround the Dalek in a perfect sphere. The Dalek glows briefly, and then explodes inside the sphere, vanishing into nothing. The Doctor stares at the place where it disappeared, stunned. INT. CORRIDOR Goddard walks slowly up to Van Statten, who has several guards standing behind him. She raises behind them and they grab him by the shoulders and push him backwards. Goddard follows them at a brisk walk. VAN STATTEN What the hell are you doing?! GODDARD Two hundred personnel dead, and all because of you, sir. Take him away, wipe his memory, and leave him by the road someplace. VAN STATTEN You can't do this to me! I am Henry Van Statten! GODDARD And by tonight, Henry Van Statten will be a homeless, brainless junkie living on the streets of San Diego, Seattle, Sacramento. (turns away with a flourish and a satisfied smile) Someplace beginning with 'S'. INT. EXHIBIT ROOM Rose and the Doctor stand by the TARDIS. The Doctor has his hand on it, looking up at it pensively. THE DOCTOR (sadly) Little piece of home. Better than nothing. ROSE Is that the end of it? The Time War? THE DOCTOR I'm the only one left. I win. How about that. ROSE (consolingly) The Dalek survived... maybe some of your people did too. THE DOCTOR I'd know. In here. (gestures his head) Feels like there's no one. ROSE Well then - good thing I'm not going anywhere. (smiles) THE DOCTOR (smiles back) Yeah. Adam jogs up to them. ADAM We'd better get out. Van Statten's disappeared... they're closing down the base. The Doctor faces him with his arms folded. ADAM (CONT'D) Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement! Like it never existed! ROSE About time. ADAM I'll have to go back home. THE DOCTOR Better hurry up then. Next flight to Heathrow leaves at 1500 hours. ROSE (hintiong) Adam was saying that all his life he's wanted to see the stars... THE DOCTOR Tell him to go and stand outside, then. ROSE He's all on his own, Doctor. And he did help. THE DOCTOR He left you down there! ROSE So did you! ADAM What're you talking about? We've got to leave! THE DOCTOR (eyes on Rose) Rose, he's a bit pretty. ROSE (innocently) I hadn't noticed. The Doctor raises his eyebrows skeptically and turns to the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR On your own head. ADAM What're you doing? She said 'cement'. She wasn't joking, we're going to get sealed in. Both the Doctor and Rose disappear into the TARDIS, leaving Adam standing outside. ADAM (CONT'D) Doctor? (sounding genuinely concerned for their sanity) What're you doing standing inside a box? (pauses) Rose? He peers through the doors and steps inside. The engines start up and the TARDIS dematerialises. CLOSING CREDITS 1x07 "The Long Game" INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The camera is focused on television screens, all broadcasting news channels. A reporter's voice over the sound of the TARDIS materialising. REPORTER Solar flare activity has increased across space links 556 and all commercial flights are advised to... The sound of the TARDIS engines drowns her voice out. The camera swings slowly around to reveal the TARDIS appearing. When it stops whirring, the Doctor and Rose step out. THE DOCTOR So, it's 200 000, it's a spaceship... no wait a minute, space station, and uh... go and try that gate over there. Off you go! He leans against the TARDIS, waiting. ROSE 200 000? THE DOCTOR 200 000. ROSE 'Kay. The Doctor grins and raises his eyebrows. Rose giggles as she opens the TARDIS door and calls inside. ROSE (CONT'D) Adam? Out you come. Adam steps out with his mouth hanging open. ADAM (awestruck) Oh my God. ROSE Don't worry, you'll get used to it. ADAM Where are we? ROSE (knowledgably) Good question. Let's see. So, um... judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year 200 000. Adam nods and mumbles, still boggling. ROSE (CONT'D) If you listen... engines. The Doctor watches her, smiling. ROSE (CONT'D) We're on some sort of space station. Yeah. Definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here, they could turn the heating down... Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on! Rose opens the gate, and the Doctor and Adam follow her into the room beyond. INT. OBSERVATION DECK They are in a room overlooking the Earth. ROSE (CONT'D) Here we go! And this is... She pauses as she looks down upon the Earth. Adam has to hold on to the railings for support as he makes his way to her side. ROSE (CONT'D) (a little awestruck herself) ...I'll let the Doctor describe it. THE DOCTOR The fourth great and bountiful human empire. And there it is. Planet Earth at it's height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons - population 96 billion. The hub of a galactic domain, stretching across a million planets, a million species - with mankind right in the middle. Adam faints with a girlish sigh. Neither the Doctor or Rose bother to even turn around. THE DOCTOR He's your boyfriend. ROSE Not anymore. EXT. SATELLITE FIVE Zoom out to reveal the entire space station, with one of the Earth's moons in the background. OPENING CREDITS EXT. SATELLITE FIVE A shot of the space station in orbit around the Earth, with the sun shining upon it. THE DOCTOR (voice-over) Come on, Adam. Open your mind. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Doctor is walking with his arms around Adam's and Rose's shoulders. THE DOCTOR You're gonna like this fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent - culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners-- MAN (rudely) Out of the way! Floor 139 suddenly springs into life around them. Food stools are set up all around them and people bustle past the trio to queue up. There is much chatter. CHEF One at a time... The stall keepers take orders, and the place becomes rather busy. The Doctor looks bemused. CHEF (CONT'D) (to a man with spiky hair) Oi! You, mate! Stop pushing. Get back. I SAID, back. Rose examines the fast food behind the cases and turns to the Doctor. ROSE Fine cuisine? THE DOCTOR (wrong-footed) My watch must be wrong. (checks it) No, it's fine... weird. ROSE That's what comes of showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was. THE DOCTOR My history's perfect. ROSE (teasingly) Well, obviously not... ADAM They're all human. What about the millions of planets? The millions of species? Where are they? THE DOCTOR Good question. Actually, that IS a good question. (jovially puts an arm around Adam's shoulder) Adam, me' old mate, you must be starving. ADAM No, I'm just a bit time sick. THE DOCTOR Nah, you just need a bit of grub. (to Chef) Oi, mate - how much is a cronk burger? CHEF Two credits twenty, sweetheart. Now, join the queue. THE DOCTOR Money. We need money. (goes to a cash point, sonic screwdriver ready) Have to use a cash point. Rose and Adam follow him. The Doctor holds his sonic screwdriver to the cash point and what must be some futuristic version of a credit card falls out. It looks like a metal strip. The Doctor hands it to Adam. THE DOCTOR There you go - pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets. (walks away) ADAM (examining it bemusedly) How does it work? THE DOCTOR [turning back] Go and find out! Stop nagging me! The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Rose laughs. Adam just stares at him, brow furrowed. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) ...or is that just me? Stop asking questions, go on, do it! He shoos him away. Adam turns and walks into the crowd. Rose makes to follow him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (to Rose) Off you go then! Your first date. ROSE You're going to get a smack, you are. The Doctor grins. When she is gone, his grin fades into a more thoughtful look. He stops two women named Suki and Cathica who walk past chatting. THE DOCTOR Erm... this is gonna sound daft, but can you tell me where I am? CATHICA (indicating a huge sign on the wall) Floor 139... could they write it any bigger? THE DOCTOR Floor 139 of what? CATHICA Must've been a hell of a party. SUKI Oh, you're on Satellite Five. THE DOCTOR What's Satellite Five. CATHICA Come on, how could you get on board without knowing where you are? THE DOCTOR (pleasantly) Look at me, I'm stupid. SUKI Hang on, wait a minute - are you a test? Some sort of management test kind of thing? THE DOCTOR You've got me. Well done. You're too clever for me. (shows them psychic paper) SUKI We were warned about this in basic training. All workers have to be versed in company promotion. CATHICA Right. Fire away, ask your questions. If it gets me to Floor 500 I'll do anything. THE DOCTOR Why, what happens on Floor 500? CATHICA (as though stating the obvious) The walls are made of gold. And you should know... Mr. Management. So... this is what we do. She walks away and leads him to the screens. Suki smiles at him nervously. CATHICA (CONT'D) Latest news... sandstorms on the new Venus archipelago. Two hundred dead. Glasgow water riots into their third day... spacelane 37 closed by sunspot activity. And over on the Bad Wolf channel, the Face of Bo has just announced he's pregnant. THE DOCTOR I get it. You broadcast the news. CATHICA We ARE the news. Suki smiles at the Doctor again. He smiles back. CATHICA (CONT'D) We're the journalists. We write it, package it and sell it. INT. CONTROL ROOM A camera above them zooms in as though someone is watching them. It then switches to a view on a monitor. CATHICA 600 channels all coming out of Satellite Five, broadcasting everywhere. A man - the Editor - comes into view. He glances at the monitor and ponders for a moment. THE EDITOR Something... is wrong. Something fictional. He bends over the shoulder of a man, who is covered in ice. He points at the monitor showing live footage of Cathica, Suki and the Doctor. THE EDITOR Those people. CATHICA Nothing happens in the whole human empire without it going though us. THE EDITOR Security check. Go deep. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR LOUDSPEAKER All staff are reminded that the canteen area now has self cleaning tables. Thank you! Adam is sitting at a crowded table. Rose stands next to him, offering him a paper cup. ROSE Try this. It's called 'zaffic', it's nice. It's like a - um - slush puppy. ADAM What flavour? ROSE Um... (tries it) Sort of, beef? ADAM Oh, my God... Rose laughs. Adam shakes his head. ADAM (CONT'D) It's like everything's gone. Home - family - everything. Rose looks at him concernedly. She takes her phone out of her pocket. ROSE This helps... the Doctor gave it a bit of a top-up. Who's back home, your mum and dad? ADAM Yeah. ROSE (offers him the phone) Phone 'em up. ADAM But that's one hundred and ninety- eight thousand years ago. ROSE Honestly, try it. Go on! ADAM (takes the phone) Is there a code for planet Earth? ROSE Just dial! Adam does so. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE, MANCHESTER A phone rings. No one answers. The answering machine comes on. ANSWERING MACHINE I'm sorry we're not in. ADAM It's on! ANSWERING MACHINE Please leave a message. Thanks, bye! The tone sounds. ADAM Hi. It's... it's me. A dog hops through the cat flap. ADAM (CONT'D) I've sort of gone... travelling. The dog scurries to the phone and sniffs it, giving small whines. ADAM (CONT'D) I met these people... and we've gone travelling together. But, um... I'm fine... and I'll call you later. Love you. Bye. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR ADAM (hangs up, gleeful) That is just-- An alarm sounds. Everyone starts to abandon the the canteen area, but Rose and Adam don't know what to do. The Doctor is revealed through the crowd a short distance away. THE DOCTOR Oi! Mutt and Jeff! Over here! Rose, beaming, immediately gets up and joins him. Adam pauses for a moment, holding Rose's phone. Then, seeming to reach a decision, he pockets it. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Editor is waiting for the results of the security check. COMPUTER Security check cleared. THE EDITOR No, something's WRONG. I can taste it. Tiny little shift in the information. Someone down there shouldn't be here. The camera is focused on the Doctor, Rose, Adam, Cathica and Suki, who are standing together. The Editor orders the two of the people he has working at the computers. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Double check. Triple check. Follow them. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM The five of them are now joined by several others in a room, where their work takes place. There is a chair in the middle of raised octagonal platform in the middle of the room, around which the staff are sitting cross legged. In front of them are pads on which to place their hands. The Doctor, Rose and Adam stand leaning against some railings at the side of the room. Cathica is in the middle of the octagonal platform. She addresses the room. CATHICA Now. Everybody behave. We have a management inspection. (to the Doctor) How do you want it? By the book? THE DOCTOR Oh, right from scratch, thanks. Cathica turns away. The Doctor and Rose smirk at each other. CATHICA Ok, so - ladies, gentlemen, multisex, undecided or robot - my name is Cathica Santini Kadainy. That's Cathica with a 'C', in case you want to write to Floor 500 praising me, and please... do... The Doctor grins, giving a non-committal jerk of his head. CATHICA (CONT'D) Now, please feel free to ask any questions. The process of news gathering must be open, honest, and be non-biased. That's company policy. She turns to smile at the Doctor. The Doctor nods. SUKI Actually... it's the law. She also smiles at the Doctor. CATHICA (irritated) Yes, thank you, Suki. Okay, keep it calm... don't show off for the guests... here we go. (lies down in the chair) And... engage safety... The staff hold their hands out over their hand pads. Each of the eight walls light up as they do so. The Doctor, Rose and Adam look around. Cathica clicks her fingers, and a door in her forehead opens, revealing her brain. The Doctor looks mildly disgusted, Rose alarmed, and Adam leans forward slightly trying to get a better look. The staff place their hands down on the pads and close their eyes. CATHICA (CONT'D) And 3... 2... and spike. From the contraption over the chair, a blue light spikes down into her brain, flowing into her. THE DOCTOR Compressed information, streaming into her. Reports from every city, every country, every planet, and they all get packaged inside her head. She becomes part of the software. Her brain IS the computer. ROSE If it all goes through her, she must be a genius. THE DOCTOR Nah. She wouldn't remember any. There's too much, her head would blow up. He begins to walk around the room, circling the octagonal platform. Rose follows. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) The brain's the processor. As soon as it closes, she forgets. ROSE So, what about all these people round the edge? THE DOCTOR They've all got tiny little chips in their head, connecting them to her - Rose kneels down next to one of them for a closer look. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) - and they transmit 600 channels. Every single fact in the empire beams out of this place. He completes his circuit around the room and leans against the railing again, next to Adam. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Now, that's what I call power. INT. CONTROL ROOM COMPUTER Analysis confirmed. Security breech. THE EDITOR (gleefully) I knew it. Which one? It's someone inside that room, which one? The camera is going from person to person in the spike room. COMPUTER Isolating breech. THE EDITOR Come on, show me. Who is it? The camera focuses on Rose, Adam and the Doctor. ROSE (to Adam) You alright? ADAM I can see her brain. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM ROSE Do you want to get out? ADAM No... no. This is technology, it's... it's amazing. THE DOCTOR This technology's wrong. Rose and Adam look at him. ROSE Trouble? THE DOCTOR (catches her eye) Oh yeah. He smiles at her. Rose smiles in a satisfied sort of way. There is a slight shuddering sound, and Suki twitches. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE EDITOR That's it! (points at the monitor, laughing in triumph) Yes! She's the liar. The camera is focused on Suki. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Intercept and scan. Gotcha. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Suki gasps and lifts her hands off the pad as though she has just received an electric shock. The other members of staff are forced to lift their own hands too, and the lights in the walls turn off. The compressed information stops streaming into Cathica and the door in her head closes. Suki rubs her hands, breathing heavily. CATHICA (annoyed) Come off it, Suki, I wasn't even halfway, what was that for? SUKI Sorry, must've been a glitch... Cathica stands up. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Editor is still watching the monitor closely. THE EDITOR Her information's been tampered with. There's a second biography hidden underneath. There is a sudden roaring sound from above. The Editor spins around and looks up at the ceiling. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Yes, sir? More roaring. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Absolutely, sir. Yeah, well - her data was encrypted so there's no way we could've found her sooner. An angry roar, this time. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Yeah. I-- sorry, sir. (thumbs up) Absolutely. (urgently, to a woman--) Get her up here. Now. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Inside the room where Suki, Cathica and the others are assembled, a loudspeaker sounds over the room and a projection springs to life on the wall. LOUDSPEAKER Promotion. CATHICA (praying just a little too hard) This is it. Come on. God, make it me. Come on, say my name. The Doctor, Rose and Adam look at her with mild concern. CATHICA (CONT'D) (pleading, eyes screwed shut) Say my name, say my name... (opens her eyes) LOUDSPEAKER Promotion for... Suki Macrae Cantrell. The words flash on the projection. Suki's mouth drops open. Cathica looks gutted. LOUDSPEAKER (CONT'D) Please proceed to Floor 500. Suki stands up and stares at the projection as if she cannot believe what she is seeing. SUKI (awestruck) I don't believe it... Floor 500... CATHICA How the hell did you manage that? I'm above you! SUKI I don't know, I just applied on the off-chance... and they've said yes! CATHICA That's so not fair, I've been applying to Floor 500 for three years! ROSE (to the Doctor) What's Floor 500? THE DOCTOR The walls are made of gold. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Doctor, Rose and Cathica stand by the lift to say goodbye to Suki. SUKI Cathica, I'm gonna miss you! Floor 500... (to the Doctor) Thank you! THE DOCTOR I didn't do anything! SUKI Well, you're my lucky charm! THE DOCTOR All right! I'll hug anyone! Suki giggles as the Doctor hugs her. Cathica looks stubbornly anywhere but at Suki, and Rose goes over to Adam who is sitting a short distance away. ROSE Come on, it's not that bad... ADAM What, with the... the head thing? ROSE Yeah, well she's closed it now! ADAM Yeah but... it's everything. It freaks me out. And I just need to... if I could just... (struggles to find the words) ...cool down. Sort of, acclimatize. ROSE How d'you mean? ADAM Maybe... I could just go and sit on the observation deck? Would that be all right? Rose nods. ADAM (CONT'D) Soak it in, you know, pretend I'm a citizen of the year 200 000. ROSE Do you want me to come with you? ADAM No, no, you stick with the Doctor. Rose nods. A pause. ADAM (CONT'D) You'd rather be with him. Another awkward pause, because it's true. ADAM (CONT'D) It's gonna take a better man than me to get between you two. Anyway - I'll be on the deck. He gets to his feet. Rose fumbles in her pocket. ROSE Here you go... take the TARDIS key. You know, just in case it gets a bit too much. ADAM Yeah, like it's not weird in there. Rose gives him the key. Adam walks away, leaving Rose standing alone. He grins to himself gleefully, holding the key, rejoicing under his breath. SUKI Oh, my God, I've got to go, I can't keep them waiting-- (picks up her bag, rushes to the lift) I'm sorry! (lift pings open, she steps inside) Say goodbye to Steve for me. The Doctor and Rose smile. The lift doors close. SUKI (CONT'D) Bye! The Doctor and Rose wave cheerily. Cathica looks away sourly. CATHICA Good riddance. THE DOCTOR You're talking like you'll never see her again. She's only going upstairs. CATHICA We won't. Once you go to Floor 500 you never come back. The Doctor looks at the closed lift doors, brow furrowed. INT. LIFT Suki stands nervously in the lift, which is zooming up to Floor 500 very fast. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Doctor and Rose follow Cathica through the canteen area. THE DOCTOR (to Cathica) Have you ever been up there? CATHICA No. You need a key for the lift, and you only get a key with promotion. No one gets to 500 except for the chosen few. INT. LIFT Suki paces agitatedly in the lift. Finally, it reaches Floor 500 and the doors open. She looks out beyond the doors - Floor 500 is covered in frost and snow - snow which is gently falling from the ceiling. Suki picks up her bag and walks out of the lift. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Suki looks around at her surroundings nervously. Behind her, the doors bleep and shut. Scared, Suki throws her weight against them, trying to open them, but to no avail. She gives up and takes a torch out of her bag. She walks cautiously onto Floor 500, holding it before her. There is a small sound from one of the side rooms. She edges into it slowly. INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM Suki shines her torch around - it appears to be a disused room, like the one where she works. She places a hand on the chair in the middle of the octagonal platform, and shrieks as a rotten corpse falls into view. Shining her torch around, she finds there are eight other corpses, sitting around the edges of the platform. She backs hurriedly out of the room. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Suddenly, a shaft of light falls across the floor. Having no other indication as to where she should go, Suki follows it. INT. CONTROL ROOM Suki finds herself facing the Editor, in the place where the other deceased members of staff are working on the computers. She turns off the torch. The Editor waves, and she places it back in her bag, walking up some steps towards him. SUKI Who're you? THE EDITOR I'm the Editor. SUKI What's happening? There're... bodies out there, what's going on? THE EDITOR Well, while we're asking questions, would you please confirm your name. He snaps his fingers, and a projection of Suki appears between them - obviously recorded from the time when she was applying for her job. PROJECTION OF SUKI My name is Suki Macrae Cantrell. I was born 1-9-9 apostrophe 8-9 in the Independent Republic of Morocco. THE EDITOR Liar. Suki looks at him with something like defiance in her eyes. PROJECTION OF SUKI Hobbies include reading and archaeology. I'm not an expert or anything, I just like digging. THE EDITOR Liar! He snaps his fingers again, the recording is forwarded to a different point. PROJECTION OF SUKI I want to work for Satellite Five because my sister can't afford university. The Editor shakes his head. Suki looks from him to the projection. PROJECTION OF SUKI (CONT'D) And the pay scheme is really good-- THE EDITOR (shouts) Liar! Suki stares at him defiantly. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Let's look at the facts, shall we? He snaps his fingers again. The projection now shows Suki in a trench, wearing army attire, firing a gun and shouting to her comrades. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Ah, hidden behind a genetic graft, but that's still you. Eva San Julienne. Last surviving member of the Freedom Fifteen! Hmm, self declared anarchist, is that right? Suki suddenly produces a gun and points it at the Editor. Her voice has changed - it is now harsh and cold. SUKI Who controls Satellite Five? Looking shocked, the Editor raises his hands slowly in the air. Then, he bursts out laughing and lowers them. THE EDITOR There's the truth! SUKI (unfazed) The Freedom Foundation has been monitoring Satellite Five's transmissions. We have absolute proof that the facts are being manipulated. YOU are lying to the people. THE EDITOR Ohh, I love it. Say it again. SUKI This whole system is corrupt. (steps towards her, gun ready) Who do you represent? THE EDITOR I'm merely a humble slave. I answer to the Editor in Chief. SUKI Well, who is he? Where is he? THE EDITOR He's overseeing everything. Literally everything. Suki narrows her eyes. THE EDITOR If you don't mind, I'm going to have to refer this upwards. He clicks his fingers and points upwards. The roaring voice starts again. Suki immediately points her gun at the ceiling instead. SUKI (scared) What is that? THE EDITOR Your boss. This has always been your boss. Since the day you were born. Suki fires ineffectually in the direction of the creature. But it bears down on her. Suki screams. INT. OBSERVATION DECK Adam enters the observation deck. He looks out over the Earth for a few seconds, then turns to a computer behind him. He places his hand on the hand pad. ADAM Give me access... The computer screen springs to life. Adam snatches his hand away and pauses. ADAM (CONT'D) I can learn anything. He looks around to make sure no one is watching him, then turns back to the screen. He places his hand back on the groove. ADAM (CONT'D) Let's try... uh, computers. From the 21st Century to the present date, give me the history of the Microprocessor. The computer starts to stream the information into Adam. He looks amazed. ADAM (CONT'D) Oh my God. INT. SPIKE ROOM Cathica enters followed by the Doctor and Rose. CATHICA Look, they only give us twenty minutes maintenance, can't you give it a rest? THE DOCTOR But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down? He settles himself comfortably in the chair on the platform. Rose leans on the back of it. CATHICA I went to floor 16 when I first arrived, that's medical, that's when I got my head done, and then I - I came straight here. Satellite Five - you work, eat and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all. (eyes them) You're not management, are you. THE DOCTOR At last! She's clever! CATHICA (after a pause) Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything. THE DOCTOR Don't you even ask? CATHICA Well, why WOULD I? THE DOCTOR You're a journalist! Why's all the crew human? CATHICA What's that got to do with anything? THE DOCTOR There's no aliens on board. Why? CATHICA I don't know - no real reason, they're not banned or anything. The Doctor looks around the room theatrically. THE DOCTOR Then where are they? CATHICA (stumped) I suppose immigration's tightened up. It's had to, what, with all the threats. THE DOCTOR What threats? CATHICA (lost) I don't know... all of them. Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away... Rose and the Doctor watch her intently. CATHICA (CONT'D) Oh, and the government on Traffic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see... just... lots of little reasons, that's all. THE DOCTOR Adding up to one great big fact, and you didn't even notice. CATHICA Doctor, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything. THE DOCTOR I can see better. This society's the wrong shape. Even the technology. CATHICA It's cutting edge! THE DOCTOR It's backward! There's a great big door in your head! You should've chucked this out years ago. ROSE So, what do you think is going on? THE DOCTOR It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude. It's the way people think. The great and bountiful human empire's stunted. Something's holding it back. CATHICA And how would you know? THE DOCTOR Trust me. Humanity's been set back about 90 years - when did Satellite Five start broadcasting? CATHICA 91 years ago... The Doctor nods. Cathica looks away thoughtfully. INT. OBSERVATION DECK Adam stands in front of the computer terminal on Rose's mobile. ADAM Mum - Dad - KEEP this message, okay? Whatever you do, DON'T erase it. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE, MANCHESTER The dog scuttles up to the phone again, sniffing around it. ADAM (CONT'D) Save it. You got that? INT. OBSERVATION DECK Adam places his hand on the pad again. He speaks into the mobile as the information streams into him. ADAM The microprocessor became redundant in the year 2019, when it was replaced by a system called SMT - that's Single Molecule Transcription-- Suddenly, the information stops coming and the words 'Floor 16' appear on the screen. ADAM (CONT'D) No, no, no, no, no, no! What're you doing! Come back! Come-- He kicks the base of the computer. He looks behind him to check no one heard, then back at the computer. ADAM (CONT'D) Why are you doing that? The words remain stubbornly on the screen. ADAM (CONT'D) What's Floor 16? What's down there? INT. FLOOR 16, CORRIDOR The lift doors open on Floor 16 and Adam steps out. The floor is lined with desks with people sitting behind them, taking to members of staff. Adam walks past them all, until he reaches the end one, where a nurse is sitting unoccupied. He approaches her. ADAM Sorry, um - Floor 16 - that's, um... what do you cover? NURSE Medical non-emergency. ADAM Right - wrong floor - I'm having technical difficulties, my screen keeps freezing - blocking me out. NURSE No, that's medical... there must be something wrong with your chip. ADAM Yes. Yeah, of course, yeah. (a laugh, a pause, then--) I haven't got one. NURSE (rolls her eyes) No wonder you can't get a screen to work. Adam nods. NURSE (CONT'D) What are you, a... student? ADAM (thinking quickly) Yes, yeah, I'm um... (sits opposite her) I'm on a research project from... the University of Mars. NURSE (rolls her eyes again) The Martian Boondocks. Typical. ADAM Yep. He giggles apologetically. NURSE Well, you still need chipping. ADAM So... does that mean like... brain surgery? NURSE That's an old fashioned phrase... but it's the same thing, yes. ADAM Oh... okay... never mind. But if I get a chip... that means I could use ANY computer. NURSE Absolutely. You'll... have to pay for it. They've stopped subsiding. ADAM Oh! Right. Sorry. Wasting your time. Thanks. He gets up and makes to leave. A few paces away he stops and puts his hand in his pocket. ADAM (CONT'D) Hold on... can I use this? He holds up the credits. The Nurse smiles. NURSE That'll do nicely. INT. MEDICAL ROOM Adam is sitting in what looks like a futuristic dentist's chair in some sort of operating theatre. The Nurse approaches him. NURSE It all comes down to two basic types. (pushes him back into the chair, puts a strange contraption around his forehead) Type one - the head chip. Inserted into the back of the skull - one hundred credits. There's the chip... (places the chip on her forefinger and shows it to him) Tiny. Invisible. Type two is the full info-spike. ADAM Oh, um... that's the... (indicates his forehead and does sound effects to illustrate his point) ...thing. NURSE That's the one. It does cost ten thousand. ADAM Oh, well I um... I couldn't afford it, then. NURSE Not at all! Turns out - you've got unlimited credit. She takes the credit out her pocket and shows it to him. ADAM No, but... I couldn't have it done, I mean... that's gotta hurt, hasn't it? NURSE Painless. Contractual guarantee. ADAM (laughs nervously) No, my mate's waiting upstairs, I can't have major surgery. NURSE It takes ten minutes. That sort of money buys a very fast picosurgeon. She circles his chair in a somewhat predatory nature. ADAM (still smiling, unsure) No, but I... I couldn't, no, no. It's... The Nurse leans closer to him. NURSE Type one - you can interface with a simple computer. Type two - you are the computer. You can transmit any piece of information from the archive of Satellite Five, which is just about the entire history of the human race. Now... (leans in) Which one's it going to be? INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR Cathica's face comes into view, looking anxious. CATHICA We're SO gonna get in trouble. The Doctor is scanning the side of a door with his sonic screwdriver, Rose standing behind him. Cathica goes over to him. CATHICA (CONT'D) You're not allowed to touch the mainframe, you're gonna get told off. THE DOCTOR Rose, tell her to button it. CATHICA (urgent whisper) You can't just vandalise the place, someone's gonna notice! The Doctor wrenches the door open. INT. CONTROL ROOM Up on Floor 500, the Editor is watching. THE EDITOR I don't understand! We did a full security scan. That man was there when we found Suki Macrae Cantrell. There were no indications about him. And yet here he is... (kneels by Suki's body, now hard at work at a terminal Clearly acting outside the parameters. (looks back at the screen) Fascinating. He leaps to his feet as the creature in the ceiling starts talking again. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Yes, sir. Absolutely. At once. (goes along the line of workers, speaking to each in turn--) Check him. Double check him. Triple check him. Quadruple. The creature rumbles. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Doctor is still messing around with the mainframe. CATHICA This is nothing to do with me, I'm going back to work. She begins to walk away. THE DOCTOR Go on then! See ya! Cathica stops. CATHICA I can't just leave you, can I! ROSE If you wanna be useful, get 'em to turn the heating down. It's boiling. What's wrong with this place, can't they do something about it? CATHICA I don't know, we keep asking - something to do with the turbine. THE DOCTOR (mockingly) "Something to do with the turbine". CATHICA Well, I don't know! THE DOCTOR Exactly! I give up on you, Cathica. Now, Rose - look at Rose. Rose turns round, smiling. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Rose is asking the right kind of questions. ROSE Oh, thank you. THE DOCTOR Why is it so hot? CATHICA One minutes you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating! THE DOCTOR Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important. He accidentally snaps a bunch of wires. Cathica looks away, exasperated. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Editor is waiting for the results of the security scan. COMPUTER Security scan complete. THE EDITOR Well, who is he? COMPUTER He is no-one. THE EDITOR (laughs, not comprehending) What does that mean? COMPUTER He is no- one. THE EDITOR What, you mean he has a fake ID? COMPUTER He has no identification. THE EDITOR But everyone's registered. We have a census for the entire Empire. COMPUTER He is no-one. THE EDITOR What, he doesn't exist? Not anywhere? COMPUTER He is no-one. THE EDITOR What about the blonde? COMPUTER She is no-one. THE EDITOR (incredulous) Both of them?! Well! We all know what happens to non-entities. They get promoted. (to a Drone) Bring them up. He pats her shoulder. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Doctor has now successfully managed to hack into the mainframe. He turns the screen to Cathica THE DOCTOR Here we go - Satellite Five. Pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout. He moves to stand behind her so she can see. Cathica examines the screen. CATHICA This is ridiculous. You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange... and you're looking at pipes? She turns to him, bemused. THE DOCTOR But there's something wrong. Cathica turns back to the screen. CATHICA I suppose... ROSE Why, what is it? CATHICA The ventilation system. Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out... channelling massive amounts of heat DOWN. She looks upwards. THE DOCTOR All the way from the top. ROSE Floor 500. THE DOCTOR Something up there is generating tonnes and tonnes of heat. ROSE Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip? CATHICA You can't, you need a key. THE DOCTOR Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here. (gestures the screen, taps a few keys) Here we go - override 215.9. CATHICA How come it's giving you the code? The Doctor looks up at a security camera. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE DOCTOR Someone up there likes me. The Editor laughs to himself. INT. MEDICAL ROOM Adam runs his hand over his forehead. The Nurse is standing next to him. NURSE I told you it was painless. No scaring, you see? Perfect success. ADAM How do I activate it? NURSE It's a personal choice. Some people whistle... I know one man who triggers it with 'Oh, Danny Boy'. Adam looks at her. NURSE (CONT'D) But you're set on default for now. That's a click of the fingers. ADAM So you mean, I just... The Nurse raises her fingers, ready to click. NURSE Click. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The lift doors open on Floor 139, and Rose and the Doctor step into it. Cathica stops outside. ROSE Come on, come with us! CATHICA No way! THE DOCTOR (waves) Bye! CATHICA Well, don't mention my name. When you get in trouble, just don't involve me! She stalks off. THE DOCTOR (to Rose) That's her gone. Adam's given up. Looks like it's just you and me. ROSE Yeah. THE DOCTOR Good. ROSE Yep. They grin at each other. The Doctor slots a card into the controls, and grabs Rose's hand as the doors close. INT. MEDICAL ROOM Adam clicks his fingers. The door in his head opens, revealing his brain. He fingers the shutters with his mouth open for a few seconds, then clicks his fingers again to close it, shaking. He flops back in his seat. ADAM Oh, my God. I'm gonna be sick. He wretches. A vomit coloured ice-cube pops out of his mouth. Adam takes it between his fingers, and looks at it in confusion. NURSE Special offer. We installed the vomit-o-matic at the same time. Nano-termites have been placed in the lining of your throat. In the event of sickness... (holds out a bowl) They freeze the waste. Adam places the ice-cube into the bowl. They both peer at it. Adam looks severely shaken. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR The lift reaches Floor 500. The doors open and the Doctor and Rose step out. THE DOCTOR (looks around) The walls are not made of gold. You should go back downstairs. ROSE Tough. She strides onto Floor 500. The Doctor watches her a moment, then follows. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Doctor and Rose find themselves in the Editor's room, where he is watching the screens. THE EDITOR I started without you. This is fascinating. Satellite Five contains every piece of information within the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Birth certificates, shopping habits, bank statements, but YOU two... you don't exist! The Doctor and Rose look right back at him. He laughs. THE EDITOR Not a trace! No birth - no job - not the slightest kiss. How can you walk through the world and not leave a single footprint? Rose spots Suki sitting at one of the screens and rushes over to her immediately. ROSE Suki! Suki! She kneels next to her, but Suki does not respond. ROSE (CONT'D) Hello? Can you hear me? Suki? (to the Editor) What've you done to her? THE DOCTOR I think she's dead. ROSE She's working... THE DOCTOR They've all got chips in their head, and the chips keep going. Like puppets. THE EDITOR Ohhhh! You're full of information! But it's only fair we get information back, because apparently, you're no-one. He laughs. The Doctor nods. THE EDITOR It's so rare not to know something. Who are you? THE DOCTOR It doesn't matter, 'cause we're off. Nice to meet you. (to Rose) Come on. Two of the Drones restrain him. Rose tries to get up, but Suki's corpse grabs her arm. THE EDITOR (persistently) Tell me who you are! THE DOCTOR Since that information's keeping us alive, I'm hardly gonna say, am I? THE EDITOR (smiling) Well, perhaps my Editor in Chief can convince you otherwise. THE DOCTOR And who's that? THE EDITOR It may interest you to know that this is NOT the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. In fact, it's not actually human at all. It's merely a place where humans happen to live. The creature speaks - the tone sounds angry. THE EDITOR Yeah-- sorry. It's a place where humans are allowed to live by kind permission of my client. He snaps his fingers and points upwards and points at the creature in the ceiling. It is revealed to be a huge, slobbering lump of an alien with a mouth full of sharp, snapping teeth. ROSE (nervously) What is that? THE DOCTOR You mean, that thing's in charge of Satellite Five? THE EDITOR That 'thing' - as you put it - is in charge of the human race. The Doctor looks at him in alarm. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) For almost a hundred years, mankind has been shaped and guided, his knowledge and ambition strictly controlled by its broadcast news. Edited by my superior - your master - and humanities guiding light - the mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. The Jagrafess roars. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) I call him Max. The Doctor smiles sarcastically and nods. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR Adam is back on Floor 139. He swiftly steps aside as he sees Cathica coming. She does not notice him. However, she looks troubled. She goes back to the computer which the Doctor hacked to find the codes. She then enters the code into the lift. The doors close. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Doctor and Rose have both been restrained with manacles. THE EDITOR If we create a climate of fear... then it's easy to keep the borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast repeated often enough can destabilize an economy... invent an enemy... change a vote... ROSE So, all the people on Earth are like, slaves. THE EDITOR Well, now. There's an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved? THE DOCTOR Yes. THE EDITOR Oh. I was hoping for a philosophical debate. Is that all I'm going to get? 'Yes'? THE DOCTOR Yes. The Editor laughs. THE EDITOR You're no fun. THE DOCTOR Let me out of these manacles - you'll find out how much fun I am. THE EDITOR Oh, he's tough, isn't he. But, come on. Isn't it a great system? You've got to admire it, just a little bit. ROSE You can't hide something on this scale. Somebody must've noticed. THE EDITOR From time to time, someone, yes. But the computer system allows me to see inside their brain... I can see the smallest doubt - and crush it. He grins. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Cathica steps out of the lift on Floor 500, and strides onto the floor. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Adam steps cautiously into the spike room and shuts the door behind him. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE EDITOR (CONT'D) And then they just carry on, living their life. Strutting about downstairs and all over the surface of the Earth like they're SO individual. The Doctor spots Cathica out of the corner of his eye. She has made it to the room, but does not reveal herself. THE EDITOR When of course, they're not. They're just cattle. In that respect, the Jagrafess hasn't changed a thing. ROSE What about you? You're not a Jagra... uh... a... THE DOCTOR Jagrafess. ROSE Jagrafess. You're not a Jagrafess. You're human. THE EDITOR Yeah, well simply being human doesn't pay very well. ROSE But you couldn't have done this all on your own. THE EDITOR No! I represent a consortium of banks. Money prefers a long-term investment. Also, the Jagrafess needed a little hand to um... install himself. THE DOCTOR No wonder, a creature that size. Cathica, still hiding, spots the Jagrafess on the ceiling. THE DOCTOR What's his life span? THE EDITOR Three thousand years. THE DOCTOR That's one hell of a metabolism generating all that heat. That's why Satellite Five's so hot. You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs - Jagrafess stays cool - stays alive. Satellite Five's one great big life support system. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Adam, now in the chair, opens his head. He calls his house number on Rose's mobile. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE, MANCHESTER ADAM (through answering machine) Me again. Don't wipe this message. It's just gonna sound like white noise, but save it because I can translate it. Okay? Three, two, one... and spike. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM The compressed information starts to flow into Adam's brain. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE EDITOR But THAT'S why you're so dangerous. Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown. He gives a small laugh, then clicks his fingers. The manacles send an electric shock through the Doctor and Rose. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Who are you? INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Adam is shaking. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE, MANCHESTER A blue light surrounds the telephone, and the dog is barking at it. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Doctor grimaces in pain. THE DOCTOR (indicating Rose) Leave her alone. I'm the Doctor, she's Rose Tyler, we're nothing, we're just wandering. THE EDITOR Tell me who you are! THE DOCTOR I just said! THE EDITOR Yeah, but who do you work for? Who sent you? Who knows about us? Who exactly-- He stops. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Adam shudders. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Doctor looks at The Editor questioningly. He smiles. THE EDITOR Time Lord. THE DOCTOR What? THE EDITOR Oh, yes! The last of the Time Lords in his travelling machine. Oh, with his little human girl from long ago... He touches Rose's face gently, and she jerks her head away roughly. THE DOCTOR You don't know what you're talking about. THE EDITOR Time travel. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM Adam shouts in pain. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE DOCTOR Someone's been telling you lies. THE EDITOR Young master Adam Mitchell? He snaps his fingers, and a projection of Adam, writhing with pain and shouting, the compressed information still flowing into him, appears in the air. ROSE Oh, my God - his head! THE DOCTOR What the hell's he done? What the hell's he gone and done? Cathica listens. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything! THE EDITOR And through him, I know everything about you. Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T-A-R-D-I-S - TARDIS. THE DOCTOR You'll never get your hands on it. I'll die first. THE EDITOR Die all you like. I don't need you. I've got the key. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM. The key slowly floats from Adam's pocket and dangles in front of his face. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Doctor rounds on Rose. THE DOCTOR You and your boyfriends! THE EDITOR Today, WE are the headlines. We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing. THE DOCTOR And no-one's gonna stop you. Because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions. Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold. He is indirectly addressing this to Cathica, who is still listening, revelation showing on her face. She seems to reach some sort of decision. INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM Cathica enters the broadcasting room on Floor 500. She tosses the rotten corpse off the chair, and sits down in the vacated seat herself. CATHICA Disengage safety. The walls around her light up. INT. CONTROL ROOM An alarm goes off. THE EDITOR What's happening? CATHICA Maximum access. Override Floor 139. INT. FLOOR 139, SPIKE ROOM The information stops flowing into Adam, and the TARDIS key falls to the floor. INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM CATHICA (CONT'D) And... spike! The information flows into her. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE EDITOR Someone's disengaged the safety. He clicks his fingers - the projection shows Cathica, the compressed information flowing into her brain. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Who's that?! ROSE It's Cathica! THE DOCTOR And she's thinking. She's using what she knows! THE EDITOR (to Suki) Terminate her access. THE DOCTOR Everything I told her about Satellite Five - the pipes - the filters - she's reversing it! Look at that... The icicles are beginning to melt. THE DOCTOR It's getting hot. THE EDITOR I said, terminate! He frantically places his own hands over Suki's. THE EDITOR Burn her mind. CATHICA Oh no you don't. You should've promoted me YEARS back. All the screens suddenly explode with sparks, and the Drones fall lifeless to the floor. Satellite Five shudders, and alarms go off. Rose's manacles come undone. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR All the workers are running and screaming - INT. CONTROL ROOM The Editor tries to get the corpses to sit upright again. INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM Cathica smiles. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE DOCTOR She's venting the heat up here. The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano. The Jagrafess is roaring violently. The Doctor laughs. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR Adam runs through the crowds. INT. CONTROL ROOM THE EDITOR (in response to the Jagrafess' roars) Yes! Uh... I'm trying, sir but - I don't know how she did it, it's impossible. A member of staff with an idea-- The Jagrafess roars angrily. The Editor pushes Suki's body aside, and tries to operate the computer himself. Rose, free from her manacles, fumbles in the Doctor's jacket pocket for his sonic screwdriver, while the Jagrafess roars and snaps at them menacingly. ROSE What do I do? THE DOCTOR Flick the switch! Rose does so, and the sonic screwdriver buzzes. A small explosion goes off nearby, causing Rose to jump. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR Adam pushes through the crowds. Cathica closes her eyes. INT. CONTROL ROOM Rose uses the sonic screwdriver to free the Doctor. He says to the Editor... THE DOCTOR Oi, mate - wanna bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body. Massive bang! He frees himself just as lumps of flesh start falling off the Jagrafess. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) See you in the headlines! He runs for it. The body of the Jagrafess starts to pulsate horribly, glowing red. THE EDITOR Um - actually, sir - if it's all the same to you, I think I'll resign. Bye, then! He makes to leave, but Suki grabs his ankle, tripping him over and preventing him from leaving. He tries to tug his foot away. THE EDITOR (CONT'D) Let go of me! INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR The Doctor and Rose run across Floor 500 hand in hand, avoiding the huge lumps of snow falling from the ceiling. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Jagrafess roars in pain. THE EDITOR (to Suki) Let go of me! Let go of me! INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM The Doctor and Rose enter - the information is still streaming into Cathica. INT. CONTROL ROOM The Jagrafess swells horribly. The Editor shouts in terror. And then, it explodes. INT. FLOOR 500, SPIKE ROOM The Doctor clicks his fingers and the door in Cathica's head closes. She looks up at the Doctor, who smiles down at her. EXT. SPACE The sun rises over the planet Earth. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR Everyone is recovering from the commotion. The Doctor and Cathica are sitting at a table in the canteen area, Rose leaning on the bar behind them. THE DOCTOR We're just gonna go. I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage. CATHICA You'll have to stay and explain it - no-one's gonna believe me. THE DOCTOR Oh, they might start believing a lot of things now. The Human Race should accelerate. All back to normal. CATHICA (eying Adam, who is loitering by the TARDIS) What about your friend? THE DOCTOR He's not my friend. There is something menacing in the way he stands up and marches in Adam's direction. ROSE Now, don't-- He ignores her. The Doctor advances on Adam. ADAM I'm all right now. Much better. I've got the key. (shows him) Well, it's... I know... (laughs nervously) It all worked out for the best, didn't it? (laughs nervously) The Doctor takes the key off him, and grabs Adam, and unlocks the door of the TARDIS. ADAM (CONT'D) You know, it's not actually my fault, because YOU were in charge-- The Doctor shoves Adam inside, ignoring him completely. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE, MANCHESTER The Doctor steers Adam out of the TARDIS which has materialised in his living room. Rose follows them out, shutting the doors behind her. ADAM It's my house! I'm home! Oh, my God, I'm home! The Doctor glares at him. ADAM (CONT'D) Blimey. I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock. THE DOCTOR Is there something else you want to tell me? ADAM No. Um... what do you mean? The Doctor walks over the the telephone and picks it up. THE DOCTOR The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world. Adam looks rather caught out. The Doctor puts down the phone, and takes out his sonic screwdriver. Adam looks as though he wants to stop him, but cannot think of anything to say, and merely points at him wordlessly while he blows up the telephone. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) That's it, then. See ya. [He walks back to the TARDIS doors] ADAM How do you mean, 'see ya'? THE DOCTOR As in 'goodbye'. ADAM But... what about me? You can't just go, I've got my head - I've got a chip type two, my head opens. THE DOCTOR What, like this? He clicks his fingers, opening Adam's head. ADAM (angrily) Don't. He clicks his fingers and it closes. THE DOCTOR Don't do what? He clicks his fingers again. ADAM Stop it! Adam closes it again. ROSE All right now, Doctor, that's enough. Stop it. The Doctor backs down. ADAM (to Rose) Thank you. Rose clicks her fingers. ADAM Oi! ROSE (sniggering) Sorry, I couldn't resist. Adam closes it again. THE DOCTOR The whole of history could've changed because of you. ADAM I just wanted to help. THE DOCTOR You were helping yourself. ADAM And - I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am - but you can't just leave me like this. THE DOCTOR Yes I can. 'Cos if you show your head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average. Unseen. Good luck. He opens the TARDIS door. ADAM But I wanna come with you! THE DOCTOR I only take the best. I've got Rose. Adam's mum opens the front door, carrying bags of shopping. Adam hears her. ADAM Oh my God. ADAM'S MUM Who's that? Jeff? Is that you? ADAM It's me - mum - don't come in, wait there a minute. A look of surprised delight spreads across Adam's mum's face. ADAM'S MUM Oh, my Lord! You never told me you were coming home! Rose watches Adam's embarrassed face, teasingly, her tongue between her teeth. ADAM'S MUM (CONT'D) Hold on, I'll just take my coat off. You should've told me you were coming home. I would've got your favourite tea in. ADAM Rose... take me with you. Rose, however, stares at Adam like she's never seen him before, and boards the TARDIS without a backward glance. The engines start up. ADAM'S MUM Hey, I'll tell-- what's that noise? Have you left the back door open? BLIMEY, there's a draft. She flings the door open just as the TARDIS disappears. ADAM'S MUM (CONT'D) What a surprise. Ah, let me look at you. Ah, six months. Adam nods. ADAM'S MUM (CONT'D) It's like I saw you yesterday. Isn't it funny? The time goes by like 'that'. She clicks her fingers. Her draw drops. CLOSING CREDITS 1x08 "Father's Day" INT. PHOTO A photograph of Pete Tyler. ROSE (voice-over) Peter Alan Tyler - my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th of September 1954. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM Rose, aged about 6, pokes her head around her mother's bedroom door. Jackie is sitting on the bed with a photo album on her lap. JACKIE Come here, Rose. Come here... She pats the bed beside her. Rose clambers up on the bed to sit next to her. Jackie points at a photo of Pete Tyler. JACKIE (CONT'D) Who's that? It's your Daddy. You weren't old enough to remember when he died. 1987. 7th of November. Do you remember what I told you? The day that Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married? She turns the page onto a photograph of Jackie and Peter together. JACKIE (CONT'D) He was always having adventures. Oh, he would have loved to have seen you now. INT. TARDIS 19 year old Rose is leaning against the console, and the Doctor is sitting comfortably back in one of the chairs. ROSE That's what mum always says. So, I was thinking... could we? Could we go and see my dad when he was still alive? THE DOCTOR Where's this come from, all of a sudden? ROSE All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, we'll just leave it. THE DOCTOR No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you. ROSE I wanna see him. THE DOCTOR Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for. He stands up and starts up the TARDIS engines. OPENING CREDITS INT. REGISTRY OFFICE The Doctor and Rose are sitting at the back of a small crowd of people witnessing the marriage of Jackie and Pete. REGISTRAR I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline, Angela, Suzette Prentiss... PETE I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne... Suzette... Anita... Jackie narrows her eyes slightly. Pete looks at the Registrar for help. JACKIE Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di. The Doctor grins and looks down at Rose. ROSE I thought he'd be taller. REGISTRAR ... to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold 'til death us do part. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM Cut back to the bedroom with Jackie and Rose as a little girl. JACKIE (quietly, sadly) He died so close to home. I wasn't there. Nobody was. It was a hit and run driver. Never found out who. He was dead when the ambulance got there. Rose looks up at her solemnly. JACKIE (CONT'D) I only wish there'd been SOMEONE there for him. Rose looks down sadly, then back up at her mother. INT. TARDIS ROSE I wanna be that someone. So he doesn't die alone. THE DOCTOR November the 7th? ROSE 1987. The Doctor starts the engines. Rose watches them apprehensively. When they stop, she looks at the door. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET On November the 7th, 1987, they step out of the TARDIS. It is a still, quiet sort of day. Someone is playing music. ROSE That's so weird. The day my father died... I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy, it's just an ordinary day. THE DOCTOR The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight. (looks down at Rose) Are you sure about this? ROSE Yeah. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose and the Doctor stand on the curb of the pavement, waiting, side by side. ROSE This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present - a vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase. She sounds as though she is trying to fight off tears. A car rounds the corner. ROSE (CONT'D) He got out of his car... The car pulls over. ROSE (CONT'D) ... and crossed the road. The car stops. ROSE (CONT'D) Oh, God. This is it. Pete, oblivious to what is in store for him, picks up the vase from the passenger's seat. The Doctor gently takes Rose's hand in his, intertwining their fingers. Pete gets out of his car, unaware that a car has just rounded the corner and is headed straight towards him. His eyes widen in shock. The driver throws a hand over his eyes. Rose quickly hides her head behind the Doctor's shoulder. We see the vase fall to the floor and smash. Rose lifts her head to look at her father, who is lying on the road, twitching. THE DOCTOR Go to him. Quick. But Rose can't. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose and the Doctor lean against a wall. Rose has tears in her eyes. The ambulance sirens sound. ROSE It's too late now. The Doctor looks at her. ROSE (CONT'D) By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead. Her voice falters, choked up with tears. The Doctor looks away in silence. Rose turns to him. ROSE (CONT'D) He can't die on his own. The Doctor looks back at her. ROSE (CONT'D) Can I try again? Close-up on the Doctor's eyes. He knows it would be a bad idea, but he cannot deny her. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose and the Doctor stand out of sight around the corner, watching the first set of themselves standing on the curb. THE DOCTOR Right. That's the first you and me. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait 'til she runs off and he follows, then go to your dad. For the second time, Rose's father's car draws up. FIRST ROSE Oh, God. This is it. Pete picks up the vase from the passenger seat. ROSE I can't do this. THE DOCTOR You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here. Rose stares at her father getting out of the car, breathing heavily. Then, she runs out. THE DOCTOR Rose! No! The car rounds the corner. Rose runs past the first set of the Doctor and Rose, and knocks her father out of the way of the oncoming car. They tumble onto the floor. The first set of the Doctor and Rose look bewildered for a few seconds, then disappear. The Doctor looks on in horror. Rose stares at her father as he gets to his feet. ROSE I did it! I saved your life! PETE Blimey, did you see the speed of it? Did you get his number? ROSE (staring at him) I really did it. Oh, my God, look at you! You're alive! That car was gonna kill ya! PETE Well, give me some credit, I did see it coming. I wasn't gonna walk under it, was I? ROSE I'm Rose. She looks at him expectantly. PETE That's a coincidence. That's my daughter's name. ROSE (smiling in delight) That's a great name. Good choice, well done. There is a few seconds silence as Rose smiles at him, unable to take her eyes off him, and he looks as though he doesn't quite know what to say next. PETE Right, I'd better shift. I've got a wedding to go to. ROSE Is that Sarah Clarke's wedding? PETE Yeah, are you going? ROSE ...Yeah. PETE You and your boyfriend need a lift? He gestures to the Doctor who is standing watching them darkly by the corner. EXT. ABOVE STREET A red, distorted view of the streets from above, an alien point of view. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM Pete enters the flat, followed by Rose and the Doctor. He puts the vase down next to the door. PETE There we go. Sorry about the mess. If you want a cup of tea, the kitchen's just down there, milk's in the fridge... well, it would be, wouldn't it? Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt... make a lot of money out of that. Rose still cannot tear her eyes way from him. She smiles at him in delight as he speaks. The Doctor nods politely behind her. PETE (CONT'D) Sell it to students and things... (ponders) I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me... He pushes past them and disappears through a door. Rose looks around. ROSE All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard, she used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink. The Doctor leans against the doorframe, saying nothing. ROSE (CONT'D) Here it is. On display. Where it SHOULD be. The Doctor still says nothing. He just watches her with his arms folded. He looks angry. Rose picks up a trophy and shows it to him. ROSE (CONT'D) Third prize at the bowling... first two got to go to Didcot. She examines it for a few more seconds, then replaces it. Her eye is drawn by a large bottles in the corner of the room. She bends down the look at it. ROSE (CONT'D) Health drinks. Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He's so clever. Still, the Doctor says nothing. Rose looks around and spots some plans on the table. ROSE (CONT'D) Solar power. Mum said he was gonna do this. Now he can. Rose looks at the Doctor, smiling. He does not smile back. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay, look... I'll tell him you're not my boyfriend. THE DOCTOR (suspicious) When we met, I said 'travel with me in space'. You said no. Then I said 'time machine'. ROSE It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening and I thought... I can stop it. THE DOCTOR I did it again. I picked another STUPID ape. I should've known. It's not about showing you the universe - it never is. It's about the universe doing something for you. ROSE So it's okay when YOU go to other times, and YOU save people's lives - but not when it's me saving my dad. THE DOCTOR I know what I'm doing, you don't. Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point. ROSE But he's alive! THE DOCTOR My entire planet died. My whole family. Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them? ROSE But it's not like I've changed HISTORY. Not much, I mean... he's never gonna be a world leader, he's not gonna start World War Three or anything... The Doctor takes a few steps towards her. THE DOCTOR Rose - there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man, that's the most important thing in creation. The whole world's different because he's alive. ROSE What, would you rather him dead? THE DOCTOR (exasperated) I'm not SAYING that-- ROSE No, I get it! For once, YOU'RE not the most important man in my life. THE DOCTOR Let's see how you get on without me, then, give me the key. He holds his hand out. Rose stares at him. THE DOCTOR The TARDIS key. If I'm so insignificant, give it me back. ROSE (gets it out of her pocket) All right then, I will. She slaps it down into his hand, hard. THE DOCTOR Well, you've got what you wanted so that's goodbye then. He turns on her and walks down the hallway to the door. Rose pursues him. ROSE (unconvincingly) You don't scare me. She stands in front of him, between him and the door. ROSE (CONT'D) I know how sad you are. You'll be back in a minute. Or you'll hang around outside the TARDIS waiting for me. The Doctor looks at her for a few moments, then pushes past her, opening the door. Rose's voice rises. ROSE (CONT'D) And I'll make you wait a long time! She slams the door shut after him, and then leans against the wall breathing heavily. Pete pokes his head around the bedroom door. PETE Boyfriend trouble? Rose doesn't answer. EXT. STREET Still fuming, the Doctor walks back down the road. The distorted, red, aerial view watches him. EXT. BACK GARDEN The alien point of view focuses on a woman pegging out her washing. EXT. ROAD Alien point of view - an old tramp sitting propped up against a wall, drinking. EXT. FRONT GARDEN Alien point of view - a man pruning his hedges. It closes in on the man. He shouts and his sheers fall the the ground. EXT. BACK GARDEN The woman pegging out her washing screams, dropping the clothes. EXT. ROAD The tramp's drink falls to the floor. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, LIVING ROOM At the flat, Rose is picking up peanuts that are strewn over the coffee table, and putting them back ion a plate. Pete enters, dressed in a suit. PETE Excuse me, do you mind? What're you tidying up for? Rose stops. ROSE Sorry... force of habit. PETE Listen, don't worry about him. Couples have rows all the time. ROSE (sitting down) We're not a couple. Why does EVERYONE think we're a couple? (sighs) I think he left me. PETE What, a pretty girl like you? If I was going out with you-- ROSE Stop! Right there! PETE I was just saying... ROSE I know what you're saying, and we're not going there. At no point are we going anywhere NEAR there. You aren't even aware that THERE exists. Pete looks as though he is finding this hard to follow. ROSE (CONT'D) I don't even want to think about THERE, and believe me, neither do you. THERE... for you... is like... pfft, it's like the Bermuda Triangle. PETE Blimey, you know how to flatter a bloke. ROSE (jumps to her feet, grabs her jacket, offers her arm to Pete) Right, are we off? PETE (gesturing her proffered arm) So, that wouldn't be a mixed signal at all. ROSE Absolutely not. Pete sighs and takes her arm resignedly. They walk to the door. PETE I'll take you back to the loony bin where you belong. Still, I'm sure I've met you somewhere before... They leave the flat. INT. CHURCH The groom, Stuart, and his father Sonny, stand at the altar waiting for the bride. Stuart looks behind him nervously. STUART It's weird. SONNY What? STUART (worried) There's so many people missing. Uncle Steven, Auntie Lyn... all the Baxter's. Where are they? (checks his watch) You don't think something's gone wrong? SONNY Maybe it's a Godsend. Gives you time to think. You don't have to go through with it, not these days. Live in sin for a bit. STUART Dad... SONNY In ten years time you'll turn round and say, "if only I could turn the clock back". (looks at the stain-glass window, then back at Stuart) Is it me or did it just get cold? Stuart looks at him. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET The Doctor rounds a corner to the road where the TARDIS is parked. A bird caws. He still looks angry. The red, distorted vision looks down on the area from overhead, watching the Doctor approach the TARDIS. The Doctor takes the key out of his pocket and then looks up at the sky through the bare branches of a tree, as if he can sense something is wrong. He opens the doors of the TARDIS only to find the inside of his ship has disappeared. It is just an ordinary police-box. He steps inside and feels around the walls frantically - then stops. THE DOCTOR Rose! He runs back in the direction from which he came. INT. CAR Pete is driving his car with Rose in the passenger seat. PETE I met this bloke at the Horse's, and he's cutting me in on copyright. ROSE But I thought you were a proper businessman and that... PETE I wish! Ah, I do a bit of this, a bit of that - a straight bloke. ROSE Right... so I must've heard wrong. So really you're a bit of a... a Del Boy? PETE Oh, shoot me down in flames. You're not related to my wife by any chance, are you? Rose puts her hand over her mouth. ROSE Oh, my God... she's gonna be at the wedding. PETE What, Jackie? Do you know her? ROSE (after a pause) Sort of. PETE What's she told you about me, then? ROSE (smling) She said she'd picked the most fantastic man in the world. PETE Must be a different Jackie, then. She'd never say that. After a few seconds silence, the radio springs into life, playing rap. Pete sounds irritated. PETE This stuff goes right over my head. ROSE (confused) That's not out yet. PETE (grimacing) It's a good job and all. ROSE (reaching for her mobile) I'm just gonna check my messages. PETE How d'ya mean, messages? (looks at mobile) Is that a phone? ROSE Yeah... She holds the mobile to her ear. VOICE Watson - come here - we need you. Watson - come here - we need you. Rose furrows her brow in confusion and glances at her father, who also looks puzzled. VOICE (CONT'D) Watson - come here - we need you. Pete looks in the mirror at the car behind. It is the car that should have killed him earlier. It gets closer, then rounds a corner and vanishes. The driver throws a hand over his eyes before it does so. EXT. CHURCH The wedding guests are milling around outside the church. Sonny comes out of the church talking on his massive mobile phone. SONNY Half the guests haven't turned up. You're better off not being here, it's a disaster in the making. Some guests enter the church. SONNY (CONT'D) No, in this case, 'knocked her up' IS a phrase I'd use. VOICE (on phone) Watson - come here - we need you. SONNY Hello? Who is this? He looks at the phone. VOICE Watson - come here - we ne-- He hangs up. A car with ribbons covering the bonnet draws up outside the church. Stuart comes out of the church and addresses his father. STUART Dad, get inside! We can't see the bride before the wedding, it's bad luck! SONNY Bad luck when you MET her. I tell you - this day is cursed. Stuart goes back inside, holding a hand to his dad's face to block him out. Sonny pursues him. The car stops, and out steps Sarah Clarke in a wedding dress. BEV (delighted) Now, that's what I call a meringue. SUZIE Listen, do what Stan said and go round the block, 'cos there's people missing. SARAH (adjusts train) How do you mean, missing? BEV There's no Dave, no Sunita, no B... SUZIE There's no one from the Lamb and Flag... SARAH Oh, my train's detached again, I KNEW I should've used velcro... Jackie steps out of the car. JACKIE I'm here, stop your belly-aching. Take Rose a sec, will ya? She hands the woman a carry-tot, with Rose aged about 6 months inside. BEV Oh, in't she pretty? JACKIE She's a little madam, that's what she is. She makes her way to the church gate with Bev, who is carrying Rose. JACKIE (CONT'D) Oh, I need more hands. Where's her useless article of a dad got to? Pete and 19 year old Rose round the corner in Pete's car. Suddenly, the car that should have killed Pete comes out of thin air and heads straight towards them. INT. CAR ROSE Dad! Pete swerves to avoid the car, beeping the horn. The car speeds off down the road. Pete turns around in his seat to look at it, whilst Rose sits looking straight ahead of her, shaken. PETE It's that car! The same one as before! EXT. CHURCH They both get out of the car, Pete looking around. PETE It was right in front of us, where's it gone? (catches Rose's eye) You called me 'dad', what did you say that for? JACKIE (appearing with the carry-tot) Oh, wonderful. Here he is, the accident waiting to happen. Rose stares at her. JACKIE (CONT'D) You'd be late for your own funeral and it nearly was! PETE No damage done. JACKIE (glancing disdainfully at Rose) And who's this? Rose simply stares at her. JACKIE (CONT'D) What're YOU looking at with your mouth open? ROSE Your hair. JACKIE What?! ROSE I've never seen it like-- Jackie stares at her, looking both confused and insulted. ROSE (CONT'D) I mean... it's lovely, your hair's lovely. Rose spots the baby - herself - in the carry-tot and takes a few small steps towards it, eyes wide. ROSE (CONT'D) And that baby you're holding... Jackie, glancing at Pete, holds the baby to her protectively, completely nonplussed. ROSE That would be... your baby... JACKIE (CONT'D) (to Pete) Another one of yours, is she? PETE She saved my life! JACKIE Oh, that's a new one! What was it LAST time? PETE I didn't even know her. She was a cloakroom attendant. I was helping her look for my ticket. There were three duffel coats all the same, somehow the rack collapsed. We were under all this stuff. ROSE Were you playing around?! JACKIE What's it got to do with YOU what he gets up to? ROSE (voice rising) What DOES he get up to? JACKIE YOU'D know. PETE Oh, 'cos I'm that stupid. I play around and then bring her home to meet the missus. You silly cow... JACKIE But you ARE that stupid. PETE Can we keep this stuff back home? Just for now? JACKIE What, with the rest of the rubbish? Rose looks upset. JACKIE (CONT'D) You bring home cut-priced detergents, tonic water, Betamax tape and NONE of it works - I'm DROWNING in your rubbish. (to Rose) What did he tell you? Did he say he's this big businessman, 'cos he's not. He's a failure. Born failure, that one. Rose needs a proper father-- PETE (talking over her) Jackie, I'm making a living, it keeps us fed, don't it? ROSE Stop it! They both stop talking. Rose is distressed. ROSE (CONT'D) You're not like this.. you LOVE each other. JACKIE Oh, Pete. You never used to like them mental. Or I dunno, maybe you did. PETE (talking over her) Jackie, wait, just listen-- JACKIE (talking over him) If you're not careful, there'll be a wedding and a divorce on the same day. She walks away, carrying baby Rose, who has started crying. PETE (to Rose) Right, wait here. Give us a couple of minutes with the missus. He begins to walk away, then turns back again, taking the vase out of her hands and giving her the car keys. PETE (CONT'D) Tell you what, straighten the car up. Stick her round the corner or something. Don't cause anymore trouble... He walks off, leaving Rose standing by the car with tears in her eyes. INT. PLAYGROUND Children play in a small playground with their parents. The red vision passes over them, zooming in on each of them in turn. A little boy on a swing - Mickey, as a child - watches them disappear one by one. MICKEY Jeff...! The other children and their parents disappear, until finally the person pushing him on the swing also disappears. Scared, he hops off the swing and runs out of the gates of the now deserted playground. EXT. CHURCH Rose watches her mum and dad talk to each other from a distance. JACKIE (calmer than before, but sad) I'm not listening. It's just the duffel coats all over again. PETE Jackie, sometimes a duffel coat is just a duffel coat. Things will get better soon, I promise. He puts his hand on her shoulder. JACKIE I've had enough of all your daft schemes. I never know where the next meal's coming from. PETE (pleading) I'll get it right, love. I promise, one day soon I'll get it right. Come on... Rose smiles softly as she watches them. At that moment, Mickey as a littlie boy runs around the corner. MICKEY Monsters! Coming to eat us! SUZIE What sort of monsters, sweetheart? Is it aliens? She and her friends laugh. Mickey runs into the church. Rose watches him, taking him more seriously. Behind her, the Doctor runs around the corner. THE DOCTOR Rose! Upon hearing his voice, Rose smiles in a satisfied sort of way, and turns around. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Get in the church! Hearing the urgency in his voice, Rose's smile fades. The Doctor looks to her left - Rose follows his gaze and before her eyes, a reaper appears, bearing down on her. She screams. The Doctor knocks her out of the way just in time, and they both fall to the ground. They scramble quickly to their feet. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Get in the church! The crowd outside the church try to run for the door, but they stop when another reaper appears before them. SUZIE Oh, my God. What are they? The guests in the church come out to see what the commotion is. Some of them scream. THE DOCTOR Inside! The reaper bears down on them. The people who have just come out of the church try to come out of the door. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Stay in there! Stuart stops trying to get away. However, his father does not listen and tries to run for it. The reaper swoops down on him, covering his body with its wings. Sarah, horrified, tries to run into the church. The reaper positions itself before her, and she screams. The reaper, however, decides to go for the priest instead. The Doctor ushers the guests before him. THE DOCTOR In! The Reaper swoops towards the church doors, but the Doctor manages to shut them just in time. The Reaper screams. INT. CHURCH Once inside, the guests babble in panic. The Doctor looks around at the shadows of the Reapers outside the windows. THE DOCTOR They can't get in. Old windows and doors, okay. The older something is, the stronger it is. What else? The Reapers screech. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Go and check the other doors! Move! He runs and pushes against a wooden door in the side of the church. Jackie runs after him. JACKIE What's happening? What are they? (grabs his arm) What ARE they? THE DOCTOR There's been an accident in time, a wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage. JACKIE What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time? THE DOCTOR (irritated) Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining-- JACKIE (cuts across him) How d'you know my name? THE DOCTOR (talking over her) I haven't got time for this-- JACKIE (talking over him) I've never met you in my life! THE DOCTOR No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind - I've waited a long time to say this - Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go - and - check - the - doors. He points in the direction of the doors, his voice loud and commanding. Jackie stares at him. JACKIE Yes, sir. The Doctor grins, pleased with himself, as Jackie walks away and Stuart approaches him. THE DOCTOR (to Stuart) I should've done that ages ago. STUART My dad was out there. THE DOCTOR (not unkindly) You can mourn him later, right now we've got to concentrate on keeping ourselves alive. STUART My dad had-- THE DOCTOR There's NOTHING I can do for him. STUART No. But he had this phone thing. I can't get it to work. I keep getting this voice... The Doctor dials a number and holds the phone to his ear. VOICE Watson - come here - we need you. Watson - come here - we need you. The Doctor raises his eyebrows in surprise. THE DOCTOR That's the very first phone-call, Alexander Graham Bell. (gives the phone back) I don't think the telephone's gonna be much use. He makes to run off again to check another door. STUART (calls after him) But someone must call the police! THE DOCTOR Police can't help you now. No-one can. Rose watches him, along with the other guests. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Nothing in this Universe can harm those things. Time's been damaged and they've come to sterilise the wound. (to Rose, looking her in the eyes) By consuming everything in sight. ROSE (shakily) Is this because... The Doctor looks down at her. He does not look angry. ROSE (CONT'D) Is this my fault? No answer, only a look. Yes. He walks past her. Pete looks from one to the other, brow furrowed, then back down at baby Rose in her carry-tot. EXT. STREET Outside, the street is deserted apart from a couple of people running for their lives down the road. The Reapers swoop down upon them. A bicycle, a pram and a child's shoe lie discarded on the ground. The wheel of the bicycle is still spinning. INT. CHURCH ANTEROOM The Doctor enters. Pete is checking a door is secure. The Doctor looks out of the window. Pete joins him. PETE (urgently) There's smoke coming up from the city but no sirens. I - I don't think it's just us, I think these things are all over the place. Maybe the whole world. The Doctor does not seem to be listening. He is staring in dismay out of the window. The car that should have killed Pete appears out of thin air, tyres screeching. It rounds the corner and the terrified driver throws a hand over his face as it disappears again. It happens repeatedly. Pete glances out of the window. PETE Was that a car? THE DOCTOR (after a pause) It's not important. Don't worry about it. He leaves. Pete stares out of the window. INT. CHURCH The Reapers clamber against the large stained-glass window, trying to get into the church. Rose sits alone near the altar, looking as though she has been crying, when Pete comes in through a side door with his hands in his pockets to talk to her. PETE This mate of yours... what do you mean, this is your fault? ROSE (teary) Dunno... just... everything. PETE I gave you my car keys. Rose gazes at him, eyes red. PETE (CONT'D) You don't give your keys to a complete stranger. Still, Rose watches him as he works it out. PETE (CONT'D) It's... it's like I trusted you. Moment I met you, I just did. A wound in time... Rose chews her lip. PETE (CONT'D) You called me Dad. I can see it... my eyes... Jackie's attitude... you sound like her when you shout... He reaches out and touches her face tentatively. Rose closes her eyes. He drops his hand, but Rose takes it in hers and hold it back to her face. PETE (CONT'D) You are. You are.... you're my Rose. You're my Rose grown up. He throws his arms around her. Losing all remaining control, Rose's tears start to flow again. ROSE Dad... my Dad. My Daddy... They embrace. EXT. CHURCH A Reaper head-butts a door, trying to get in. INT. CHURCH The Doctor crashes around in the main church, checking all possible exits. He is approached by Stuart and Sarah. STUART Excuse me! Mr... THE DOCTOR (not looking at him) Doctor. STUART You seem to know what's going on. THE DOCTOR (checking the lock) I give that impression, yeah. STUART I just wanted to ask-- SARAH (cuts across him) Can you save us? These words seem to finally grab the Doctor's attention. He turns to look at her, and turns his sonic screwdriver off. He walks towards them, observing them both. THE DOCTOR Who are you two, then? STUART Stuart Hoskins. SARAH Sarah Clarke. THE DOCTOR (nodding towards Sarah's bump) And one extra. Boy or girl? SARAH (running her hands over her bump) I don't know. I don't want to know, really. THE DOCTOR How did all this get started? Sarah glances at Stuart. STUART Outside the Big Box Club. Two in the morning. SARAH Street corner. I'd lost my purse. Didn't have money for a taxi. STUART I took her home. THE DOCTOR Then what? Asked her for a date? SARAH Wrote his number on the back of my hand. STUART (smiling) Never got rid of her since. My dad said-- He falters. Sarah's lip trembles. The Reapers screech outside. SARAH (tearful) I don't know what this is all about. And I know WE'RE not important... THE DOCTOR (genuinely shocked) Who said you're not important? Sarah looks back at him, tears in her eyes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I've travelled to all sorts of places. Done things you couldn't even imagine, but... you two... street corner. Two in the morning. Getting a taxi home. I've never had a life like that. Yes. (smiles) I'll try and save you. Sarah smiles back at him through her tears. INT. CHURCH ANTEROOM Rose sits in a side room with her dad. She sniffs, still a little tearful. PETE (still trying to get his head around all this) I'm a dad. I mean, I'm already a dad, but... Rose grows up, and she's you. That's wonderful. I suppose I thought that you'd be a bit - useless - what, with my useless genes and all, but... Rose laughs slightly. Pete is fascinated by her. PETE (CONT'D) How did you get here? ROSE Do you really wanna know? PETE Yeah! ROSE A time machine. PETE (after a stunned pause) Time machine. ROSE (smiling) Cross my heart. PETE (also smiling) What, do they all have time machines where you come from? ROSE Nah, just the Doctor. PETE Did you know these things were coming? ROSE No. PETE (incredulous) God, I dunno, my head's spinning. Rose looks down. PETE (CONT'D) What's the future like? ROSE It's not so different. PETE What am I like? Have I gone grey? He laughs. Rose does not answer, she just watches him. Pete's smile fades slightly. PETE (CONT'D) Have I gone bald? Don't tell me I've gone bald. Rose still does not answer. Pete clears his throat, clearly wrong-footed. PETE (CONT'D) So, if this mate of yours isn't your boyfriend - and I have to say, I'm glad because being your dad and all, I think he's a bit old for you... Rose laughs. PETE (CONT'D) Have you got a bloke? ROSE No, I did have-- There are running footsteps and Jackie's voice rings out in the background. JACKIE Mickey! Mickey runs up to Rose and throws his arms around her legs, eyes tight shut. PETE Do you know him? ROSE I just didn't recognise him in a suit-- you'll have to let go of me, sweetheart... Mickey returns to Jackie, who has now joined them. ROSE (CONT'D) (under her breath, to herself) I'm always saying that... JACKIE (putting her arms around his shoulders) He just grabs hold of what's passing and holds on for dear life. God help his poor girlfriend if he ever gets one. PETE Me and Rose were just talking... JACKIE Oh, yeah? Talking? While the world comes to an end, what do you do? Cling to the youngest blonde. Rose looks upset but does not speak. JACKIE (CONT'D) Come on, Mick. She takes his hand and leads him away. Pete makes to follow, but Rose grabs his arm to stop him ROSE You can't tell her. PETE Why? ROSE I mean... I really don't WANT you to tell her. PETE What, do you don't want people to know? ROSE Where I come from, Jackie doesn't know how to work the timer on the video recorder. PETE (grinning) I showed her that last week. Rose nods. He stops grinning. PETE (CONT'D) Point taken. EXT. CHURCH The Reapers slam themselves against the walls and windows of the church, screeching. INT. CHURCH The Doctor is talking to baby Rose in her carry-tot. THE DOCTOR Now, Rose... you're not gonna bring about the end of the world, are you? (sternly) Are you? Baby Rose stares innocently up at him. 19 year old Rose joins them. The Doctor glances at her. THE DOCTOR Jackie gave her to me to look after. How times change. ROSE (tearful, but trying to make light-hearted conversation) I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken. She reaches out to the baby. The Doctor grabs her hand quickly and pushes it back. THE DOCTOR No. Don't touch the baby. The Reapers outside distract Rose for a moment, as they screech particularly loudly. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You're both the same person and that's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening. Not with these things outside. Anything new - any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in. ROSE Can't do anything right, can I? THE DOCTOR (as though speaking to a dimwit) Since you ask, no. So, don't - touch - the - baby. ROSE (eyes narrowed) I'm - not - stupid. THE DOCTOR You could've fooled me. Rose looks away, stung. The Doctor repents slightly. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) All right. I'm sorry. Rose looks back at him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (softer now) I wasn't really gonna leave you on your own. ROSE I know. THE DOCTOR But between you and me, I haven't got a plan. No idea. Rose looks at him intently. THE DOCTOR No way out. ROSE (quietly) You'll think of something. THE DOCTOR The entire Earth is being sterilised. This, and other place like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. (looks at the shadows circling the church) They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening - my people would have stopped this. But they're all gone. And now I'm going the same way. ROSE If I'd realised... He looks at her. She meets his eyes. THE DOCTOR Just... tell me you're sorry. Rose's gaze does not falter. ROSE (sincerely) I am. I'm sorry. The Doctor reaches out to her, cupping a hand around her face. Then, he grins and pulls her in for a hug. She returns the embrace with equal vigour. After a few moments, Rose pulls away, feeling inside the Doctor's jacket pocket. ROSE (CONT'D) Have you got something hot? There is a sizzling sound as she takes the TARDIS key out of the Doctor's pocket. She gasps and drops it. They both look at it - it is glowing brightly. THE DOCTOR It's the TARDIS key! (takes off his jacket, uses it to pick up the hot key) It's telling me it's still connected to the TARDIS! INT. CHURCH The Doctor is addressing the remaining guests who are gathered on the chairs, listening to him. THE DOCTOR (showing them the key) The inside of my ship was thrown out of a wound but we can use THIS to bring it back. And once I've got my ship back, then I can mend everything. Now, I just need a bit of power. Has anybody got a battery? Stuart notices his father's phone on the chair in front of him. He jumps up and shows the Doctor. STUART This one big enough? THE DOCTOR (hurrying to him) Fantastic. STUART Good old dad. (gives the phone to the Doctor) There you go. THE DOCTOR Just need to do a bit of charging up... (presses his sonic screwdriver to the battery) And then we can bring everyone back. He glances around the church as he charges the battery up. Jackie looks warily round at the doors, which are shaking as the Reaper throws its weight against it. EXT. CHURCH There are now three Reapers circling the church and screeching. INT. CHURCH Rose and Pete sit down near the back of the church. PETE You, um... you never said why you came here in the first place. If I had a time machine, I wouldn't have thought 1987 was anything special. Not round here, anyway. ROSE We just ended up here. PETE Lucky for me, eh? If you hadn't been there to save me... ROSE (quickly) That was just a co-incidence. That was just... REALLY good luck. It's amazing... Pete looks as though he does not quite believe this. There is a slight pause. PETE So, in the future, are me and her indoors still together? Rose looks at him. ROSE Yeah. PETE Are you still living with us? ROSE Yep! Pete nods and smiles. He looks at her intensely for a few moments and then asks her a question, sounding like he has been wanting to ask this for quite a while. PETE Am I a good dad? Rose cannot find it in her heart to tell him the truth. ROSE You... you told me a bedtime story every night when I was small. You were always there... you never missed one. She smiles at him, giving every appearance of reminiscing on happier times. ROSE (CONT'D) And um... you took us for picnics in the country every Saturday. You never let us down. You were there for us all the time. Pete listens intently. ROSE (CONT'D) Someone I could really rely on. They are both silent for a few moments. PETE That's not me. Rose stops smiling. She looks to the front of the church, where they TARDIS finally starts to materialise, the key in her lock. The Doctor puts his jacket back on, grinning. He runs back up the steps to the pulpit to address the guests. THE DOCTOR Right, no-one touches that key. Have you got that? Don't touch it. Anyone touches that key, it'll be - well - ZAP. Just leave it be and everything will be fine. We'll get out of here. All of us. Stuart - Sarah - you're gonna get married, just like I said. He grins encouragingly at them. EXT. CHURCH Outside, the car screeches around the corner and disappears yet again. INT. CHURCH The TARDIS is materialising slowly but surely. Everyone is sitting waiting for it to appear fully. The Doctor and Rose sit side by side at the back of the church, Pete on a seat behind them. Jackie casts them a contemptuous glance over her shoulder. ROSE (to the Doctor) When time gets sorted out... THE DOCTOR Everybody here forgets what happened. And don't worry - the thing that you changed will stay changed. PETE You mean I'll still be alive. Rose turns around in her chair to face him. PETE (CONT'D) Though I'm meant to be dead. Rose just looks at him without speaking. Pete nods. PETE (CONT'D) That's why I haven't done anything with my life. Why I didn't MEAN anything. THE DOCTOR It doesn't work like that. PETE Rubbish. I'm so useless I couldn't even die properly. Now it's my fault all of this has happened. ROSE (reaching over suddenly and putting a hand on his arm) This is MY fault. PETE No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault. JACKIE (appearing next to them) Her dad? How are you her dad? How old were you, twelve? The Doctor rolls his eyes and distances himself. JACKIE Oh, that's DISGUSTING. PETE (standing) Jacks - listen. This is Rose. JACKIE (angry and upset but keeping her voice low) Rose? How sick is that? You give my daughter a second hand name? How many are there? Do you call them ALL Rose? PETE Oh, for God's sake, look! It's the SAME Rose! He takes baby Rose from Jackie's arms and places her into Rose's. The Doctor starts, but too late. THE DOCTOR Rose! No! Too late, he pulls baby Rose from Rose's arms. A Reaper appears in the middle of the church. The guests scream and leap to their feet. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Everyone! Behind me! Everyone gathers behind the Doctor. The Reaper chirps menacingly and spreads its wings. The Doctor addresses the Reaper. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I'm the oldest thing in here. The Reaper bears down upon him. ROSE (terrified) Doctor! She watches, horrified, as the Reaper consumes the Doctor. The other guests scream. The Reaper swoops around the church and then collides with the semi-transparent TARDIS - and disappears, TARDIS and all. The key falls to the floor, no longer glowing. There is silence for a few seconds, then Rose runs down the isle and picks up the key. She sounds numb with shock. ROSE (CONT'D) Cold. He's cold. Pete approaches her cautiously from behind, all the while looking nervously around the church. ROSE (CONT'D) Oh, my God, he's dead. Pete reaches out to her, but she shakes him off. ROSE (CONT'D) It's all my fault... all of you... both of you... Her voice begins to crack as the impact of what has happened hits her. Pete takes her into his arms. ROSE (CONT'D) ... the whole world... The light in the church dims as though a cloud has passed over the sun. Jackie holds baby Rose closer to her, and the guests look around, scared. BEV This is it. There's nothing we can do. It's the end. EXT. CHURCH A Reaper attaches itself to the side of the church, and starts to scrap the stone away with its wings. INT. CHURCH ANTEROOM Pete looks out of the window in the side room with the view of the car that is stuck in a loop. As he watches this happen twice with his brow furrowed, it seems as though a revelation comes to him. He breathes heavily, shaking slightly. INT. CHURCH Rose is sitting on her own in the dark church. She is silent and grief stricken. Pete approaches her, carrying his jacket. PETE The Doctor really cared about you... Rose looks up at him. PETE (CONT'D) He didn't want you to go through it again if there was another way. Now there isn't. ROSE (standing) What're you talking about? PETE (putting his jacket on) The car that should've killed me, love. It's here. The Doctor worked it out way back, but he, er - he tried to protect me. Rose just looks at him, eyes filling with tears. PETE (CONT'D) Still - he's not in charge anymore. I am. ROSE (voice cracking) But you can't... Pete reaches out and strokes Rose's face. PETE Who am I, love? ROSE My Daddy. Jackie approaches them. She looks at Rose, eyes wide. PETE Jackie... look at her. She's ours. Jackie looks at Rose, the truth dawning upon her. Rose looks back, tearful. JACKIE Oh, God... Jackie throws her arms around Rose, eyes shut tightly. When she lets go, she looks at Pete. PETE I'm meant to be dead, Jackie. You're gonna get rid of me at last. JACKIE (holding back her tears) Don't say that. PETE (gently) For once in your life, trust me. It's got be done. You've got to survive, because you've got to bring up our daughter. He gestures to Rose, then pulls Jackie in for a last kiss. He turns to Rose. PETE (CONT'D) I never read you those bedtime stories. I never took you on those picnics. I was never there for you. ROSE (crying) You would've been. PETE But I can do this for you. I can be a proper dad to you now. ROSE But it's not fair. PETE (smiling) I've had all these extra hours. No-one else in the world has ever had that. And on top of that... I get to see you. (he takes her face in his hand) And you're beautiful. Rose sobs silently. PETE (CONT'D) How lucky am I, eh? So, come on... do as your dad says. Slowly, tears still flowing, and without looking at him, Rose hands him the vase. PETE (CONT'D) Are you going to be there for me, love? Rose nods. Pete puts a hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes. PETE (CONT'D) Thanks for saving me. He pulls his wife and his daughter into a tight embrace. Rose screws up her eyes. EXT. CHURCH The Reapers are still clamouring outside the church when Pete runs out of the doors, holding the vase. He stops just outside the gate and looks up at one of the Reapers - it begins to bear down upon him. He turns to see the car appear from thin air around the corner and runs straight out in front of it, screwing up his eyes before the impact. PETE Goodbye, love... The driver throws a hand over his eyes as the car knocks Pete over. The vase crashes to the ground and breaks. The Reapers disappear one by one. Rose stands outside the church doors, her head down and her eyes closed, taking deep breathes in the slight breeze. The Doctor comes up behind her, and looks down at her for a few moments before placing a hand on her shoulder. She turns to look at him. THE DOCTOR Go to him. Quick. Rose runs out of the church gates, down the road, and kneels down next to her dying father. She holds his hand and lifts his head slightly up off the ground. They look into each others eyes as he takes his last few breaths. Finally, his head eyes close and his head falls back. Rose lowers his head gently to the ground. Sarah Clarke, Stuart Hoskins, his father, Jackie, and the rest of the guests emerge from the church, trying to see what has happened. JACKIE (voice-over) The driver was just a kid. INT. TYLERS' FLAT, JACKIE'S BEDROOM Jackie and Rose as a little girl sit on Jackie's bed with the photo-album. JACKIE (CONT'D) He stopped. He waited for the police. It wasn't his fault. For some reason, Pete just ran out. (pauses, remembering) People say there was this girl... and she sat with Pete while he was dying. And she held his hand. Then she was gone. Never found out who she was. Rose looks up at her mother. EXT. CHURCH Rose places a kiss onto her father's forehead. She stands up, and after looking down at him for a few moments, raises her eyes to meet the Doctor's, who is standing around the other side of the car that killed Pete. She goes to him. ROSE (voice-over) Peter Alan Tyler, my Dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Died the 7th of November, 1987. The Doctor takes Rose's hand, and they walk slowly back to the TARDIS together. CLOSING CREDITS 1x09 "The Empty THE CHILD" EXT. SPACE The TARDIS hurtles through space. INT. TARDIS ROSE What's the emergency? THE DOCTOR It's mauve. Rose and the Doctor rush around the console, as the TARDIS shudders and shakes. ROSE Mauve? THE DOCTOR The universally recognized colour for danger. ROSE What happened to red? THE DOCTOR That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. He gestures to the object they are following through the Time Vortex on the monitor. THE DOCTOR It's got a very basic flight computer - I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go. ROSE And how safe is it? THE DOCTOR Totally. Part of the console explodes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably there. EXT. TIME VORTEX The object hurtles through the Vortex. INT. TARDIS THE DOCTOR Oh, no, no, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks - getting away from us. ROSE What exactly is this thing? THE DOCTOR No idea. ROSE And why are we chasing it? THE DOCTOR It's mauve and dangerous. And about 30 seconds from the centre of London. EXT. SPACE The object hurtles towards Earth, with the TARDIS in hot pursuit. OPENING CREDITS EXT. LONDON ALLEYWAY The TARDIS materializes behind some bleak looking houses in London. Rose exits, followed by the Doctor. THE DOCTOR Do you know how long we can knock around space without having to bump into Earth? ROSE Five days? Or is that just when we're out of milk? THE DOCTOR Of all the species in all the universe and it has to come out of a cow. There is a sudden distorted view of something over head as though something is watching them. They walk away from the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month. ROSE A month?! We were right behind it! THE DOCTOR It was jumping time tracks all over the place, we're bound to be a little bit out. Do YOU wanna drive? ROSE Yeah... how much is 'a little'? THE DOCTOR A bit. The distorted vision still observes them. ROSE Is that EXACTLY a bit? THE DOCTOR Ish. ROSE What's the plan, then? Are you gonna do a scan for alien tech or something? THE DOCTOR Rose, it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm gonna ask. He shows Rose his psychic paper. ROSE (reading it) Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Astroids. THE DOCTOR Psychic Paper, tells you-- ROSE Whatever you want it to tell me, I remember. THE DOCTOR Sorry. ROSE Not very Spock, is it? Just asking? She is watching the Doctor trying to get through a door. THE DOCTOR Door - music - people. What d'you think? ROSE I think you should do a scan for alien tech. The Doctor holds his sonic screwdriver to the door. ROSE (CONT'D) Gimme some Spock! For once, would it kill ya? THE DOCTOR Are you sure about that t-shirt? Rose is wearing a garish Union Jack t-shirt. Rose looks down at it. ROSE Too early to say. I'm taking it out for a spin. The Doctor continues trying to open the lock with his sonic screwdriver. Rose turns around as she hears an eerie voice. THE CHILD Muuuu-mmy? Rose looks around for the source of the voice. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Muuuu-mmy? The Doctor cracks the lock. THE DOCTOR Come on if you're coming. Won't take a minute. He goes through the door. Rose does not follow him, but continues looking around for the child. THE CHILD Muuuuumy? Rose finally spots the child standing on a roof-top. ROSE (urgently) Doctor? Doctor? There's a kid up there! But the Doctor is already inside. Rose runs to try and find a way onto the roof, watched by the child. INT. DARKENED CORRIDOR The Doctor, follows the sound of the voices and music and a waiter. INT. DRINKING DEN The Doctor finds himself in a crowded drinking den, full of smoke and chatter and a singer. NIGHTCLUB SINGER # For nobody else gave me the thrill, when I have found I love you still, it had to be you, wonderful you... # EXT. LONDON ALLEYWAY Rose runs up to the building on top of which the child stands. ROSE (shouting to him) Are you all right up there? THE CHILD Muuuuum-my? Rose runs up the steps that go up the side of the building. INT. DRINKING DEN NIGHTCLUB SINGER # It had to be you. # She finishes the song. The audience applaud. The Doctor joins the applause as he approaches the stage. THE DOCTOR Excuse me! Excuse me! (into microphone) Could I have everybody's attention just for a mo? Be very quick, eh... hello! (waves cheerily) Eh... might seem like a stupid question, but has anything fallen from the sky recently? Complete silence. The Doctor looks around expectantly. Then, the audience starts to laugh. The Doctor stares around at them all, confusedly. EXT. LONDON ALLEYWAY Rose finishes climbing the steps, but they do not go all the way to the roof-top. The child is standing precariously on the edge. THE CHILD Mummy? ROSE Okay - hold on! Don't move! The child looks down at her. Suddenly, a rope swings into sight, going up the side of the building seemingly to the rooftop. Rose takes hold of it. INT. DRINKING DEN The audience is still laughing, and the Doctor is still looking around at them all. THE DOCTOR Sorry, have I said something funny? The audience laughs still some more. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It's just, there's this thing I need to find, would've fallen from the sky a couple of days ago. A siren sounds. Immediately, the people start to evacuate the room. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Would've landed quite near here... The Doctor looks up at the ceiling, in the direction from which the sirens seem to be coming. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) With a very loud... Through the crowds of people all clamouring to leave the building, the Doctor notices a poster tacked to the wall, bearing the legend "HITLER WILL SEND NO WARNING". THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Bang... He closes his eyes in despair. INT. LONDON ALLEYWAY Rose is now climbing the rope. THE CHILD Mummy... Rose puffs and pants as she heaves her body up the rope. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Balloon! The rope comes away from the side of the building, Rose still hanging onto it. She looks up, and sees that the rope is in fact hanging down from a barrage balloon. EXT. SKY The barrage balloon drifts away, Rose high in the air. ROSE (terrified) Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! She turns around and sees the German planes dropping bombs on London. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay... maybe NOT this t-shirt. The planes zoom around her. INT. LONDON ALLEYWAY The Doctor emerges from the drinking den. THE DOCTOR Rose! He rounds a corner to where the TARDIS is parked. A cat is sitting on top a dustbin. The Doctor turns around and notices it when it meows. He picks it up. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (to the cat) You know... one day. Just one day, maybe... I'm gonna meet someone who gets the whole 'don't wander off' thing. He shakes his head. Behind him, the TARDIS phone starts to ring. Brow furrowed, the Doctor puts the cat down, walks over to the TARDIS and opens the compartment behind which the phone is hidden. He stares at it. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) How can you be ringing? What's that about? Ringing? (takes his sonic screwdriver out) What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone? A girl - Nancy - has silently come up behind him. NANCY Don't answer it. It's not for you. The Doctor turns towards her questioningly. THE DOCTOR And how do you know that? NANCY 'Cos I do. And I'm tellin' ya - don't answer it. THE DOCTOR Well, if you know so much, tell me this - how can it be ringing? (turns back to the phone) It's not even a real phone. It's not CONNECTED, it's not-- He turns back and Nancy has disappeared. The Doctor pauses, confused, then looks back at the phone. He hesitantly picks it up and holds it to his ear. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Hello? (silence aside from crackling) This is the Doctor speaking. (more crackling) How may I help you? THE CHILD (on phone) Mummy? The Doctor's skeptical grin fades from his face. THE CHILD Mummy? THE DOCTOR Who is this? Who's speaking? THE CHILD Are you my mummy? THE DOCTOR (forcefully) Who is this? THE CHILD Mummy? Silence. THE DOCTOR How did you RING here? This isn't a real phone, it's not wired up to anything, it's-- THE CHILD Mummy? The line goes dead. The Doctor slowly replaces this phone in its cradle. He pokes his head inside the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR Rose? Rose, are you in there? There is a crashing sound from behind him. Closing the phone compartment, the Doctor runs to follow the sound. He hurries out of the alleyway, and into a street. EXT. GARDEN MRS LLOYD The planes are coming. Can't you hear them? Into the shelter. None of your nonsense, now MOVE it! Following the sound of the voices, the Doctor stands on top of a dustbin to look over a garden wall. A fat woman is ushering a small boy into a shelter. MRS LLOYD (CONT'D) Come on, come on, get in there. (turns) Arthur! Arthur! Will you hurry up? Didn't you hear the sirens? A fat man emerges from the house. MR LLOYD Middle of dinner, every night. Bloomin' Germans. (yells skywards) Don't you eat? The Doctor smiles. MRS LLOYD I can hear the planes! MR LLYOD Don't you eat?! MRS LLOYD Oh, keep your voice down, will ya? There's an air raid! She pushes him into the shelter, and follows him down there. MRS LLOYD Get in... there's a war on. MR LLOYD I know there is-- Once they are inside, door closed, Nancy creeps out from behind the shelter and into the back door of the house, unaware that she is being watched by the Doctor. INT. KITCHEN Nancy enters the kitchen where there is an unfinished meal on the table. Looking around, she puts her bag down and opens a cupboard. She begins to take some tins out. EXT. SKY Rose is suspended hundreds of feet above London, carried by the rope hanging down from the barrage balloon. She cries out as the planes whiz past her, holding on for dear life. EXT. BALCONY A uniformed man - Captain Jack Harkness - peers up at Rose through binoculars of an advanced technological design. OFFICER Get those lights out please! The soldiers begin to clear the room. OFFICER (CONT'D) Come on, down to the shelter. A soldier called Algy approaches Jack, who is still watching Rose through the binoculars. ALGY Jack? Are you going down to the shelter? Only, I've got to go off on some silly guard duty. (spots Rose) Ah! Barrage Balloon, eh? Must've come loose. Happens now and then. Don't you RAF boys use them for target practice? Jack zooms in on Rose's bum. JACK Excellent bottom. ALGY I say, old man. There's a time and a place. Look - you should really be off. Jack turns to face him. JACK Sorry, old man. (laughs, goes inside) I've gotta go and meet a girl. But you've got an excellent bottom too. He slaps Algy's bottom on the way out to emphasise this point. Algy looks rather pleased. INT. KITCHEN Nancy stuffs some things she sees around the kitchen into a bag and leaves the room. INT. HALLWAY Looking into another room, she smiles and goes outside. EXT. STREET She whistles as though calling someone, and then goes back inside. INT. DINING ROOM She takes her coat off and stands next to a table where a full meal has been abandoned. Some children hurry inside. NANCY Many kids out there? JIM Eh... yes, miss. The two boys run to the table and make for the food. NANCY Ah - still carving. Sit and wait. The boys do as they are told. NANCY (CONT'D) We've got the whole air raid. She carves the meat. JIM Look at that. Bet it's off the black market. NANCY That's enough. But she smiles. EXT. SKY The planes whizz past Rose, who is still hanging onto the rope. There is an explosion right below her, and she cannot hold on for any longer. She loses her grip and falls, screaming. Suddenly, a blue beam shoots out from somewhere near Big Ben, and Jack's voice emits from the source. JACK Okay, okay, I've got you. ROSE (scared and surprised) Who's got me? Who's got me, and you know... how? JACK I'm just programming your descent pattern. Keep as still as you can and keep your hands and feet inside the light field. ROSE Descent pattern? JACK Oh, and could you switch off your cellphone? Rose makes disbelieving noises. JACK No, seriously - it interferes with my instrument. ROSE (fumbling for her phone) You know, no-one ever believes that. She turns it off. JACK Thank you. That's much better. ROSE (slightly hysterical) Oh, yeah, that's a real load off, that is. I'm hanging in the sky in the middle of a German air raid with the Union Jack across my chest, but hey! My mobile phone's off! Jack laughs. JACK Be with you in a moment. INT. JACK'S COCKPIT COMPUTER The mobile communication device indicates non-contemporaneous life form. JACK She's not from around here, no. EXT. SKY JACK Ready for you. Hold tight! ROSE To what?! JACK Fair point. Rose zooms feet first down the tunnel of blue light, screaming. INT. JACK'S COCKPIT The next moment, Rose is caught by Jack. JACK I've got you! Rose coughs. JACK You're fine, you're just fine. The tractor beam, it can scramble your head just a little. Rose suddenly seems to notice how remarkably good-looking he is. She stares at him. ROSE (breathless) Hello. JACK (raising his eyebrows and looking her up and down) Hello. ROSE (still gazing at him) Hello. Jack raises his eyebrows and nods. ROSE (CONT'D) Sorry, that was hello twice there. Dull, but you know, thorough. JACK Are you all right? ROSE Fine! Jack sets Rose back on her feet. Rose grins at him. ROSE (CONT'D) Why, are you expecting me to faint or something? JACK Well, you do look a little dizzy... ROSE What about you? You're not even focused... oh boll-- Jack laughs. Rose's eyes roll back into her head and she faints into his arms. Jack, still smiling, lifts her onto a bed. EXT. STREET Some more children run down the road into the house where Nancy is serving dinner. They are watched by the masked child. One boy kneels down to tie his shoelace. The child takes a few steps forward, just as the boy finishes tying his shoelace and runs inside the house. The masked child advances towards the door. INT. DINING ROOM There are now several children gathered around the table, waiting for their meal. Nancy cuts the meat. ERNIE It's GOT to be black market. He couldn't get all this on coupons. NANCY (severely) Ernie - how many times? We are guests in this house. We will not make comments of that kind. Washing up. The other children laugh at Ernie. ERNIE Oh, Nancy! Nancy looks at one of the boys sat around the table. NANCY Haven't seen you at one of these before. ALF (nods at another boy) He told me about it. NANCY Sleeping rough? ALF Yes, miss. NANCY All right then. (passes plate around) One slice each, and I want to see everyone chewing properly. JIM Thank ya, miss! ERNIE Thanks, miss! ALF Thank you miss. THE DOCTOR Thanks, miss! Gasping in surprise, the children jump backwards. NANCY It's all right! Everybody stay where you are! Jim stares at the Doctor in shock, a piece of meat hanging out of his mouth. THE DOCTOR Good here, innit? Who's got the salt? NANCY Back in your seats! He shouldn't be here either. The Doctor smiles and helps himself to some sauce. THE DOCTOR So, you lot... what's the story? ERNIE What d'you mean? THE DOCTOR You're homeless, right? Living rough? JIM Why d'you wanna know that? Are you a copper? THE DOCTOR Of course I'm not a copper. What's a copper gonna do with you lot anyway? Arrest you for starving? The children laugh, and the ice is broken. THE DOCTOR I make it 1941, you lot shouldn't be in London. You should've been evacuated to the country by now. ALF I was evacuated. They sent me to a farm. THE DOCTOR So why'd you come back? ALF There was a man there... JIM Yeah, same with Ernie. Two homes ago. ERNIE Shut up. It's better on the streets anyway. Better food. JIM Yeah. Nancy always gets the best food for us. The Doctor smiles at Nancy. THE DOCTOR So, that's what you do is it, Nancy? NANCY What is? THE DOCTOR As soon as the sirens go, you find a big fat family meal, still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and - bingo! Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London Town. Puddings for all! As long as the bombs don't get you. NANCY Something wrong with that? THE DOCTOR Wrong with it? It's BRILLIANT. I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical. The children look confused. NANCY Why'd you follow me? What d'you want? THE DOCTOR I want to know how a phone that isn't a phone gets a phone call. You seem to be the one to ask. NANCY I did you a favour. I told you not to answer it, that's all I'm telling ya. THE DOCTOR Great, thanks. And I wanna find a blonde in a Union Jack. I mean a specific one, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving. The children laugh. Nancy, however, does not look impressed. She stands up. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Anybody seen a girl like that? Nancy takes his plate away. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D0 (indignantly) What've I done wrong? NANCY You took two slices. The children laugh at him. NANCY (CONT'D) No blondes - no flags. Anything else before you leave? THE DOCTOR Yeah, there is actually. Thanks for asking. Something I've been looking for, would've fallen from the sky about a month ago, but not a bomb. (takes a notebook from his pocket) Not the usual kind anyway. Wouldn't have exploded. Would've just buried itself in the ground somewhere, and it would've looked something like... (sketches) This. He shows them a scribbled drawing. Nancy looks at it intently but says nothing. There is a knock on the window. The children gasp. THE CHILD Mummy? Are you in there, mummy? The Doctor goes to the window and pulls the curtain aside. The child with the gasmask on his face is standing there, knocking. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Mummy? NANCY (urgently) Who was the last one in? ERNIE (gesturing the Doctor) Him. NANCY Nah, he came round the back. Who came in the front? ALF (whispers) Me. NANCY Did you close the door? ALF I... NANCY Did you close the door? THE CHILD Mummy? Mummy? His shadow looms outside the front door. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Muuuuum-my? INT. HALLWAY Nancy rushes down the hallway and shuts and bolts the door before the child can get in. She backs away, looking at the shadow of the child outside the door, terrified. The Doctor stands behind her. THE DOCTOR (watching the shadow concernedly) What's this, then? It's never easy being the only child left out in the cold, you know. NANCY I suppose you'd know. THE DOCTOR I do actually, yes. He smiles pleasantly at her. NANCY It's not exactly a child. THE CHILD Muuum-my? Nancy pushes past the Doctor and goes back into the dining room. INT. DINING ROOM Nancy addresses the children still sitting around the table. NANCY Right, everybody out, across the back garden and under the fence. They just look at her. NANCY (CONT'D) Now! Go! Move! They all jump out of their seats and run out of the door while Nancy puts her coat on, apart from one little girl. NANCY (CONT'D) Come on, baby. You've got to go. Okay? It's just like a game. Just like chasing. The little girl jumps out of her seat. NANCY (CONT'D) Take your coat, go on. The little girl runs after the other children. NANCY (CONT'D) Go! INT. HALLWAY The Doctor watches them pass, slightly confused. THE CHILD Mummy? The Doctor takes a few steps towards the door. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Please let me in, mummy. He sticks his hand through the letterbox. He has a scar on the back of his perfectly ordinary little hand. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Please let me in, mummy. THE DOCTOR Are you all right? THE CHILD Please let me in. Nancy suddenly throws something against the door, which smashes. The child withdraws his hand. NANCY You mustn't let him touch ya! THE DOCTOR What happens if he touches me? NANCY He'll make you like him. THE DOCTOR And what's he like? NANCY (steps away) I've gotta go. THE DOCTOR Nancy, what's he like? They look at each other. NANCY (after a pause) He's empty. The phone rings. The Doctor looks at it. NANCY (CONT'D) It's him. He can make phones ring, he can. Just like with that police box you saw. The Doctor looks at the shadow of the child outside the door, then picks up the phone. THE CHILD (on the phone) Are you my mummy? Nancy snatches the phone off the Doctor and slams it back down. The radio turns itself on. It plays music, but with the child's voice over it. THE CHILD (on radio) Mummy? Please let me in, mummy. The Doctor turns the tuner. He stops when a toy monkey suddenly springs to life. THE CHILD (through monkey) Mummy? Muuum-my, muum-my... The Doctor picks up the monkey and looks at it. NANCY Stay if you want to. She leaves. THE CHILD (through monkey) Mummy, mummy, mummy... The child sticks his hand through the letterbox again. THE CHILD Mummy? Let me in please, mummy... The Doctor kneels in front of the door, looking at the scarred little hand with a look of concern on his face. THE CHILD (CONT'D) PLEASE let me in. THE DOCTOR Your mummy isn't here. THE CHILD (after a pause) Are you my mummy? THE DOCTOR No mummies here. None be here but us chickens. He looks behind him at the deserted house, then back at the door, grinning. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Well, THIS chicken. THE CHILD I'm scared. THE DOCTOR Why are those other child frightened of you? THE CHILD Please let me in, mummy. I'm scared of the bombs. The Doctor thinks for a moment. THE DOCTOR Okay. I'm opening the door now. The child withdraws his hand from the letterbox. The Doctor draws back the bolts and opens the door - but the child has disappeared. EXT. STREET The Doctor walks down the path and looks up and down the street, but there is no sign of the child. INT. JACK'S COCKPIT Rose wakes up and gets up off the bed. She looks around at her surroundings. JACK Better now? ROSE You got lights in here? Jack, who is sitting in the pilot seat, obligingly turns them on. JACK Hello. ROSE Hello. JACK (smiling) Hello. ROSE (also smiling) Let's not start that again. Jack laughs. JACK Okay. Rose pulls down her t-shirt self-consciously and takes a few steps towards him. ROSE So, um... who're you supposed to be, then? JACK Captain Jack Harkness. 133 Squadron Royal Airforce - American Volunteer. He hands her what would appear to be an ID card. Rose looks at it. ROSE Liar. Jack pauses. ROSE (CONT'D) This is psychic paper. It tells me whatever you want it to tell me. JACK (sitting back, caught out) How do you know? ROSE Two things. One - a have a friend who uses this all the time. JACK Ah. ROSE And two - you just handed me a piece of paper telling me you're single and you work out. Jack leans forward to take it back. JACK Tricky things, psychic paper. ROSE Yeah - can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over. She hands it back to him. Jack reads it. JACK Oh, you 'sort of' have a boyfriend called Mickey Smith but you consider yourself to be footloose and fancy free. ROSE (laughing, embarrassed) Wha-- JACK Actually, the word you use is 'available'. ROSE (grinning) No way... JACK And another one - 'very'. ROSE (standing) Shall we uh... try and get along WITHOUT the psychic paper? JACK (also standing) That would be better, wouldn't it? ROSE Nice spaceship. JACK Gets me around. ROSE (running a hand along the ceiling) Very... Spock. She looks at him for a sign of recognition. JACK Who? ROSE Guessing you're not a local boy, then. JACK (looking at his wrist device) A cell phone, a liquid crystal watch, and fabrics that won't be around for at least another two decades... guessing you're not a local girl. Rose is now sitting on the pilots seat, examining the spaceship. ROSE Guessing right. She tries to touch something, but withdraws her hands quickly, gasping with pain. Her hands have burn marks on them. JACK Burn your hands on the rope? ROSE Yeah. (looking out of the window) We're parked in midair! Can't anyone down there see us? JACK No. Can I have a look at your hands for a moment? Rose sits back down. ROSE Why? JACK Please? He sits next her. Rose holds her hands out and he runs a scanner over them. JACK You can stop acting now. I know exactly who you are. I can spot a Time Agent a mile away. ROSE Time Agent? JACK I've been expecting one of you guys to show up. Though, not, I must say, by barrage balloon. Do you often travel that way? ROSE (smiling) Sometimes I get swept off my feet. By balloons. Jack takes his scarf off and wraps it around Rose's wrists. ROSE What're you doing? JACK Try to keep still. He finishes binding her hands and leans over her to switch a button over her head. They catch each other's eye, very aware of their proximity. There is a bleeping sound, what look like tiny golden fireflies appear above the wounds on her hands. JACK (CONT'D) Nanogenes. Sub-atomic robots. The air in here's full of them. Rose looks pleasantly amazed as the nanogenes work their magic on the burns on her hands. Jack switches the button again, and they disappear. JACK (CONT'D) They just repaired three layers of your skin. He takes the scarf off her wrists. ROSE Well, tell them thanks! She laughs. Jack gets up, smiling. JACK We'll get down to business. ROSE Business? Jack is now holding a bottle of champagne. JACK Shall we have a drink on the balcony? Holding her gaze, he presses a button and steps to the roof lower themselves into the spaceship. Jack starts to go up the stairs. JACK (CONT'D) Bring up the glasses. EXT. OUTSIDE BIG BEN He emerges on top of the invisible spaceship, and uncorks the bottle. Rose, looking slightly unsteady, ascends the steps, holding a couple of glasses. They are parked in front of Big Ben. ROSE (laughs nervously) I'm standing on something... Jack chuckles, and then takes a device out of his pocket. He flicks a switch and his spaceship appears under their feet. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay... you have an invisible spaceship... JACK Yeah... ROSE Tethered up to Big Ben for some reason... JACK First rule of active camouflage. Park somewhere you'll remember. He pops the cork out of the bottle with a loud bang. Rose whoops and Jack laughs. Jack fills up their glasses. EXT. WASTELAND Nancy hurries across the train tracks. She hurries into an outer house and starts taking food out of her bag. She suddenly turns around, when she notices the Doctor standing in the doorway, watching her. NANCY How'd you follow me here? THE DOCTOR I'm good at following, me. Got the nose for it. NANCY (suspicious) People can't usually follow me if I don't want them to. THE DOCTOR My nose has special powers. NANCY Yeah? That's why it's uh... THE DOCTOR What? NANCY Nothing. THE DOCTOR (persistently) What? NANCY (teasingly) Nothing! Do your ears have special powers too? THE DOCTOR (calmly) What're you trying to say? NANCY Goodnight, Mister. She turns away. THE DOCTOR Nancy. There's something chasing you and the other kids. Looks like a boy and it isn't a boy, and it started about a month ago, right? Nancy turns back to him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) The thing I'm looking for. The thing that fell from the sky, that's when it landed. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you? NANCY There was a bomb. A bomb that wasn't a bomb. Fell the other end of Limehouse Green Station. THE DOCTOR Take me there. NANCY (shakes her head) There's soldiers guarding it, barbed wire... you'll never get through. THE DOCTOR Try me! NANCY You sure you wanna know what's going on in there? THE DOCTOR I really wanna know. NANCY Then there's someone you need to talk to first. THE DOCTOR And who might that be? NANCY The Doctor. The Doctor's brow furrows. Nancy turns away, and the Doctor gives a quiet, ironic laugh, clearly confused. EXT. OUTSIDE BIG BEN Rose and Jack are sitting on top of the spaceship, drinking the champagne. Rose stands up. ROSE You know, it's getting a bit late. I should really be getting back. JACK We're discussing business. ROSE (smiling) This isn't business. This is champagne. JACK I try never to discuss business with a clear head. (stands, walks towards her) Are you travelling alone? Are you authorised to negotiate with me? ROSE What would we be negotiating? JACK I have something for the Time Agency. Something they'd like to buy. Are you in power to make payment? ROSE Well, I - I should talk to my... companion. JACK Companion? ROSE Yeah, I should really be getting back to him. JACK Him? ROSE (laughing) Do you have the time? Jack, clearing his throat, takes the device out of his pocket and flicks a switch. Big Ben chimes right next to them. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay, that was flash. (laughs) Th-- that was on the flash side. JACK (moves closer, places his hands on her waist) So... when you say 'companion', just how disappointed should I be? ROSE Okay... we're standing in midair... JACK Mm-hm. ROSE On a spaceship... during a German air raid... do you really think now's a good time to be coming on to me...? Her voice falters slightly as Jack raises her hands and places his lips upon them. Upon her words, Jack takes his lips away and pats her hand. JACK Perhaps not. He walks away. ROSE (quickly) Well, it was just a suggestion. Jack turns back to her. JACK Do you like Glenn Miller? He points the device over his shoulder, and 'Moonlight Serenade' plays. He walks back to her, and they begin to slow dance. JACK It's 1941. The height of the London Blitz. The height of the German Bombing Campaign. And something else has fallen on London - a fully equipped Chula Warship. The last one in existence... Rose's eyelids flutter closed, her head on his shoulder. JACK (CONT'D) ... armed to the teeth. (draws back slightly to look at her properly) And I know where it is. Because I parked it. Rose laughs. JACK (CONT'D) If the Agency can name the right price, I can get it for you. But in two hours, a German bomb is gonna fall on it and destroy it forever. (he looks at her, suddenly more serious) That's the deadline. That's the deal. And now, shall we discuss payment? ROSE Do you know what I think? JACK What? ROSE (dreamily) I think you were talking just there... JACK Two hours, the bomb falls. There'll be nothing left but dust and a crater. ROSE Promises, promises... JACK Are you listening to any of this? ROSE (pulling herself together) You used to be a Time Agent, now you're some kind of free lancer. JACK Well, that's a little harsh. (pulls her closer) I like to think of myself as a criminal. ROSE (laughing) I bet you do! JACK So, this companion of yours - does he handle the business? ROSE Well, I delegate a lot of that, yeah. JACK Well, maybe we should go find him. ROSE And how're you gonna do that? JACK Easy. I'll do a scan for alien tech. He begins the scan using the device on his wrist. ROSE (to herself, delighted) Finally, a PROFESSIONAL. EXT. WASTELAND The Doctor stands on some steps a good distance away from the bomb site. He looks at it using his binoculars. Nancy stands behind him. NANCY The bomb's under that tarpaulin. They put the fence up over night. See that building? The hospital. The Doctor looks over to where she indicates over the top of the binoculars. THE DOCTOR What about it? NANCY That's where the doctor is. The Doctor zooms in on the hospital. NANCY (CONT'D) You should talk to him. THE DOCTOR For now, I'm more interested in getting in there. He points back at the bomb site. NANCY Talk to the doctor first. THE DOCTOR Why? NANCY 'Cos then maybe you won't wanna get inside. Nancy begins to go back up the steps. THE DOCTOR (without looking) Where're you going? NANCY There was a lot of food in that house. I've got mouths to feed. Should be safe enough now. THE DOCTOR Can I ask you a question? Who did you lose? NANCY What? THE DOCTOR (finally lowering the binoculars and turning to face her) The way you look after all those kids. It's 'cos you lost somebody, isn't it? You're doing all this to make up for it. NANCY My little brother. Jamie. One night I went out looking for food. Same night that thing fell. I told him not to follow me - told him it was dangerous, but he just... he just didn't like being on his own. THE DOCTOR What happened? NANCY In the middle of an air raid? What do you THINK happened? The Doctor nods, then smiles. THE DOCTOR Amazing. NANCY What is? THE DOCTOR 1941. There are planes dropping bombs in the distance. A barrage balloon hovers above them. Small explosions in the air. THE DOCTOR Right now, not very far from here, a German war machine is rolling up the map of Europe. Country after country, falling like dominoes. Nothing can stop it. Nothing. Until one, tiny, damp little island says 'no'. 'No'. Not here. A mouse in front of a lion. (looks at Nancy) You're amazing, the lot of you. Dunno what you do to Hitler, but you frighten the hell out of me. Off you go then... do what you've gotta do. Save the world. He goes down the rest of the steps. Nancy turns and walks up them. The distorted vision of the child watches Nancy and we see his shadow follow her up the steps. EXT. ABANDONED HOSPITAL The Doctor goes to the gate of the hospital, and upon finding it locked, uses his sonic screwdriver to destroy the padlock. He undoes the chain, and enters Albion Hospital. INT. HOSPITAL WARD The Doctor enters a dark ward, where rows and rows of people are lying on beds, wearing gas masks, completely lifeless. He looks around at them all, brow furrowed, and leaves. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR The Doctor comes out into a corridor, which is lit. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 He enters another ward, which is lighter but still has rows of the gas mask people lying on the beds. He turns quickly upon hearing a slight sound behind him, and an old man - Doctor Constantine enters. DR CONSTANTINE You'll find them everywhere. Every bed in every ward. Hundreds of them. THE DOCTOR Yes, I saw. Why are they still wearing gas masks? DR CONSTANTINE They're not. Who are you? THE DOCTOR I'm, uh... are you the doctor? DR CONSTANTINE Doctor Constantine. And you are? THE DOCTOR Nancy sent me. DR CONSTANTINE Nancy? That means you must've been asking about the bomb. THE DOCTOR Yes. DR CONSTANTINE What do you know about it? THE DOCTOR Nothing. Why I was asking. What do you know? DR CONSTANTINE Only what it's done. THE DOCTOR These people - were they all caught up in the blast? DR CONSTANTINE None of them were. He laughs slightly, but it turns into a nasty cough. He sits down in a chair just behind him. The Doctor takes a few steps towards him. THE DOCTOR You're very sick. DR CONSTANTINE Dying, I should think - I just haven't been able to find the time. Are you a doctor? THE DOCTOR I have my moments. DR CONSTANTINE Have you examined any of them, yet? THE DOCTOR No. DR CONSTANTINE Don't touch the flesh. THE DOCTOR Which one? DR CONSTANTINE ANY one. The Doctor, raising his eyebrows, takes his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and approaches the nearest bed. He runs the screwdriver over the mask covered face of the body. DR CONSTANTINE (CONT'D) Conclusions? THE DOCTOR Massive head trauma, mostly to the left side... (runs screwdriver over the chest) Partial collapse of the chest cavity, mostly to the right. There's some scarring on the back of the hand and the gas mask seems to be fused to the flesh but I can't see any burns. DR CONSTANTINE Examine another one. The Doctor goes over to another body and does the scan again. The gas mask is fused to the flesh and the body bears the same scar on the back of the hand. He turns off his sonic screwdriver and turns to Doctor Constantine. THE DOCTOR This isn't possible. DR CONSTANTINE Examine another. The Doctor hurries to another bed and does so. THE DOCTOR This isn't possible! DR CONSTANTINE No. THE DOCTOR They've all got the same injuries! DR CONSTANTINE Yes. THE DOCTOR Exactly the same. DR CONSTANTINE Yes. THE DOCTOR Identical, all of them. Right down to the scar on the back of the hand. Doctor Constantine looks at his own hand - it has the scar. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) How did this happen? How did it start? DR CONSTANTINE When that bomb dropped, there was just one victim. THE DOCTOR Dead? DR CONSTANTINE At first. His injuries were truly dreadful. By the following morning, every doctor and nurse who had treated him - who had touched him - had those exact same injuries. By the morning after that, every patient in the same ward had the exact same injuries. Within a week, the entire hospital. Physical injuries - as plague. Can you explain that? What would you say was the cause of death? THE DOCTOR The head trauma. DR CONSTANTINE No. THE DOCTOR Asphyxiation. DR CONSTANTINE No. THE DOCTOR The collapse of the chest cavity-- DR CONSTANTINE No. THE DOCTOR All right. What was the cause of death? DR CONSTANTINE There wasn't one. The Doctor looks at him, brow furrowed. DR CONSTANTINE (CONT'D) They're not dead. He raps his stick against a tin bin, and all the patients suddenly sit up. The Doctor looks alarmed. DR CONSTANTINE It's all right. They're harmless. They just... sort of, sit there. No heartbeat, no life signs of any kind. They just... don't die. THE DOCTOR And they've just been left here? Nobody's DOING anything? The bodies lie down again. DR CONSTANTINE I try and make them comfortable, what else is there? THE DOCTOR Just you? You're the only one here? DR CONSTANTINE Before this war began, I was a father and a grandfather. Now I am neither. But I am still a doctor. THE DOCTOR Yeah. Know the feeling. DR CONSTANTINE I suspect the plan is to blow up the hospital and blame it on a German bomb. THE DOCTOR (looking around) Probably too late. DR CONSTANTINE No. They are isolated cases, but... isolated cases breaking out all over London... He coughs again. His speech starts to break up. The Doctor starts towards him. DR CONSTANTINE (CONT'D) Stay back, stay back. (coughs) Listen to me... top floor. Room 802, that's where they took the first victim - the one from the crash site. And you must find Nancy again. THE DOCTOR Nancy? DR CONSTANTINE It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she mi-- mi-- (he gags and clutches his neck) M... mu... mee... The Doctor watches him concernedly. Speech is a huge effort for Constantine. DR CONSTANTINE (CONT'D) Are... you... my... mum-my? As the Doctor watches, a gas mask protrudes horribly out of Constantine's mouth. His eyes become the gas mask, and it fuses onto his face, and he goes limp. The Doctor hears voices in the distance. JACK Hello? ROSE Hello? JACK Hello? The Doctor leaves the ward. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR The Doctor emerges into the corridor. He meets Rose and Jack coming the other way. JACK Good evening. Hope I'm not interrupting - Jack Harkness. (shakes the Doctor's hand) I've been hearing all about you on the way over. ROSE (to the Doctor) He knows. I had to tell him about us being Time Agents. The Doctor nods. JACK And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mr Spock. He pats the Doctor heartily on the shoulder, and walks off, leaving the Doctor looking rather bemused. THE DOCTOR (to Rose) Mr Spock? ROSE What was I supposed to say, you don't have a name! Don't you ever get tired of 'Doctor'? Doctor who? THE DOCTOR Nine centuries in, I'm coping. Where've you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz, it's not a good time for a stroll. ROSE (starting to walk) Who's strolling? I went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid. THE DOCTOR (following) What?! ROSE Listen, what's a Chula warship? THE DOCTOR (stops) Chula? INT. DINING ROOM Nancy goes back into the house and starts to put a cloth over some of the food on the table. Suddenly, the radio springs to life, the child's voice transmitting through it THE CHILD Please, mummy. Please let me in. Nancy spins round to face the radio. THE CHILD (CONT'D) I'm scared of the bombs, mummy. Please, mummy... There is a crash from the hallway, making Nancy turn around. The shadow of the child is on the wall. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Mummy... mum-my... Nancy looks around for somewhere to hide. She crawls under the table. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Jack scans one of the bodies. JACK This just isn't possible. How could this happen? THE DOCTOR What kind of Chula ship landed here? JACK What? ROSE He said it was a warship. He stole it. Parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's gonna fall on it - unless WE make him an offer. THE DOCTOR What kind of warship? JACK (agitated) Does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this! THE DOCTOR (angrily) This started at the bomb site. It's got EVERYTHING to do with it. What kind of warship? JACK An ambulance! (turns on his wrist device) Look. A hologram of the warship appears above the device. JACK (CONT'D) That's what you chased through the Time Vortex. It's space junk. I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it. Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle - love the retro look, by the way, nice panels - threw you the bait-- ROSE Bait? JACK I wanted to sell it to you and then destroy it before you found out it was junk. ROSE You said it was a WAR ship. JACK They have ambulances in wars. (walks away from them, annoyed) It was a con. I was conning you - that's what I am, I'm a con man. I thought you were Time Agents but you're not, are you? ROSE Just a couple more free-lancers. JACK Ahh... should've known. The way you guys are blending in with the local colour - I mean, Flag Girl was bad enough, but U-Boat Captain? Both Rose and the Doctor look uncomfortably at their clothes. JACK Anyway... whatever's happening here has got NOTHING to do with that ship. ROSE (looking around) What IS happening here, Doctor? THE DOCTOR Human DNA's being rewritten... by an idiot. ROSE What d'you mean? THE DOCTOR I dunno - some kind of virus. It's converting human beings into these things. (nods at the bodies) But why? What's the point? INT. DINING ROOM The child enters. THE CHILD Mummy? Where's my mummy? Mummy? An apple falls out of Nancy's bag and rolls out from under the table. The child looks at it, walks over to it and bends down to pick it up. Nancy tries to make a run for it, but the child spins around, pointing a finger. The door slams shut and locks. Nancy rattles the handle fruitlessly. The child looks at her, still pointing. Nancy looks back. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Are you my mummy? INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Rose bends over one of the bodies, examining it - when suddenly, it sits up. All the others do the same. Rose jumps backwards. They all start saying "mummy?" repeatedly. ROSE What's happening? THE DOCTOR I don't know. The gas-mask people all get out of bed. INT. DINING ROOM Nancy backs away from the child. THE CHILD Mummy? NANCY It's me. Nancy! INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The gas-mask people begin to enclose the Doctor, Rose and Jack. THE DOCTOR Don't let them touch you. ROSE What happens if they touch us? THE DOCTOR You're looking at it. They still chant, 'mummy' as they back the three of them against a wall. INT. DINING ROOM THE CHILD Are you my mummy? NANCY It's Nancy. Your sister. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The patients in the ward enclose the Doctor, Rose and Jack. INT. DINING ROOM The child advances on Nancy. NANCY You're dead, Jamie. You're dead! She is now backed against the curtain. THE CHILD Mum-my... mum-my... INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The gas-mask people have surrounded the Doctor, Rose and Jack, still calling for 'mummy'. CLOSING CREDITS 1x10 "The Doctor Dances" A recap of 1x09 "The Empty Child" INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The gas-mask people are surrounding Rose, the Doctor and Jack. Then - the Doctor stares sternly around at them. THE DOCTOR (as though addressing a disobedient child) Go to your room. The gasmask people hesitate. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie hesitates. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Go to your room! The gas-mask people cock their heads to one side. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie cocks his head to one side. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Rose and Jack look at one another. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I mean it! I am very, very angry with you. I am very, VERY cross! Go - to - your - ROOM! He points violently in no particular direction, and miraculously, all the gas-mask people turn meekly away. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie turns to leave. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The patients and staff in the hospital climb back onto their beds. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie slowly opens the door and leaves the room. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The Doctor sighs with relief. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I'm really glad that worked. Those would've been TERRIBLE last words. OPENING CREDITS EXT. STREET Jamie walks alone from the house into the dark night. INT. DINING ROOM Nancy watches him go from the window. NANCY (sadly) Jamie... She sinks to the ground with her back against the wall, and sobs. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Rose is sitting by one of the beds, looking at one of the gasmask people. Jack settles down in a chair. ROSE Why are they all wearing gas masks? JACK They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone. THE DOCTOR How was your con supposed to work? JACK Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space-junk... let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth. Convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put 50% up front - oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for. Never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con. THE DOCTOR Yeah. Perfect. JACK The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners - Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day. He laughs at his own joke. The Doctor merely looks at him. Jack's laughter dies away. JACK (CONT'D) Getting a hint of disapproval. THE DOCTOR Take a look around the room. This is what your 'harmless piece of space-junk' did. JACK It was a burnt-out medical transporter - it was empty. The Doctor looks darkly at him and walks off. THE DOCTOR Rose. ROSE We getting out of here? THE DOCTOR We're going upstairs. Rose follows him. Jack gets up and calls after him. JACK I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living - I harmed no-one! I don't know what's happening here, but believe me - I had nothing to do with it. THE DOCTOR I'll tell you what's happening. You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day. A siren goes off in the distance. ROSE What's that? JACK The all-clear. THE DOCTOR I wish. He leaves the ward. Rose and Jack follow him. INT. DINING ROOM Upon hearing the siren, Nancy gets up and leaves the dining room. INT. HALLWAY Suddenly, a child wearing a gas-mask jumps out in front of her, and she screams and stumbles backwards - but then the little boy takes the mask off. NANCY I thought you were Jamie! She leaves the house through the back door, the boy following her. EXT. GARDEN BOY Dad! Dad! Mr and Mrs Lloyd appear and Mr Lloyd angrily tries to shove her back into the house. NANCY Get your hands off me! MRS LLOYD (to the boy) Oi! You! Get in! Get in! INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR Rose and Jack run down a corridor looking for the Doctor. JACK (calls) Mr Spock? ROSE (calls) Doctor? They dash past a flight of stairs. The Doctor pops his head around the banister. THE DOCTOR Have you got a blaster? Rose and Jack skid to a halt and backtrack. JACK Sure! They run up the stairs and find themselves standing outside a door. THE DOCTOR The night your space-junk landed, someone was hurt. This was where they were taken. ROSE What happened? THE DOCTOR Let's find out. (to Jack) Get it open. Jack grins and points a blaster at the door. The Doctor stands back, beside Rose. ROSE (quietly) What's wrong with your sonic screwdriver? THE DOCTOR Nothing. Jack's blaster cuts a perfectly square hole around the lock of the door and it squeaks open. THE DOCTOR Sonic blaster, 51st century. Weapon Factories of Villengard? JACK You've been to the factories? THE DOCTOR (taking the blaster from Jack for a look) Once. JACK Well, they gone now. Destroyed. The main reactor went critical. Vapourized the lot. THE DOCTOR (giving the blaster back) Like I said - once. There's a banana grove there, now. I like bananas. Bananas are good. He smiles pleasantly at Jack and enters the room. Rose goes up to Jack. ROSE (looks at the perfectly square hole) Nice blast pattern. JACK Digital. ROSE Squareness gun. JACK Yeah. ROSE I like it. She goes into the room. Jack laughs, then follows her. INT. THE ROOM The Doctor switches a light on. The room looks as though it has been vandalised. The window is broken and there is stuff all over the floor. THE DOCTOR What d'you think? JACK SOMETHING got out of here... THE DOCTOR Yeah. And? JACK Something powerful. Angry. THE DOCTOR Powerful and angry. Jack enters a room off the side. The floors and walls are covered with a child's drawings. There are a few toys on the floor and a little bed in the corner. JACK A child? I suppose this explains 'mummy'. ROSE How could a child do this? The Doctor plays a tape of Doctor Constantine talking to the Child. DR. CONSTANTINE Do you know where you are? THE CHILD Are you my mummy? DR. CONSTANTINE Are you aware of what's around you? Can you... see? THE CHILD Are you my mummy? DR. CONSTANTINE What do you want? Do you know-- THE CHILD I want my mummy. Are you my mummy? I want my mummy! Are you my mummy? Every single one of the drawings covering the wall are of the Child's mother]. THE CHILD (CONT'D) Are you my mummy? Mummy? Mummy? ROSE Doctor, I've heard this voice before. THE DOCTOR Me too. THE CHILD Mummy? ROSE Always, "are you my mummy?". Like he doesn't know. THE CHILD Mummy? ROSE Why doesn't he know? THE CHILD Are you there, mummy? Mummy? INT. DINING ROOM Mr Lloyd enters the dining room and shuts the door behind him. He leans on the table, at which Nancy is sitting. MR LLOYD The police are on their way. I PAY for the food on this table. The sweat on my brow, that food is. The sweat on my brow. Anything else you'd like? I've got a whole house here, anything else you'd like to help yourself to? NANCY Yeah. I'd like some wire cutters, please. Mr Lloyd looks unpleasantly surprised. NANCY (CONT'D) Something that can cut through barbed wire. Oh, and a torch. Don't look like that, Mr Lloyd. I know you've got plenty of tools in here. I've been watching this house for ages. And I'd like another look round your kitchen cupboards. I was in a hurry the first time. I wanna see if there's anything I missed. MR LLOYD The food on this table-- NANCY It's an awful lot of food, isn't it, Mr Lloyd? Mr Lloyd's mouth opens and shuts again. NANCY (CONT'D) A lot more than on anyone else's table. Half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with Mr. Avistock - the butcher. But she's not, is she? You are. Mr Lloyd looks very uncomfortable, and he is starting to sweat. Triumphant, Nancy stands up. NANCY (CONT'D) Wire cutters. Torch. Food. And I'd like to use your bathroom before I leave, please. Oh, look... there's the sweat on your brow. Mr Lloyd agitatedly wipes the beads of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. Nancy goes over to the door and opens it. INT. THE ROOM The reels of the tape spin. THE CHILD Mummy? Please, mummy? Mummy? The Doctor is pacing around the room. ROSE Doctor? THE DOCTOR Can you sense it? JACK Sense what? THE DOCTOR Coming out of the walls, can you feel it? THE CHILD Mummy? The Doctor stops to look around at Rose and Jack. THE DOCTOR Funny little human brains, how do you get around in those things? ROSE (to Jack) When he's stressed, he likes to insult species. THE DOCTOR (still pacing) Rose, I'm thinking. ROSE Cuts himself shaving, does half an hour in life forms he's cleverer than... THE DOCTOR There are these children living rough around the bomb site. They come out during air-raids looking for food. THE CHILD Mummy, please? THE DOCTOR Suppose they were there when this thing - whatever it was - landed? JACK It was a med-ship. It was harmless. THE DOCTOR Yes, you keep saying. 'Harmless'. Suppose one of them was affected - altered? ROSE Altered how? THE CHILD I'm here! THE DOCTOR It's afraid. Terribly afraid, and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do. (small laugh) It's got the power of a god, and I just sent it to its room. There is a loud, crackling noise filling the room. ROSE (scared) Doctor... THE CHILD I'm here. Can't you see me? ROSE What's that noise? THE DOCTOR (smile fading) End of the tape. It ran out about 30 seconds ago. THE CHILD I'm here, now. Can't you see me? THE DOCTOR I sent it to it's room. THIS is its room. He spins around and the Child is standing by the tape machine. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? (cocks his head on one side, considering Rose) Mummy? ROSE Doctor? JACK Okay... on my signal... make for the door. NOW! He violently produces a banana and points it threateningly at the Child. The Doctor grins and produces Jack's sonic blaster, blasting a square hole in the wall. THE DOCTOR Go! Now! Don't drop the banana! JACK (hopping through the hole in the wall with Rose and the Doctor) Why not?! THE DOCTOR Good source of potassium! INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR The three of them find themselves back in a corridor. The Child approaches them from inside the room. JACK (grabbing his sonic blaster off the Doctor) Give me that! THE CHILD Are you my mummy? Jack points the blaster at the wall, and it rebuilds itself, blocking the Child out. JACK Digital rewind. (tosses banana back to the Doctor) Nice switch. THE DOCTOR It's from the Groves of Villengard. I thought it was appropriate. JACK There's really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard and you did that? THE DOCTOR (simply) Bananas are good. The Child thumps the wall from the other side, cracking it. ROSE Doctor! THE DOCTOR Come on! They rush down a short flight of stairs and down another corridor, before they encounter all the patients bursting out of the ward calling 'mummy'. They hastily backtrack, but they find the gasmask people coming from that direction too. They find themselves back at the point where they started, where the Child is breaking through the wall. THE DOCTOR It's keeping us here so it can get at us. JACK (points the blaster in each direction in term) It's controlling them? THE DOCTOR It IS them. It's every living thing in this hospital. JACK Okay. This can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and a triple-enfolded sonic disrupter. Doc, what you got? The Doctor takes the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket, but Jack is not looking as he is too busy brandishing his sonic device at the gasmask people. THE DOCTOR A sonic, er... oh, never mind. JACK What? The Doctor turns to face the other group of gasmask people, switching on his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR It's sonic, okay? Let's leave it at that. JACK Disrupter? Cannon? What? THE DOCTOR It's sonic! Totally sonic! I am sonic-ed up! JACK A sonic WHAT?! THE DOCTOR SCREWDRIVER! Jack spins around. At that moment, the Child finally manages to punch through the wall. He begins to climb through the hole. Rose grabs onto Jack's wrist and makes him point the sonic blaster at the floor. ROSE Going down! She blasts a hole in the floor. They all fall in a messy heap on the floor of the ward below. INT. HOSPITAL WARD Jack hurriedly activates the digital rewind, closing the hole so they cannot be followed. ROSE (CONT'D) Doctor, are you okay? THE DOCTOR Could've used a warning...! ROSE Ugh, the gratitude. They get up and brush themselves off. JACK Who has a sonic screwdriver? THE DOCTOR I do! ROSE (looking around) Light! JACK Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks "oohoo, this could be a little more sonic"? THE DOCTOR (indignantly) What, you've never been bored? ROSE (still poking around) There's gotta be a light switch! THE DOCTOR Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up? Rose finally finds a switch and turns the lights on. All the gas-mask people lying in the beds sit up and start calling 'mummy'. JACK Door. They rush to the door as the patients start getting out of bed. Finding it locked, Jack tries to blast it open but his sonic blaster doesn't work. JACK (CONT'D) Damn it! He steps back, allowing the Doctor to use his sonic screwdriver instead. He whacks the sonic blaster angrily. JACK (CONT'D) It's the special features, they really drain the battery. ROSE The battery?! The Doctor opens the door and they dash through it. ROSE That's so LAME. INT. STOREROOM The Doctor slams the door shut behind them and locks it with his sonic screwdriver. JACK (running to the window) I was gonna send for another one, but SOMEBODY'S gonna blow up the factory. He glares at the Doctor. ROSE Oh, I know - first day I met him, he blew my job up. That's practically how he communicates. THE DOCTOR Okay, that door should hold it for a bit. JACK The door?! The WALL didn't stop it! THE DOCTOR Well, it's gotta FIND us first! Come on, we're not done yet! Assets, assets! JACK Well, I've got a banana, and at a pinch you could put up some shelves. THE DOCTOR (going to the window) Window-- JACK Barred, sheer drop outside. Seven stories. ROSE And no other exits. JACK (settling comfortably into a chair) Well, the assets conversation went in a flash, didn't it? The Doctor turns and eyes him for a moment, then looks at Rose. THE DOCTOR So, where'd you pick this one up, then? ROSE (warningly) Doctor... JACK She was hanging from a barrage balloon, I had an invisible spaceship. I never stood a CHANCE. Rose looks ever so slightly uncomfortable. THE DOCTOR Okay, one, we want to get out of here. Two, we CAN'T get out of here. Have I missed anything? Rose looks in Jack's direction. ROSE (in wonder) Yeah... Jack just disappeared. The Doctor spins around to see Jack's empty chair. INT. OUTHOUSE Jim types on a typewriter. The other children are all crowded inside with him. Nancy enters. NANCY Thought as much. What are all of you doing here? Different house every night, I told ya! JIM We thought you were dead! Or you'd run off. ERNIE I didn't. I KNEW you'd come back for us. Nancy squats down and empties her bag of supplies on the floor. Ernie looks at Jim with the typewriter. ERNIE Found that old thing in the junk. Thinks he can write now... JIM I'm writing a letter to me dad. ERNIE You don't even know where your dad IS. And how're you gonna send it? JIM (as though this is a ridiculous question) I dunno, stick it in an envelope? ERNIE You can't even read or write. JIM I don't need to - I've got a machine! The typewriter pings. NANCY (harshly, irritated) Will you stop making that noise! A short silence. Jim looks crestfallen and Nancy's face softens. NANCY (CONT'D) I'm sorry, Jim. On you go. You write a letter to your dad if you want to. Jim continues typing. ERNIE (to Nancy) I know we should've went somewhere else, but we need you, see. For the thinking. NANCY And what if I wasn't here? What if one night, I didn't come back for you? There's a war on... people go out... they don't always come back. It happens. What would you do then? Ernie furrows his brow, then takes the wire cutters from Nancy's hands. ERNIE Are they wire cutters?! NANCY (standing, taking them back) I need you to think about that. SOMEONE'S gotta look after this lot! ERNIE Why? Are you going somewhere? NANCY (putting the wire cutters into her bag) The bomb site. The one at the railway station. ERNIE (shocked) Why? NANCY The Child. That's where he was killed. That's where it all started. And I'm gonna find out how. ERNIE (frightened) He'll get you! And then he'll come for us - he ALWAYS comes for us! NANCY No. Ernie, he doesn't. He always comes after ME. There are things I haven't told ya... things I CAN'T tell ya. As long as you're with me... you're in danger. Even now, sitting here, you're in danger because of me. ERNIE You're the one that keeps us safe! NANCY You think so, Ernie? Then answer this: Jim is sitting there right next to ya. So who's typing? The steady clicking of the typewriter continues - but no one is typing. It types words on the paper. The children look scared. When it stops, Nancy rips the paper out. ERNIE (urgently) Is he coming? NANCY Ernie... as long as you're with me... he's always coming. She turns to leave, dropping the piece of paper on the floor. She stops at the door. NANCY (CONT'D) Plenty of greens. And chew your food. She leaves. Ernie picks up the piece of paper and reads it. Underneath Jims incoherent jumble of letters and numbers, is typed the phrase 'ARE YOU MY MUMMY', repeatedly. INT. STOREHAND Rose approaches the Doctor who is now sitting down and puts her hand casually on the back of his chair. ROSE Okay, so he's vanished into thin air. Why is it always the GREAT looking ones who do that? The Doctor peers up at her, giving her a look. THE DOCTOR I'm making an effort not to be insulted. ROSE (waving her hand dismissively) I mean... men. THE DOCTOR (smiling sarcastically) Okay. Thanks. That REALLY helped. An old radio springs to life and Jack's voice transmits through it. JACK Rose? Doctor? Can you hear me? They both hurry over to the radio, the Doctor picking it up. JACK (CONT'D) I'm back on my ship. INT. JACK'S SHIP On his ship, in the pilot's seat. JACK (CONT'D) Used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you. INT. STOREROOM The Doctor, in some confusion, holds the wires that have been ripped out of the radio. INT. JACK'S SHIP JACK It's security-keyed to my molecular structure. I'm working on it - hang in there. He twists a few knobs on the controls on his spaceship. THE DOCTOR How're you speaking to us? JACK Om-Com. I can call anything with a speaker grille. INT. STOREROOM THE DOCTOR Now there's a coincidence. JACK What is? THE DOCTOR The Child can Om-Com too. ROSE It can? THE DOCTOR (nods) Anything with a speaker grille. Even the TARDIS phone. ROSE What, you mean the Child can phone us? THE CHILD (through radio, singsong voice) And I can hear you. Coming to find you. Coming to fiiiiind you. JACK Doctor, can you hear that? THE DOCTOR Loud and clear. JACK I'll try to block out the signal. Least I can do. THE CHILD Coming to find you, mummy! INT. JACK'S SHIP JACK Remember this one, Rose? He flicks a switch, and Glenn Miller's 'Moonlight Serenade' plays through the radio. INT. STOREROOM Rose looks ever so slightly uncomfortable as the Doctor turns to look at her questioningly. ROSE (a little embarrassed) Our song. The Doctor nods - but it seems as though he doesn't like this. Rose shifts from foot to foot, smiling embarrassedly. EXT. CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE (OUTSIDE THE WIRE) Nancy approaches the bomb site, which has a sign on the fence surrounding it saying 'KEEP OUT - RESTRICTED AREA'. She hurries stealthily out of sight to where a hole in the fence has been mended quickly with barbed wire. She sets to work, cutting them loose with her wire cutters, all the while looking around nervously. INT. STOREROOM Rose shuffles around in the wheel chair, bored. The radio still plays 'Moonlight Serenade'. The buzzing of the sonic screwdriver in the background. Rose spins the wheel chair around in the Doctor's direction. ROSE What you doing? THE DOCTOR (holding the sonic screwdriver up against the wall near the window) Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete. Loosen the bars. ROSE You don't think he's coming back, do ya? THE DOCTOR Wouldn't bet my life. ROSE Why don't you trust him? THE DOCTOR Why do you? ROSE Saved my life. Bloke-wise, that's up there with flossing. The Doctor does not answer. Rose looks at him for a moment. ROSE (CONT'D) I trust him 'cos he's like you. Except with dating and dancing. The Doctor shoots her a look. ROSE What? THE DOCTOR You just assume I'm... ROSE What? THE DOCTOR (vulnerable) You just assume that I don't... dance. ROSE (grinning) What, are you telling me you DO... dance? THE DOCTOR Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume that at some point I've DANCED. Rose grins even more. ROSE You?! THE DOCTOR Problem? ROSE Doesn't the universe implode or something if you... dance? THE DOCTOR (off-handed) Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast. Rose, still grinning, stops shuffling around in her wheel chair and gets up to turn the music up. The Doctor looks around, completely wrong-footed. Rose walks slowly forward, flirtatiously. He looks determinedly back to the wall. Rose holds her hand out to him. ROSE You've got the moves? The Doctor looks back at her. ROSE (CONT'D) Show me your moves. THE DOCTOR Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete. ROSE (not lowering his hand) Jack'll be back, he'll get us out. So come on - the world doesn't end 'cos the Doctor dances. The Doctor snaps off his sonic screwdriver, replaces it in his jacket pocket and steps away from the window towards her, an odd expression on his face. He stands in front of Rose for a moment - where is this going to go? He takes her hands, Rose staring up at him almost apprehensively. He turns her hands over and looks at them. THE DOCTOR Barrage balloon? ROSE (completely lost) ... What? THE DOCTOR (turning her hands over) You were hanging from a barrage balloon. ROSE (remembering) Oh... yeah. About two minutes after you left me. Thousands of feet above London - middle of a German air-raid - Union Jack ALL over my chest. The Doctor raises his eyebrows. THE DOCTOR I've travelled with a lot of people, but you're setting new records for jeopardy-friendly. He goes back to examining her hands. ROSE Is this you dancing? 'Cos I've got notes. THE DOCTOR Hanging from a rope a thousand feet above London. Not a cut, not a bruise. He shows her her own hands. ROSE Yeah, I know. Captain Jack fixed me up... THE DOCTOR Oh, we're calling him 'Captain Jack' now, are we? ROSE Well, his name's Jack and he's a captain... THE DOCTOR (smiling in a self-satisfied sort of way) He's not really a captain, Rose. ROSE D'you know what I think? I think you're experiencing Captain envy. The Doctor half nods, not denying this. He takes her hands and they begin to dance. ROSE (CONT'D) You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them. THE DOCTOR (now in rather intimate proximity) If ever he was a captain, he's been defrocked. ROSE (smiling) Yeah? Shame I missed that. JACK Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock. INT. JACK'S SHIP They look up in surprise - and somehow, they are standing in Jack's ship. They look around at their surroundings, now standing apart. JACK Most people notice when they've been teleported. You guys are so sweet. Sorry about the delay. I had to take the nav-com offline to override the teleport security. THE DOCTOR You can spend ten minutes overriding your own protocols? Maybe you should remember whose ship it is. JACK Oh, I do. She was GORGEOUS. Rose smiles. JACK (CONT'D) Like I told her - be back in five minutes. He ducks into a compartment underneath the console. THE DOCTOR (looking around) This is a Chula ship. JACK (calling up) Yeah, just like that medical transporter. Only, this one IS dangerous. The Doctor snaps his fingers, and his hand is instantly surrounded by nanogenes. ROSE They're what fixed my hands up! Jack called 'em, um... THE DOCTOR Nanobots? Nanogenes. ROSE Nanogenes, yeah. THE DOCTOR Sub-atomic robots. There's millions of them in here, see? Burned my hand on the console when we landed - all better now. They activate when the bulk head's sealed. Check you out for damage, fix any physical flaws. Rose beams. The Doctor banishes the nanogenes with a wave of his hand and turns to Jack. THE DOCTOR Take us to the crash site. I need to see your space junk. JACK (as though he's being nagged) As soon as I get the nav-com back online. The Doctor looks mildly annoyed. JACK (CONT'D) Make yourself comfortable. Carry on with whatever it was you were... (gestures the two of them) ... doing. THE DOCTOR [innocently] We were talking about dancing! JACK It didn't look like talking. ROSE Didn't feel like dancing. The Doctor looks at her, rather naïvely. EXT. THE CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE Nancy creeps onto the bomb site, making an effort not to be seen. She ducks behind a tent - but the flood lights suddenly flash on, filling the entire site with light - she is caught. ALGY Halt! Don't move! The soldiers are pointing their guns at her. There is no escape route. INT. JACK'S SHIP Rose is sitting talking to Jack. Jack is in the pilot seat - the Doctor is sitting some way behind Rose, not taking part in the conversation. ROSE So, you used to BE a Time Agent - now you're trying to con them? JACK (fiddling with the controls) If it makes me sound any better, it's not for the money. ROSE For what? JACK Woke up one day when I was working for them - found they'd stolen two years of my memories. I'd like them back. ROSE They stole your memories? JACK Two years of my life. No idea what I did. The Doctor watches him. JACK (CONT'D) Your friend over there doesn't trust me. And for all I know... he's right not to. The computer bleeps. JACK (CONT'D) Okay, we're good to go. The Doctor looks up. JACK (CONT'D) Crash site? INT. SHED The door to a shed opens, and Agly enters with Nancy and another soldier. Another soldier - Jenkins - gets to his feet. ALGY As you were. Feeling any better? JENKINS (feverishly) Just a turn, sir. ALGY (to the soldier) Chain her up where Jenkins can keep an eye on her. The soldier leads Nancy to a chair next to the table, sits her down, and starts to handcuff her to the table. NANCY No. Not in here. Not with him. There is a scar on the back of Jenkins' hand. ALGY You shouldn't have broken in here if you didn't want to stay. NANCY (urgently) You don't understand. Not with HIM. ALGY This is a restricted area, miss. Jenkins looks at Nancy, clearly in discomfort. Nancy looks back, almost revolted. ALGY (CONT'D) You're going to have to stay here for a bit. We're going to have to ask you a few questions. Nancy does not take her eyes off the trembling Jenkins. The soldier shows Algy Nancy's wire cutters. SOLDIER Found these, sir. ALGY (taking and examining them) Very professional... little bit TOO professional. Didn't just drop in by accident then, did you? NANCY My little brother died here. I wanted to find out what killed him. ALGY (to the soldiers at the door) Take the men, check the fence for any other breaches and search the area. She may not have come alone. SOLIDER Yes, sir. They leave. Algy makes to follow them. NANCY (scared, pleading) Please! Listen, you CAN'T leave me here. ALGY Watch her, Jenkins. JENKINS Yes, mummy. Algy has turned to the door but does a double-take. ALGY Jenkins! ALGY (rubs his sweating forehead, in severe discomfort) Sorry - sir, I-- I don't know what's the matter with me. NANCY (staring at Jenkins) Look... lock me up, fine. But not here. Please, ANYWHERE but here! Algy, not knowing quite what to make of this strange situation, shakes his head and leaves. JENKINS You'll be alright, miss. I'm just a little... Nancy shakes her handcuffs, trying to free herself. JENKINS (CONT'D) Just a little... just a little... She shakes the handcuffs more persistently. He pants heavily. JENKINS (CONT'D) What's the MATTER with you? NANCY Please, let me go. JENKINS Why would I do that? NANCY 'Cos you've got a scar on the back of your hand. JENKINS Well, yes. But I don't see what that's got to do with anything. NANCY And you feel like you're gonna be sick, like something's forcing its way up your throat. Jenkins stares at her, still heaving. Nancy speaks desperately. NANCY I know because I've seen it before. JENKINS (scared) What's happening to me? NANCY In a minute, you won't BE you anymore. You won't even remember you. And unless you let me go, it's gonna happen to me too. PLEASE. JENKINS What're you talking about? NANCY What's your mother's name? JENKINS (clasping his throat) Matilda. NANCY You got a wife? JENKINS (red in the face) Yes. NANCY Wife's name? He stares at her, blank. NANCY (CONT'D) You got kids? Nothing. He's horrified. NANCY (CONT'D) What's YOUR name? He mouths 'I don't know', not being able to speak anymore. NANCY Please. Let me go. It's too late for you, I'm sorry. But please, let me go. She is now almost crying with panic and desperation. JENKINS What d'you meeee--- (face contorted horrible, in a lot of pain) M-- muuummee.... His jaw is forced open, as though something is about to emerge. Nancy screws up her eyes and looks away as he wails. EXT. WASTE-GROUND/OUTSIDE THE CRASH SITE The Doctor, Rose and Jack walk over the rail station near the bombsite. They peer over the barbed wire. JACK There it is. (spots Algy pacing up and down) Ay, they've got Algy on duty. Must be important. THE DOCTOR We've gotta get past. ROSE The words 'distract the guard' head in my general direction. JACK I don't think that'd be such a good idea. ROSE Don't worry... I can handle it. JACK I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me. You're not his type. I'll distract him. (walks away) Don't wait up. And off he goes. Rose and the Doctor look at each other. THE DOCTOR Relax, he's a 51st century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing. ROSE HOW flexible? THE DOCTOR Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy. ROSE Meaning? THE DOCTOR (grinning) So many species, so little time... ROSE What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and... and... THE DOCTOR Dance. He sniggers. Jack jumps down onto the rail track on the bomb site, where Algy is pacing. JACK Hey, tiger! How's it hanging? Algy turns to Jack. He looks inquisitive. ALGY Mummy? JACK Algy, old sport, it's me. ALGY Mummy? JACK (smile fading) It's me, Jack. ALGY Jack? (cocks his head to one side, observing Jack with child-like curiosity) Are you my... mummy? And he coughs, falling to his knees. Before the very eyes of Jack, Rose and the Doctor, his face transforms into a gas mask. Jack is horror-struck. The other soldiers begin to hurry over. THE DOCTOR Stay back! JACK You men! Stay away! Rose and the Doctor rush over to Jack, and Algy - who is lying on the floor, lifeless. Rose stares down at him in shock. THE DOCTOR The effect's become air-borne. Accelerating. ROSE What's keeping US safe? THE DOCTOR Nothing. The air-raid siren sounds. JACK (looking up) Ah, here they come again. ROSE All we need. Didn't you say a bomb was gonna land... HERE? Jack nods. Someone in the background is singing. THE DOCTOR Never mind about that. If the contaminants air-borne now, there's hours left. JACK For what? THE DOCTOR 'Til nothing. 'Til forever. For the entire human race. And can anyone else hear singing? It's coming from the shed in which Nancy has been locked up. INT. SHED NANCY # Rock-a-by baby, on the tree tops, when the wind blows the cradle will rock... # Jenkins - with a gasmask face - is fast asleep with his head on the table. NANCY (CONT'D) # When the bough breaks the cradle will fall, and down will come baby, cradle and all. # The door creaks open. Nancy turns her head sharply to see the Doctor poke his head into the shed. He motions for her to continue singing. NANCY (CONT'D) # Rock-a-by baby... # (draws the Doctor's attention to her handcuffs) # ... on the tree tops, when the wind blows the cradle will rock...# The Doctor approaches her, taking his sonic screwdriver out of his jacket pocket. He flicks it on and begins to unlock her handcuffs. Rose and Jack appear in the doorway. The handcuffs snap open, Nancy stands, and they all leave the shed, leaving Jenkins fast asleep. INT. CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE (INSIDE THE WIRE) They go back to the bomb site, and the Doctor and Jack uncover the Chula med-ship, which has a tarpaulin over it, hiding it from view. Nancy and Rose watch. JACK You see? Just an ambulance. NANCY That's an ambulance? ROSE (with a reassuring arm around Nancy) It's hard to explain, it's... it's from another world. JACK (looking at the controls) They've been trying to get in. THE DOCTOR Of COURSE they have. Jack begins to enter the code. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) They think they've got their hands on Hitler's latest secret weapon. What're you doing? JACK Well, the sooner you see this thing is empty, the sooner you'll see I had nothing to do with it. The controls explode with sparks, and they all jump backwards. An alarm goes off. JACK (CONT'D) Didn't happen last time. THE DOCTOR It hadn't crashed last time. They're the emergency protocols. ROSE Doctor, what IS that? A red light on the control panel flashes. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR The Child is standing alone in the hospital corridor. THE CHILD Mummy? INT. HOSPITAL WARD All the gasmask people inside the hospital climb slowly from their beds. As one, they make for the exits. EXT. CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE (INSIDE THE WIRE) ROSE Doctor! The gates at the other side of the bomb site are shaking. THE DOCTOR Captain, secure those gates! JACK Why? THE DOCTOR Just do it! Jack obeys. The Doctor turns to Nancy. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Nancy, how'd you get in here? NANCY I cut the wire. THE DOCTOR Show Rose. (tosses his sonic screwdriver to Rose) Setting two thousand four hundred and twenty eight D. ROSE What?? THE DOCTOR Reattaches barbed wire. Go! Jack slams a gate shut. EXT. HOSPITAL The gasmask people emerge from the hospital doors, marching as one, calling for 'mummy'. EXT. CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE (INSIDE THE WIRE) The sonic screwdriver buzzes as Rose works on the wire, reattaching it. Nancy holds the two ends together as she fuses them. They finish one, start on another. NANCY Who are you? Who are any of you? ROSE You'd never believe me if I told ya. NANCY You just told me that was an ambulance from another world. There are people running around with gas-mask heads calling for their mummies, and the sky's full of Germans dropping bombs on me. Tell me. Do you think there's anything left I couldn't believe? Rose looks at her, getting the point. ROSE We're time travellers from the future. NANCY Mad, you are. ROSE We have a time travel machine - seriously! NANCY It's not that. All right - you've got a time travel machine. I believe ya. Believe anything, me. (looks up at the sky) But what future? Explosions in mid-air. Planes soar around, dropping bombs. ROSE (having followed her gaze) Nancy, this isn't the end. I know how it looks. But it's not the end of the world or anything... NANCY How can you say that?? LOOK at it. ROSE Listen to me. I was BORN in this city. I'm from here, in like, 50 years time. NANCY From here? ROSE (smiling encouragingly) I'm a Londoner. From your future. NANCY But... but you're not... ROSE What? NANCY German. ROSE Nancy, the Germans don't come here. They don't win. Nancy furrows her brow. ROSE (CONT'D) Don't tell anyone I told you so, but do you know what? YOU win. NANCY We win? Rose nods, smiling. Nancy half laughs, finding this unbelievably good news. ROSE Come on! They jump to their feet and head back to the Doctor and Jack. EXT. CRASH SITE ENCLOSURE (INSIDE THE WIRE) Jack opens the hatch of the med-ship. JACK (to the Doctor) It's empty. Look at it. Rose and Nancy join them. THE DOCTOR What do you expect in a Chula medical transporter? Bandages? Cough drops? Rose? ROSE I dunno. THE DOCTOR Yes, you do. He mimes summoning the nanogenes. ROSE Nanogenes! THE DOCTOR (to Jack) It wasn't empty, Captain. There was enough nanogenes in there to rebuild a species. JACK (ashen, shaken - he gets it) Oh, God. THE DOCTOR Getting it now, are we? When the ship crashes, the nanogenes escape. Billions upon billions of them, ready to fix all the cuts and bruises in the whole world. But what they find first is a dead child, probably killed earlier that night and wearing a gasmask. ROSE And they brought him back to life? They can DO that?? THE DOCTOR What's life? Life's easy. A quirk of matter. Nature's way of keeping meat fresh. Nothing to a nanogene. One problem, though - these nanogenes - they're not like the ones on your ship. This lot have never seen a human being before. Don't know what a human being's supposed to look like. Jack, Rose and Nancy are listening to him intently, processing this. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) All they've got to go on is one little body, and there's not a lot left. But they carry right on. They do what they're programmed to do, they patch it up. Can't tell what's gasmask and what's skull, but they do their best. Then off they fly - off they go, work to be done. 'Cos you see NOW they THINK they know what people should look like and it's time to fix all the rest. And they won't ever stop. They won't ever, ever stop. The entire Human Race is gonna be torn down and rebuilt in the form of one terrified child looking for its mother, and NOTHING in the world can stop it! His voice has risen almost to a shout. Jack is abashed, shaken. JACK (defiantly) I didn't know. The Doctor fixes him with a cold stare for a few seconds, and then goes back to examining the med-ship, starting work with his sonic screwdriver Nancy stares into the distance, beyond the fence. The gasmask people have arrived, still calling 'mummy'. NANCY (scared) Rose? Rose rushes to Nancy's side, following her gaze. The gasmask people stumble towards them over the rail-track. They are quite a distance away, but still too close. Rose rushes back to the med-ship, and looks again at the flashing red light on the control panel. ROSE (to the Doctor) It's bringing the gasmask people here, isn't it? THE DOCTOR The ship thinks it's under attack. It's calling up the troops. Standard protocol. ROSE But... the gasmask people aren't troops... THE DOCTOR They are now. This is a battle-field ambulance. The nanogenes don't just fix you up - they get you ready for the front line. Equip you, programme you. ROSE That's why the Child's so strong. Why it could do that phoning thing. THE DOCTOR It's a fully equipped Chula warrior, yes. All that weapons tech in the hands of a hysterical four year old - looking for his mummy. And now there's an army of them. The gasmask people surround the fence. The four of them look around nervously. JACK Why don't they attack? THE DOCTOR Good little soldiers. Waiting for their commander. JACK The child? NANCY Jamie. JACK What? NANCY (glaring at him) Not 'the child'. Jamie. The Doctor looks at her. ROSE So, how long until the bomb falls? JACK Any second. THE DOCTOR What's the matter, Captain? Bit close to the volcano for you? NANCY He's just a little boy. THE DOCTOR I know. NANCY (upset) He's just a little boy who wants his mummy. THE DOCTOR I know. There isn't a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy. And this little boy can. ROSE (loudly) So what're we gonna DO? THE DOCTOR I don't know. Rose sighs. Tears whell in Nancy's eyes. NANCY It's my fault. THE DOCTOR No. NANCY It is. It's all my fault. THE DOCTOR (gently) How can it be your-- He suddenly breaks off. He spins around, looking at all the gasmask people positioned behind the fence, calling for their mummy - and then back at Nancy, who is sobbing uncontrollably. He stares at her. THE DOCTOR Nancy, what age are you? Twenty? Twenty-one? Older than you look, yes? A bomb lands nearby. Rose and Jack flinch. JACK Doctor - that bomb. We've got seconds. Another lands. ROSE (to Jack) You can teleport us out. The Doctor is paying them no attention, eyes fixed on the sobbing Nancy. JACK Not you guys. The nav-com's back online. Gonna take too long to override the protocols. THE DOCTOR (eyes fixed on Nancy) So it's volcano day. Do what you've got to do. ROSE (staring at Jack, betrayed) Jack? Jack looks at her almost apologetically. He makes his decision and teleports himself out. THE DOCTOR (to Nancy) How old were you five years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen? Old enough to give birth, anyway. Nancy, still sobbing, glances up at him and then away again, shame faced]. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) He's not your brother, is he? Nancy shakes her head, tearful. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) A teenage single mother in 1941. So you hid. You lied. Nancy nods, tears streaming down her face. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You even lied to him. The gates swing open. The Child stands at the forefront of an army of gasmask people, ready to charge. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? THE DOCTOR He's gonna keep asking, Nancy. He's never gonna stop. Tell him. No answer. The gasmask people begin to walk forward. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Nancy... the future of the human race is in your hands. Trust me... and tell him. Nancy sniffs, still tearful. The Child approaches them. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? The Doctor gives Nancy a gentle push in the direction of the Child. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? NANCY (whispers) Yes. (stronger) Yes. I AM your mummy. She faces him. The Child walks slowly forward. THE CHILD Mummy? NANCY I'm here. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? NANCY (kneeling before him) I'm here. THE CHILD Are you my mummy? NANCY (whispers) Yes. THE DOCTOR (to Rose) He doesn't understand. There's not enough of him left. Nancy looks at her little boy. NANCY (tearful, sincere) I am your mummy. I will always be your mummy. I'm so sorry. And she takes him into her arms, no longer caring what will happen. The nanogenes surround them, making them glow with a golden light. NANCY (CONT'D) I am so, so sorry. ROSE (to the Doctor) What's happening? Nancy, still hugging her little boy, has her eyes closed and is stroking his hair. ROSE (CONT'D) Doctor, it's changing her, we should-- THE DOCTOR (holding an arm out to silence her) Shh! He stares intently at the two of them surrounded by the nanogenes, apprehensive and excited. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Come on, please. Come on, you CLEVER little nanogenes - figure it out! The mother. She's the mother! There's gotta be enough information, figure it out! ROSE What's happening? THE DOCTOR (pointing) See? Recognizing the same DNA. Nancy falls away from the child to the ground, as the nanogenes disappear. The Doctor and Rose rush over, the Doctor staring down at the child, hardly daring to hope. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Oh, come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one. He reaches out to the gasmask... and removes it, revealing a perfectly ordinary, very sweet little boy underneath. Nancy stares in delighted wonder and the Doctor laughs ecstatically. He lifts the little boy into the air, swinging him around. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Ah-ha-ha! Welcome back! Twenty years 'til pop music - you're gonna love it. And he hugs Jamie, laughing. NANCY (in wonder) What happened? THE DOCTOR The nanogenes recognised the superior information - the parent DNA. They didn't change YOU because YOU changed them! Haha! (plonks Jamie down in front of her) Mother knows best! NANCY (almost crying with happiness) Jamie...! A bomb lands nearby. ROSE Doctor, that bomb... THE DOCTOR Taken care of it. ROSE How? THE DOCTOR (gesturing Nancy and Jamie) Psychology! The bomb plummets towards them... and is suddenly snatched out of the air by a blue forcefield. A moment later, Jack appears hovering in the tunnel of light. He calls down to them. JACK Doctor! THE DOCTOR Good lad! JACK The bomb's already commenced detonation. I've put it in stasis but it won't last long. THE DOCTOR Change of plan - don't need the bomb. Can you get rid of it? Safely as you can? JACK Rose? ROSE Yeah? JACK Goodbye. And he disappears. Rose looks slightly let down - and then he reappears. JACK (CONT'D) By the way - love the tee-shirt. He grins. Rose returns the grin, pulling the tee-shirt down embarrassedly. Jack disappears again. His ship zooms off into the night sky. The Doctor walks a few paces away, staring intently at his hands. He summons the nanogenes. They flutter around his hands. ROSE What're you doing? THE DOCTOR Software patch. Gonna email the upgrade. You want moves, Rose? I'll give you moves. And he throws the nanogenes away from him, towards the gasmask people who are still milling around on the train track. The Doctor gives his widest grin as the gasmask people fall to the floor, the nanogenes surrounding them. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (ecstatic) Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once. Everybody lives! And the gasmask people get to their feet - except they are no longer gasmask people. They are restored to normal human beings. The Doctor bounds over to Doctor Constantine. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Doctor Constantine. Who never left his patients. Back on your feet, constant doctor! World doesn't wanna get by without you just yet, and I don't blame it one bit. (gestures the former gasmask people milling around) These are your patients. All better, now! DR CONSTANTINE (completely confused) Yes, yes... so it seems. They also seem to be standing around in a disused railway station. Is there any particular reason for that? THE DOCTOR (beaming) Yeah, well, you know - cutbacks. Listen, whatever was wrong with them in the past, you're probably gonna find that they're cured. Just tell them what a great doctor you are. Don't make a big thing of it. Okay? And he rushes back to Rose. An old lady - Mrs Harcourt - hobbles towards Constantine. MRS HARCOURT Doctor Constantine. DR CONSTANTINE Mrs Harcourt - how much better you are looking! MRS HARCOURT (bewildered) My leg's grown back! When I come to the hospital, I had ONE leg. DR CONSTANTINE (observing this) Well - there is a war on. Is it possible you miscounted? THE DOCTOR (calling over them from on top of the Chula med-ship) Right, you lot! Lots to do! Beat the Germans, save the world - don't forget the Welfare State! Constantine smiles. He and his patients begin to walk away, and the Doctor bends down to the control. He speaks to Rose. THE DOCTOR Setting this to self-destruct, soon as everybody's clear. History says there was an explosion here. Who am I to argue with history? ROSE Usually the first in line. The Doctor looks at her and grins. She grins back. INT. TARDIS The Doctor and Rose enter the TARDIS, the Doctor still chatting away happily. THE DOCTOR The nanogenes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off - because I just told them to. Nancy and Jamie will go to Doctor Constantine for help - ditto - all in all, all things considered - fantastic! Rose smiles at his enthusiasm. ROSE Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas! THE DOCTOR Who says I'm not, red-bicycle-when-you-were-twelve? ROSE (startled) What?! THE DOCTOR (arms wide to embrace this) And everybody lives, Rose! Everybody lives! (pings a switch on the console) I need more days like this. ROSE Doctor... THE DOCTOR Go on, ask me anything. I'm on FIRE! ROSE What about Jack? The Doctor's smile fades, and he carries on working, as though he doesn't want to answer this. ROSE (CONT'D) Why'd he say goodbye? No answer. The Doctor stares intently at the console. EXT. SPACE Jack's spaceship soars through space. INT. JACK'S SHIP Jack clambers into the pilot seat. JACK Okay, computer - how long can we keep the bomb in stasis? COMPUTER Stasis decaying at ninety percent per cycle. Detonation in three minutes. JACK Can we jettison it? COMPUTER Any attempt to jettison the device will precipitate detonation. One hundred percent probability. Jack closes his eyes for a second. JACK We could stick it in an escape pod. COMPUTER There is no escape pod on board. JACK I see the flaw in that. I'LL get in the escape pod! COMPUTER There is no escape pod on board. JACK (voice rising) Did you check everywhere? COMPUTER Affirmative. JACK (yells) Under the sink! COMPUTER Affirmative. Jack nods, beginning to acknowledge his situation. JACK Okay. Out of one hundred... exactly how dead am I? COMPUTER Termination of Captain Jack Harkness in under two minutes. One hundred percent probability. Jack sighs. JACK Lovely. Thanks. Good to know the numbers. EXT. SPACE The ship drifts along. COMPUTER (voice-over) You're welcome. JACK (voice-over) Okay then. INT. JACK'S SHIP JACK Think we'd better initiate emergency protocol four-one-seven. COMPUTER Affirmative. And a drink appears on Jack's dashboard. He reaches out to take it, smiling. He sips it. JACK Oo, a little too much vermouth. See if I come here again! (laughs) Funny thing... last time I was sentenced to death, I ordered four hyper-vodkas for my breakfast. All a bit of a blur after that. Woke up in bed with BOTH my executioners. Hmm, lovely couple. They stayed in touch! (ponders this) Can't say that about most executioners. (laughs again) Anyway. Thanks for everything, computer. It's been great. We pull back and back. The bomb ticks away... 'Moonlight Serenade' in the background... continue to pull back - right through the doors of the TARDIS. Jack spins around. Rose and the Doctor seem to be in a rather awkward position inside. ROSE (calling to Jack) Well, hurry up then! Jack leaps to his feet and dashes into the TARDIS. INT. TARDIS Rose and the Doctor are waltzing around to 'Moonlight Serenade'. Rose is teaching the Doctor dances moves, making okaying noises as they dance . Jack looks around at the sheer size of the place, compared with the outside. ROSE Right, and turn... He spins her around, getting her arm all twisted. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time - don't get my arm up my back! The Doctor looks sheepish. ROSE (CONT'D) No extra points for a half-nelson. THE DOCTOR (rather put out) I'm SURE I used to know this stuff. (to Jack) Close the door, will you. Your ship's about to blow up - there's gonna be a draft. Rose grins and leans against one of the pillars. The Doctor flicks a switch and the engines start up. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Welcome to the TARDIS. JACK Much bigger on the inside... THE DOCTOR You'd better be. ROSE I think what the Doctor's TRYING to say is... you may cut in. They grin and she takes his hand, as if to dance with him. THE DOCTOR Rose! I've just remembered! ROSE What? And 'In The Mood' blares out of the speakers - wherever they are. Lights flash all around the room, and the Doctor moves towards Rose in time to the music, clicking his fingers. THE DOCTOR I can dance! ROSE Actually, Doctor... I thought Jack might like this dance. THE DOCTOR (unfazed) I'm sure he would, Rose. I'm absolutely certain. But who with? Rose sniggers and hops up the steps to take the Doctor's hands. It's almost as though he was only pretending he couldn't dance before. He spins her perfectly. Jack watches them with a big smile on his face as they dance around the console room, perfect partners. The Doctor suddenly throws her backwards over his arm, earning a whoop of delight from Rose. Jack averts his eyes, still smiling. Rose pulls herself up, and sags onto his shoulder, giggling. CLOSING CREDITS 1x11 "Boom Town" A recap of 1x04 "Aliens of London" and 1x05 "World War Three" SIX MONTHS LATER INT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE Mr Cleaver paces the office. MR CLEAVER (anxiously) I've checked the figures. I've checked them again and again. ALWAYS the same result. The design is not safe. It could result in the death of millions. I beg of you... stop the project right now, before it's too late. MARGARET Well. Goodness me. Obviously, Mr Cleaver, you're the expert... MR CLEAVER Then... you'll stop it? MARGARET Seems I have no choice. (stomach rumbles noisily, an apologetic smile) Oh... do excuse me. Civic duties leave little time for a sandwich. MR CLEAVER (urgently) But you promise you'll stop it, today? MARGARET Well of course. Nothing is more important than human life... Her face hardens, and Cleaver looks slightly worried. She makes an effort to lighten her tone. MARGARET (CONT'D) What do you take me for? Some sort of maniac? MR CLEAVER Why, no... MARGARET Am I right in thinking you've shown your results only to me? MR CLEAVER Just to you. No one else. MARGARET (smiles) Wise move. Mr Cleaver, clearly very relieved, takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes, fatigued. MR CLEAVER I can't tell you Mrs Blaine - this is such a weight off my mind. I've barely slept. I couldn't believe my own readings. He whips a hanky out of his pocket, his backed turned to Margaret, who looks darkly at him and slowly raises a hand to her forehead... MR CLEAVER (CONT'D) The scale of it - destruction like the British Isles has never seen before. He cleans his glasses on the hanky, his back turned to the room so that he does not see the blue light flashing behind him. He squints at the model of the nuclear power station. MR CLEAVER (CONT'D) If I didn't know better, I'd almost think that someone WANTED this project to go wrong. As though they intended to wipe this city off the map. (slowly replaces his glasses) Thank goodness we've got you - our esteemed leader. He turns around, and Margaret is standing right behind him in her true, Slitheen form. She shrieks and grabs his neck with a huge claw, while Mr Cleaver shouts out with terror. OPENING CREDITS EXT. CARDIFF TRAIN STATION A loudspeaker speaks out over a train station. A sign says "Caerdydd Canolog - Cardiff Central". A train pulls up and Mickey alights, looking up at the 'Way Out sign. EXT. MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE Mickey makes his way across Millennium Centre Square to where the TARDIS is parked in front of the silver water sculpture. He knocks on the door. It swings open almost immediately, and Jack pops his head out. JACK (without hesitation) Who the hell are you? MICKEY (rudely) What d'you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you? JACK Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever your selling, we're not buying. MICKEY Get out of my way! He barges past Jack into the TARDIS. INT. TARDIS JACK (shutting the door) Don't tell me, this must be Mickey. The Doctor is way up in the gantries, standing on a ladder. He appears to be carrying out maintenance work on the TARDIS. He has a red flashing light strapped to his forehead and looks extremely dorky. Rose is standing by the console. THE DOCTOR (cheerily) Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy? MICKEY It's Mickey! ROSE Don't listen to him, he's winding you up. MICKEY You look fantastic. They both grin broadly and give each other a big hug. JACK Aww, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that? THE DOCTOR Buy me a drink first. JACK You're such hard work. THE DOCTOR But worth it. He grins in an extremely self-satisfied way. ROSE (to Mickey) Did you manage to find it? MICKEY (hands her passport over) There you go. ROSE (grins at the Doctor, brandishing the passport) I can go anywhere now! THE DOCTOR I told you - you don't NEED a passport! ROSE It's all very well going to platform one and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kloon but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything. She sticks her tongue out, smiling. MICKEY Sounds like your staying, then. Awkward silence. The Doctor looks between them curiously. Mickey smiles, attempting to lighten the atmosphere again. MICKEY So, what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with big-ears up there- THE DOCTOR Oi! MICKEY Look in the mirror. The Doctor shakes his head and turns back to his work. MICKEY (CONT'D) But this guy, I dunno, he's kinda... JACK Handsome? MICKEY More like cheesy. JACK Early 21st Century slang - Is cheesy good or bad? MICKEY Its bad. JACK But bad means good, isn't that right? THE DOCTOR (tottering down the ladder) Are you saying I'm not handsome? Everyone ignores him. ROSE (to Mickey) We just stopped off. We need to refuel. Thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions-- THE DOCTOR The rift was healed back in 1869-- ROSE Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth, 'cos these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway but she saved the world and closed it. From the look on his face, Mickey is finding this hard to follow. JACK But closing a rift always leaves a scar, and that scar generates energy, harmless to the Human Race- THE DOCTOR But perfect for the TARDIS, so just park it here for a couple of days right on top of the scar and-- JACK Open up the engines, soak up the radiation-- ROSE Like filling her up with petrol and off we go! JACK (hi-fives Rose) Into time! THE DOCTOR, ROSE & JACK (the Doctor and Rose hi-five) And space! ROSE Whoo! MICKEY (staring at them in disbelief) My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you? THE DOCTOR Yeah! ROSE Yeah! JACK Yep! Jack gives Mickey a friendly slap on the cheek. EXT. MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE They all bundle out of the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR Should take another twenty-four hours, which means we've got time to kill. MICKEY That old lady's staring. JACK Probably wondering what four people could do inside a small wooden box... He pats the Doctor suggestively on the shoulder. The Doctor, Jack and Rose snigger. MICKEY What are you captain of? The Innuendo Squad? Jack makes the 'whatever' sign and heads off. MICKEY (CONT'D) Wait! Er, the TARDIS - we can't just leave it. Doesn't it get noticed? JACK Yeah, what's with the police box? Why does it look like that? ROSE (complacently) It's a cloaking device. THE DOCTOR It's called a chameleon circuit. The TARDIS is meant to disguise itself wherever it lands, like if this was Ancient Rome, it'd be a statue on a plinth or something. But I landed in the 1960s, it disguised itself as a police box, and the circuit got stuck. MICKEY So it copied a real thing? There actually was police boxes? THE DOCTOR Yeah, on street corners. Phone for help before they had radios and mobiles. If they arrested someone, they could shove them inside until help came. Like a little prison cell. JACK (leaning towards him) Why don't you just fix the circuit? THE DOCTOR I like it! Don't you? ROSE (patting it for emphasis) I LOVE it. MICKEY (grinning, thinks he has proved a point) But that's what I meant! There's no police boxes anymore, so doesn't it get noticed? THE DOCTOR Ricky, let me tell you something about the Human Race. You put a mysterious blue box slap bang in the middle of town and what do they do? He puts his hands on Mickey's shoulders. Mickey open his mouth to reply, but doesn't get a chance. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Walk past it. Now stop your nagging, let's go and explore! He walks off, linking his hand with Rose's. Mickey and Jack follow. ROSE What's the plan? THE DOCTOR I don't know! Cardiff. Early 21st Century. Rose bounces up and down excitedly. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) And the wind's coming from the... East. Trust me - safest place in the universe. INT. TOWN HALL, EXHIBITION ROOM Margaret stands on a podium holding a glass of champagne and addressing a room full of civic dignitaries, journalists and waiters and waitresses. MARGARET This Nuclear Power station right in the heart of Cardiff City will bring jobs for all! (climbs down from the podium, moves towards the miniature of the nuclear power station) As you can see, as Lord Mayor, I've had to sanction some radical redevelopments... A camera flashes and Margaret throws her hand up in front of her face. MARGARET (CONT'D) (angrier than the occasion warrants) No photographs! What did I say? Take pictures of the project by all means, but not me, thank you. (smiles, addresses the room at large) So. Cardiff Castle will be demolished allowing the Blaidd Drwg Project to rise up, tall and proud. A monument to Welsh industry. And yes, some of you might shiver. The words 'nuclear power station' and 'major population centre' aren't exactly the happiest of bedfellows. But I give you my personal guarantee that as long as I walk upon this earth, no harm will come to any of my citizens. Now drink up. A toast - to the future! She raises her glass and the rest of the room follow suit. ALL To the future! MARGARET And believe me... it will GLOW. After a smattering of polite applause, the guests begin to mingle. A journalist named Cathy Salt hurries over to Margaret. CATHY Excuse me, Mrs Blaine? My name's Cathy Salt, I represent the Cardiff Gazette. MARGARET I'm sorry, I'm not doing interviews - I can't bear self publicity. She begins to turn away. CATHY But are you aware of the curse? MARGARET (looking her up and down with a fixed, fake smile) Whatever do you mean? Cathy, wasn't it? CATHY Cathy Salt. That's what some of your engineers are saying. That the Blaidd Drwg Project is cursed. MARGARET Sounds rather silly to me. CATHY That's what I thought. I was just chasing a bit of local colour. But the funny thing is, when you start piecing it all together, it does begin to look a bit odd... MARGARET (coldly) In what way? CATHY The deaths! The number of deaths associated with this project. First of all, there was the entire team of the European Safety Inspectors... MARGARET But they were French! Its not my fault if "Danger, Explosives!" was only written in Welsh. She turns her back on Cathy, but Cathy persists. CATHY And then there was that accident with the Cardiff Heritage Committee... MARGARET The electrocution of that swimming pool was put down to natural wear and tear. CATHY And then, the Architect? MARGARET (softly) It was raining, visibility was low - my car simply couldn't stop. CATHY And then just recently, Mr Cleaver, The government's nuclear adviser... MARGARET Slipped on an icy patch. CATHY He was decapitated. MARGARET It was a VERY icy patch. I'm afraid these stories are nothing more than typical small town thinking. I really haven't got time. Now, if you'll excuse me... She makes to go, but Cathy still persists and hurries round in front of Margaret, blocking her way. CATHY Except, before he died, Mr Cleaver posted some of his findings online. MARGARET (interested, now) Did he, now? CATHY If you know where to look. He was concerned about the reactor. MARGARET (attempting to laugh it off) Oh! All that technical stuff! CATHY Specifically, that the design of the suppression pool would cause the hydrogen recombiners to fail, precipitating in the collapse in the containment isolation system resulting in a meltdown. MARGARET Who's been doing her homework? CATHY That's my job. MARGARET (prodding Cathy's necklace) I think... Cathy Salt... I think you and I should have a word in private. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR Margaret is practically dragging Cathy out of the doors and along a corridor, still with a deadly sweet smile on her face. Her stomach rumbles loudly. MARGARET Ooh! My little tum is complaining. I think we might have to make a detour to the ladies. CATHY I'll wait here. MARGARET (grabbing her hand and pulling her along) Oh, come on. All girls together! Margaret pulls Cathy into the ladies. INT. TOWN HALL, LADIES TOILETS MARGARET So, you were saying? These outlandish theories of yours? She hurries into a cubicle and shuts the door, leaving Cathy to wait outside. A wet farting noise sounds from inside. CATHY Sounds like we got here just in time. MARGARET Continue. CATHY Well, I don't know much about nuclear physics. But from what I could make out, Cleaver was saying that the whole project could go up... Inside the cubicle, Margaret begins to unzip her forehead with an evil smile on her face. CATHY (CONT'D) ... worse than Chernobyl. (notices the flickering blue light from under the toilet door) Is there something wrong with the lights? MARGARET Oh, they're always on the blink. I can't tell you how many memos I've sent. So, Chernobyl... CATHY Apparently. But a thousand times worse. Margaret begins to wiggle out of her body suit. CATHY (CONT'D) I know it sounds absurd, there must be so many safety regulations. But Cleaver seemed to be talking about a nuclear holocaust. He almost made it sound deliberate. I mean, we're hardly the 'Sunday Times', it's only the 'Cardiff Gazzette', but we have a duty to report the facts. SLITHEEN/MARGARET And you're going to print this information? CATHY Are you all right? You sound a bit- MARGARET Sore throat. (affected cough) Just a little tickle. But tell me - do you intend to make this information public? CATHY I have to. MARGARET (menacingly) So be it. She raises a claw ready to push the door open. CATHY (walking to the sinks) Mind you, my boyfriend thinks I'm mad. Margaret lowers her claw, listening. CATHY (CONT'D) (checking her reflection) We're getting married next month. And he says if I cause a fuss, I could lose my job. Just when we need the money... MARGARET ... Boyfriend? CATHY (smiling) Jeffery. Civil Servant. He's nothing exciting, but he's mine. MARGARET When's the wedding? CATHY (turns away from the mirror) The nineteenth. It's really just to stop my mother from nagging, but the baby sort of clinched it, I suppose. Margaret slowly sits down on the toilet. MARGARET You're with... child? CATHY Three months. It's not showing yet. Wasn't planned. It was an accident. Nice accident, though. She smiling, just thinking about it. MARGARET Congratulations. CATHY Thank you. How about you? You got any kids? MARGARET No... CATHY Is there a Mr Blaine? MARGARET (voice trembling) Not anymore. I'm all on my own. I had quite a sizeable family, once upon a time - wonderful brothers. Oh, they were bold. But all of them gone now. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm cursed. CATHY (consolingly) No, no... I don't think so. Not really. MARGARET You're very kind. If you don't mind, I might be a while. You run along. Perhaps we could do this another day. CATHY Are you all right? MARGARET Fine! CATHY Okay, I'll tell you what, uh - I'll leave my details with your office. Thanks for talking. MARGARET (sadly) Thank you... Cathy leaves, glancing back at the door of the cubicle as she goes. When she is gone, Margaret gives a quiet moan of sorrow, lowering her head and closing her eyes with misery. EXT. CARDIFF BAY, RESTAURANT The Doctor, Rose, Jack and Mickey are sitting at a table having a thoroughly good time as Jack tells them all an exciting story. JACK I swear, six feet tall and with TUSKS-- THE DOCTOR You're lying through your teeth! ROSE I'd've gone bonkers! That's the word - bonkers! JACK I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean TUSKS! And it's woken, and it's not happy- THE DOCTOR How could you not know it was there? JACK And we're standing there, fifteen of us, NAKED-- ROSE Naked?! JACK And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me! And then it roars, and we are running. Oh my God, we are RUNNING! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and I say-- MICKEY I knew we should've turned left! They all roar with laughter at this punchline. JACK That's my line! ROSE I don't BELIEVE you, I don't believe a word you say EVER, that is so brilliant! The Doctor glances over at a newspaper an old man nearby is reading, and the smile instantly fades from his face. Unnoticed by the others, he stands. ROSE (CONT'D) Did you ever get your clothes back? JACK No, I just picked him up went right for the ship, full throttle, didn't stop until I hit the spacelanes, I was shaking! It was unbelievable, I'm freaking out and by the time I got there I was fifteen light-years away I was like this! While Jack is prattling on, the Doctor pulls the paper out of the old man's hands and looks at the front page. He looks up, face troubled. THE DOCTOR And I was having such a nice day. And he holds up the paper and shows them the headline - New Mayor, New Cardiff - complete with a picture of Margaret as she objected to the photographer taking her picture. EXT. TOWN HALL The four of them stride purposefully up the steps to the town hall, headquarters of the Mayor. INT. TOWN HALL, STAIRCASE They enter and go up the steps into the entrance hall as though they own the place. They stop and glance around at their surroundings. JACK According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit. Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven/fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face-to-face, that'll designate Exit One, I'll cover Exit Two, Rose, you're Exit Three, Mickey Smith, you take Exit Four. Have you got that? While Jack is rattling all this off, the Doctor is eyeing him with mild surprise at his impertinence, Rose's face is contorted with the effort of understanding what on earth he's going on about, and Mickey just looks plain confused. THE DOCTOR (sternly) Excuse me. Who's in charge? JACK Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir. THE DOCTOR (voice deepening with authority) Right. Here's the plan. (a pause. He beams) Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else? JACK Present arms. They each pull out a mobile phone. THE DOCTOR/ROSE/MICKEY Ready/Ready/Ready. JACK Speed dial? Each press a button with a beep. THE DOCTOR Yup. ROSE Ready. MICKEY Check. JACK (lazy grin) See ya in hell. He walks off to the right, the Doctor and Rose head off to different exits straight ahead, and Mickey hesitates with confusion for a few moments before ambling off to the left. INT. LORD MAYOR'S OUTER OFFICE The Doctor strides over to the Secretary sat behind a desk outside the Mayor's office, Idris Hopper. THE DOCTOR Hello! I've come to see the Lord Mayor. IDRIS Have you got an appointment? THE DOCTOR Nope, just an old friend passing by, bit of a surprise - can't wait to see her face! IDRIS Well, she's just having a cup of tea. THE DOCTOR Just go in there, and tell her the Doctor would like to see her. IDRIS Doctor who? THE DOCTOR Just the Doctor. Tell her exactly that. The Doctor. IDRIS (standing up resignedly) Hold on a tick... Idris enters the office, and the Doctor stands with his hands behind his back and waits serenely. He barely raises an eyebrow when he hears the sound of a teacup smashing. Idris reappears, slightly flustered, and opening the door as little as possible before squeezing through it and shutting it behind him. IDRIS The Lord Mayor says thank you for-- for popping by... she'd love to have a chat, but, um... she's up to her eyes in paperwork. Perhaps if you could make an appointment for next week...? THE DOCTOR She's climbing out of the window, isn't she? IDRIS Yes, she is. The Doctor nods smugly and pushes past him into the office. INT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE He dashes across the room to the open window and hurries out on the balcony. EXT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE, BALCONY The Doctor emerges just in time to see Margaret hop over onto the scaffolding. THE DOCTOR (to the others, into his mobile) Slitheen heading North. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #1 ROSE (starting to run) On my way. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #2 JACK (also running) Over and out. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #3 MICKEY (stunned) Oh my God. EXT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE, BALCONY Idris rushes out onto the balcony and starts grappling with the Doctor. IDRIS Leave the Mayor alone! INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #1 Rose runs down a corridor and pushes past two secretaries in her hurry, sending paperwork flying. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #2 A tea lady shrieks as Jack does a running jump clean over her tea trolley. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #3 Mickey clicks off his mobile, eyes wide, and finally starts to run... straight into a cleaning trolley, sending the entire thing flying. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #1 Rose bursts out of an exit. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #2 Jack bursts out of another exit. INT. TOWN HALL, CORRIDOR #3 Mickey clomps along a corridor with his right foot stuck inside a mop-bucket, toilet roll trailing behind him. EXT. LORD MAYOR'S OFFICE, BALCONY As the Doctor and Idris continue with their tussle, Margaret hops off the scaffolding at the bottom and takes off her brooch. EXT. BACK OF TOWN HALL Margaret turns, ready to make her escape, but Rose is running towards her, blocking the way. She hisses angrily and pulls of an earring. She turns her head the other way, and Jack is running towards her. Her eyes widen with shock and she runs back the way she came, but the Doctor has managed to throw Idris off and he's on his way down the scaffolding. THE DOCTOR (calling mockingly) Margaret! But there's a fourth exit, and she's belting down it as fast as her fat legs can carry her, pulling off her second earring. Jack, Rose and the Doctor converge at one end. JACK Who was on Exit Four?! ROSE That was Mickey! MICKEY (finally catching up, panting) Here I am! THE DOCTOR Mickey the idiot. ROSE (staring after her) Oh, be fair - she's not exactly gonna outrun us, is she? But Margaret, smiling to herself, clips her brooch and the two earrings together and she vanishes in blue light with a small ting. JACK She's got a teleport! That's cheating! Now we're NEVER gonna get her! ROSE Oh, the Doctor's very good with teleports. And the Doctor, who has produced his sonic screwdriver from his jacket pocket, holds it in the air with a dopey grin and clicks it once. Margaret reappears, and this time she's much closer and running straight at them, still with the self-satisfied smile on her face. It fades as soon as she realises where she is, and she grinds to a halt and hurriedly changes direction while pressing her device together. She vanishes again, and the Doctor clicks his screwdriver again. She reappears, again running towards them. She turns around, vanishes again, and again, the Doctor clicks his sonic screwdriver causing her to reappear, and this time she's right in front of them, absolutely exhausted and gasping for breath. She gives up. THE DOCTOR (cheerily) I could do this all day. MARGARET (puts her hands up) This is persecution. Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you? THE DOCTOR You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet. MARGARET (dismissively) Apart from that. INT. TOWN HALL, EXHIBITION ROOM The Doctor, Rose, Jack, Mickey and Margaret enter. THE DOCTOR (to Margaret) So, you're a Slitheen, you're on Earth, you're trapped. Your family get killed but you teleport out, just in the nick of time. You have no means of escape. What do you do? You build a nuclear power station. He gestures at the model in the middle of the room while Rose and Jack examine it with interest. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) But what for? MARGARET A philanthropic gesture. I've learnt the error of my ways. THE DOCTOR And it just so happens to be right on top of the rift. MARGARET What rift would that be? JACK A rift in space and time. If this power station went into meltdown, the entire planet would go schwwwupboom! THE DOCTOR (looking down at the model) This station is designed to explode the minute it reaches capacity. ROSE Didn't anyone notice? Isn't there someone in London CHECKING this sort of stuff? MARGARET We're in CARDIFF. London doesn't care! The South Wales coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice-- oh... I sound like a Welshman. God help me, I've gone native. MICKEY But why would she DO that? A great big explosion - she'd only end up killing herself. MARGARET She's got a name, you know. MICKEY She's not even a she, she's a... thing. THE DOCTOR (eyeing Margaret) Oh, but she's clever... And in one swift movement, he has prised the middle section off the model and flipped it over, revealing a giant circuit board underneath. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Fantastic. JACK (excitedly) Is that a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?! THE DOCTOR Couldn't have put it better myself. JACK (taking it off him for a better look) Ooh, GENIUS! The Doctor's attention seems to be caught by something on the far wall - the poster for the project, bearing the words 'Blaidd Drwg'. JACK (CONT'D) (to Margaret) You didn't build this. MARGARET I have my hobbies. A little tinkering... JACK No, no, no, I mean, you REALLY didn't build this. Way beyond you. MICKEY I bet she stole it. MARGARET It fell into my hands. ROSE Is it a weapon? Jack places the extrapolator down on the floor. JACK It's transport. You see - the reactor blows, the rift opens, phenomenal cosmic disaster, but THIS thing shrouds you in a forcefield, you have this energy bubble, zzhum, so you're safe. Then you feed it coordinates, stand on top, and ride the concussion all the way out of the solar system. MICKEY It's a surfboard! JACK A pan-dimensional surfboard, yeah. MARGARET (bitterly) And it would've worked. I would've surfed away from this dead-end dump and back to civilisation. MICKEY (incredulous) You'd blow up a whole planet just to get a lift? MARGARET Like stepping on an anthill. THE DOCTOR (staring up at the poster) How'd you think of the name? MARGARET What, Blaidd Drwg? It's Welsh. THE DOCTOR I know, but how did you think of it? MARGARET Chose it at random, that's all I dunno. Just sounded good. Does it matter? THE DOCTOR (turning around, brow furrowed) Blaidd Drwg. ROSE What's it mean? THE DOCTOR Bad Wolf. ROSE (haunted) But I've heard that before, Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times... THE DOCTOR Everywhere we go. Two words. Following us. Bad Wolf. ROSE How can they be following us? The Doctor stares into space for a few more seconds, then... THE DOCTOR Nah! Just a coincidence! Like hearing a word on the radio then hearing it all day. Never mind! Things to do. (claps his hands briskly) Margaret, we're gonna take you home. JACK Hold on, isn't that the easy option, like letting her go? ROSE (gleefully) I don't believe it! We actually get to go to Raxa... The Doctor rolls his eyes. ROSE (CONT'D) (indignantly) Wait a minute! Raxacor... THE DOCTOR Raxacoricofallapatorius. ROSE (walking slowly towards the Doctor) Raxacorico... THE DOCTOR ... fallapatorius. ROSE Raxacoricofallapatorius! She screeches in delight. THE DOCTOR (yelling joyfully) That's it! They throw their arms around each other and he picks her up and spins her. ROSE (squeaking happily) I did it! MARGARET They have the death penalty. Nasty silence. All smiles fade. MARGARET (CONT'D) The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago and found guilty. With no chance of appeal. According to the statutes of government, the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do you make of that, Doctor? (holds the Doctor's cold stare) Take me home and you take me to my death. THE DOCTOR (indifferently) Not my problem. INT. TARDIS Darkness has now fallen, and they have taken Margaret back to the TARDIS. MARGARET (in wonder) This ship is IMPOSSIBLE! It's SUPERB. How do you get the outside around the inside? THE DOCTOR Like I'd give YOU the secret, yeah. MARGARET I almost feel better about being defeated. We never stood a chance. This is the technology of the Gods. THE DOCTOR Don't worship me - I'd make a very bad God. You wouldn't get a day off, for starters... Jack, how we doing, big fella? Jack is on the floor next to the console, wiring the extrapolator up to the TARDIS. JACK This extrapolator's top of the range. (peers around at Margaret) Where did you get it? MARGARET Oh, I don't know... some airlock sale...? JACK Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power. THE DOCTOR But we can use it for fuel? JACK It's not compatible... but it should knock off about twelve hours. We'll be ready to go by morning. THE DOCTOR Then we're stuck here. Overnight. MARGARET I'M in no hurry... ROSE We've got a prisoner! The police box is really... a police box. MARGARET (smiling unpleasantly) You're not just police, though. Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you... MICKEY (coldly) Well, you deserve it. MARGARET You're very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood. Which makes you better than me, how, exactly...? Mickey has no answer to this. MARGARET (CONT'D) Long night ahead... The Doctor eyes her beadily as she takes her time walking around the console to sit elegantly in one of the seats. MARGARET (CONT'D) Let's see who can look me in the eye. She fixes Mickey with a calm, collected gaze. He manages to hold it for a few seconds before averting his eyes uncomfortably. Next, she looks at Rose who glances guiltily at the Doctor, who glances up only for a second as he is still working busily, but still very aware of the atmosphere. EXT. MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE Mickey is standing alone outside the TARDIS in front of the water feature. Rose steps out of the TARDIS and joins him. ROSE S'freezing out here! MICKEY (nodding towards the TARDIS) Better than in there. (a pause as Mickey gathers his thoughts together) She does deserve it. She's a Slitheen. I don't care. It's... it's just... weird, in that box. ROSE (grinning tentatively) I didn't really need my passport... Meaning, she wanted to see him. Mickey smiles, obviously pleased. She nudges him playfully, and he nudges her back with a grin. MICKEY I've been thinking, you know... we could... go and have a drink. Have a pizza or something. Just you and me. ROSE (nodding) That'd be nice. MICKEY And, I mean, if the TARDIS can't leave until morning, we could... Rose nods as he speaks, listening. Mickey looks slightly bashful. MICKEY (CONT'D) ... go to a hotel? Spend the night? I mean, if you want to! I - I've got some money. ROSE (smiling) Okay. Yeah. MICKEY (as though he can't believe it) Is that all right? ROSE (laughing) Yeah! MICKEY (very pleased) Cool. There's a couple of bars around here, we should give 'em a go. (indicates TARDIS) And do you have to go and tell him? ROSE It's none of his business. INT. TARDIS On the TARDIS scanner, the Doctor watches Rose and Mickey walking away hand in hand. JACK So, what's on? The Doctor's head jerks around and he hurriedly turns the screen off. THE DOCTOR (quickly) Nothing, just... Margaret is sitting with her back to the console, on the metal grilling. MARGARET (darkly) I gather it's not always like this... having to wait. (pause as she considers this) I bet you're always the first to leave, Doctor. Never mind the consequences, off you go. You butchered my family and then ran for the stars, am I right? But not this time. At last, you have consequences... how does it feel? THE DOCTOR I didn't butcher them. JACK Don't answer back. That's what she wants. THE DOCTOR (needing him to understand) I didn't! (to Margaret) What about you? You had an emergency teleport, you didn't zap them to safety, did you? MARGARET It only carries one. I had to fly without coordinates. I ended up on a skip in the Isle of Dogs. The Doctor and Jack snigger. MARGARET (CONT'D) (sharply) It wasn't funny! THE DOCTOR (sheepishly) Sorry. But Margaret turns around, and they're both still grinning their heads off. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) It is a BIT funny! The Doctor and Jack start laughing again - and Margaret joins in. MARGARET (more relaxed) Do I get a last request? THE DOCTOR (humour gone) Depends what it is. MARGARET I grew quite fond of my little human life. All those rituals... the brushing of the teeth, and the complicated way they cook things... there's a little restaurant. Just round the bay. The Doctor glances around at her. MARGARET (CONT'D) It became quite a favourite of mine. The Doctor walks towards her and leans over the railings to talk to her properly. THE DOCTOR Is that what you want? A last meal? MARGARET (defiantly) Don't I have rights? JACK Oh, like she's not gonna try to escape. MARGARET (bitterly) Except I can never escape the Doctor, so where's the danger? (she considers the Doctor, a challenger) But I wonder if you could do it? To sit with a creature you're about to kill and take supper. How strong is your stomach? THE DOCTOR Strong enough. MARGARET I wonder. I've seen you fight your enemies... now dine with them. THE DOCTOR You won't change my mind. MARGARET Prove it. The Doctor is sorely tempted, he wants to see what can become of this. But... THE DOCTOR (walking away) There are people out there. If you slip away just for one second, they'll be in danger. JACK Except... I've got these. (holds up a pair of metal hoops, like bangles) You both wear one. If she moves... more than ten feet away... He makes a loud buzzing noise, mimicking an electric shock. Margaret jumps in alarm. JACK (CONT'D) She gets zapped by ten thousand volts. THE DOCTOR Margaret, would you like to come out to dinner? My treat? MARGARET (sickly smile) Dinner in bondage... works for me. EXT. RESTAURANT The Doctor and Margaret enter the restaurant, chatting away and holding hands because of the handcuffs. INT. TARDIS Jack is lying on his back halfway underneath the console, happily wiring the extrapolator up the the TARDIS. EXT. CARDIFF BAY Rose and Mickey walk along the pavement past a restaurant, chatting. INT. RESTAURANT The Doctor and Margaret take their seats. INT. TARDIS The lights on the extrapolator flash and Jack watches it with a big smile on his face. INT. RESTAURANT The Doctor and Margaret are reading their menus. MARGARET Here we are, out on a date, and you haven't even asked my proper name. THE DOCTOR It's not a date! What's your name? MARGARET Blon. I am Blon Fel Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. That's what it'll say on my death certificate. THE DOCTOR Nice to meet you, Blon. MARGARET I'm sure. The Doctor goes back to reading the menu, but Margaret has put hers down. She looks out of the window. MARGARET (CONT'D) Look... that's where I was living as Margaret. The Doctor turns around in his seat to follow her gaze. MARGARET (CONT'D) Nice little flat. Over there. On the top. Next to the one with the light on. Behind the Doctor's back, she opens her ring and empties some sort of powder into his wine glass. MARGARET (CONT'D) Two bedrooms... bayside view... The Doctor turns back around to face her, and she is sitting as normal. MARGARET (CONT'D) I was rather content. Don't suppose I'll see it again. And the Doctor swaps their glasses around. THE DOCTOR Suppose not. He returns his attention to the menu. MARGARET (sarcastically) Thank you. THE DOCTOR (matching her sarcasm) Pleasure. MARGARET Tell me then, Doctor - what do you know of our species? THE DOCTOR Only what I've seen. MARGARET Did you know, for example... in extreme cases... when her life is in danger... a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger-- She suddenly points her finger at him and a dart flies out of its tip - but the Doctor is ready. He catches it in his fist without so much as looking up from the menu. THE DOCTOR Yes, I did. MARGARET (pleasantly) Just checking. The Doctor grins at her. MARGARET (CONT'D) And one more thing... between you and me... She casts a furtive look around the restaurant, and they both lean in as if she wants to tell him a secret. MARGARET (CONT'D) (whispers) As a final resort, the excess poison can be exhaled through the lungs. She suddenly breaths a green gas out of her mouth. Without even flinching, the Doctor whips out a Gold Spot and gives her open mouth a squirt. THE DOCTOR That's better. He leans back in his seat, while Margaret sticks her tongue out at the taste of the breath freshener. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Now then, what d'you think? Mmm, steak looks nice. Steak and chips! Margaret, peeved, opens her menu. EXT. CARDIFF BAY Rose and Mickey are going down a set of steps near the bay. Rose is chatting away enthusiastically to him, but although he is trying to appear so, he really doesn't seem interested. ROSE The Doctor took me to this planet a while back - it was much colder than this - they called it 'Woman Wept'. The planet was actually called 'Woman Wept'. 'Cos, if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, like all curved round... sort of looked like a woman, you know... lamenting. Oh my God, and we went to this beach, right, no people, no buildings, just this beach like, a thousand miles across! And something had happened, something to do with the sun, I don't know - but the sea had just frozen! Like, in a split second in the middle of a storm, right, waves and foam, just frozen! All the way out to the horizon. Midnight, right, we walk underneath these waves a hundred feet tall, made of ice. MICKEY I'm going out with Trisha Delaney. They are now leaning on the railings near the water. Mickey has long since given up trying to look interested in what she is saying. Rose stares at him. ROSE (wrong-footed) Right... that's nice... Trisha from the shop? MICKEY Yeah, Rob Delany's sister. ROSE Well, she's nice... she's a bit BIG... MICKEY She lost weight. (looks at her, trying to justify himself) You've been away. ROSE Well, good for you. She's nice. MICKEY (more relaxed) So, tell us more about this planet, then. ROSE That was it, really... And they walk away in silence, worlds apart. INT. RESTAURANT Margaret is openly trying to get through to the Doctor, now. MARGARET Public execution is a slow death. They prepare a thin acetic acid... lower me into the cauldron... and boil me. The acidity is perfectly gauged to strip away the skin. Internal organs fall out into the liquid. And I become soup. And still alive. Still screaming. THE DOCTOR I don't make the law. MARGARET But you deliver it. (no reply) Will you stay to watch? THE DOCTOR (resignedly) What else can I do? MARGARET The Slitheen family's huge. There's a lot more of us, all scattered off-world. Take me to them. Take me somewhere safe. THE DOCTOR But then you'll just start again. MARGARET (whispers) I promise I won't. THE DOCTOR You've been in that skin-suit too long. You've forgotten. There used to be a REAL Margaret Blaine. You killed her and stripped her and used the skin. You're pleading for mercy out of a dead woman's lips. MARGARET Perhaps I have got used to it. A human life. An ordinary life. That's all I'm asking. The Doctor fixes her under his gaze. MARGARET (CONT'D) Give me a chance, Doctor... I can change. THE DOCTOR I don't believe you. She sighs, defeated. EXT. CARDIFF BAY Rose is standing by the railings looking out across the water, while Mickey is sat with his back to her on a bench. MICKEY So, what d'you wanna do now? ROSE Don't mind. MICKEY We could ask about hotels... ROSE What would Trisha Delaney say? MICKEY S'pose. (pause. He points) There's a bar down there with a Spanish name or something-- ROSE (turning on him with sudden anger) You don't even LIKE Trisha Delaney! MICKEY Oh, is that right? What the hell do you know? ROSE I know YOU. And I know her - and I know that's NEVER gonna happen. So who do you think you're kidding?! MICKEY At least I know where she is! Rose nods, now understanding. ROSE There we are, then. It's got nothing to do with Trisha. This is all about me, isn't it-- MICKEY (standing with sudden fury) You LEFT me! He stands in front of her, and she is silent. MICKEY (CONT'D) (upset) We were nice. We were happy. And then what, you give me a kiss and you run off with him and you make me feel like nothing, Rose. I was nothing. Rose stares. Mickey's eyes begin to fill with tears. MICKEY (CONT'D) (tearful) I can't even go out with a stupid girl from a shop because you pick up the phone and I comes running. I mean, is that what I am, Rose? Standby? Rose shakes her head silently. MICKEY (CONT'D) Am I just supposed to sit here for the rest of my life, waiting for you? Because I will. ROSE (quietly) I'm sorry. Mickey leans against the railings. She touches his arm, but he shakes her off. INT. RESTAURANT MARGARET I promise you, I've changed since we last met, Doctor. There was this girl... just today... young thing. Something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the blood lust rising, just as the family taught me, I was going to kill her without a thought. And then... I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now, she's walking around this city because I CAN change - I DID change. I know I can't prove it-- THE DOCTOR (calmly) I believe you. MARGARET Then you know I'm capable of better. THE DOCTOR It doesn't mean anything. MARGARET I spared her life. THE DOCTOR You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared. Because she smiled... because he's got freckles... 'cos they begged... and that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction... you happen to be kind. MARGARET (coldly) Only a killer would know that. Pause. Not the answer the Doctor was expecting, and he's thrown. MARGARET (CONT'D) Is that right? From what I've seen, your happy-go-lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on 'cos you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives - you might as well be a God. The Doctor loses eye contact, slightly hurt. MARGARET (CONT'D) And you're right, Doctor... you're absolutely right. Sometimes... you let one go. She looks into the Doctor's eyes, her own full of tears. MARGARET (CONT'D) (softly) Let me go. She definitely touched a nerve. The Doctor stares at her at a loss - he doesn't know what to do. EXT. CARDIFF BAY Rose and Mickey are sitting side by side on the bench. She's stroking his hands. MICKEY I'm not asking you to leave him, because I know that's not fair. But I just need something, yeah? Some sort of promise that when you DO come back, you're coming back for me. Rose spins around as she hears a low rumbling in the distance. ROSE Is that thunder? MICKEY Does it matter? ROSE That's not thunder. INT. RESTAURANT Margaret is speaking quickly now, her desperation growing. MARGARET In the family Slitheen, we had no choice. I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. The Doctor's head turns to the side as he also hears the low rumble. MARGARET (CONT'D) If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill - it's all I know! No reply, as the Doctor is listening to the rumble intently with his brow furrowed. MARGARET (CONT'D) Doctor? Are you even LISTENING to me? THE DOCTOR Can you hear that? MARGARET I'm begging for my life--! THE DOCTOR No, listen, shush... He holds up a hand to silence Margaret. He peers at the glasses on the table, which are beginning to shake slightly. Very suddenly, the glass windows shatter and the diners begin to scream. EXT. CARDIFF BAY A street light smashes and passers-by shriek. Baffled, Mickey looks around for Rose but she's already running in the direction of the TARDIS. MICKEY (yelling after her, bitterly) Oh, go on then - run! It's him again, isn't it? It's the Doctor! It's always the Doctor! It's always gonna be the Doctor and it's never ME! EXT. CARDIFF BAY The Doctor and Margaret hurry down a flight of stairs, the sound of screaming and smashing in the background. Margaret is falling behind... MARGARET (urgently) The handcuffs! The Doctor waits for her at the foot of the stairs and pulls off her handcuff. THE DOCTOR (grabbing her wrist) Don't think you're running away. MARGARET (fearful) Oh, I'm sticking with you. He pulls her off in the direction of the TARDIS, glass shattering on their heads. MARGARET (CONT'D) (shouting over the noise) Some date this turned out to be! They run, bumping into people through the chaos, down another set of steps. EXT. CARDIFF MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE The Doctor's eyes widen with shock as they finally see the TARDIS at the other side of the square. A huge bolt of lightening rips out of the TARDIS roof and into the sky. THE DOCTOR It's the rift. The rift's opening! Storm clouds gather above the TARDIS. INT. TARDIS Jack panics as the sparks fly out of the console and the extrapolator flashes madly as he rips out the wires connecting it. EXT. CARDIFF MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE The Doctor and Margaret hurry across the Millennium Square, the ground starting to crack beneath their feet. Margaret looks terrified as he fits the key inside the lock of the TARDIS and pulls her inside. INT. TARDIS The whole ship is shuddering, the lights blinking. THE DOCTOR (yelling to Jack) What the hell are you doing?? JACK It just went crazy! THE DOCTOR (running to the console) It's the rift! Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's gonna disappear! Small explosions erupt from the console. EXT. CARDIFF MILLENNIUM CENTRE SQUARE Rose has reached the Millennium Square, and she is confronted with the sight of the TARDIS, the lightening shooting out of the top of it into the sky. Her eyes widen and she flinches at another rumble. She begins to run across the Square to the TARDIS, more cracks appearing in the ground. INT. TARDIS More explosions from the console as the Doctor and Jack work furiously. JACK It's the extrapolator! I've disconnected it but it's still feeding off the engine! It's USING the TARDIS - I can't stop it! THE DOCTOR Never mind Cardiff - it's gonna rip open the planet! Rose bursts into the TARDIS. ROSE What is it?? What's happening?! MARGARET (gleefully) Oh, just little ME! She frees one of her arms from the skin-suit revealing the Slitheen claw. She grabs Rose around the neck. The Doctor darts forward, but... MARGARET (CONT'D) (threateningly) One wrong move and she snaps like a promise. THE DOCTOR I might've known. MARGARET (moving closer with Rose) I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it. (to Jack) You - fly boy - put the extrapolator at my feet. Jack hesitates. Margaret tightens her grip around Rose's neck. Jack looks at the Doctor for help - he nods, so Jack does as he is told. MARGARET (CONT'D) (pleasantly) Thank you. Just as I planned. ROSE (strangulated) I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station. MARGARET Failing that - if I were to be... arrested... then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Doctor. So the extrapolator was programmed to go to Plan B! She pulls one of Rose's plaits roughly. Rose whimpers. MARGARET (CONT'D) To lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. (looks around the TARDIS with awe) And what a power source it found... I'm back on schedule... thanks to you. JACK The rift's gonna convulse - she'll destroy the whole planet. MARGARET And you with it! She pushes Rose aside so that she can stand on the extrapolator - but still keeps a hold of her neck. MARGARET (CONT'D) (evil smile) While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back boys... surf's up. Outside, there is a burst of lightning from the TARDIS light. Inside, a panel of the console directly in front of Margaret suddenly bursts open, and a blinding white light floods out. Margaret looks at it in surprise, then up at the Doctor on the other side of the console. THE DOCTOR (calmly) Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart. MARGARET So sue me. THE DOCTOR It's not just any old power source. It's the TARDIS. My TARDIS. The best ship in the universe. MARGARET (nastily) It'll make wonderful scrap. ROSE (struggling to see) What's that light? THE DOCTOR The heart of the TARDIS. This ship's alive. You've opened its soul. Breathing heavily, Margaret stares into the light, as if forgetting everything else. Her voice becomes dreamy and vague. MARGARET It's ... so bright... THE DOCTOR Look at it, Margaret... MARGARET ... Beautiful... THE DOCTOR Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light. Margaret is transfixed by the light, and her grip on Rose relaxes. Rose stumbles out of the way and back to Jack. Margaret continues to stare into the light, a blissful smile spreading across her face. Then, she looks up at the Doctor who smiles slightly. MARGARET (softly, genuinely) Thank you ... She is engulfed by the light, and when it clears, her body-suit flops on top of the extrapolator, empty. The Doctor immediately springs into action, darting around the console. THE DOCTOR Don't look - stay there - close your eyes! He slams down levers and the gap in the console closes, shutting out the white light. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Now, Jack, come on - shut it all down. Shut down! Jack rushes over to the console. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Rose, that panel over there - turn all the switches to the right. They work busily, the console exploding with sparks. And finally, the shaking lessens and the lightening shooting from the top of the TARDIS into the sky disappears, all back to normal. THE DOCTOR Nicely done. Thank you, all. ROSE What happened to Margaret? JACK Must've got burnt up. Carried out her own death sentence. THE DOCTOR (looking down at the body-suit) No. I don't think she's dead. ROSE Then, where'd she go? THE DOCTOR She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, and even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic - like I told you, Rose. Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts... He kneels down next to the skin-suit for a closer look. Rose and Jack follow suit, so all three of them are huddled around it. The Doctor reaches inside the skin-suit and pulls out an egg. THE DOCTOR Here she is! ROSE She's an egg? THE DOCTOR Regressed to her childhood. JACK She's an egg? THE DOCTOR She can start again! Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell 'em to bring her up properly, she might be all right! JACK Or she might be worse. THE DOCTOR That's her choice. ROSE She's an egg. THE DOCTOR She's an egg. ROSE (suddenly remembering) Oh, my God. Mickey-- And she dashes out of the TARDIS and sprints back across the Millennium Square. EXT. STREET NEAR BAY A police car hurtles down a ruined street, sirens on and lights flashing, an ambulance close behind. Rose runs down the street in the opposite direction. She doesn't see Mickey, who is standing alone and watching from a distance, the firelight flickering on his face. He watches Rose tap a paramedic on the shoulder and question him. The paramedic shakes his head, and Rose leaves him, clearly not knowing where to look next. Mickey turns and walks away into the night. INT. TARDIS Rose walks back into the TARDIS, where the Doctor is fiddling with console, Jack round the other side. THE DOCTOR We're all powered up. We can leave. Opening the rift filled us up with energy - we can go. If that's all right... ROSE (tone light but there's traces of tears on her cheeks) Yeah, fine. THE DOCTOR (carefully) How's Mickey? ROSE He's okay. He's gone. THE DOCTOR D'you wanna go and find him? We'll wait... He and Jack glance at one another. ROSE No need. He deserves better. THE DOCTOR (briskly) Off we go, then. Always moving on... He pulls a lever. JACK Next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius. Now, you don't often get to say that. He smirks. They have balanced the egg on top of the console. THE DOCTOR We'll just stop by and pop her in the hatchery. Margaret the Slitheen can live her life again! A second chance. Rose is staring into space. ROSE (almost to herself) That'd be nice ... The engines rise and fall and the TARDIS fades away. CLOSING CREDITS 1x12 "Bad Wolf" Recap of 1x07 "The Long Game". 100 YEARS LATER INT. CUPBOARD The Doctor is crouched inside what appears to be a small cupboard. The tiny enclosure starts spinning, spinning... the Doctor leaps to his feet and frantically starts feeling the walls. THE DOCTOR What is it? What's happening? He unexpectedly finds a door and falls through it. INT. THE HOUSE The Doctor lands flat on his face on the floor. He is in a brightly coloured room - drawings on the wall, modern style chair. LYNDA Oh my God! A woman of 30 - Lynda - hurries over to him. LYNDA (CONT'D) I don't BELIEVE it! Why'd they put you in there?? They never said you were coming! The Doctor tries to pull himself up, very disorientated. THE DOCTOR But what happened? I was... Lynda helps him to his feet. LYNDA Careful now... oh! The Doctor's legs give way and he falls flat on his face again. LYNDA (CONT'D) Oh! Mind yourself! Oh, that's the transmat. Scrambles your head - I was sick for days. He tries to push himself up again. Lynda helps him to stand. LYNDA (CONT'D) You all right? The Doctor grunts. He finally manages to stabilise himself. LYNDA So! What's your name then, sweetheart? THE DOCTOR (groggily) The Doctor, I think. I was er... I don't know, what happened? How-- He looks at her for help. LYNDA You got chosen. She nods, grinning - as though this explains everything. THE DOCTOR Chosen for what? LYNDA You're a house mate. You're in the house! Isn't that brilliant?! She laughs as this truly is something to be happy about. A camp voice comes from within. STROOD That's not fair. There are two other house mates, Strood and Crosbie, sitting on a purple couch in front of the TV, which has a familiar eye logo on the screen... STROOD (CONT'D) We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine weeks, I've followed the rules, I haven't had a single warning, and then he comes swanning in. He gestures to the extremely confused Doctor, clearly rather peeved. CROSBIE If they keep changing the rules, I'm gonna protest, I am. You just watch me, I'm - I'm gonna paint the walls. The Doctor looks around at the House, mouth open, brow furrowed. Completely bemused. A camera fixed to the ceiling turns slowly. Big Brother's voice rings out over the theme music. BIG BROTHER Would the Doctor please come to the Diary Room? The Doctor looks up at the ceiling trying to see where the voice is coming from, then turns around at a buzzing noise behind him. A silver door with an illuminated eye on the side awaits him. He walks over to the door, opens it and goes inside. INT. DIARY ROOM The Doctor finds himself in the Diary Room. He plonks himself down in the bright red chair, looking rather useless. BIG BROTHER You are live on channel forty-four-thousand. Please do not swear. THE DOCTOR (raises eyebrows) You have GOT to be kidding. OPENING CREDITS INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO Rose is lying on the floor of a darkened room, in a beam of light. She is just starting to regain consciousness. She looks around, bemused, with a just-woken-up look. ROSE (blearily) What happened? A man of 25 - Rodrick - is crouched beside her, observing her. RODRICK (CONT'D) It's all right... it's the transmat. Does your head in. Rose looks around at her surroundings, blinking. RODRICK (CONT'D) Get a bit of amnesia. What's your name? ROSE (just about remembering) Rose. But... where's the Doctor? RODRICK Just remember - do what the Android says. Don't provoke it. The Android's word is law. ROSE What d'you mean, android? Like... a robot? She looks around as a voice calls out. FLOOR MANAGER Positions, everyone! Thank you! RODRICK Come on. Hurry up! (helps Rose to her feet) Steady, steady... Rose hangs on to him for support. ROSE (beginning to sound scare) I was travelling. With the Doctor and a man called Captain Jack...? The Doctor wouldn't just leave me... FLOOR MANAGER That's enough chat! Positions! Final call! She is standing next to an inactive robot, which is being attended to by technicians. The robot stands on a platform around which are six podiums, the contestants milling around. FLOOR MANAGER (CONT'D) Good luck! Rodrick smiles slightly in anticipation and looks at Rose. ROSE (confused, frightened) But I'm not supposed to be here. RODERICK Well, it says Rose on the podium... Rose looks - and sure enough, her name lights up on one of the podiums. She stares. RODERICK (CONT'D) Come on! He dashes off and climbs up to stand behind his podium. Slowly, confused but with a dawning revelation, Rose takes her places behind her own podium. ROSE Hold on... I must be going mad. She looks round at her surroundings... the technicians and Floor Manager are still attending to the inactive Android. ROSE It can't be. This looks like the-- FLOOR MANAGER Android activated! The Android springs to life, raising her face up. ROSE Oh, my God. The Android. The Anne... Droid. ANNE DROID Welcome, to 'The Weakest Link'! Cue theme music. INT. WHAT NOT TO WEAR STUDIO A white, clinical room. Blurry faces come slowly into clarity. Robotic voices. TRIN-E Here we go again. We've got our work cut out for us. ZU-ZANA I don't know - he's sort of handsome. That's a good lantern jaw. Jack awakens. He's lying on a chair in the 'What Not To Wear' studio, being examined by the Trin-E and Zu-Zana droids. He blinks. TRIN-E Lantern jaws are so last year. JACK Sorry... nice to meet you ladies, but where exactly am I? TRIN-E We're giving you a brand-new image. JACK Oh, hold on, I was with the Doctor- (realises what she said, looks at them in alarm) Why, is there something wrong with what I'm wearing? ZU-ZANA It's all very twentieth century - where DID you get that denim? JACK Little place in Cardiff... it was called 'The Top Shop'. ZU-ZANA (gliding around him) Oh - design classic. TRIN-E But we're gonna have to find you some new colours. Maybe get rid of that 'Oklahoma Farm Boy' thing you've got going on... Jack stands up and faces them, hands on hips, rather indignant but at a loss for words. ZU-ZANA Just stand still and let the Defabricator work its magic. JACK What's the Defabricator? They demonstrate. A beam of light hits Jack's clothing and relieves him of it. He does not seem in the least bit bothered. JACK Okay... Defabricator. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Am I naked in front of millions of viewers? TRIN-E/ZU-ZANA Absolutely! JACK Ladies... (glances down at his body, a smug smile spreading across his face) ... your viewing figures just went up. INT. THE HOUSE The sonic screwdriver whirrs and buzzes as the Doctor tries to open a door. Then he stops. THE DOCTOR (to Lynda) I can't open it. LYNDA It's got a deadlock seal. Ever since Big Brother Five Hundred and Four when they all walked out...? No answer from the Doctor, who is walking swiftly to the other side of the room looking for any possible exits. LYNDA (CONT'D) You MUST remember that. THE DOCTOR (referring to a mirror) What about this? LYNDA Oh, that's exoglass. You'd need a nuclear bomb to get through. THE DOCTOR (scanning the edges) Don't tempt me. Lynda leans against the wall next to him. It's as though she wants to say something. She lowers her voice. LYNDA I know you're not supposed to talk about the outside world, but you must've been watching. Do people like me? Lynda with a Y, not Linda with an I - she got forcibly evicted because she damaged the camera. The Doctor nods, grinning in an uninterested sort of way. LYNDA Am I popular? THE DOCTOR (indifferently) I don't remember. LYNDA (quickly) Oh, but does that mean I'm nothing? Some people get this far just 'cos they're insignificant. Doesn't anybody notice me? He looks at her properly now, almost pityingly. THE DOCTOR No... you're... you're nice. You're sweet. Everybody thinks you're sweet. He grins. LYNDA (flattered) Oh! Is that right? Is that what I am? (very pleased) Oh, no-one's ever told me that before. Am I sweet? Really? THE DOCTOR Yeah. Dead sweet! LYNDA (grinning, touched) Thank you! The Doctor looks over to one of the so-called windows. It is solid black. THE DOCTOR It's just a wall - isn't there supposed to be a garden out there? He walks over to it. Lynda follows. LYNDA Don't be daft. No-one's got a garden anymore. Who's got a garden? (gasps) Don't tell me YOU'VE got a garden! THE DOCTOR (examining the wall) No, I've just got the TARDIS... (spins around, as though hit by sudden inspiration) I remember. LYNDA That's the amnesia! So what happened? Where did they get you? THE DOCTOR (remembering) We'd just left Raxacoriofallapatorius. Then we went to Kyoto, that's right. Japan in 1336, and we only just escaped... INT. TARDIS Flashback to the Doctor, Rose and Jack laughing together in the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (voice-over) We were together, we were laughing, and then... there was this light... A bright light shines through the walls of the TARDIS. Bewildered and scared, Rose reaches out to the Doctor as she is sucked into the light... THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (voice-over) ... this white light coming through the walls, and then... Rose is pulled back and back into the blinding white light... end flashback. INT. THE HOUSE THE DOCTOR And then I woke up here. LYNDA Yeah, that's the transmat beam. That's how they pick the housemates. THE DOCTOR Oh, Lynda with a Y... sweet little Lynda... (walks a few paces into the room) It's worse than that. POV of the mirror, as though there is a camera hidden inside it. THE DOCTOR I'm not just a passing traveller. No stupid little transmat gets inside my ship. That beam was fifteen million times more powerful, which means... this isn't just a game. There's something else going on. (steps closer to the camera) Well! Here's the latest update from the Big Brother house. I'm getting out. (looks straight into the camera) I'm gonna find my friends. And then I'm gonna find YOU. He places his finger on the camera lens threateningly. INT. FLOOR 500 A male programmer watches these proceedings. He approaches a female programmer, who is working at a computer. MALE PROGRAMMER Need a word. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Hold on... let me finish this. On her screen is the image of 'The Weakest Link' studio, where Rose is. FEMALE PROGRAMMER (CONT'D) 19... 18... INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO FLOOR MANAGER 17... 16... 15... thank you people, transmitting in 12... 11... 10... Agitated, Rose turns to Rodrick. ROSE But I need to find the Doc-- RODRICK (pushing her back impatiently) Just-- shut up and play the game! ROSE All right then. What the hell? I'm gonna play to win! She smiles. Rodrick looks distractedly at her, clearly thinking she's slightly mad. FLOOR MANAGER 3, and cue! ANNE DROID Let's play 'The Weakest Link'! Music, lights. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Start the clock. [Music] ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Agorax - the name of which basic food stuff is an anagram of the word 'beard'? AGORAX Bread. ANNE DROID Correct. Fitch - in the Pan Traffic Calendar, which month comes after Hoob? FITCH Is it... Clavadoe? ANNE DROID No, Pandoff. Rose, in maths, what is 258 minus 158? ROSE One hundred! She looks extremely pleased with herself. ANNE DROID Correct. Rodrick - RODRICK Bank. ANNE DROID Which letter of the alphabet appears in the word 'dangle' but not in the word 'gland'? RODRICK (after a second's thought) E. ANNE DROID Correct! Colleen - in social security, what D is the name of the payment given to Martian Drones? COLLEEN Default. ANNE DROID Correct. Broff - the Great Cobalt Pyramid is built on the remains of which famous Old Earth Institute? BROFF T-- Touchdown. ANNE DROID No - Torchwood. Rose laughs. Broff's expression is genuinely distraught. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Agorax - in language, all five examples of which type of letter appear in the word 'facetious'? AGORAX Vowels. ANNE DROID Correct. Fitch - in biology, which blood cells contain iron - red or white? FITCH Um... white. Rose giggles. Fitch looks as though her heart has just sunk into her shoes. ANNE DROID No, red. Rose - in the holovid series 'Jupiter Rising', the Grexnik is married to whom? INT. FLOOR 500 The show is watched by the programmers. ROSE How should I know? She laughs at the absurdity of the situation. ANNE DROID No, the correct answer is Lord Drayvole. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Why's she laughing? ANNE DROID Rodrick - in maths, what is nine squared? FEMALE PROGRAMMER Oh, my God... I don't think she knows... MALE PROGRAMMER (leaning over her shoulder) And I've got a housemate to appear out of nowhere. I told you - it's like the game's running itself. INT. WHAT NOT TO WEAR STUDIO Jack stands admiring himself in the mirror, flexing his muscles in the mirror. He's wearing black leather trousers and a white vest. TRIN-E It's the buccaneer look. Little dash of pirate and just a tweak of President Schwarzenegger. JACK Nah, not sure about the vest. What about a little bit of colour to lift it? ZU-ZANA Absolutely not. Never wear black with colour. It makes the colour look cheap and the black look boring. Now, let's talk jackets. JACK I kinda like the first one... ZU-ZANA No, that's a bit too much Hell's Angel. I think I like the shorter one. Jack shrugs into it in front of the mirror. ZU-ZANA Look, waist length, nice and slimming, shows off the bum. She pats his bum. Jack turns to her. JACK Works for me. TRIN-E Once we've got an outfit, we can look at the face. Ever thought about cosmetic surgery? JACK Well, I've considered it, yeah. A little lift around the eyes... tighten up the jaw line... what do you think? He places his hands on Zu-Zana's plastic breasts flirtatiously. TRIN-E Oh, let's have a BIT more ambition... (takes a cap off her forearm revealing a chainsaw underneath) Let's do something... cutting edge. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID So, Rose. What do you actually do? ROSE (light-hearted, even relaxed) I just travel about a bit. Bit of a... tourist, I suppose. Rodrick, holding up a card saying 'Fitch', glances sideways at her. ANNE DROID Another way of saying 'unemployed'. ROSE No. ANNE DROID Have you got a job? ROSE Well... not really, no, but-- ANNE DROID Then you ARE unemployed! And yet, you've STILL got enough money to buy peroxide. Why Fitch? ROSE (completely wrong-footed) Uh... I think she got a few of the questions wrong. Fitch is staring at the ground, tears running down her cheeks. ROSE (CONT'D) ... that's all. ANNE DROID Oh, you'd know all about that. ROSE Well yeah, but I can't vote for myself, so it had to be Fitch... Fitch sobs silently. Rose doesn't understand. She's disturbed, confused. ROSE (CONT'D) (to Fitch) I'm sorry... that's the game. That's how it works... I had to vote for someone. Fitch ignores her and addresses the Anne Droid. She's terrified. FITCH (desperately) Let me try again, it was the lights and everything - I couldn't think. ANNE DROID In fact, with three answers wrong, Broff was the weakest link in that round, but - it's votes that count. FITCH (begging) I'm sorry. Oh, please... oh God, help me! She looks wildly around at her fellow contestants, pleading for help they can't give. Rose looks at her, still completely in the dark. Rodrick looks away. Broff sobs silently into the board he is holding up. Rose glances back at the Anne Droid. ANNE DROID Fitch - you are the weakest link. Goodbye! The Anne Droid's mouth opens, and a gun protrudes from it. Without a moments hesitation, it fires, a thick and fast bolt of yellow/gold light. Hits Fitch - and she is gone. The gun retreats back into the Anne Droid's mouth. Rose looks back, having hidden her face, to see only smoke billowing where Fitch once stood. FLOOR MANAGER And we've gone to the adverts. Back in three minutes... ROSE (to Rodrick, gesturing the smoke) Wassat? What's just happened? RODRICK (wiping his board clean) She was the weakest link - she gets disintegrated. Rose is uncomprehending. She makes a small noise at the back of her throat. Rodrick rolls his eyes. RODRICK (CONT'D) (with the air of addressing a dimwit) Blasted into atoms. ROSE (stunned) But I voted for her. Oh, my God. This is sick. Her words ring around the silent studio. The contestants glance at her. ROSE (CONT'D) All of ya, you're just sick! I'm not playing this-- BROFF I'm not playing! (whimpers, terrified, crying) I... I can't do it. The Anne Droid turns to him slowly. Broff leaps off his podium and tries to run for it. BROFF I'm not-- please, somebody let me-- ANNE DROID You are the weakest link. She fires. Broff disappears in mid-run. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Goodbye. And the gun retreats back into her mouth. Rose is staring, mouth open, shocked and absolutely disgusted. Rodrick shuffles, uncomfortable. The Anne Droid turns back to the remaining contestants. RODRICK (to Rose) Don't try to escape. It's play... or die. INT. THE HOUSE Lynda, Strood and Crosbie are gathered on the sofa in front of the TV. LYNDA Doctor, they said ALL the housemates must gather on the sofa. You've got to. THE DOCTOR Busy getting out, thanks. He is standing at one of the doors, whirring away with his sonic screwdriver. LYNDA But if you don't obey, then ALL the housemates get punished. He grudgingly accepts this, and joins them on the sofa, clicking off his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR Well maybe I'll be voted out, then. STROOD How stupid are you? You've only just joined, you're not eligible. LYNDA Don't try anything clever or we all get it in the neck. BIG BROTHER Big Brother House - this is Davina Droid. Lynda, Strood and Crosbie all grab each others hands, Crosbie hanging onto the Doctors, who rolls his eyes. BIG BROTHER (CONT'D) Crobsie, Lynda and Strood - you have all been nominated for eviction. The three housemates all look extremely tense. BIG BROTHER (CONT'D) And the eighth person to be evicted from the Big Brother House is... Long, tense pause in which the Doctor looks bored and keeps rolling his eyes. BIG BROTHER (CONT'D) ... Crosbie! Crobsie gasps. Strood and Lynda are immediately all over her. LYNDA I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry! Sorry! STROOD (an arm around her) Oh, it should've been me, that's not fair... oh, Crosbie love... The Doctor relaxes back in the chair with his hands behind his head. BIG BROTHER Crosbie, you have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're gonna get you! Crosbie, Lynda and Strood all leap to their feet. The Doctor doesn't bother. They rush to the door. The Doctor shakes his head. LYNDA I won't forget you. CROSBIE I'm sorry I stole your soap. LYNDA Oh, I don't mind, honestly. She hugs her. STROOD Thanks for the food, you're a smashing cook. (kisses her cheek and hugs her) Bless you. The doors slide open, revealing a small, narrow, gleaming white room beyond, ending in a door. BIG BROTHER Crosbie, please leave the Big Brother House. Crosbie stares into the room apprehensively] CROSBIE (scared, looking at each of them) Bye, then... bye Lynda... LYNDA Bye... Lynda and Strood catch each others eye and make an archway with their arms. Crosbie walks underneath. The Doctor looks at them in in disbelief over the back of the sofa. Lynda and Strood wave to Crosbie who waves back until the doors slide close. LYNDA (CONT'D) (close to tears) I don't believe it. Poor Crosbie... THE DOCTOR (from the sofa) It's only a game show, she'll make a fortune on the outside! Sell her story, release a record, fitness video, all of that... she'll be laughing! LYNDA (staring at him) What d'you mean, 'on the outside'? Crosbie stands in the middle of the white room, trembling. STROOD Here we go... Lynda and Strood dash back to the sofa and perch on the edge nervously. The Doctor sighs and relaxes back again. There are a few tense moments while Crosbie stands in the room, waiting, and Lynda and Strood watch her anxiously. THE DOCTOR Well, what are they waiting for? Why don't they just let her go? LYNDA (tearful) Stop it, it's not funny. She turns back to the TV. The Doctor completely uncomprehending. BIG BROTHER Eviction in... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! And with the same bolt of light that the Anne Droid used on Fitch, Crosbie is disintegrated. The tension is released and Lynda and Strood stare at the screen, distraught. The Doctor sits up, staring at the screen. THE DOCTOR What was that? STROOD Disintegrator beam. The Doctor looks at them, not fully understanding. They look back at him. LYNDA She's been evicted. (pause) From life. Cut to the Big Brother logo, stars swirling innocently behind it. INT. FLOOR 500 MALE PROGRAMMER No one programmed the transmat, no one selected the new contestants... it is exactly like those stories. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Oh, don't start that again. I think you need to take a session off. MALE PROGRAMMER Well, I would. If you'd take it with me. FEMALE PROGRAMMER And don't start that again either. The Male Programmer smiles at that. MALE PROGRAMMER But the rumours go back decades. Saying that something's been... hidden up here. Underneath the transmissions. FEMALE PROGRAMMER (glancing at him) But the Controller would know. She watches everything. MALE PROGRAMMER Maybe she just can't see it. Gotta allow for human error. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Well, that's your problem, then. (leans closer, whispers in his ear) I don't think she's been human for years. They smile and then look to the other end of the room, where the Controller is wired up to the computers. She is deathly white and muttering under her breath, monitoring and controlling all the transmissions. CONTROLLER 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 23... transmit. INT. THE HOUSE The Doctor paces around the Big Brother house, laying into Lynda and Strood who are still sat on the sofa. THE DOCTOR Are you INSANE? You just step right into the disintegrator? Is it that important, getting your face on the telly? Is it worth DYING for? LYNDA (standing) You're talking like we've got a choice! THE DOCTOR But I thought you had to apply! STROOD Don't be so stupid. That's how they played it centuries back. LYNDA (frustrated) You get chosen whether you like it or not! Everyone on Earth is a potential contestant. The transmat beam picks you out at random. And it's non-stop. There are sixty Big Brother houses running all at once. THE DOCTOR (shocked) How many? SIXTY? STROOD (dejectedly) They've had to cut back. It's not what it was. THE DOCTOR It's a CHARNEL house! What about the winners? What to they get? LYNDA They get to live. THE DOCTOR Is that it?! LYNDA Well, isn't that enough?! The Doctor stares at her for a few seconds, then strides across the room. THE DOCTOR Rose is out there. She got caught in the transmat. She's a contestant. Time I got out. Camera POV - zooms in on him. THE DOCTOR That other contestant - Lynda with an I - she was forcibly evicted for what? LYNDA Damaged property... THE DOCTOR What, like this? And he points his sonic screwdriver directly at the camera, destroying it. INT. WHAT NOT TO WEAR STUDIO Jack is now dressed up in tennis garb, and is swishing a racket around in front of the mirror. JACK (stopping) No. I'm just not getting this. It just too safe - too decent. And you'd never keep it clean. ZU-ZANA Stage Two ready and waiting! JACK Bring it on, girls! He stands in front of the Defabrictor so it can defabricate him. He stands naked in front of them once more. TRIN-E And now it's time for the face-off! JACK (enthusiastically) What does that mean? Do I get to compete with someone else? TRIN-E No, like I said - face... off! And she holds up her arms - one with needles on the end of each of her fingers, and the other a chain saw. Jack stares at it, not scared but mildly surprised. ZU-ZANA I think you'd look good with a dog's head. And she snips the enormous scissors that have replaced her forearm. TRIN-E Or maybe no head at all. That would be so outrageous. ZU-ZANA And we could stitch your legs to the middle of your chest. Jack raises an eyebrow, not remotely perturbed. TRIN-E Nothing is too extreme. It's to die for. JACK (warningly) Now, hold on, ladies. I don't want to have to shoot either one of you. TRIN-E But you're unarmed! ZU-ZANA You're naked! Jack reaches behind him and produces a small gun. He points it at them. ZU-ZANA (CONT'D) But... that's a Compact Laser Deluxe! TRIN-E WHERE were you hiding that? JACK You really don't wanna know. TRIN-E (moving towards him) Give me that accessory-- But Jack's ready - he fires and blows her head off. And then does the same to Zu-Zana. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID You are the weakest link. Goodbye! Rodrick averts his eyes, and with a blast of the gun, Colleen is gone. FLOOR MANAGER Going to the break! Two minutes on the clock. Rose looks tired and fed-up. FLOOR MANAGER (CONT'D) Just a reminder - we've got solar flare activity coming up in ten. Rodrick is wiping his board clean. Rose turns to him. ROSE Colleen was clever, she banked all our money. Why'd you vote for her? RODRICK 'Cos I want to keep you in! You're stupid! You don't even know the Princess Vossaheen's surname. When it comes to the final, I want to be up against you. So that you get disintegrated, and I get a stack-load of credits. Courtesy of the Bad Wolf Corporation... ROSE What d'you mean? Who's Bad Wolf? Rodrick turns to her as if he can't believe she doesn't know this. RODRICK They're in charge. They run the Game Station. ROSE Why are they called Bad Wolf? RODRICK I dunno, it's just a name. It's like an Old Earth... nursery rhyme sort of thing-- what does it matter? ROSE (pensively) I keep hearing those words everywhere we go. Bad Wolf. INT. SNEED'S KITCHEN Flashback. GWYNETH The things you've seen... the darkness... the big bad wolf-- EXT. VAN STATTEN'S BASE TANNOY VOICE Attention all personnel - Bad Wolf One descending. INT. TOWN HALL, EXHIBITION ROOM THE DOCTOR Blaidd Drwg... ROSE What's it mean? THE DOCTOR Bad Wolf. EXT. POWELL ESTATE 'Bad Wolf' graffiti'd on the side of the TARDIS. INT. FLOOR 139, CORRIDOR The Face of Boe on the Bad Wolf channel. End Flashback. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ROSE (haunted) Different times... different places like it's written all over the universe... RODRICK (impatiently) What're you going on about? ROSE If the Bad Wolf is in charge of this quiz, then... maybe I'm not here by mistake. Someone's been planning this... INT. THE HOUSE The Big Brother logo on the screen. BIG BROTHER The Doctor - you've broken the House Rules. The Doctor, Lynda and Strood are sat on the sofa. BIG BROTHER (CONT'D) Big Brother has no choice but to evict you. The Doctor raises his hand in triumph. BIG BROTHER (CONT'D) You have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're gonna get you! THE DOCTOR (leaping up and running to the door) That's more like it! Come on then, open up! LYNDA (rushing after him) You're mad! It's like you WANT to die! STROOD I reckon he's a plant! He was only brought in to stir things up! The door slides open. The Doctor dashes through into the white room beyond. BIG BROTHER The Doctor - please leave the Big Brother house. Strood rushes back to the sofa and leaps over the back to watch on the screen, but Lynda stays at the doorway and slides sideways with the door anxiously as it closes, keeping him in vision for as long as possible. When the door is shut, she turns to the TV. THE DOCTOR Come on then, disintegrate me! Come on, what're you waiting for? He looks impatiently and expectantly up at the disintegrator. LYNDA He is, he's mad. He's bonkers. INT. FLOOR 500 The programmers watch the Doctor on the screen. THE DOCTOR Disintegrate me! FEMALE PROGRAMMER I told you to keep an eye on him, not KILL him. MALE PROGRAMMER He damaged the property. It's an automatic process. INT. BIG BROTHER CORRIDOR The Doctor folds his arms and looks up the disintegrator, waiting, grinning. BIG BROTHER Eviction in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... INT. THE HOUSE Lynda screws up her eyes - but nothing happens. The sound of the power failing. THE DOCTOR Haha! Lynda opens her eyes in surprise. INT. BIG BROTHER CORRIDOR THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) I knew it! You see? Someone BROUGHT me into this game. If they'd wanted me dead, they could've transmatted me into a volcano. INT. FLOOR 500 FEMALE PROGRAMMER What did you do? MALE PROGRAMMER Nothing! THE DOCTOR They want me alive-- MALE PROGRAMMER It's like... some sort of override. THE DOCTOR (at the door) Maybe the security isn't as tight this end. (looks mockingly up at the camera) Are you following this? I'm getting out! INT. BIG BROTHER CORRIDOR The Doctor points his sonic screwdriver at the lock at the door swings open. Then, the door leading back into the House also opens. Lynda pops her head through and the Doctor looks back at her. THE DOCTOR Come with me. Lynda looks at Strood who is kneeling on the sofa. STROOD We're not allowed! THE DOCTOR Stay in there - you've got a fifty-fifty chance of disintegration. Stay with me - I promise I'll get you out alive. Come on! LYNDA (nervous) No-- I can't, I can't... THE DOCTOR Lynda, you're sweet. From what I've seen of your world, d'you think anyone votes for sweet? Lynda sees the logic in this. The Doctor holds out his hand and after a moments hesitation, she grabs it and off they go. INT. FLOOR 56 After going through the door, they find themselves on Floor 56 of Satellite Five. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (looking around, surprised) Hold on... I've been here before. This is Satellite Five! EXT. SPACE A shot of Satellite Five from space, looking as it did in 1x07 "The Long Game". INT. FLOOR 56 The Doctor opens the door to the side room with his sonic screwdriver and they step through it. He whirrs on a control panel. THE DOCTOR No guards. That makes a change. You'd think a big business like Satellite Five would be armed to the teeth. They leave the room again. The Doctor tests the walls with his sonic screwdriver. LYNDA No one's called it Satellite Five in ages. It's the Game Station now. Hasn't been Satellite Five in about a hundred years. THE DOCTOR (checking his watch) A hundred years exactly. It's the year two zero-zero/one zero-zero. I was here before. Floor 139. Satellite was broadcasting news channels back then... had a bit of trouble upstairs. Nothing too serious. Easy - gave 'em a hand - home in time for tea. LYNDA (smiling skeptically) A hundred years ago? The Doctor places his hand on a touch-sensitive pad to open a door, with no luck. LYNDA (CONT'D) What, you were here a hundred years ago? The Doctor whirrs around the edges of the door with his sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR Yep! LYNDA You're looking good on it... THE DOCTOR (turns to her) I moisturise. He looks at the sonic screwdriver. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Funny sorts of readings. All kinds of energy... the place is humming. It's weird. This goes way beyond normal transmissions. What would they need all that power for? He tries another door. LYNDA I dunno. I think we're the first ever contestants to get outside. THE DOCTOR (scanning the door) I had two friends travelling with me. They must've got caught in the same transmat. Where would they be? LYNDA I dunno. They could've been allocated anywhere. There's a hundred different games. THE DOCTOR (giving her his full attention) Like what? LYNDA Well, there's ten floors of 'Big Brother'. There's a different House behind each of those doors. And then beyond that, there's all sorts of shows. It's non-stop. There's um... 'Call My Bluff'... with real guns... 'Countdown', where you've got thirty seconds to stop the bomb going off... 'Ground Force', which is a nasty one... you get turned into compost. Erm... 'Wipeout', speaks for itself... oh! And 'Stars In Their Eyes'. Literally, stars in their eyes. If you don't sing, you get blinded. THE DOCTOR And you watch this stuff? LYNDA (shrugs) Everyone does. How come you don't? THE DOCTOR Never paid for my license. LYNDA (shocked) Oh, my God! You get executed for that! THE DOCTOR (holding up his sonic screwdriver) Let them try. LYNDA You keep saying things that don't make sense. But who are you though, Doctor? Really? THE DOCTOR Doesn't matter. And he walks away to try the next door. LYNDA Well, it does to me... I've just put my life in your hands. THE DOCTOR (examining the lock) I'm just a traveller, wandering past. Believe it or not, all I'm after is a quiet life. LYNDA So... if we get out of here, what're you gonna do? Just... wander off again? THE DOCTOR Fast as I can. LYNDA (tentatively) So... I could come with ya. She smiles, waiting for an answer. He looks away from the lock and studies her properly. THE DOCTOR Maybe you could. LYNDA (brightly) I wouldn't get in the way. THE DOCTOR (smiling) I wouldn't mind if you did. Not a bad idea, Lynda with a Y. Lynda smiles cheerily. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (briskly) But first of all, we've gotta concentrate on the getting out. (scans the edges of a door) And to do that, you've got to know your enemy - who's controlling it - who's in charge of the satellite now? LYNDA Hold on... She runs to the opposite end of the room and pulls down a lever, which illuminates huge letters on the wall. They say 'Bad Wolf Corporation'. LYNDA (CONT'D) Your Lords and Masters. The Doctor gazes up at the letters in wonder and confusion. EXT. SPACE Satellite Five revolves slowly. INT. FLOOR 500 Several people on Floor 500 are busy working at their screens. MALE PROGRAMMER Okay, you win. The Controller's got to handle this. The Archive makes a record of all transmat activities. The Male and Female Programmers are working on the same screen, which is showing footage of the Doctor and Lynda on Floor 56. MALE PROGRAMMER (CONT'D) Find out how they got on board... Archive Six. He takes off his headphones and strides slowly across the floor to address the Controller. MALE PROGRAMMER (CONT'D) Controller... we have a problem. CONTROLLER Continue working. MALE PROGRAMMER We have a security problem. CONTROLLER Continue working. 6... 5... MALE PROGRAMMER I'm sorry, but I can't. We have contestants outside of the games. But the alarms haven't gone off. CONTROLLER No security. The games continue. MALE PROGRAMMER (smiling confusedly) But we can't just let them wander... CONTROLLER They are no one. The Male Programmer stares at her, brow furrowed. MALE PROGRAMMER They are no one. The Female Programmer places a hand on the touch sensitive lock to open the door to the Archive. The Controller gasps with pain. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Erm... sorry. I was just, um... CONTROLLER Archive Six is out of bounds. FEMALE PROGRAMMER But I need to check the transmat log. CONTROLLER (slightly crazed) Archive Six is out of bounds. No one may enter Archive Six. Return to work. (lapses back into herself, muttering numbers under her breath) Return to work. Inform all staff - solar flares in delta point seven. 19... 20... EXT. SPACE The Satellite revolves peacefully. INT. WHAT NOT TO WEAR STUDIO Jack is attaching his Compact Laser Deluxe to the Defabricator. JACK (to himself) Compatible systems... just align the wave signature... (laughs) Thattaboy! Got myself a gun. (picks up the Defabricator and glances at the dead Droids) Well, ladies, the pleasure was all mine. Which is the only thing that matters in the end. And off he goes, leaving the smouldering bodies of Trin-E and Zu-Zana. INT. FLOOR 229 Jack runs out onto Floor 299, and places his hand on a pad to open the door to the lift. He consults his wrist device. JACK Two hearts, that's him... which floor? He impatiently presses a few buttons on the lift and the doors close. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK The Doctor and Lynda emerge onto an observation deck. LYNDA Blimey! I've never seen it for real before! Not... not from orbit. Planet Earth... They stand before the window, observing the Earth. The whole planet is grey and ugly, a few patches of light here and there. THE DOCTOR (surprised) What's happened to it? LYNDA Well, it's always been like that. Ever since I was born. See that there? (points) That's the Great Atlantic Smog Storm. It's been going twenty years. We get newsflashes telling us when it's safe to breathe outside. THE DOCTOR So, the population just sits there? Half the world's too fat, half the world's too thin, and you lot just watch telly? LYNDA (bright-eyed) Ten thousand channels, all beaming down from here. THE DOCTOR The Human Race. Brainless sheep. Being fed on a diet of... mind you, have they still got that programme where three people have to live with a bear? LYNDA (delighted) Oh, 'Bear With Me', I LOVE that one! THE DOCTOR And me. The celebrity edition where the bear got in the-- LYNDA Got in the bath! THE DOCTOR (suddenly serious) But it's all gone wrong. I mean, HISTORY'S gone wrong. Again. This should be the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire - I don't understand. Last time I was here, I put it right. LYNDA No, but that's when it first went wrong. A hundred years ago, like you said. All the news channels - they just shut down overnight. THE DOCTOR But that was me. I did that. LYNDA There was nothing left in their place. No information. The whole planet just froze. The government - the economy - they collapsed... that was the start of it. One hundred years of hell. THE DOCTOR Oh, my... (stares at the wasted planet, stunned) I made this world. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO Agorax screams as the disintegrator beam shoots him until there's nothing left but dust. The gun retreats back into the Anne Droid's mouth and the light behind Agorax's name on his podium goes out. ANNE DROID That leaves Rose and Rodrick - you're going head-to-head... let's play 'The Weakest Link'. RODRICK (to Rose, without looking at her) Right, that's the end of tactical voting... you're on your own now. EXT. SPACE Satellite Five, sitting in Space. JACK (voice-over) Hey, handsome! Good to see ya! Any sign of Rose? INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DEC Jack has managed to find the Doctor, and is now standing with him and Lynda on the observation deck. THE DOCTOR Can't you track her down? JACK She must still be inside the games. All the rooms are shielded. THE DOCTOR (fiddling with the computer) If we can just get inside this computer... she's GOT to be here somewhere. JACK Well, you'd better hurry up. These games don't have a happy ending. THE DOCTOR (snaps) You think I don't know that? Jack backs down and gives the Doctor his wrist-device. JACK There you go. The Doctor snatches it off him. JACK (CONT'D) Patch that in. It's programmed to find her. THE DOCTOR Thanks. JACK (to Lynda, shaking her hand) Hey there! LYNDA Hello! JACK Captain Jack Harkness. LYNDA Lynda Moss. JACK Nice to meet you, Lynda Moss! THE DOCTOR (not even looking up) D'you mind flirting outside? JACK (indignantly) I was just saying hello! THE DOCTOR For you, that's flirting. LYNDA (to Jack) I'm not complaining. JACK (kissing her hand) Which is a good idea. LYNDA (laughing) Oh! The system bleeps in protest. THE DOCTOR (angry and frustrated) It's not compatible. This stupid system doesn't make sense. He chucks the wrist-device to Lynda, and then wrenches the front of the computer away with Jack's help. He snatches the wrist-device from Lynda again. THE DOCTOR (trying to patch in it) This place should be a basic broadcaster. The systems are twice as complicated. It's more than just television... this station's transmitting something else. JACK Like what? THE DOCTOR (working frantically) I don't know. This whole Bad Wolf thing's tied up with me. Someone's manipulating my entire life. It's some sort of trap and Rose is stuck inside it. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID Rose, in geography, the Grand Central Ravine is named after which Ancient Britain City? The TV footage shows a scoreboard on the screen. Rodrick has one tick so far, and this is Rose's first question. ROSE Is it York? ANNE DROID No, the correct answer is Sheffield. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK The wrist-device bleeps. THE DOCTOR Found her! Floor 407! Lynda gasps with horror. LYNDA (frantic) Oh, my God! She's with the Anne Droid! You've gotta get her out of there! INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID Rodrick, in literature, the author of 'Lucky' was Jackie who? RODRICK (wild guess) Stewart. ANNE DROID No, the correct answer is Collins. A cross for Rodrick. ANNE DROID Rose, the oldest inhabitant of the Isop Galaxy is the Face of what? ROSE Boe! The Face of Boe! A few second silence in which the Anne Droid and Rodrick both stare at her. ANNE DROID That is the correct answer. EXT. SPACE Satellite Five. INT. LIFT The Doctor, Jack and Lynda are in the lift, the Doctor impatiently watching the numbers racing up. THE DOCTOR (urgently) Come on... come on...! INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID Rodrick, in history, who was the President of the Red Velvets? The scores are equal. RODRICK Hoshbin Frane. ANNE DROID That is the correct answer. Rodrick is one-up. The Anne Droid turns her head sharply to Rose. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Rose, in food, the dish Gaffabeque originated on which planet? ROSE (without a clue) Um... is it... The Anne Droid stares at Rose. Rose stares back, at a loss. ROSE (CONT'D) ... Mars? ANNIE DROID Nope, the correct answer is Lucifer. Rose gets a cross. The nasty pleasure in Rodrick's eyes is evident. EXT. SPACE Satellite Five. The lift races upwards. INT. LIFT The counter rises rapidly. The Doctor's eyes are on it, intense. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID Rodrick, which measurement of length is said to have been defined by the Emperor Jate as the distance from his nose to his fingertip? Rose glances at Rodrick. He doesn't know. RODRICK Would that be a goffle? ANNE DROID No. The correct answer is a paab. Rodrick gets a cross. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) Rose, in fashion, Stella Pok Baint is famous for what? ROSE (taking a firm but completely random guess) Shoes. ANNE DROID No. The correct answer is hats. Rodrick is still one ahead and there's only one question left for each of them... INT. FLOOR 407 The Doctor, Jack and Lynda belt out of the lift onto Floor 407. The Anne Droid's voice rings out over the Floor. ANNE DROID Rodrick, in physics, who discovered the Fifteen-Dash-Ten Barric Fields? THE DOCTOR (frantically, drowning her voice out) Game Room Six, which one is it?! LYNDA Over here! INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO RODRICK San... Hazeldine. ANNE DROID No... INT. FLOOR 407 They've reached the door, the Doctor whipping out his sonic screwdriver. ANNE DROID ... the correct answer is San Chen. JACK Stand back, let me blast it open. THE DOCTOR Can't, it's made of Hydra Combination. He presses his sonic screwdriver to the touch-sensitive pad. INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ANNE DROID Rose, in history, which Icelandic city hosted Murder Spree Twenty? Rose stares at the Anne Droid, who stares right back at her. Rodrick glances at Rose. A tense silence. ROSE Reykjavik...? Rodrick looks back the Anne Droid anxiously. There is a few seconds pause. ANNE DROID No, the correct answer is Pola Ventura. Rose gets a cross. The game's finished and Rodrick is one point up. Music cue... an ecstatic smile spreads across Rodrick's face. RODRICK Oh, my God! I've done it! (looks at Rose, without a trace of pity - even gloating) You've lost! INT. FLOOR 407 The sonic screwdriver whirrs. THE DOCTOR (muttering in his desperation) Come on, come on, come on... INT. THE WEAKEST LINK STUDIO ROSE (terrified) But I'm not meant to be here. I need to find the Doctor, he's got to be here somewhere-- he's always here! He wouldn't just leave me! ANNE DROID (ignoring her, speaking over her) Rodrick, you are the strongest link, you will be transported home with one thousand six hundred credits. RODRICK Oh, thank you, thank you so much. ROSE (strong but scared, leaning over her podium) This game is illegal! I'm telling you to stop! Suddenly, the Floor Manager turns to look at a point off-set - the Doctor, Jack and Lynda barge in through the door which is just too far away... THE DOCTOR Rose! ANNE DROID Rose, you leave this life with nothing-- JACK Stop this game! THE DOCTOR I order you to stop this game! FLOOR MANAGER We're live on air! The Doctor runs across the wide expanse of floor as fast as he can. Rose begins to run towards him, pushing the podium out of the way. ANNE DROID You are the weakest link. ROSE Look out for the Anne Droid, it's armed! She's running... the Anne Droid turns her head and her jaw hinges down - the disintegrator beams shoots out, hitting Rose squarely in the back. And with a scream, Rose is gone, mere feet away from the Doctor. Jack takes off towards the set, raging. JACK (furious) What the hell did you do to her?? The Doctor crouches down to the pile of dust that was Rose. The smoke clears. There's a moment where he's absolutely in shock... the voices in the background are meaningless to him. He picks up a piece of the dust between his fingers, feeling it... he's just staring - broken, hollow. JACK (CONT'D) (brandishes the gun at the Floor Manager and Rodrick) Back off! FLOOR MANAGER I need security and I need it here right now! It's this lot... A security guard appears behind the Doctor. JACK Don't you touch him! Leave him alone! The security guard pulls the Doctor to his feet and places a gun to his head. The Doctor has lost the will to resist. He just lets him do it. JACK (CONT'D) (barking at the Floor Manager while his hands are tied) You killed her! Your stupid freaking game show killed her. His voice is distant to the Doctor. He's staring at the pile of ashes while his hands are tied. He looks empty. A tear is glistening in his eye. SECURITY GUARD (distant) Sir, I'm arresting you under Private Legislation Sixteen of the Game Station Syndicate. And his voice fades away as the Doctor is lost inside his own head. He is as a man dead. EXT. SPACE The Satellite hovers over Earth, the sun behind it. INT. FLOOR 407 The Doctor is slammed roughly against a gate as he is searched. The Doctor is completely unresisting, past caring. The sonic screwdriver is wrenched from his pocket. The Doctor is turned roughly back to face the security guard, who brandishes it in his face. SECURITY GUARD (brusquely) Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir? No response. The Doctor isn't even looking at it. INT. FLOOR 407 Jack, the Doctor and Lynda are sat on a bench in a prison cell as they are interrogated. SECURITY GUARD Can you tell us how you got on board? LYNDA Just leave him alone-- The Security Guard grabs her chin, silencing her. SECURITY GUARD I'm asking HIM. He releases her and turns to the Doctor. SECURITY GUARD (CONT'D) Sir? Can you tell us who you are? INT. FLOOR 407 The Doctor is against a wall having a convict's photo taken. First from the front - the camera flashes. He turns to each side and the camera flashes twice more, the sound echoing in the silence. The Doctor is still numb, still dead. INT. FLOOR 407 They are back in the cell. SECURITY GUARD You will be taken from this place to the Lunar Penal Colony, there to be held without trial, you may not appeal against this sentence. Neither Jack or the Doctor move or make any acknowledgment to this statement, but Lynda shifts uncomfortably. SECURITY GUARD (CONT'D) (coldly) Is that understood? No response. The Security Guard goes to the gate and opens it. THE DOCTOR (to Jack) Let's do it. All three of them leap to their feet. Jack punches and kicks his way through the gate. He tosses one guard aside, the Doctor throwing another easily against the wall, knocking him out. They all grab weapons and leave. An alarm goes off. INT. FLOOR 500 MALE PROGRAMMER (watching the proceedings) Oh, my God. Now we're in trouble. INT. LIFT Jack, Lynda and the Doctor pile into the lift. THE DOCTOR Floor 500. INT. FLOOR 500 The Male Programmer presses a button on Floor 500, causing an alarm to go off. MALE PROGRAMMER Clear the floor! He's on his way up here. With a gun! The staff all stand hurriedly. INT. LIFT The Doctor releases the safety catch on the huge defabricator he is now holding. His face is dark, and he means business. The lift zooms upwards... INT. FLOOR 500 FEMALE PROGRAMMER (exasperated, trying to get through the Controller) This is an emergency! You've got to close the lift! CONTROLLER (completely ignoring her) All staff are reminded that solar flares commence in delta point two- MALE PROGRAMMER Never mind solar flares! He's gonna KILL you! And the lift doors open. All the staff turn around, and the Doctor, Jack and Lynda all stride out, armed to the teeth. JACK Okay! Move away from the desk! Nobody try anything clever. Everybody clears! The staff scatter as the Doctor strides towards the Controller as though he has tunnel vision. JACK Stand to the sides. And stay there. THE DOCTOR (brandishing his gun at the Controller) Who's in charge of this place? CONTROLLER ... 18... 19... 20... THE DOCTOR This Satellite's more than a Game Station. CONTROLLER 79... THE DOCTOR Who killed Rose Tyler? CONTROLLER All staff are reminded that solar flares-- THE DOCTOR I want an answer! CONTROLLER ... in delta point one. MALE PROGRAMMER She can't reply. The Doctor abruptly swings the gun around to the staff, making them all flinch. MALE PROGRAMMER Don't shoot! THE DOCTOR Oh, don't be so thick. Like I was ever gonna shoot. And he tosses the defabricator to the Male Programmer. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Captain, we've got more guards on the way up. Secure the exits. JACK Yes, sir! THE DOCTOR (to the Male Programmer) You - what were you saying? MALE PROGRAMMER But... I've got your gun. THE DOCTOR Okay, so shoot me. Why can't she answer? MALE PROGRAMMER She's, um... (completely distracted by the gun he's holding) Can I put this down? THE DOCTOR (impatiently) If you want, just hurry up. MALE PROGRAMMER Thanks. (puts it down) Sorry. Um... the Controller is linked to the transmissions. The entire output goes through her brain - you're not a member of staff so she doesn't recognize your existence. THE DOCTOR (looking up at her) What's her name? MALE PROGRAMMER I don't know. She was installed when she was five years old. That's the only life she's ever known. JACK (calling over) Door's sealed. We should be safe for about ten minutes. THE DOCTOR Keep an eye on 'em. MALE PROGRAMMER But that stuff you were saying about something going on with the Game Station - I think you're right. Jacks device bleeps. He reads it and looks around. MALE PROGRAMMER (CONT'D) Unauthorized transmats... it's been going on for years. THE DOCTOR Show me. Captain Jack places his hand on the door to Archive Six. FEMALE PROGRAMMER (making him jump) You're not allowed in there! Archive Six is out of bounds! JACK (holding up his two guns) Do I look like an out-of-bounds sort of guy? He places his hand on the pad and the door opens. INT. ARCHIVE SIX Jack smiles - as there, in the middle of the room, stands the TARDIS. He fits the key into the lock and enters. INT. TARDIS The TARDIS is humming away, a comforting, familiar sound. Slung casually over the handrail just inside the door is one of Rose's jackets. He pauses, placing his hand on it briefly before moving on to the console. He checks the screen and leans closer to it, clearly puzzled. JACK What the hell...? EXT. SPACE The sun rises over the Earth, also illuminating the Satellite. INT. FLOOR 500 CONTROLLER Solar-flare activity at delta point zero... FEMALE PROGRAMMER (impatiently, to the Doctor) If you're not holding us hostage, then open the door and let us out. The staff are terrified. THE DOCTOR That's the same staff who execute hundreds of contestants every day-- FEMALE PROGRAMMER That's not our fault, we're just doing our jobs. THE DOCTOR And with that sentence, you just lost the right to even talk to me. Now back off. He sounds disgusted, his voice rising. Lynda flinches and the Female Programmer stares at him. One of the screens goes static and the lights flicker off, the sound of the power winding down. MALE PROGRAMMER That's just the solar-flares. They interfere with the broadcast signal, so this place automatically powers down. Planet Earth gets a few repeats. It's all quite normal. CONTROLLER (quietly) Doctor... FEMALE PROGRAMMER Doctor? He hasn't heard the Controller and is still sore with the Female Programmer. THE DOCTOR Whatever it is, you can wait. FEMALE PROGRAMMER (ignoring this) I think she wants you. The Doctor spins around to look at the Controller at the other end of the floor. CONTROLLER Doctor... The Doctor hurries over to stand before her. She is still staring straight ahead with her milky eyes. CONTROLLER (CONT'D) Doctor...? Where's the Doctor? THE DOCTOR I'm here. CONTROLLER Can't see. I'm blind. So blind. All my life, blind. All I can see is numbers, but I saw you. THE DOCTOR What do you want? CONTROLLER Solar-flares hiding me. They can't hear me-- my-- my masters, they always listen but they can't hear me now. The sun... the sun is so bright... THE DOCTOR Who are your masters? CONTROLLER They wired my head, their name is forbidden. They control my thoughts, my masters... my masters, I had to be careful. They monitor the transmissions but they don't watch the programmes. I could hide you inside the games. Everyone is listening to her intently. THE DOCTOR (coldly) My friend died inside your games. CONTROLLER Doesn't matter. THE DOCTOR Don't you DARE tell me that. CONTROLLER They've been hiding. My masters, hiding in the dark space, watching and shaping the Earth... so, so, so many years... they've always been there. Guiding humanity, hundreds and hundred of years-- THE DOCTOR Who are they? CONTROLLER They wait. They plan and grow in numbers, they're strong now. So strong, my masters-- THE DOCTOR (persistently) Who are they? CONTROLLER (suddenly looking at him) But they speak of you. My masters, they fear the Doctor. THE DOCTOR (stepping forward) Tell me! Who are they? But at that moment, the Controller gasps. The power flickers back on, and she goes back to counting. CONTROLLER 20... 21... 22... THE DOCTOR (to the Male Programmer) When's the next solar-flare? MALE PROGRAMMER Two years time. THE DOCTOR Fat lot of good that is. JACK (emerging from Archive Six) Found the TARDIS! THE DOCTOR We're not leaving now. JACK No. But the TARDIS worked it out. He shoves the Male Programmer out of his chair. JACK (CONT'D) You'll wanna watch this. The Doctor turns around to watch. JACK (indicating) Lynda, could you stand over there for me please? LYNDA I-- I just wanna go home. JACK (fixed smile) It'll only take a second. Could you stand in that spot, quick as you can? Lynda complies, and stands in an empty area of floor. JACK (CONT'D) Everybody watching? Okay... three, two, one-- He presses a button and a disintegrator beam shoots down from the ceiling and hits Lynda. There's nothing left but a billow of smoke. THE DOCTOR (shocked) But you killed her! JACK Oh, d'you think? He presses the button again, and Lynda reappears next to the Doctor, slightly dazed but completely unharmed. LYNDA ... What the hell was that? The Doctor looks to Jack for an explanation. JACK It's a transmat beam. Not a disintegrator - a secondary transmat system. And the Doctor is realising what he's trying to say... his eyes light up... JACK (CONT'D) (walking towards him) People don't get killed in the games! They get transported across space! Doctor, Rose is still alive! The Doctor laughs with ecstatic relief. They throw their arms around each other, grinning madly, so happy. INT. SPACESHIP Rose is lying on the floor unconscious. After a few seconds, she begins to stir. The camera gives us a wider view, and we see that she's inside a spaceship, which is humming ominously. She sits up, sees something... ROSE It can't be... A horribly familiar alien POV, gliding towards her... Rose scrambles to her feet and stumbles backwards, gasping. ROSE (CONT'D) But you're dead... I saw you die! The alien backs her against a wall. She tries to edge sideways, but is stopped by a plunger shooting out. INT. FLOOR 500 THE DOCTOR (dashing from console to console) She's out there somewhere! CONTROLLER Doctor! It's causing her pain to communicate with the Doctor and betray her masters, but determined, she carries on. CONTROLLER (CONT'D) Co-ordinates five point six point one-- THE DOCTOR (typing them in frantically) Don't! The solar flare's gone, they'll hear you! CONTROLLER (crying out with pain) Point four three four-- no my masters, no! I defy you! Stigma seven seven-- She screams. The Doctor looks up, and the wires she was attached to fall away, empty. There's nothing left but dust. THE DOCTOR They took her. INT. SPACESHIP The Controller reappears on the floor of the spaceship. There are holes all over her body where the wires once entered her. She stands, her blind eyes staring forward. She's defiant, proud. CONTROLLER Oh, my masters... And in the shining wall behind her, a Dalek glides towards her. CONTROLLER (CONT'D) (gleefully) You can kill me. For I have brought your destruction. The sound of a ray gun. We can see right through to her skeleton as she glows negative, and then she slumps to the floor, dead. EXT. SPACE Satellite Five, seemingly serene from the outside. INT. FLOOR 500 Jack is sitting at one of the computer terminals, the others gathered around him. MALE PROGRAMMER Look, use that. (gives Jack a disk) It might contain the final numbers. I kept a log of all the unscheduled transmissions. JACK (peering up at him) Nice... thanks... (holds out his hand, eyeing him in an entirely un-platonic manner) Captain Jack Harkness, by the way... MALE PROGRAMMER (shaking his hand) I'm Davitch Pavale. JACK (flirtatiously) Nice to meet you, Davitch Pavale... THE DOCTOR There's a time and a place. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Are you saying this entire set-up's been a disguise all along? THE DOCTOR Going way back. Installing the Jagrafess a hundred years ago. Someone's been playing a long game. Controlling the Human Race from behind the scenes for generations. JACK (handing a small device to the Doctor) Click on this. The Doctor takes it, points it upwards, and clicks. An image of an empty expanse of space materializes above thier heads. JACK (CONT'D) The transmat delivers to that point. Right on the edge of the solar system. FEMALE PROGRAMMER There's nothing there. THE DOCTOR It looks like nothing. 'Cause that's what this satellite does. Underneath the transmission, there's another signal... MALE PROGRAMMER Doing what? THE DOCTOR Hiding whatever's out there. Hiding it from sonar, radar, scanner... They all stare up at the blank expanse of space. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) There's something sitting right on top of Planet Earth... but it's completely invisible. Lynda chews her lip. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) If I cancel the signal... He presses a few buttons, and when he looks back at the screen, the expanse of space is no longer empty. Right in front of them is a spaceship, revolving slowly. The Doctor stares at it, eyes wide. We zoom out... reveal more and more... EXT. SPACE Carry on zooming out, revealing ship after identical ship. Two hundred of them. INT. FLOOR 500 JACK That's impossible. I know those ships... they were destroyed. THE DOCTOR (hushed) Obviously, they survived. LYNDA Who did? Who are they? THE DOCTOR (fearful) Two hundred ships. More than two thousand on board each one. That's just about half a million of them. MALE PROGRAMMER Half a million what? THE DOCTOR Daleks. INT. SPACESHIP A Dalek enters an area on the spaceship, where several others are crowded. DALEK #2 Alert! Alert! We are detected! DALEK #1 It is the Doctor! He has located us! Rose, huddled against the foot of the wall, stares around at them all, her eyes wide. DALEK #1 Open communications channel! Dalek #2 swivels around to face Rose. DALEK #2 The female will stand. Stand! Rose stands. The Dalek looks up and an an image materializes in mid-air - the Doctor, Jack, Lynda, the Male Programmer and the Female Programmer all staring back at Rose and the Daleks. INT. FLOOR 500/INTERCUT WITH SPACESHIP The Doctor is grim, looking at the three Daleks flanking Rose with distaste. DALEK #1 I will talk to the Doctor. THE DOCTOR Oh, will you? That's nice. Hello! He waves at them mockingly, his fake grin fading rapidly. DALEK #1 The Dalek Stratagem nears completion. The Fleet is almost ready. You will not intervene. THE DOCTOR Oh, really? Why's that then? DALEK #1 We have your associate. You will obey or she will be exterminated. Rose, shaking, looks up at the Doctor on the screen. THE DOCTOR No. As one, Jack, Lynda, the Male Programmer and the Female Programmer jerk their heads in his direction. Rose stares, mouth slightly open. What's he doing? DALEK #1 (clearly not having anticipated this answer) Explain yourself. THE DOCTOR I said 'no'. DALEK #1 What is the meaning of this negative? THE DOCTOR It means 'no'. DALEK #1 But she will be destroyed. THE DOCTOR (standing in his passion) No! 'Cos this is what I'm gonna do - I'm gonna rescue her. Rose listens, the pride evident in her eyes. The others glance at him in awe. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (true hero, fiery) I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek Fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then just to finish off, I'm gonna wipe every last STINKING Dalek outta the sky! DALEK #1 But you have no weapons! No defences! No plan! THE DOCTOR (grinning) Yeah. And doesn't that scare you to death? Rose? ROSE (eagerly) Yes, Doctor? THE DOCTOR I'm coming to get you. He clicks the device, and the communication line closes. INT. SPACESHIP DALEK #1 The Doctor is initiating hostile action! DALEK #2 The Stratagem must advance. Begin the invasion of Earth! They spin around wildly. Rose gasps but they take no notice of her, and she steps out of their way. DALEK #3 The Doctor will be exterminated! DALEKS Exterminate! The entire ship is filled with thousands of Daleks crying 'exterminate!' as one. Rose looks around in terror at the huge, insane army. TO BE CONTINUED CLOSING CREDITS 1x13 "The Parting of the Ways" A recap of 1x12 "Bad Wolf". OPENING CREDITS INT. SPACESHIP The Daleks are in a state of panic. One of them rounds on Rose. DALEK #1 You know the Doctor! You understand him! You will predict his actions! ROSE I don't know! The Dalek glides dangerously towards her. ROSE (CONT'D) And even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya... DALEK #1 (slightly hysterical) Predict! Predict! Predict! DALEK #2 (distracting Dalek #1) TARDIS detected. In flight. DALEK #1 Launch missiles! Exterminate! ROSE (desperately) You can't! The TARDIS hasn't got any defences - you're gonna kill him! DALEK #1 You have predicted correctly. Rose trembles. EXT. SPACE Two missiles are fired from the Dalek's ship towards the TARDIS, which is hurtling through space. INT. TARDIS Jack and the Doctor are manning the controls frantically. The whole ship is shaking. JACK We've got incoming! EXT. SPACE The two missiles and the TARDIS hurtle towards each other and then collide, exploding with orange flame and obscuring the TARDIS from view. INT. TARDIS JACK The extrapolator's working. We've got a fully functional forcefield. Try saying that when you're drunk... THE DOCTOR (operating the controls) And for my next trick... INT. SPACESHIP The Daleks and Rose hear the sound of the TARDIS materialising. They look around. A breeze blows Rose's hair as she turns to see the faint outline of the TARDIS slowly appearing around her. It surrounds both her and one of the Daleks. INT. TARDIS The Doctor's outline becomes more and more distinct, standing beside the console. When the engines have stopped-- THE DOCTOR Rose! Get down! Rose flounders. The Dalek's eyepiece swivels round. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Get down, Rose! Rose throws herself to the floor. DALEK #1 Exterminate! The Dalek fires at Jack - who is holding the Defabricator. With this, he deflects the ray back at the Dalek, who explodes with a scream. Rose winces. Smoke billows from the remains of the Dalek, and Rose struggles to her feet. ROSE You did it! The TARDIS seems strangely silent after all the action. The Doctor goes over to Rose and without single word, puts his arms around her in a tight embrace. ROSE (CONT'D) Feels like I haven't seem you in years. THE DOCTOR Told you I'd come and get you. They pull away slightly. ROSE Never doubted it. THE DOCTOR I did! You all right? ROSE Yeah. You? THE DOCTOR Not bad. Been better! He goes over to the smouldering remains of the Dalek and peers at it while Jack approaches Rose. JACK Hey, don't I get a hug? ROSE Ahh, come here! JACK (gesturing the Doctor) I was talking to him. They laugh and throw their arms around each other. JACK Welcome home! ROSE Ohh, thought I'd never see you again. JACK Oh, you were lucky - I was just a one-shot wonder. Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk. They Doctor carefully examines the Dalek with his sonic screwdriver. INT. SPACESHIP Outside the TARDIS, the Daleks shuffle around in a nervous silence. A deep voice - the voice of the Emperor Dalek - booms out. EMPEROR DALEK Patience, my brethren... INT. TARDIS The three of them bend over the Dalek, looking at it. The battle armour has been blasted away, giving them a clear view of the mutant inside. ROSE You said they were extinct. How comes they're still alive? JACK One minute they're the greatest threat in the universe, the next minute they vanished out of time and space. THE DOCTOR (examining it) They went off to fight a bigger war... the Time War... JACK (surprised) I thought that was just a legend. THE DOCTOR I was there. The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords. With the whole of creation at stake. My people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them. The Dalek smoulders. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (quietly) I almost thought it was worth it. Now it turns out they died for nothing. ROSE There's thousands of them now. We could hardly stop ONE. What're we gonna do? THE DOCTOR (cheerfully) No good stood round here chin-wagging! Human race, you'd gossip all day. The Daleks have got the answers - let's go and meet the neighbours. And he heads off down the ramp. ROSE (urgently) You can't go out there--! But he has opened the door and stepped out. INT. SPACESHIP DALEKS Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! They fire their bolts of energy, but to no avail - the rays reflect off the forcefield of the TARDIS, keeping the Doctor safe, as well as Jack and Rose who have just cautiously popped their heads out behind him. The Daleks give up, and the sound of their guns fades into silence. The Doctor raises his hands mockingly. THE DOCTOR Is that it? Useless! Nul points. (leans against the TARDIS. To Jack and Rose--) It's all right, come on out. That forcefield can hold back anything. JACK Almost anything. THE DOCTOR ... Yes, but I wasn't gonna tell them that. Thanks. JACK Sorry. The Daleks are silent, watching them. The Doctor steps forward to address them. THE DOCTOR D'you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek Homeworld? The Oncoming Storm. You might've removed all your emotions... but I reckon that right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left. And that's fear. The Dalek's eyepieces twitch nervously. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Doesn't it just BURN when you face me? So, tell me - how did you survive the Time War? EMPEROR DALEK They survived through me. The Doctor has thus far not noticed the Emperor Dalek and he turns around, startled. He takes a few steps towards the voice, and the Dalek Emperor is illuminated, towering above all of them. The Doctor stares up at him in open-mouthed awe. THE DOCTOR Rose... Captain... this is the Emperor of the Daleks. EMPEROR DALEK You destroyed us, Doctor. The Dalek Race died in your inferno, but my ship survived, falling through time, crippled but alive. THE DOCTOR I get it. DALEK #1 Do not interrupt! DALEK #2 Do not interrupt! DALEK #3 Do not interrupt! Rose and Jack flinch and wince, but the Doctor merely looks mildly annoyed, still strong and unwavering. THE DOCTOR I think you're forgetting something. I'm the Doctor. And if there's one thing I can do - it's talk. I've got five billion languages, and you haven't got one way of stopping me. So if anybody's gonna shut up, it's YOU! He pronounces these last words with such fervour, that the Daleks shuffle backwards slightly. The Doctor turns back the the Emperor Dalek. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (light again) Okey doke. So, where were we? EMPEROR DALEK We waited here in the dark space, damaged but rebuilding. Centuries passed, and we quietly infiltrated the systems of Earth. Harvesting the waste of humanity. The prisoners, the refugees, the dispossessed - they all came to us. The bodies were filtered, pulped, sifted. Rose looks as though she has an extremely nasty taste in her mouth. EMPEROR DALEK (CONT'D) The seed of the Human Race is perverted. Only one cell in a billion was fit to be nurtured. THE DOCTOR So, you created an army of Daleks out of the dead. ROSE That makes them... half human. EMPEROR DALEK (voice rising) Those words are blasphemy! DALEK #1 Do not blaspheme! DALEK #2 Do not blaspheme! DALEK #3 Do not blaspheme! EMPEROR DALEK Everything human has been purged. I cultivated pure and blessed Dalek. But the Doctor is looking around at them all, clearly disturbed. THE DOCTOR Since when did the Daleks have a concept of blasphemy? EMPEROR DALEK I reached into the dirt and made new life. I am the God of all Daleks! DALEKS Worship him! Worship him! Worship him! THE DOCTOR (to Rose and Jack) They're insane! A hundred years hiding in silence - that's enough to drive anyone mad. (stares intently at the Daleks, walking towards them, even pitying them) But it's worse than that. Driven mad by your own flesh. The stink of humanity. (shakes his head, sad for them) You hate your own existence. And that makes them more deadly than ever. (to the Emperor Dalek) We're going. EMPEROR DALEK You may NOT leave my presence! But they're already halfway towards the TARDIS, none of the Daleks in power to stop them. DALEK #1 Stay where you are! The Doctor grins at them mockingly before closing the door on them. DALEKS Exterminate! They fire fruitlessly at the closed door, crying 'exterminate'. INT. TARDIS Once inside, the Doctor leans his head against the door and we now know that however confident he appears - the Doctor does not know what to do. He's helpless, the battle cries of the Daleks ringing in his ears. EXT. SPACE The Satellite floats serenely above the Earth in the sunlight. INT. FLOOR 500 Lynda is on Floor 500, deep in thought, waiting for the Doctor and the others to come back. She perks up when she hears the sound of the TARDIS engines. A second later, the Doctor, Rose and Jack march out of the TARDIS, which has materialised at one end of Floor 500. THE DOCTOR (striding to the controls) Turn everything up. All transmissions, wide open, full power. Now! Do it! MALE PROGRAMMER (obeying) What does that do? THE DOCTOR Stops the Daleks from transmatting on board. How did you get on? Did you contact Earth? MALE PROGRAMMER Well, we tried to warn them, but all they did was suspend our license because we stopped the programmes. THE DOCTOR And the planet's just sitting there, defenceless. (notices Lynda) Lynda, what're you still doing on board? (rounds on the Male Programmer) I told you to evacuate everyone. MALE PROGRAMMER She wouldn't go. LYNDA Didn't wanna leave ya. She smiles at him. Rose looks her up and down, clearly not liking her implication. FEMALE PROGRAMMER There weren't enough shuttles anyway, or I wouldn't be here... we've got about a hundred people stranded on Floor Zero. INT. FLOOR ZERO The people stranded on Floor Zero are milling around - Rodrick among them. RODRICK (to the guard) Listen, listen - my name's Rodrick. I won the game! Where's my money? The people are in a state of mild panic, but Rodrick does not seem to register this. RODRICK (yelling into an intercom) Is anyone listening? Where's my money?! INT. FLOOR 500 MALE PROGRAMMER (staring at the screen) Oh, my God. The Fleet is moving. They're on their way. EXT. SPACE The Dalek ships begin to move smoothly across space. INT. SPACESHIP The Dalek Emperor is giving out orders while lines and lines of Daleks levitate above him, ready for battle. EMPEROR DALEK Purify the Earth with fire. The planet will become my temple and we shall rise. This will be our Paradise! EXT. SPACE And the ships move towards the Satellite, which is revolving slowly above the Earth. INT. FLOOR 500 On Floor 500, the Doctor is frantically ripping armfuls of wires out of desks. The others watch him, clearly not knowing exactly what he's trying to do. THE DOCTOR (speaking quickly) Dalek plan - big mistake. Because what have they left me with? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, come on - it's obvious. A great big transmitter - this station. Jack is staring at him, brow furrowed in concentration, trying to work out what he's on about. THE DOCTOR If I can change the signal, fold it back, sequence it - anyone? JACK (CONT'D) (finally working it out) You've gotta be kidding. THE DOCTOR Give the man a medal! JACK (incredulous) A Delta Wave? THE DOCTOR (excitedly) A Delta Wave! ROSE What's a Delta Wave? JACK A wave of Van Cassadyne energy. Fries your brain - stand in the way of a Delta Wave and your head gets barbequed! THE DOCTOR And this place can transmit a MASSIVE wave! Wipe out the Daleks! Rose opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by Lynda. LYNDA Well, get started and do it then! Rose shuts her mouth again, disgruntled. THE DOCTOR Trouble is, wave this size, building this big, brain as clever as mine, should take about - ooh - three days? How long till the Fleet arrive? MALE PROGRAMMER (checking the computer) Twenty-two minutes. The Doctor frantically pulls another cable out from underneath the desk, stares at the end of it for a second, looks up and beams at them all. EXT. SPACE The Fleet glides smoothly towards the Satellite. INT. FLOOR 500 JACK We've now got a forcefield so they can't blast us out of the sky. Rose, Lynda, the Male Programmer and the Female Programmer are gathered around the computer while Jack explains this to them. JACK (CONT'D) But that doesn't stop the Daleks from physically invading. MALE PROGRAMMER Do they know about the Delta Wave? JACK They'll have worked it out at the same time. So, if they want to stop the Doctor, that means they've got to get to this level - 500. (indicates the illustrative diagram on the screen) Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator around the top six levels, 500 to 495. So, they'll penetrate the station below that at level 494 and fight their way up. MALE PROGRAMMER Who're they fighting? JACK Us. MALE PROGRAMMER And... what're we fighting with? JACK The guards had guns with bastic bullets - that's enough to blow a Dalek wide open. FEMALE PROGRAMMER (skeptically) There's FIVE of us. THE DOCTOR (calling from where he's busying himself with the wires) Rose, you can help me. I need all these wires stripped bare. Rose joins him immediately. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Right! Now there's FOUR of us! JACK Then let's move it! Into the lift! Isolate the lift controls! The Male and Female Programmer hurry off, and Lynda approaches the Doctor. He stands up to meet her. LYNDA I - I just wanna say, um... thanks, I s'pose. And... I'll do my best! THE DOCTOR Me too. They awkwardly try to decide on the best way of saying goodbye - at one point the Doctor looks as though he's going to kiss her forehead, but they settle for a handshake. They laugh embarrassedly, while Rose looks absolute daggers in the background. Lynda heads off, glancing back at the Doctor who watches her go. Rose, looking like murder but evidently deciding not to comment, strips a wire with unnecessary ferocity. She drops it to the ground as Jack approaches them and stands before them, ready to say his goodbyes. JACK (trying to keep it light) It's been fun! The Doctor smiles. JACK (CONT'D) (serious, now) But I guess this is goodbye. ROSE Don't talk like that. The Doctor's gonna do it. You just watch him. JACK Rose... (cups her face in both his hands and looks her intensely in the eyes. Sincerely--) You are worth fighting for. He places a brief kiss on her lips before turning to the Doctor. JACK (CONT'D) (grinning) Wish I'd never met you, Doctor! (cups his face in both hands) I was much better off as a coward. And he kisses him in exactly the same way as he kissed Rose. He places a hand on each of their shoulders, then points forward to the exit. JACK (CONT'D) See ya in hell. And he runs off. The Doctor and Rose watch him leave, before Rose turns back to the Doctor. ROSE (nervously, trying to make herself believe it) He's gonna be all right... The Doctor looks at her. No reply. ROSE (CONT'D) (needing an answer) ... isn't he? EXT. SPACE View moves slowly down the Satellite. INT. FLOOR ZERO Jack is standing on a box in the middle of Floor Zero, surround by the stranded contestants, who are babbling away with panic. He fires a few shots of his fun into the air for order. They jump, and then fall silent. JACK One last time. Any more volunteers? Deadly silence. There are are group of seven volunteers slightly separate from the others, including Lynda and the Male and Female Programmer. A few of the contestants shake their heads. JACK (CONT'D) (quiet urgency) There's an army about to invade this station. I need every last citizen to monitor defence! RODRICK (pushing forwards) Don't listen to him! There aren't any Daleks! They disappeared thousands of years ago! Despite his words, the Floor Manager puts herself forward. She nods at Jack, who nods back gratefully. JACK Thanks. As for the rest of you... the Daleks will enter the station at Floor 494 and as far as I can tell, they'll head up. Not down. But that's not a promise. So here's a few words of advice; keep quiet. And if you hear fighting up above... if you hear us dying... then tell me that the Daleks aren't real. He glares pointedly at Rodrick. A short silence follows his words. JACK (CONT'D) Don't make a sound. (to the volunteers) Let's go. He jumps off the box and heads towards the lifts. He and the eight volunteers bundle inside, and the doors close on them. EXT. SPACE The Satellite revolving. INT. FLOOR 500 Rose and the Doctor are sitting on the floor in the space between the middle row of desks, working busily in a companionable silence. They're now the only two people left on Floor 500. ROSE Suppose... But she does not finish her sentence. THE DOCTOR (after a moment) What? ROSE Nothing. THE DOCTOR You said 'suppose'. ROSE No, I was just thinking... I mean, obviously you can't, but... you've got a time machine. Why can't you just go back to last week and warn them? THE DOCTOR (not looking up from his work) Soon as the TARDIS lands in that second, I become part of events. Stuck in the timeline. ROSE (as though this is exactly the answer she was expecting) Yeah, thought it'd be something like that... She carries on working. THE DOCTOR There's another thing the TARDIS could do... it could take us away... Rose glances briefly up at him with a small smile. THE DOCTOR We could leave. Let history take its course. We go to Marbella in 1989. ROSE (softly, smiling) Yeah, but you'd never do that. THE DOCTOR (meeting her eyes) No, but you could ask. Rose does not reply... THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (with quiet affection) Never even occurred to you, did it? ROSE Well, I'm just too good! And the Doctor's just smiling at her like she means the world to him. The computer whirrs in the background and the Doctor looks over at it, suddenly alert. THE DOCTOR The Delta Wave's started building. How long does it need? And they both leap to their feet and rush over to the computers. The Doctor plonks himself in one of the chairs and Rose peers over his shoulder. He presses a few buttons, stares at the monitor... and his face falls. ROSE Is that bad? No reply. His head is sinking to his knees. ROSE (CONT'D) Okay, it's bad. How bad is it? The Doctor suddenly perks up and leaps to his feet, eyes bright. THE DOCTOR (gleeful) Rose Tyler, you're a GENIUS! Rose smiles eagerly. He places a smacking kiss on her forehead. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) We can do it! If I use the TARDIS to cross my old timeline... yes! And he shoots off towards the TARDIS, Rose close behind. INT. TARDIS They go through the doors and over to the console. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (indicating a lever) Hold that down and keep position. ROSE (breathless) What's it do? THE DOCTOR (looking busy at the computer) Cancels the buffers. If I'm very clever - and I'm more than clever, I'm BRILLIANT - I might just save the world. Or rip it apart... ROSE (holding the lever down) I'd go for the first one. THE DOCTOR Me too. Now, I've just got to go and power up the Game Station. Hold on! He runs out of the TARDIS again, full of energy-- INT. FLOOR 500 The door shuts behind him... and then he stops. He turns around slowly to look at the TARDIS and he looks so, so sad. And we realise what he's about to do. INT. TARDIS Rose waits for him with wide-eyed expectancy, completely oblivious. INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor raises his sonic screwdriver and points it at the TARDIS. The engines groan and the rotor starts to rise and fall. INT. TARDIS ROSE (yelling in the direction of the doors) Doctor, what're you doing? Can I take my hand off? It's moving. INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor does not lower his sonic screwdriver. He carries on pointing it at the TARDIS. INT. TARDIS Rose abandons the lever and and runs across the room, throwing herself against the doors. ROSE (CONT'D) (panicking) Doctor, let me out! INT. FLOOR 500 The TARDIS begins to fade away... ROSE (CONT'D) (hammering on the door) Let me out! Doctor, what've you done? But her cries are becoming more and more distant as the TARDIS fades into nothingness. And in a moment, it is gone completely and the Doctor is facing an empty space. He finally lowers his sonic screwdriver and turns away, so tired and sad. EXT. TIME VORTEX The TARDIS falls through the time vortex. INT. TARDIS Rose is still pounding frantically on the door when a hologram of the Doctor appears standing next to the console, flickering slightly. Rose spins around when she hears him speak. THE DOCTOR This is Emergency Programme One. Rose, now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing. Rose stares, wide-eyed. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) We must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape. ROSE (lunging forwards) No! THE DOCTOR And that's okay. Hope it's a good death. Rose stops at the top of the ramp, just staring at him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) But I promised to look after you, and that's what I'm doing. The TARDIS is taking you home. ROSE I won't let you. She rushes up the remainder of the steps. The Doctor's hologram continues to stare ahead of him, not looking at her. THE DOCTOR And I bet you're fussing and moaning now - typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return for me. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Rose's mouth drops open ever so slightly in distress. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it; no one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world will move on and the box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all. One thing. (his head turns to face her, his eyes full of compassion - as if he knows she's there. His voice sounds less distorted--) Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life. Rose just watches - can do nothing but look on as the hologram flickers before fading altogether. ROSE You can't do this to me. (strides over to the console) You can't. (rages at the TARDIS, slamming down every available button and lever, yelling in desperation--) Take me back! Take me back! The pain is evident on her face as she rattles at the controls, having no effect whatsoever on the TARDIS. The engines eventually die down and grind to a halt. Rose abandons the console, runs across the room, flings open the doors and rushes outside... EXT. POWELL ESTATE Rose finds herself looking up at the block of flats where she lives on a grey and dismal day. She runs back inside, refusing to accept what has happened. INT. TARDIS ROSE (rattling the controls, raging at the TARDIS) Come on, fly. How do you fly? Come on, HELP ME! But to no avail. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Mickey rushes in to view from round a corner at the end of the road and bolts down the street in time to see Rose stepping slowly out of the TARDIS doors, defeated. She leans against the side as he catches up with her. MICKEY (striding towards her) I knew it! I was all the way down Clifton's Parade, and I heard the engines and I thought 'there's only one thing that makes a noise like that'. (as he gets closer, he realises that she is in tears. Concerned--) What is it? But Rose says nothing as she reaches blindly out to him, clinging to him with her eyes screwed up against the pain and the tears. EXT. SPACE The Satellite rotates calmly above the Earth. INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor is working alone. JACK (over intercom) Rose, I've called up the internal laser codes. There should be a different number on every screen - can you read them out to me? THE DOCTOR She's not here. JACK Of all the times to take a leak! When she gets back, tell her to read me the codes! THE DOCTOR She's not coming back. JACK (wrong-footed) What d'you mean? Where'd she go? THE DOCTOR Just get on with your work. JACK (realising) You took her home, didn't you? THE DOCTOR Yeah. Jack nods, not at all surprised. He realises how hopeless their situation is. JACK The Delta Wave... is it ever gonna be ready? EMPEROR DALEK Tell him the truth, Doctor. And the Doctor looks up to see an image of the Emperor Dalek projected onto the screen. EMPEROR DALEK (CONT'D) There is every possibility that the Delta Wave could be complete, but no possibility of refining it. The Delta Wave must kill every living thing in its path - with no distinction between Human and Dalek. All things will die. By your hand. The Doctor does not answer. JACK (warningly) Doctor... the range of this transmitter covers the entire Earth. EMPEROR DALEK You would destroy Daleks and Humans together. If I am God, the creator of all things, then what does that make you, Doctor? THE DOCTOR There are colonies out there. The Human Race would survive in some shape or form, but you're the only Daleks in existence. The whole universe is in danger if I let you live. The Doctor looks back at Jack on the other screen. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Do you see, Jack? That's the decision I've got to make for every living thing. Die as a Human or live as a Dalek. (appeals to him for an answer, completely helpless) What would you do? JACK You sent her home. She's safe. Keep working. EMPEROR DALEK But he will exterminate you! JACK (grinning) Never doubted him, never will. And the Doctor grins back and leaps to his feet, energised by Jack's trust. He strides across the room to the screen. THE DOCTOR Now, you tell me, 'God of all Daleks' - 'cos there's one thing I never worked out. The words 'Bad Wolf', spread across time and space. Everywhere, drawing me in. How'd you manage that? EMPEROR DALEK I did nothing. THE DOCTOR (skeptical) Oh, come on. There's no secrets now, your worship. EMPEROR DALEK They are not part of my design. A short pause while the Doctor stares at him, baffled. EMPEROR DALEK (CONT'D) This is the Truth of God. The Doctor raises his eyes to where 'Bad Wolf Corporation' is written in huge letters high on the wall. INT. CHIP SHOP A few pigs revolve slowly, cooking in an oven. JACKIE And it's gone up-market, this place. They're doing little tubs of coleslaw, now. Mickey and Jackie and Jackie are sitting at a table in a completely ordinary chip shop, Rose opposite them. Mickey and Jackie are tucking in, but Rose's box is untouched. She's gazing out of the window, not taking in a single word of the conversation. JACKIE (CONT'D) It's not very nice. Tastes a bit sort of clinical. MICKEY (glancing at Rose) Have you tried that new pizza place down Minto Road? JACKIE What's it selling? MICKEY Pizza. JACKIE Oh, that's nice. Rose gazes out of the window with a faraway look in her eyes, looking incredibly downcast. JACKIE (CONT'D) Do they deliver? MICKEY Yeah! Jackie takes another look at Rose, and then abandons all pretence of having an ordinary conversation. JACKIE (pleading) Oh, Rose. Have something to eat... ROSE (voice trembling, eyes not leaving the window) Two hundred thousand years in the future, he's dying, and there's NOTHING I can do. JACKIE Well, like you said - two hundred thousand years - it's way off! ROSE (finally looking at her) But it's not! It's now! That fight is happening right now, and he's fighting for us! For the whole planet, and I'm just sitting here eating chips! She's angry and upset. JACKIE Listen to me. Rose turns to face her, reluctantly falling silent. JACKIE (CONT'D) God knows I have hated that man, but right now, I love him - and d'you know why? Because he did the right thing. He sent you back to me. And she returns her attention back to the chips, as though the matter is closed. ROSE (desperate) But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up - catch the bus - go to work - come back home - eat chips and go to bed? Is that it? MICKEY (coldly) It's what the rest of us do. ROSE But I can't! MICKEY Why, 'cos you're better than us? ROSE (frustrated) No, I didn't mean that! She pauses, trying to calm herself down. Jackie watches her. ROSE (quietly) But it was... it was a better life. And I - I don't mean all the travelling and... seeing aliens and spaceships and things - that don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. (meets their eyes, speaking earnestly. To Mickey--) You know, he showed you too. (passionately) That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away, and I just can't-- She breaks off, unable to carry on. She kicks the table in frustration and leaps to her feet, running out of the chip shop in despair. Jackie and Mickey glance at one another. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Jack is instructing Lynda over a terminal. JACK Right, Lynda - you are my eyes and ears. When the Daleks get in, you can follow it on that screen and report it to me. LYNDA Understood. JACK They'll detect you but the door's made of Hydra Combination. Should keep them out. LYNDA Should? JACK It's the best I can do. (speaks into his wrist device) How long till the Fleet arrives? MALE PROGRAMMER They've accelerated. EXT. SPACE The Fleet has already arrived, their spaceships flying around the Satellite and the Earth. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK JACK This is it, ladies and gentlemen! We are at war! He leaves the deck. EXT. SPACE Rows and rows of Daleks fly smoothly from their ships and across space, towards the Satellite. EXT. POWELL ESTATE, PLAYGROUND Rose is sitting on a bench, staring into space. Mickey stands over her. MICKEY You can't spend the rest of your life thinking about the Doctor. ROSE But how do I forget him? MICKEY You've got to start living your own life. Rose looks up at him. MICKEY (CONT'D) You know, a proper life, like the kind he's never had. The sort of life that you could have with me. But Rose's attention has already wandered. She has noticed the words 'BAD WOLF' written in huge letters on the playground floor in spray paint. The camera pans out to reveal the words in all their glory... astonished, Rose stands up and walks over to them. Mickey follows. Rose then realizes that 'Bad Wolf' is graffiti'd all over the playground walls as well. ROSE Over here. It's over here as well! She dashes over to the wall to examine the graffiti. MICKEY (calling after her) That's been there for years! It's just a phrase! It's just words! ROSE (excitement building) I thought it was a warning... maybe it's the opposite. Maybe it's a message. The same words written down now and two hundred thousand years in the future. It's a link between me and the Doctor! Bad Wolf here... Bad Wolf there! MICKEY But if it's a message, what's it saying? ROSE (already running off) It's telling me I can get back! The least I can do is help him escape! INT. FLOOR 499 The volunteers are getting themselves ready to face the Daleks. JACK Stand your ground, everyone... follow my commands. And good luck. The Male Programmer hands a gun to the Female Programmer. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda watches the screen. LYNDA (over intercom) You were right! They're forcing the airlock on 494. INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor is going into overdrive, he's working so fast. The Satellite shudders violently. INT. FLOOR ZERO Feeling the shudder, the contestants stranded on Floor Zero all look up, alarmed. INT. FLOOR 494 Rows of Daleks glide smoothly onto Floor 494 in perfect formation. INT. TARDIS ROSE (hopeful and lively) All the TARDIS needs to do is make a return trip. Just... reverse. MICKEY Yeah, but we still can't do it. ROSE The Doctor always said the TARDIS is telepathic. This thing is alive. It can listen. MICKEY It's not listening now, is it? ROSE We need to get inside it. Last time I saw you, with the Slitheen, this middle bit opened... Flashback to the console being ripped open in 1x11 "Boom Town". A blinding white light floods out from underneath it. ROSE (CONT'D) And there was this light... and the Doctor said it was the heart of the TARDIS. If we can open it, we can make contact. I can tell it what to do! MICKEY Rose... ROSE Mm? MICKEY (quietly) If you go back, you're gonna die. ROSE (completely confident) That's a risk I've gotta take. 'Cos there's nothing left for me here. MICKEY Nothing? ROSE No. She looks away, avoids Mickey's eye. That hurts him so much and she knows it - but it has to be said. MICKEY (with dignity) Okay, if that's what you think... let's get this thing open. EXT. SPACE The Satellite revolves. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda is monitoring the Dalek's progress on the screen. She watches the red lights that indicate the Daleks moving slowly down a corridor. INT. FLOOR 494, CORRIDOR We see the Dalek in reality, gliding round a corner and nearing the waiting volunteers. Jack communicates with them via his wrist device. JACK (voice over) Okay - activate internal lasers. Slice 'em up. The Floor Manager places her hand on one of the touch sensitive pads. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK A bleeping sound. LYNDA (nervously) Defences have gone offline. The Dalek's have overridden the lock. INT. FLOOR 494, CORRIDOR A row of Daleks move dangerously down the corridor. The volunteers ready their guns and get into position. They begin to shoot - but this has absolutely no affect whatsoever on the Daleks. The bullets melt away before they even touch the armour. FLOOR MANAGER (yelling into communication device) You lied to me! The bullets don't work! She carries on firing, and a second later, one of the Daleks shoots its death ray at her. She shouts in pain. The screen briefly goes negative, revealing her skeleton... and then she slumps to the floor, dead. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Mickey's releases the handbrake of his Beetle. He starts the engines, a look of determination on his face. The Beetle is hooked up with a thick, strong chain. INT. TARDIS The other end of the chain is attached to the TARDIS console. Rose stands by it. ROSE Faster! EXT. POWELL ESTATE Mickey slams his foot down, trying so hard that steam is billowing from underneath the car, but still, the console refuses to budge. MICKEY (yells) Come on! The wheels spin uselessly on the spot. ROSE It's not moving! Mickey growls with the effort, the chain becoming more and more taut but still to no avail. INT. TARDIS Rose chews her lip with anticipation. The chain shudders... then snaps. Rose yelps in frustration, kicks the console and leans on it, head down. Defeated again. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK LYNDA Advance guard have made it to 495. INT. FLOOR 500 THE DOCTOR (through intercom) Jack, how're we doing? INT. FLOOR 499 JACK (through wrist device) 495 should be good. I like 495. INT. FLOOR 495 Three Daleks glide onto floor 495, suddenly alerted. DALEK #1 Identify yourself! ANNE DROID You are the weakest link. Goodbye! The Anne Droid fires three times in quick succession at each of the Daleks, who are disintegrated. INT. FLOOR 499 Jack, upon hearing this, punches the air in triumph. JACK (ecstatically) Yes! INT. FLOOR 495 Another Dalek glides onto floor 495. The Anne Droid cocks her head towards it. ANNE DROID You are the weakest link-- The Dalek fires and blows her head off. ANNE DROID (CONT'D) (power failing) Goodbye. DALEK #1 Proceed to next level. They glide forwards. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK LYNDA They're flying up the ventilation shafts! The diagram on the screen shows the red lights that represent the Daleks doing just that. LYNDA (CONT'D) No... wait a minute... oh, my God! Why're they doing that? They're going down! For the Daleks are now heading down the ventilation shafts. EXT. SPACE The Satellite, view moving slowly downwards following the Dalek's progress. INT. FLOOR ZERO The stranded contestants on Floor Zero sit in a nervous silence, when suddenly... DALEK Exterminate! The Daleks are gliding through the doors. The contestants all leap to their feet, panicking and screaming and trying to get away. But there are too many of them, all intoning 'exterminate!'. RODRICK (in terror) You can't! You don't exist! A Dalek advances dangerous on him. RODRICK (CONT'D) (backing against a wall) It's not fair! I won the game! I should be rich! I'm a winner, you can't do this to me! INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda, on the observation deck, can hear the screaming of the dying people on Floor Zero, the cries of 'exterminate!' and the sound of the ray guns. She clicks the sound off, horrified, not wanting to hear any more. She puts her hands to her mouth, fighting back the tears. She opens communication again. LYNDA Floor Zero. They killed them all. Her eyes fill with tears and she puts her hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. INT. TARDIS Rose is slumped in one of the chairs next to the TARDIS console, broken, defeated, and staring into space. Jackie's standing over her. JACKIE (consoling, gentle) It was never gonna work, sweetheart. And the Doctor knew that. He just wanted you to be safe. ROSE I can't give up. JACKIE Lock the door. Walk away. ROSE Dad wouldn't give up. JACKIE Well, he's not here, is he? Rose stares at her in silence for a few seconds. JACKIE (CONT'D) And even if he was, he'd say the same. ROSE No, he wouldn't. Jackie stares at her. ROSE (CONT'D) He'd tell me to try anything. If I could save the Doctor's life... try anything. JACKIE Well, we're never gonna know. ROSE Well, I know. 'Cos I met him. I met Dad. JACKIE (quietly) Don't be ridiculous. ROSE (sitting up) The Doctor took me back in time, and I met Dad. JACKIE Don't say that. ROSE Remember when Dad died...? There was someone with him. Her voice begins to crack under the pressure of her suppressed tears. Jackie just stares at her, finding this hard to take in. ROSE (CONT'D) A girl. A blonde girl. She held his hand... No reply. Jackie's still just staring. ROSE (CONT'D) (frustrated, tears running down her cheeks) You saw her from a distance, mum! You saw her! Think about it! That was me. You saw me-- JACKIE (abruptly) Stop it. ROSE That's how good the Doctor is-- JACKIE (shouting now, not wanting to hear this) Stop it! Just stop it! And she runs from the TARDIS, crying, leaving Rose alone. Rose's whole body is shaking with grief as she sobs her heart out. EXT. SPACE The Satellite and the Dalek ship are both hovering above the Earth, rotating slowly. INT. FLOOR 500 THE DOCTOR (through intercom, hard at work) Lynda! What's happening on Earth? INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda watches the Fleet glide smoothly down to Earth. LYNDA (hushed) The Fleet's descending... they're bombing whole continents. Europa... Pacifica... the New American Alliance... The diagram on the screen shows waves of red light radiating from the continents as she says their names. LYNDA (CONT'D) Australasia's just... gone. INT. SPACESHIP DALEK EMPEROR This is perfection. I have created Heaven on Earth. INT. FLOOR 499 Jack hurries onto Floor 499, carrying a gun. JACK (to remaining volunteers) Floor 499. We're the last defence. The bullets should work if you concentrate them on the Dalek's eyestalk. I've got the forcefield at maximum so the Dalek fire part should be at its weakest. He positions himself with the other volunteers behind the barricade, waiting for the Daleks to arrive. MALE PROGRAMMER (to Female Programmer) I'm only here 'cos of you. I joined the Programme because... you were on it. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Am I supposed to say, when this is all over and if we're still alive, maybe we could go for a drink? MALE PROGRAMMER That'd be nice. FEMALE PROGRAMMER Yeah, well, tough. He looks around at her. She winks at him and they smile at each other. They then release the safety catches of their guns, ready to fire. EXT. POWELL ESTATE Mickey and Rose are leaning against Mickey's car, looking at the TARDIS. MICKEY There's gotta be something else we can do. ROSE Mum was right... maybe we should just lock the door and walk away. MICKEY I'm not having that. I'm not having you just-- just give up now. No way. We just need something stronger than my car... something bigger... something like that! And they both turn around as they hear the roar of an engine. They see a huge recovery truck drive around the corner - driven by Jackie. Rose grins in amazement. It comes to a halt and Jackie climbs out. She strides towards them. JACKIE Right. You've only got this until six o' clock, so get on with it. ROSE (amused, astonished) Mum, where the hell did you get that from? JACKIE Rodrigo. He owes me a favour. Never mind why, but you were right about your dad, sweetheart. He was full of mad ideas, and this is exactly what he would've done. Now, get on with it before I change my mind. She chucks the keys to Mickey, who catches them with a nod of thanks. Rose runs back into the TARDIS and Mickey hurries to the door of the pickup truck. INT. FLOOR 499 The volunteers have their guns positioned behind the barricade. They are out of sight, waiting for the Daleks. The POV of a Dalek - the doors slide open. JACK Open fire! The volunteers fire madly in the direction of the Daleks On Floor 500, the Doctor hears the sound of the gunshots as he dashes around, working frantically. The Daleks advance, unaffected by the bullets. They face the barricades. The Male Programmer jumps down and shouts to Jack. MALE PROGRAMMER It's not working! JACK Concentrate your fire! Eyestalk, two o' clock! The volunteers continue to fire, the bullets falling uselessly to the floor with a clatter before they can even touch the Daleks. One of the bullets, however, manages to catch the eyestalk of one of the Daleks and his vision goes blank. DALEK My vision is impaired! I cannot see! FEMALE PROGRAMMER We did it! But she pays for letting her concentration slip - a bolt hits her and she slumps backwards, dead. MALE PROGRAMMER No! Nooooo! He shouts with rage and stands, firing madly over the top of the barricade, no longer caring about the consequences. He too is hit with a bolt, and he is thrown backwards. Jack carries on firing, roaring with anger. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda's computer is beeping. LYNDA I've got a problem... The beeping subsides, and Lynda looks uneasily at the door. DALEK (from outside) Human female detected. A deadly silence. INT. FLOOR 56, OUTSIDE OBSERVATION DECK There are two Daleks outside, one of which touches the pad next to the door. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK Lynda looks at the door with apprehension. LYNDA (fearful) They've found me. INT. FLOOR 500 THE DOCTOR (through intercom, still working) You'll be all right, Lynda. That side of the station's reinforced against meteors. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK LYNDA (trying to keep it light) Hope so! Know what they say about Earth Workmanship... INT. FLOOR 56, OUTSIDE OBSERVATION DECK Outside the door, another Dalek advances with what looks like a small blow-torch. The Dalek places the flame onto one of the joins of the door. INT. FLOOR 56, OBSERVATION DECK From the inside, Lynda can only see the flame coming through the crack, sparking. Then, as if sensing something behind her, she turns slowly back to the window. Her eyes widen in shock. There are three Daleks rising into view outside. The dome-lights on the head of the Dalek at the front flash four times, indicating four syllables... and it fires. The window smashes, and Lynda screams. INT. FLOOR 500 Upon hearing her scream, the Doctor looks up with shock. INT. FLOOR 499, CORRIDOR Jack is running backwards down a corridor, firing at the Dalek perusing him. JACK (yelling) Last man standing! For God's sake, Doctor, finish that thing and kill them! INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor, still working, hears the Dalek Emperor's voice, sees him on the screen. EMPEROR DALEK Finish that thing and kill mankind. The Doctor, after pausing to listen to this, carries on working frantically. EXT. POWELL ESTATE One end of the chain has now been fixed to the truck and other to the console. Jackie watches by the TARDIS doors. Mickey is at the wheel, Rose by the console. The chain is stretching and stretching. ROSE (shouting out to Jackie) Keep going! JACKIE (calling to Mickey) Put your foot down! Mickey does so. INT. TARDIS ROSE Faster! EXT. POWELL ESTATE JACKIE Give it some more, Mickey! Mickey roars with the effort. INT. TARDIS The metal is beginning to creak... ROSE Keep going! EXT. POWELL ESTATE JACKIE Come on, come on! INT. TARDIS The chain becomes more and more taut, the metal creaking even more loudly in protest. ROSE Keep going! EXT. POWELL ESTATE JACKIE Give it some more! Mickey growls, putting his foot down as hard as he can- INT. TARDIS Finally, the catch rips off and the panel flies open. A blinding white light pours out. EXT. POWELL ESTATE The pickup truck lurches forward as the chain goes slack. INT. TARDIS Rose steps forward to look into the light, and it reflects onto her face so she shines with a golden light. A breeze blows her hair and suddenly, the light flows into her eyes in two golden streams. EXT. POWELL ESTATE MICKEY Rose! He rushes towards the TARDIS but the doors slam shut before he can reach it. Jackie covers her mouth with her hands with shock. She pulls Mickey back as the engines groan into life. The TARDIS dematerialises, rays of light shining from the windows, a wind blowing up around it... and then it is gone. Jackie looks at Mickey, completely bewildered. Mickey is breathing very heavily, staring at the spot where it disappeared. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Jack is still running backwards down the corridor, shooting vainly at the Daleks advancing on him. JACK Doctor, you've got twenty seconds maximum! INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor throws equipment together, dashing around like a madman. EXT. TIME VORTEX The TARDIS hurtles through the time vortex with unnatural speed. INT. TARDIS The golden time vortex streams into Rose's eyes as she stares into it as though hypnotised, a breeze blowing her hair. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Jack's bullets run out as he reaches the end of the corridor. He tosses the Defabricator aside and produces another smaller gun, and begins firing that instead, but to no avail. The Daleks advance, untouched until finally the gun clicks, empty, and Jack is backed up against a wall with no weapon and facing three Daleks. He faces them squarely, defiantly. DALEK #1 Exterminate! They raise their guns. JACK I kinda figured that. He opens his arms slightly, ready. The Dalek fires and Jack slumps down against the wall, dead. INT. FLOOR 500 The Doctor pulls up the lever of the device he has put together. THE DOCTOR (amazed) It's ready! He looks up as the Daleks begin to file into the room, surrounding him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) You really wanna think about this. 'Cos if I activate the signal, every living creature dies. EMPEROR DALEK (on the screen) I am immortal. THE DOCTOR D'you wanna put that to the test? EMPEROR DALEK I want to see you become like me. Hail the Doctor, the Great Exterminator! THE DOCTOR (angry, placing his hands on the lever) I'll do it! EMPEROR DALEK Then prove yourself, Doctor. What are you - coward or killer? The Doctor's hands tense on the lever. He shakes, his face screwed up in pain. Then, he just lets it go. THE DOCTOR Coward. Any day. EMPEROR DALEK Mankind will be harvested because of your weakness. THE DOCTOR And what about me? Am I becoming one of your angels? EMPEROR DALEK You are the Heathen. You will be exterminated. THE DOCTOR (unresisting) Maybe it's time. And he closes his eyes, ready. The Daleks all around him. Suddenly, one of the Dalek's eyepieces swivels around as we hear the sound of the TARDIS engines. It begins to fade in at exactly the point where it left. DALEK #1 Alert! TARDIS materialising! The Doctor's eyes snap open and he spins around in shock. EMPEROR DALEK You will not escape! The TARDIS has fully materialised and the doors fly open. The Doctor throws a hand over his eyes as the blinding golden light of the time vortex pours out. In the doorway stands Rose. The Doctor stares, awestruck as the light curls around Rose when she steps forward. The Doctor stumbles backwards, falling to the ground. THE DOCTOR (scared) What've you done? Rose gazes down at him, her eyes full of the light of the time vortex. When she speaks, her London accent has vanished. ROSE I looked into the TARDIS. And the TARDIS looked into me. THE DOCTOR You looked into the Time Vortex - Rose, no one's meant to see that. EMPEROR DALEK This is the abomination! DALEK #1 Exterminate! The Dalek fires at Rose, who holds up her hand. The bolt freezes and reverses back into the gun. The Doctor looks at it in amazement. He stares up at Rose intensely. ROSE I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words... The words 'BAD WOLF CORPORATION' written high on the wall. Rose waves her hand. ROSE (CONT'D) I scatter them in time and space. The words 'Bad Wolf' rise from the wall and float away. ROSE (CONT'D) A message to lead myself here. THE DOCTOR (urgently) Rose, you've got to stop this. You've got to stop this now. Rose stares straight ahead as though she hasn't heard him. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (wildly concerned) You've got the entire vortex running through your head. You're gonna burn. ROSE (suddenly looking at him) I want you safe. The Doctor is taken aback. He stares. Rose has the traces of tears on her cheeks. ROSE (CONT'D) My Doctor. Protected from the false God. EMPEROR DALEK You cannot hurt me. I am immortal. ROSE You are tiny. I can see the whole of time and space - every single atom of your existence, and I divide them. She raises her hand. The Dalek in the centre is separated into golden, liquid-like particles. ROSE (CONT'D) Everything must come to dust... all things. Everything dies. She looks to the side, and the Daleks lined up there are reduced to golden particles. ROSE (CONT'D) The Time War ends. EMPEROR DALEK (voice rising in fear) I will not die. I cannot die! It screws up its eye. EXT. SPACE The entire mother ship is reduced to the liquid-like golden particles, dissolving away into oblivion. INT. FLOOR 500 Rose stands with her arms raised, staring straight ahead of her, shaking. THE DOCTOR Rose, you've done it. Now stop. Just let go. ROSE (hushed, blissful) How can I let go of this? I bring life... INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Jack suddenly takes a huge intake of breath as his eyes snap open... INT. FLOOR 500 THE DOCTOR (terrified) But this is wrong! You can't control life and death! ROSE (looks at him again) But I can. The sun and the moon... the day and night. (voice trembles) But why do they hurt...? THE DOCTOR (desperately) The power's gonna kill you and it's my fault. He lowers his head with anguish. ROSE (a tear falling) I can see everything. The Doctor raises his head again. ROSE (CONT'D) All that is... all that was... all that ever could be. The Doctor stands up abruptly, looking down at her as if suddenly, he understands. THE DOCTOR That's what I see. All the time. And doesn't it drive you mad? ROSE (scared) My head... THE DOCTOR Come here. ROSE ... it's killing me... THE DOCTOR (taking her hands) I think you need a Doctor. And they step slowly around to face each other. The Doctor gazes into her eyes, and then gently, carefully, leans down and presses his lips against hers. As he kisses her, the Time Vortex flows out of her eyes and into his. They part slowly and they gaze at each other for a few more moments before Rose's eyes flutter closed and she falls into his arms, unconscious. He lays her carefully down on the floor and then stands up straight, facing the TARDIS calmly. He slowly exhales and the Time Vortex is expelled from his mouth and it streams back through the doors into the TARDIS. The doors close quietly, and the TARDIS looks completely normal once more. The Doctor opens his eyes and smiles softly to himself. He kneels down and leans over Rose, stroking her face and neck tenderly. INT. FLOOR 500, CORRIDOR Groaning and wincing, Jack stands. He staggers forward through the doorway. Jack spots a pile of dust on the floor, where one of the Daleks once stood. He stoops and runs his hand through it in confusion. Suddenly, he hears the sound of the TARDIS engines groaning to life. Jack runs through as fast as he can. INT. FLOOR 500 He's too late. the TARDIS is fading away, leaving Jack stranded. He stares after it, hurt and confused. EXT. TIME VORTEX The TARDIS falls through the time vortex. INT. TARDIS Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is at the console, looking up at the rotor and the monitor. Rose, whom he has lain down on the grilling next to the console, stirs. She awakens, disorientated. ROSE What happened? THE DOCTOR (mildly surprised) Don't you remember? ROSE (sitting up, very confused) It's like... there was this singing... THE DOCTOR (cheerily) That's right! I sang a song and the Daleks ran away. ROSE (struggling to remember) I was at home... no, I wasn't, I was in the TARDIS, and... Unseen by Rose, the Doctor glances down at his hand. The veins shimmer with a golden light for a moment, and then it's gone. ROSE (CONT'D) I can't remember anything else... The Doctor looks around at her uneasily. She is shaking her head, completely oblivious, trying to remember. She notices him watching her. He smiles. THE DOCTOR Rose Tyler. (small laugh) I was gonna take you to so many places. Barcelona - not the city Barcelona, the planet. You'd love it. Fantastic place - they've got dogs with no noses. He laughs at his own joke. Rose giggles, half rolling her eyes. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Imagine how many times a day you end up telling that joke, and it's still funny! ROSE Then, why can't we go? THE DOCTOR Maybe you will. And maybe I will. But not like this. He does not elaborate, but goes back to looking at the monitor with a vague smile on his face. ROSE (standing) You're not making sense! THE DOCTOR I might never make sense again! I might have two heads. Or no head! He laughs. Rose nods with a bemused smile on her face. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Imagine me with no head! And don't say that's an improvement... Rose grins, eyes twinkling. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) But it's a bit dodgy, this process. You never know what you're gonna end up with-- And suddenly, he is propelled backwards with a blast of golden light. He clutches his stomach as though he has been punched. Rose rushes forward, full of concern. ROSE Doctor! THE DOCTOR (urgently) Stay away! Rose stops, staring at him, eyes wide. The Doctor winces in pain. ROSE Doctor, tell me what's going on. THE DOCTOR (still trying to keep his tone light despite being in pain) I absorbed all the energy of the Time Vortex, and no one's meant to do that! He screws up his eyes in pain, Rose staring at him with concern. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (serious, now) Every cell in my body's dying. ROSE (horrified) Can't you do something? THE DOCTOR Yeah, I'm doing it now! Time Lords have this little trick, it's... sort of a way of cheating death. Except... (looks into her eyes) It means I'm gonna change. Rose shakes her head slightly, not understanding. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) And I'm not gonna see you again. Not like this. Not with this daft old face. (he laughs, not wanting to scare her) And before I go... ROSE (cutting across him, upset) Don't say that. THE DOCTOR Rose... She backs down, listening. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. (smiles at her, so proud) Absolutely fantastic. Rose looks back at him, unsmiling, still upset and not knowing what to make of this. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) And d'you know what? Rose shakes her head. The Doctor grins. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) So was I. And finally, Rose smiles, nodding. The Doctor smiles widely back at her for the last few moments before suddenly, he convulses and orange energy explodes from his skin, blasting out of the neck of his jumper, the sleeves of his jacket and the bottoms of his trousers. Rose staggers backwards, shielding her eyes from the heat and light - but she cannot look away. She stares transfixed, as gradually, the Doctor's hair lengthens, his face changes... until the energy eventually dies away and a completely new man is stood before her, still wearing the old Doctor's clothes. He looks slightly surprised for a moment, before turning to look at Rose. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) Hello! Okay--oo. He gulps. Rose stares at him with fascination as he runs a tongue over his teeth, brow furrowed. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) New teeth. That's weird. So, where was I? Oh, that's right! Barcelona. Rose just stares at him with undisguised shock. He grins. DOCTOR WHO WILL RETURN IN 'THE CHRISTMAS INVASION' CLOSING CREDITS